I Tried Out The Colour Palette Challenge That Ive Seen Floating Around. I Think It Turned Out Pretty

I tried out the colour palette challenge that I’ve seen floating around. I think it turned out pretty well.
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I saw this pokemon challenge going around where you had to get a random pokemon and make three different characters from it. The pokemon I got was Hawlucha, Not one I’ve seen a lot being from the latest series, still, it was fun and a good challenge. i think it turned out alright. I may do more with a different pokemon.

One of the members in the d&d session I’ve been running designed me as a characterized dungeon master so I decided to draw that too. We picked a drow elf as my race.

I finally got around to drawing a death jester for the trio. Hope you enjoy :)

My character Paloma has made an appearance in the D&D session so I figured I’d draw her too. She’s taking the role of an Eldritch Knight which is turning out to be quite interesting.