yo, main blog for strawbebehmod and associated blogs who's theme was long abandoned
271 posts
"Picky Eaters"
"Picky eaters"
frosties-and-fries liked this · 10 years ago
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I need some more Doctor Who on my dash
So if you post anything Doctor Who related, literally ANYTHING DOCTOR WHO RELATED just reblog this post and I’ll check you out! (I’m suffering from lack of Doctor Who)
Hey guys. You’re probably wondering why I’m posting a picture of what appears to be a human mix with a bird. Well I shall tell you! I have been writing an original story about 19th century scientist by the name of Edward Cadmon. He goes to the Amazon to earn his doctorate by studying the species there. In the process he discovers a species of winged humanoid creatures like the one pictured above and even befriends on named Zaphod. If you find this interesting in the slightest, go to this blog. I have the first two parts up as well as a few cute comics. If you don’t feel like clicking but still want to help me, reblogs are appreciated! Thanks! http://angeloftheamazon.tumblr.com
The funny thing is the guy who plays Henry is in the new Star Trek movies
There needed to be an episode of Selfie where Henry’s raving about Doctor Who and Eliza goes, “Never repeat this, but when I was in high school I LOVED Star Trek.”