strea-ultimea - Untitled

272 posts



Green - Usually tough yet feminine. Or soft-spoken and sweet.

magical girl shows really did snap when they assigned personality traits based off the members colors

More Posts from Strea-ultimea

5 years ago

It has Fabio Hair

This Is What Happens When Im Given Too Much Time To Think.

This is what happens when I’m given too much time to think.

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5 years ago

Merchant of Cunning Flat-Earthers 🤔

strea-ultimea - Untitled
strea-ultimea - Untitled
strea-ultimea - Untitled
strea-ultimea - Untitled
5 years ago

YES!!!!! I’ve been hoping for this for the past 6 years!!!!!!!

So, they did an interview with Rebecca Wilson Bresee who is Head of Animation for Frozen 2 and took a pic and ummmm…

So, They Did An Interview With Rebecca Wilson Bresee Who Is Head Of Animation For Frozen 2 And Took A


So, They Did An Interview With Rebecca Wilson Bresee Who Is Head Of Animation For Frozen 2 And Took A


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5 years ago
Wow...Laslows Shared Japanese Quote

Wow...Laslow’s Shared Japanese quote

Aka Fifty Shades of Nohr

Inigo in the Japanese, Revisited!

So, after a bit more searching, I decided that I’m not satisfied with my Inigo post.


Well, turns out… the change is all in his VOICE ACTING! Oh. Well, I feel silly. Guess I should have been playing my games with headphones instead of just turning down the volume in public.

He sounds like the fool always failing with the ladies for comedic effect in the Japanese, but his English voice actually sounds smooth and attractive.

This isn’t really something I need to write about, since the differences are obvious to most anyone who can hear. Check out the differences in his voice acting for yourself if you wish. Coping and pasting ファイアーエムブレム アズール into YouTube search and clicking on anything that looks like one of his support conversations should be easy enough. 支援会話 is support conversation.

…But if you ignore the voice acting, like I mostly have, his character is pretty much intact.

If you want the short version, this is about as far as you need to go.

However, since I love to be thorough, here’s a breakdown of the changes in his supports…

Keep reading

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