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Tease & Punishment

Tease & Punishment

sub! surprise BTS member x reader (Y/N)

It’s smut, come on guys, why do you expect anything else from me these days?

This is longer than I ever intended, sorry

Tease & Punishment

A whine of complaint left your lips as you picked out your mission. The boys around you started to laugh at your misfortune. Even though they didn’t know what your slip of paper held, they knew you were not excited about it.

“Really?” You complained. “Who even wrote this?”

“Show us!” Taehyung encouraged but you held the paper to your chest protectively.

“That’s against the rules!” Jimin announced. “We can’t show our missions or who we have until tonight.” Taehyung pouted but didn’t push you any further.

“Pick a name, Y/N.” Yoongi reminded, shaking the tin with 8 slips of neatly folded paper inside. You groaned but reached in and picked one out. You refused to open it in front of them, afraid you’d give your member away.

“What if it’s her own name?” Jungkook asked, looking around at his seven elder friends.

“Ah, she can’t change it when we all leave.” Namjoon realised.

“I’ll get someone to check.” You decided, getting up from your space on the floor to walk over to one of the staff members running around tidying, up after the episode of Run BTS the seven males had just shot while you watched.

You couldn’t remember how it had ended up with the eight of you sat in the circle on the floor repeating the mission game they had played for the episode.

Each of you was given a strip of paper to write a mission down on to put into the first tin. Yoongi then wrote all of your initials on separate pieces of paper and put them in the second tin.

You had only agreed to the game because Jungkook begged cutely and you could never say no to his aegyo, unfortunately, everyone including him knew how weak you were to him acting that way. He had gotten you into a lot of awkward situation because of it.

The staff member looked at the paper and confirmed that is wasn’t your initials before handing it back, allowing you to return to your friends.

One by one, they picked out their missions and you were glad to find you weren’t the only one opposed to what the paper said.

“Can’t we swap?” Jin whined. “I don’t want to do this.”

“We can’t,” Namjoon replied before you could agree with Jin and you both pouted. “It could give away our missions.”

“He’s right.” Yoongi nodded, scowling at his paper. “So, we could just not do this.” He suggested, looking at the group.

“Nope! I’m doing it!” Jungkook announced. “If you back out, you lose and I win.” You all groaned yet again but nothing further was said about giving up the game. None of you wanted to lose to the maknae.


Looking down at your paper you grimaced.

Get them to kiss you.

You really debated making a new friendship group as you read those words again for the tenth time since arriving at the BTS house. Whoever wrote the mission masked their handwriting well and it irked you because you wanted to punish them for tasking you with something so awkward.

The moment you had seen your target’s initials, your stomach turned. It’s not that you had anything against him, he was incredibly attractive, all of them were, it was just that you two had grown up together and he was practically family. Sure the paper didn’t specify where he had to kiss you, you figured your head would suffice but he had never once kissed you and you knew he wouldn’t. He’d happily hug and hold you but kissing was too much affection to expect from Park Jimin.

“I wish I got you.” You whined cuddling up to Taehyung where he stood looking in the fridge. He chuckled and turned to kiss your head. “I would’ve just passed!” He laughed harder and shut the fridge to put his arms around you.

“He has to kiss you, huh?” He hummed and you nodded into his shoulder, a pout on your lips. “I’m guessing it’s not Jin-hyung either. He treats you like a child. Say you hurt your head and he’d kiss it better.”

“I know.” You sighed heavily and leant back. “Wait, how’d you guess my mission so easily, it could’ve been to cuddle you?”

“I saw him write it.” He confessed in a whisper.

“Who?” He smirked down at you and you whined again. “Taeeee.”

“Nope. Who did you get?”

“I’m not telling.” You pouted and pulled away from him to open the fridge yourself.

“I’ll tell you mine.” He sang, tempting you. “I need to swap t-shirt with them.” You looked at him curiously and eyed his shirt. He was wearing an oversized, pale grey buttoned shirt with ribbons on the arms.

“Hm, good luck.” You giggled.

“Ah, I can do it.” He nodded confidently. “I’m his hyung, he has to do what I say.”

“Oh, Jungkook?” You realised and he smirked at you.

“So you have Jiminie, huh?” You just blinked at him a few times, shocked that he managed to trick you so easily. “I don’t know what the others have but yours is probably the hardest, he’ll never kiss you.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” He giggled before skipping off, announcing he was going to fulfil his mission.

“Why is Tae so happy?” Jimin chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

“He said his mission is easy.”

“Oh, you know what it is?” You nodded, grumbling to yourself under your breath as you pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and tossed it to him knowing that was what he wanted. He caught it and opened it as you pulled one out for yourself. “What is it?” You just looked at him. “What? You can know but not me?” He slapped on a pout and walked over to you. “Come on, tell me, Y/N.”

“No.” You glared at his full, pouting lips. “And get those things away from me.” You pointed at his lips.

“Why?” He laughed running his fingers through his hair. “You said I have pretty lips before, many times.”

“Doesn’t mean I want them near me though.” You scoffed, looking disgusted at the very thought.

You knew being straight up wouldn’t get you anywhere with Jimin. You knew you’d have to manipulate him into getting your own way. Jimin had always liked to annoy you with things you didn’t like and if you made him believe that was his incredibly soft, pillowy looking lips on your skin, you thought maybe he’d kiss you. You were not above trickery to complete your mission.

“Ah come on, my lips are great.” He wrapped his arms around you and made kissy faces at you while you continued your facade of being disgusted.

“You said that about your thighs but, I’ve seen better.” He froze, offended by your insult before holding you tighter and trying harder to reach you. “Ewwww.” You whined trying to turn away.

“Whose thighs are better than mine, huh?” He asked threateningly, pulling your body against his making you lean back to “escape” his lips.

“Jealousy isn’t a good colour on you.”

“Who? Tell me, or I’ll kiss you!”

“You wouldn’t dare!” His breath fanned over your cheek as he got even closer and you stopped leaning back. “Okay this is really hurting my back, we’re not all as flexible as you, Jiminie.”

“Tell me who has better thighs than me then.” Your back really was hurting so you caved.

“Jungkook.” Jimin froze then straightened up quickly, pulling you with him.

“Ahhh, I see why you’re not fighting me properly.” He hummed. You raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him as you rubbed your lower back. “I have to kiss you, don’t I?” He grinned when your face dropped. “Ha!” He jumped back excitedly clapping his hands. “You’ll never succeed! Though you were close, I’ll admit.”

“What gave me away?”

“I’ve never been able to hold you so long. I may be stronger than you but you’re usually such a wriggler and you don’t usually play so fair. If you wanted to get away, you would’ve.”

“Dammit, you know me too well.”

“I do.” He winked then sent you a kiss, smirking as you glared. “Ah, you really want my lips on you, don’t you Y/N?”

“Don’t say it like it’s a personal preference.”

“If you were against it, you wouldn’t have even tried.”

“I don’t want the kid to win.” Jimin sucked in his bottom lip and nodded in agreement.

“Neither do I so, I guess I’ll have to try harder to complete my mission!” He giggled as you glared.

“What even is yours?” He smiled cutely at you. “What?”

“You wouldn’t tell me Tae’s.”

“Really, you’re going to play that game?” He smirked and stepped closer to you, backing you against the fridge and caging you in.

“Hm, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me how sexy I am.” He bartered. You just stared. “What?”

“Your ego is never sated, is it? You made me tell you how cute you are three times yesterday and now you want me to say how sexy you are?” He just nodded so you sighed heavily but gave in. “Park Jimin, you are a very sexy man and you know it so stop getting me to say this shit to you all the time.” He grinned and picked his bottle off the top of the fridge where he had placed it when he blocked you in, to take a drink. “Now tell me your mission, idiot.”

“You just completed it for me.”

“What?” He pulled two slips of paper from his pocket and handed them to you. The smaller had your initials on and you sighed. You opened the second and your jaw dropped.

Have them tell you that you’re sexy.

Your eyes lifted to glare at Jimin while he burst into laughter. “I hate you.”

“No, you don’t.” He winked and pushed away as footsteps entered the room.

Jungkook was no longer ever surprised to find you and Jimin close to one another but Jimin had never pinned you like that and Jungkook felt his stomach turn. He quickly ignored it though to walk further into the room, picking up your water bottle from the table to drink from it.

“Well, have fun.” Jimin cooed, turning and walking off.

“Hey! That’s not fair! You should help me in return, Park!” You called. He turned at the doorway and smirked at you, before licking his lips slowly, teasingly.

“You’ll have to work harder than that to earn these lips baby.” He winked and glanced at Jungkook, his smirk returning before he left the two of you in the kitchen alone.

“Why did he say that?” Jungkook finally asked, glaring down at the bottle in his hands.

“My mission is to get hin to kiss me.” You sighed. “He found it out.”

“Oh! You got that!” He exclaimed and your eyes snapped up to him.


“I wrote that.” He gulped when you stalked over to him and pushed him against the table roughly. “N-noona wha-”

“Shut up.” You hissed and immediately, he closed his mouth. “What possessed you to write such a ridiculous thing?” He didn’t answer, just stared at the floor. You grabbed his face and made him look at you. He whined and reached up to try and move your hand but you grabbed both of his and pinned them to the table. He let out a shaky breath at your rough, dominant actions. “Answer me, Jungkook.” You ordered.

“I wanted you to get it.” He answered obediently.

“Why?” He shook his head. “You better answer me, Jungkook or else your punishment will be more severe.” His head snapped up to look at you. His eyes were wide and full of innocence and it made your stomach flip. You shook away the feeling though. Having inappropriate thoughts of Jungkook was not the way forward. Sure, he looked so wonderful right then, pinned down with his doe-like eyes staring up at you with something swirling in them that made your body press against his in hopes the emotion would reveal itself. And reveal itself it did when his pupils blew wide, darkening his eyes and he bit his bottom lip.

“Punish-punishment?” He stammered breathlessly.

“Mmhmm. It’s your fault I’m playing this stupid game in the first place.” You hissed. “And you wrote that stupid fucking mission which I will never be able to complete with Jimin as my target so you deserve to be punished, don’t you?”

Jungkook didn’t know why but, he nodded lightly in agreement. Excitement shot through your body at the response.

“Oh? You agree?” He nodded again. “Hm, good, that’s a good boy.” You purred, pushing your body as tight to his as possible and he whimpered in pleasure as your body pressed against his semi-hard dick through your clothing. “Oh, are you enjoying this baby boy? Is this turning you on?” He whimpered again but that time in complaint, in embarrassment. “Answer me, Jungkook.”

“Y-yes no-noona, I-I like this.” He caved, nodding his head.“Please.”

“Please what?” You tilted your head.

“Pu-punish me.” Your eyebrows lifted in pleasant surprise.

“You think you can handle that?” He nodded enthusiastically. You hummed and moved back, giving him plenty of space. He frowned at the action, missing your body pressed against his. “I want you to wait for me in your room and while you wait, think of a safeword.”

“Y-yes noona.” He licked his lips before rushing upstairs to his room.

You decided to give him a minute to mentally prepare himself while you leant against the table and drank your water. Once the minute was up, you slowly made your way up to his room. Part of you wanted to run up there and have your way with the beautiful male but you imagined him pacing around impatiently, dick hard and visible against his jeans, eyes wide and full of anticipation and it made your body quiver in excitement.

When you finally entered his room, dilated pupils stared at you from behind the large, spinning office chair next to the desk. You closed the door and walked further in, placing the bottle in your hands on the desk as you stood on the other side of the chair to him. Your eyes started to travel his upper body, the only part you could see thanks to the chair back that he had his hands on, gripping the leather, and you scoffed only then realising he wasn’t wearing his own plain, white t-shirt but a grey button-up shirt with ribbons on the wrists.

“How’d he even get you to agree to that?” You sighed. “The shirt.” You explained seeing Jungkook’s confused look.

“Hyung said you’d like it.” He replied shyly, looking down at the chair.

“You swapped shirts with him because you thought I like that shirt?” He nodded. “You realise that was his mission, right? To swap shirts with you?” He nodded again. “And you don’t care?”


“Why?” He swallowed thickly when you rolled the chair aside, leaving only air between you. “Well?”

“I want you to be attracted to me.” Jungkook confessed and you couldn’t help but smile. He was acting so cute and shy.

“You think a shirt will change how I view you?”

“I thought maybe if you like the shirt enough, you’ll like me wearing it.” You tutted and walked closer to hold his face and lift it so he would look at you. “Don’t you like it, noona?” He frowned.

“I do like it.” He smiled. “But I’d like it even better on the floor, babyboy.” His smile dropped and the lust returned to his eyes. “You want to do that for me?” He nodded gently and you smiled before stepping back so you could get the full view as he started to unbutton the shirt. “Ah ah ah, slowly baby, let’s not rush this, hm?”

“Sorry noona.” His speed slowed as his hands worked the buttons carefully, trying to please you. Once all the buttons were undone, only a thin, vertical strip of his skin was visible to you and his hands dropped to his sides.

“Are you trying to tease me?” You asked and he shook his head. “Then take it off.” Jungkook rolled his shoulders back and shook the material off of his torso, letting it drop to the floor. “Good boy.” you hummed, raking your eyes over his skin, appreciating all the care and time he put into keeping his body perfect. “You’re beautiful, babyboy.”

“Thank you noona.” His eyes lowered, overwhelmed by your compliment and obvious, hungry gaze lingering on his skin.

Your attention lowered down his bare skin, taking your time until you found the bulge in his jeans.

“Come here.” You encouraged. He crossed the floor to stand in front of you. You manoeuvred him to press his shoulders against the frame of his bunk. He hissed as the cold poles touched his bare skin. “Did you think of a safeword?” He nodded. “Tell me what it is, I need to know what it is, Jungkook.”

“Safeword.” He answered. You looked up into his eyes amused. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“You chose the word safeword as your safeword?” He nodded. “Well, it’s to the point I suppose.” You laughed and he relaxed realising you weren’t opposed to it. “Now, you say that whenever you want to stop. If you say stop, I will continue. Understand?” He nodded. “I need verbal confirmation Jungkook.”

“Yes noona, I understand.” He answered firmly and you smiled.

“Good.” You kissed the tip of his nose before lifting his hands and pinning them to the poles. He groaned at your sudden rough actions. “Did that hurt?”


“Good, because if so, you will not be able to handle me.”

“I can handle it.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Good boy.” You cooed, running your fingers down his arms slowly. “You keep your hands there until I say you can move them, understand?”

“Yes, noona.” He nodded and you smiled.

“I should’ve played with you sooner, you’re such a good boy for me.” Your hands ran down his sides and he shivered at the feather light touch. Suddenly, you palmed his erection over his jeans and he moaned deeply. “Oh, you sound so good, Jungkookie. You better keep making those beautiful noises for me, okay?” He nodded and you moved your hands to open his jeans. His eyes dropped to watch as you knelt to pull his jeans down his legs. “Step out.” You encouraged and he did so, allowing you to toss the material aside. Your gaze lifted to take in his full, almost naked form and you had to squeeze your thighs tight together to try and ease some of the throbbing between your legs. “Hm, you really are so beautiful. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold myself back with you.” As if to prove your point, you lifted your right hand to press it to his stomach before dragging your nails down his abs. His muscles tensed under your touch and he shuddered in pleasure, letting out a soft groan. “I don’t want to punish you too much today, Jungkookie, I like hearing you moan too much and want to watch your face when you cum-” His body quivered at your words and you smirked, lifting your eyes to look him in the eye. “So if you tell me why you wrote that on the paper, I won’t drag this out.”


“Why did you write about getting someone to kiss you?”

“I wanted you to get it.”

“I know, you said that but why?”

“I wanted to be your target.” You tilted your head. You were amused at his confession.

“Are you saying you want to kiss me?” He nodded. “And you wanted to use this as an opportunity to?” Another nod from him and you moved to run your hand over his erection. He moaned and once again let his eyes move to watch your hand on his body. “You still want me to kiss you?”


“Right now?” You applied more pressure and his hips bucked at the sudden change.

“Yes, noona.” He whined as you moved your hand away from his dick to rub his thigh.

“Even though I’m clearly busy playing with your dick?” Jungkook licked his lips and blinked a few times as he thought about it. You were surprised he even had to think about it. You thought any guy would choose to have pleasure over a kiss. His eyes found your lips and he nodded firmly. “Seriously?”

“I want to kiss you noona.” He breathed pleadingly. “Please.”

“Hm, nope.” You smirked as he whined in complaint. “This is punishment, Jungkook, you don’t get what you want.” Up until this point, your left hand had been laid uselessly on your thighs so you lifted it to palm at his hard dick over his boxers. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered closed and he moaned. “Keep that up and you’ll get what you want soon enough babyboy.”

It didn’t take long for Jungkook’s thighs to start shaking and a wet patch to appear on his boxers.

“Oh, are you going to cum?” You teased. He moaned deeply in response. “How close are you?”

“S-so-so fucking close.” He groaned. You stroked him a few more times before removing your hands from his body entirely. His body shook as it tried to finish itself, his orgasm teetering on the edge but it fell backwards and started to ebb away. “Noona.” He choked, looking at you with wide eyes full of betrayal. “Why?”

“You don’t get to cum until I say so.” He whined and tipped his head back against the bed. Your knees were really hurting by that point so you got up carefully, worried your legs were numb but they weren’t luckily. You managed to just stand and admire Jungkook as he breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath and calm down for less than ten seconds before stepping forward to latch your lips onto his throat and suck. He groaned and it vibrated against your lips making you pull back at the tingling sensation you weren’t used to. Jungkook made a move to lower his head to look at you but you gripped his jaw with your left hand to keep his head back so you could trail kisses over the skin of his neck and throat. You would stop to lick and suck at certain spots he reacted strongly to but you never made an attempt to mark his neck, you knew he’d get in trouble with the company and you didn’t want that. Instead, you moved lower and marked his chest instead, a spot easily concealed to the public. Jungkook whined when your fingertips brushed over his nipple softly so, you repeated the action before moving your mouth over to circle it with your tongue. He moaned softly and took a large inhale.

“Noona.” He spoke breathlessly. You leant back to look up at his face while removing your hand from his jaw so he could look at you. You had never seen such a dark, lust filled look before. Your own arousal heightened and you decided to stop playing around.

You straightened up to take his face into your hand gently to hold him still so you could press your lips to his. As he kissed you back, you felt his body move and opened your eyes to see him lowering his hands towards you. You quickly lowered your free hand to slap his inner thigh. He yelped and returned his hands to the bed frame. You hummed in approval and closed your eyes. It wasn’t quite obvious when you wound up pressing your body against his and grinding against him but the fact of the matter is, it happened and he was moaning sweetly into your mouth.

“N-noona.” He pleaded in between kisses. You broke the kiss to look at him. His eyes fluttered open to look at you with heavy lids. “C-can I cum now?”

“Hm, I don’t know.” You replied, moving your hips back while pressing your chest tight to his. “I don’t know if you deserve it.” You teased, moving your hand down to slide into his boxers. He gasped as your skin touched his erection. His head dropped back and his eyes rolled into his head as you gripped his hard dick and pumped it quickly, picking up a fast pace, twisting your wrist now and then before running your fingers over his precome coated tip.

“Please please please.” He choked out in a beg. “I-I need to. I’ll do whatever you want. Please noona.” Your lips trailed up his neck and to his jaw. He turned his head to kiss you when your lips neared his own. “I’m so close.” He whined, pulling out from the kiss, rolling his hips into your hand desperately. “Please noona.”

“Okay babyboy.” you agreed and he moaned in a relief. You stepped back and pushed his boxers down so you could both watch your hand run over his erection.


“Cum for me baby.” You encouraged and he did, all over his stomach and chest while repeatedly moaning your name loudly, slurring the syllables together. “Ooh.” You cooed impressed, still milking him for all he had.

“Ah plea-please.” He begged, trying to pull from your grasp with his hips. “I-I can’t.” He bit his lip hard as you continued pumping him for a few more seconds before letting go.

“You’ve made a mess of my hand.” you tutted, pretending to be mad as you lifted your hand to show him his cum on your fingers. He moaned at the sight. “You’re cleaning this up.”

“H-how?” You lifted your fingers to his mouth.

“Lick.” You ordered. His eyes widened in surprise. “Well? What are you waiting for?” Slowly, Jungkook parted his lips until his tongue flicked out to cautiously taste his own release. He made a face as soon as it hit his tongue. “Now you see what you make girls taste?” He nodded. “Still, clean them up.” He whined in complaint. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Your free hand ran down his body to gently squeeze his still sensitive dick and he shuddered.

“Sorry!” He exclaimed. “I’m sorry, I’ll clean it please don’t do that anymore, I can’t handle it.” He whimpered and you hummed in satisfaction as you let go. A breath of relief escaped his lips before he wrapped them around your fingers. You watched intrigued as he licked and sucked his cum from your digits until they were clean before pulling away with a pop.

“Good boy.” You patted his cheek with your saliva covered fingers. He smiled shyly at you.

Vaguely, you remember seeing face wipes on the desk so you moved around Jungkook to grab the packet. “You can move your arms now.” You announced and he did with a happy groan then rolled his shoulders. “Do they hurt a lot?” You asked softly as you opened the packet and pulled out a wipe to start cleaning up his torso.

“Just ache a little.” He mumbled with a small yawn. He tried to take the wipes from you but you slapped his hands away. Jungkook watched with a tired smile as you cleaned him up carefully, paying attention so you didn’t miss anything. Once you tossed away the dirty wipes you put the packet down and handed him the bottle of water. “Thank you noona.” He smiled gratefully and accepted the drink to down the remainder while you pulled his boxers back onto his hips.

“You get yourself dressed then come down, okay?” You smiled, taking the empty bottle from his hands.

“Wh-what?” He frowned. “Is that it?”

“You’re too sensitive, Kook, you can’t handle having your dick played with anymore.” You scoffed walking to the door.

“I know but, I didn’t get to touch you.” He frowned. “Can’t I touch you?”

“There’s less than an hour left to complete our missions.” You stated opening the doors. “I thought you wanted to win.”

“I don’t want to win anymore, I want you.” He whined and really, who were you to argue that?

Tease & Punishment

I love sub Jungkook

This was supposed to end with some good hard sex but, it was getting too long so i made myself stop writing

I write too much Jungkook smut for someone who doesn’t even bias him


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More Posts from Strwbrryficrecs

7 years ago

Bunny Boy

Word Count: 3k Author’s Note: I honestly don’t know where y’all are coming from with all that Daddy Jungkook nonsense. The boy is obviously a sub so I wrote this to prove a point (I’m kidding but still) Listen to this while reading the smut, trust me. 


The modern world is a tough but opportunity filled world for a woman. To be able to seize those opportunities, a woman has to be capable, relentless, with almost savage ambition and attitude. Otherwise the most she can hope for is sit on the side-lines and pray to not be trampled over. You were not that kind of woman. You knew what you wanted and how to get it. This was your world.

You didn’t have a lot of patience with men. You were successful as well as a beautiful and a lot of men chased after you, for your beauty or for your money it didn’t matter, either way they were greedy to get their hands on you, and you shunned them all. You were well aware of your merits and you flaunted them. You weren’t the kind of woman to affect meekness to please men.

But the sweet innocent young intern who fell into your hands a few months ago was special. You had a weak spot for Jungkook. You adored the way he spoke to you so bashfully, the way he followed you around like a lost puppy, and the painfully obvious crush he had on you. The lust he had for you was so pure and illogically innocent that you couldn’t help teasing him. You would frequently invite him into the privacy of your office under the pretence of wanting to teach him something or go over some business thing or another, and he would be greeted with plunging necklines or a glimpse of your garter belt. You loved watching his face as he valiantly tried to keep eye contact, all flushed cheeks and fluttering eyelashes.

This time wasn’t any different but you were planning to take things a bit further.

“Sit down, baby bun.” You gesture for Jungkook when he enters the room, cheeks tinted red despite his familiarity with the nickname.

Jungkook stutters through the first few words of the message he was relaying to you before picking up enough courage along the way to string together meaningful sentences.

You already knew everything he was going to say, the actions of the business partner he was speaking of were predictable to you, his words old and tired. So you used that time to admire Jungkook instead.

The drastic divide between his body and his face was truly remarkable. Jungkook had the body of a man; he was tall with long muscled legs that he loved to show off in tight pants that clung to them and showcased his thighs. God, his thighs. When you first saw him in those ridiculous black pants, you had to actively stop yourself from drooling and dropping to your knees in front of him. And even though you had never seen him shirtless, you were sure that underneath his white shirts were rock hard abs.

Even his neck was thick and wiry, enticing you to paint it with the colors of your passion. But his face was another matter entirely, it’s like god was playing a game of mashup with the angels when he made him. He had the most innocent doe eyes you’ve ever seen, and his nose was large and prominent, but it fit his sweet face perfectly. His lips were thin, hardly concealing his two front teeth, the cause of your nickname for him. You knew it was unoriginal, he probably heard it a million times before, but he would always blush and his eyes would light up whenever you called him that, and couldn’t bear denying him of that little joy.

“Very good, bunny.” You say after Jungkook is finished relaying the message to you and informing you of how he responded to the annoying business partner on your behalf. You may have indulged yourself greatly when you hired the lovely boy but he proved himself more than capable in the few short months he’s been here, and you trusted his judgment enough to divert to him some of the less urgent business matters. “You’ve handled that very well.”

He blushed under your praise and you could see him perk up. “In fact, you’ve done excellently this whole month. You’ve dealt with everything I’ve thrown your way and came back for more. You must be exhausted by it all. I think you deserve a little break, don’t you agree?”

His head snapped up, “No, I don’t want a break!”

You chuckled at his earnestness, and he looked away in embarrassment, fiddling with his fingers.

He must have taken your words to mean that you were giving him some time off. You wouldn’t, neither of you wanted that and so you were quick to clarify. “All I meant is that you’re young. You shouldn’t spend all your time cooped up in a dusty office. Young men like you should be out there having fun and burning the city to the ground.”

“I’m fine, really, ___-sshi”

“Oh bunny, I know you’re too loyal to me to complain. That’s why I have the perfect solution.”

He looked at you curiously as you went around your desk and sat on the chair opposite his, “Halloween is coming up. It’s my favorite holiday so I’m throwing a little party back at my house and you’re invited.” You winked at him and he fidgeted.

“Your house… I don’t know, ___-sshi”

“Oh come on, I absolutely love Halloween. It would mean so much to me if you came.” You leaned forward, using the excuse of gushing over the holiday to flash him a view of your cleavage. His eyes snap down to your breasts and back up so fast you would’ve been sure you imagined it if you didn’t see the guilty look on his face.

“And you’ve worked so hard, bunny. You’ve been such a good boy. You deserve it.” You rested your hand on his thigh and began rubbing it gently, appearing in every way to be an innocuous gesture but you knew the effect it would have on him. “Won’t you come, baby bun?”

You saw his mind struggling to not twist your words even though they were intentionally loaded. “I…” he cleared his throat when his voice came out squeaky and he tried again, but not with any better luck, “I’ll be there”

“Excellent! I knew my baby bun would never say no to me.” You clapped your hands, and graciously nodded when Jungkook asked to excuse himself, pretending not to notice the slight bulge in his pants.

It was 11:45. You had spent the last four hours scanning the crowd assembled in your house for that familiar toothy smile but there was no sign of it. You had started the night excited and lively, but time passed your demeanour gradually changed. You were beyond disappointed. Maybe you had misjudged the boy and he wasn’t what you made him out to be.

You felt silly in the outfit you were wearing. You had picked it out specifically to tease Jungkook: Leather halter crop top, leather mini skirt over sheer black lace thigh highs, six inch heels, coupled with a burgundy faux fur coat. You pulled said coat tightly around yourself, wanting nothing more than to rip everything off your body and change into your comfy pajamas. You had gotten plenty of attention tonight, that’s for sure, but none of it was welcome.

You were debating whether or not you should ask your guests to leave, you were in no mood to entertain people, when you caught a glimpse of jet black hair by the door. You rushed forward and grabbed the arm of the escaping boy, “And where do you think you’re going?”

“Ah, ___-sshi! I was just g-going out for s-some fresh air.” He stuttered, trying not to blatantly stare at you. You let your coat slide a little down your shoulder, suddenly feeling confident in your choice.

“I’m hurt, baby bun. You show up to my party hours late and you’re already leaving. Do you hate my company so much?”

“N-no, it’s not like that, ___-sshi. I lov- I mean, I enjoy your company very much.”

“You’re not even wearing a costume.” You pout, eyeing his outfit. You couldn’t deny that he looked delicious in that wine red shirt and suit jacket, and where those suspenders? God, help you, your hands itched to grab onto them and pull him into a searing kiss. But despite how delectable he looked, the clothes he wore would have fit right in with his normal work attire.

“I am.” He waved a headband in front of your face before putting it on, the black bunny ears blending perfectly with his black hair and shy bunny smile.

You couldn’t help the giggles that fell out of your mouth. Jungkook’s face turned the color of a ripe tomato and he ripped the headband from his head and tried to escape again.

“No, bunny, wait” You held onto him tightly, refusing to let him leave. You felt horrible for laughing but you weren’t laughing at him. You were just giddy by the obvious sign of his infatuation with you, and you realized that the reason he was late was because he was scared and not because he was rejecting you.

“I like it, keep it on.” You took the headband from his hands and placed it on his head then gently patted his cheek. “There, now my baby bun looks perfect.” You could feel the heat wafting through his cheeks to your fingers and smiled, “I’m gonna go get us something to drink.”

You used that excuse to slip away and give a word to the DJ who you had previously instructed to play a specific song when you gave him the go-ahead. When you made your way back to Jungkook with drinks in your hand, you found him cornered by a girl who looked to be around his age. You had to admit that she was stunning, with a fiery mess of hair and legs that went on for days. If your sight wasn’t set on the boy she was attempting to chat up, you would have taken her to your room instead. However you were too intent on Jungkook, and the hand she had over his chest and the way he got flustered under her touch didn’t sit well with you. You stepped up to them and cleared your throat, “I leave you for a minute and you’re already being prepositioned. I’m gonna have to keep a closer eye on you from now on.” You looked pointedly at the girl, “Why don’t you go lay your traps somewhere else, darling. This one’s already taken.” You gave him his drink and splayed your hand low on his stomach which almost caused him to spill his drink on you. The girl huffed and held her head arrogantly before leaving to look for someone else. You heard Jungkook mumbling something in wonder that sounded suspiciously like ‘taken’ so you asked him to speak up. “N-nothing, ___-sshi. I’m sorry for what happened.” He looked truly remorseful as if it was his fault.

“It’s alright, bunny. Nothing happ- Oh I love this song! Let’s dance.” You cut yourself off when you heard the song you had requested blast through the sound system, and you quickly set your drinks down to tug the sputtering Jungkook towards the dance floor.

“I don’t know, ___-sshi. I can’t dance.” “Oh, nonsense, you just need a good partner, and I happen to be very good.” You give him a wink before resting a hand on his shoulder. He was too concentrated on his hand that you had placed on your lower back to protest any further.

The sensual salsa music flowed into your ears and you let your body be carried by it. You were almost as much a slave to its beckoning as Jungkook was to yours. Your eyes filled with sultry promises and your body moulded to his own, leaving no room for thought.

Jungkook tried his best to stay away but his body was like a comet pulled to the sun, his hips swivelling obediently with the turns of your ass. You could feel the hardness in his pants against you, and you turned around to face him.

“See, I told you, you would like this.” The hand that was resting on his shoulder ran down his back till it reached the firmness of his cheeks. You give it a light squeeze and his hips stuttered forward into your abdomen.

“A-ah, excuse me, ___-sshi. I need to use the bathroom.” Jungkook slipped away from your arms as soon as the song was done. He scurried in the direction you had pointed him towards, almost running.

You had no doubt to what Jungkook would be doing. You had intentionally directed him to the bathroom upstairs so you two could have a little privacy for what was to come.

You gave him a little time to get started before you followed him upstairs, silently padding to the bathroom. You pressed your ears against the door and heard the slick sound of his hand moving over his length and the muffled moans he was trying to hide. You always knew Jungkook would be vocal.

“Is everything alright in there, bunny. You sound like you’re in pain.” You had to suppress the giggles threatening to burst out of you.

“___-sshi! W-what are you doing h-here?” Jungkook yelped, struggling to hide the need in his voice.

“You were taking a long time so I came to check up on you.”

“I’m fine. I’ll be right out. You go back to the party, don’t worry about me.” Jungkook was trying to get rid of you so he could take care of the problem you had created but you were not about to give him that and throw all your work away. “I don’t know, bunny. I can’t leave you like this. I’m coming in.” “NO, DON’T-“ All the rooms in your house didn’t have locks except your own, a useful vestige from the days you used to have your subs living here before you got too caught up with work to care for them. You had designed the house that way to catch any disobedient sub trying to give himself relief from your punishments. Oh, how you missed those days. Maybe Jungkook will be your solution to that. Jungkook was seated on the closed lid of the toilet and his hands were clasped in front of his junk. He was too mortified to even try reaching for something to cover himself with for fear that he would expose himself to you. “Now, what do we have here?” You stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind and leaning on it so no one could get it. “Someone is being naughty.” “It’s not what it looks like, ___-sshi.” “Really? Because it sure looks like my little bunny was jerking himself off. Tell me did the girls in the party get you hot?” “No” He shook his head vigorously. “Then was it that redheaded girl? She was pretty hot. Were you thinking about her? Imagining what her hands would feel like on your cock instead of your own? Or maybe you were imagining her hot, wet mouth on you, is that it?” “No! That’s not it at all.” Hot with emotion, he moved to stand up but then remembered his state and abruptly sat down again, squeezing his legs together in an effort to maintain what was left of his modesty. “Then could it be because of me?” His head shot up at that and his mouth started moving wordlessly like a fish struggling to breath out of water. “Was my bunny thinking bad, dirty thoughts while I was dancing with him? Is my innocent young bun not that innocent after all?” “___-sshi—“ You cut him off with a laugh, “Oh come on, Jungkookie. I just caught you jacking off to the thought of me. We’re past formalities now, don’t you think? Why don’t you call me noona.” “N-noona?” He squeaked. You could tell he liked that. “Yes, baby. Now tell me, is this all for me? Does baby bun want to fuck noona?” Jungkook squeezed his legs together more but this time it was in an attempt to relief his growing arousal at your words and having you here watching him. “It’s OK, sweetheart. I don’t mind. You’re a young boy and you can’t help yourself. But now you’ve gotten noona all hot and bothered.” Jungkook titled his head in confusion, his lips slightly parted, and a thrill went to your core at the sight of him. “You can’t leave me hanging like that. I want to see you finish yourself off.” Jungkook ducked his head down in embarrassment, “That’s dirty, noona.” He protested but you could clearly see him shiver at the idea. “Well, you’re a dirty boy. I want to see you make a mess of yourself. Won’t you do it for me, baby boy?” You ran your tongue across your bottom lip and looked to where his hands where still clasped in front of his crotch, and as if by hypnosis, he slowly unlaced them and looked at you hesitantly. “Go on, bunny.” That was all he needed to start touching himself again. He was still hard, your presence only serving to excite him further. His hands moved swiftly over his length and he avoided eye contact with you. “Tsk tsk, slow down, bunny. I want to see and remember everything.”   He still refused to look at you but he slowed down, his hand more deliberate. You chose not to push him, waiting for him to process things at his own pace, but you talked to him, looking to give him courage. “You’re doing great, baby. You look so good; I couldn’t take my eyes off of you when you came in. I wanted to do all manners of dirty things to you. And to think you would have run away and deprived me of such a delicious sight.” Your words were like a spell on Jungkook; he moaned out and spread his thighs apart, finally giving you a clear view of what he was packing. The boy never disappointed, even in this. He was thick and long, not outrageously so but definitely a size that had you squirming with the desire to jump on him. He lightly traced the veins on the underside of his cock and brushed his thumb over the head, precum leaking over his fingers. “Can I go faster, noona?” “Yes, baby, but don’t cum before I tell you to. I’m not done admiring you. God, how can you look and do such sinful things and still be so innocent. Boys with your kind of look and with cocks like that would have girls fighting to be with them, and yet here you are masturbating in the bathroom in the middle of a party like a little slut. What would the guests think if they saw you like that? It’s one thing to be caught fucking someone but this? Touching yourself for noona, being a good boy for her, what would Miss Red think?” “Please, don’t tell them.” Jungkook looked ashamed but the slide of his hand over his length only increased in speed. “Of course I won’t, bunny. This scene is only for my eyes to see. Have you got that?” Your tone turned serious with that last question and Jungkook finally looked at you, “Yes, noona, only you” It quickly became apparent why Jungkook was refusing to look you in the eye before, because as soon as he did and he saw the dark lust swirling dangerously there, his arousal increased tenfold, “Noonaaa, can I cum now? I need to cum now.” He whined, and the desperation in his voice gave you life. “Not yet, baby. You need to show noona that you really want it.” “I do, I swear I do. I need to cum so bad. Please let me cum, please.” “I’ll let you cum but first I have something for you.” You pulled a thin leather choker from your pocket with a little pendant on it that said Baby Bun. You weren’t planning on giving it to him so soon. You were worried that would scare the inexperienced boy away, but you simply couldn’t stop yourself. You didn’t know if after tonight he would come back to you or even his job anymore and you needed to see it on him at least once. “Can I put it on, baby?” Jungkook nodded and you leaned down to lock it around his neck from behind. Your hair brushed against his nose and he breathed in, the smell liquefying his brain. You pulled back when you were done but you didn’t move away. Your hand went to cup his cheek and your thumb brushed over his lips, “You can cum now, bunny.” His pants hit your face as he got closer and closer to his orgasm. With his hand a blur over his cock and the pendant quivering with his shivering body, he came. You quickly stepped away so your clothes wouldn’t be ruined but you kept your eyes on him. He cried out with his orgasm and the loss of your scent next to him. How you wished you could take a picture of him now. His hand was still wrapped around softening length, the entirety of it and quite a bit of his shirt and pants stained with his orgasm. His cheeks were colored a light pink but you couldn’t tell if it was from arousal or embarrassment when his eyes were pinning you down in place. You stepped closer to him timidly, scared to disturb the masterpiece in front of you. You brushed his sweaty bangs from his face and your heart skipped a beat at how much more manly he looked with them swept to the side. You scrapped that thought for later and leaned down to press a kiss to his damp forehead. He gave a slight whimper at the touch of your lips and you pulled back, holding his gaze with yours and thumbing the choker, “Will you keep this, bunny?” “Always, noona.”

Authors’s Note: There will be a part 2 to this :))

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6 years ago

Baby Boy (M)

Jimin X Reader


Warnings: Smut

Summary: Your baby boy breaks the rule.

~Admin L

“Jimin?” You called out to the dark house, taking off your work coat, and kicking off your shoes at the front door. You listened for a response, wondering if he was still where you left him. You padded your bare feet across the cold hardwood floor, your neatly painted toes flexing with each step. Soft moans traveled to your ears the closer you got to your bedroom, a smile of delight finding purchase on your face.

You slowed down your walking, as you approached the ajar door. You made your way inside the room, taking in the scene before you. Jimin was sprawled out, writhing on the bed, each hand bounded to the headboard of the bed. His blonde hair wet with sweat, plastered to his forehead. Jimin’s cheeks were flushed red from exertion, his abs contracting with each shallow breath. The sheets and his body were covered in his cum, streaks of the white substance painting his chest, thighs, and even his neck.

You directed your gaze lower, his thick cock laid on his stomach twitching, drop of pre-cum dribbling from his swollen tip, leaking down his shaft, coating his heavy balls, and gathering around the vibrating butt plug in his ass. You tsked at Jimin, moving closer to his jerking body, his glassy eyes looking up at you in desperation. You specifically told him not to cum, until you came back from work, and here he was covered in his release, on the verge of cumming again.

“Jimin. Didn’t I tell you not to come.” You cooed, running your hands down his sticky chest, drawing a hiss from Jimin his whole body had become supersensitive.

“I couldn’t help it. It was too much. It feels so good.” Jimin moaned out, his muscular thighs shaking as another orgasm wracked his body. His hips lifting off the bed as high pitched whines left his plump lips. You watched his cock, throb with each spurt of cum, a gush of wetness coating the seat of your panties.

“It doesn’t matter, you know the rule.” You said undressing, your naked figure revealed to Jimin’s hungry eyes. You walked over to the designated drawer that held all the toys you used on Jimin. You scanned the abundance of toys, grabbing the vibrating cock ring, and a small flesh colored dildo. You turned back towards Jimin, his eyes widened at the sight of the cock ring. He hated that damn thing.

You kneeled on the bed, between Jimin’s spread legs. You slapped his thighs signaling for him to open them wider. Your fingers gripped the butt plug in ass, pulling the offending object out his tight hole, his ass closing back on itself. You took the dildo and placed it into your mouth, sucking on the silicon material to lubricate it.

“What’s mommy’s rule, baby boy?” You inquired, placing the head of the dildo to his pulsating hole. Jimin swallowed deeply, his shoulders tensing at the feeling.

“No cumming until mommy- Ahh!” Jimin whined out, the head of the dildo popping into his tight butt hole, stretching it out. You grabbed ahold of his hard dick, pumping the turgid length as you inserted more of the dildo, into his anus.

“Is that such a hard rule to follow, baby boy?” You continued pumping him faster, his slick fluids helping the movement of your hand.

“Fuck. Ahh. No mommy.” Jimin cried out, his wrist tugging at the restraints around his wrist. He head was thrown back, mouth agape. The pumping of your warm hands, and the thrusting out the dildo into his ass, becoming too much for him to take. You snapped the cock ring around his swollen member, turning the vibration on the highest setting, the ring squeezing him tightly from how hard he was. Jimin screamed out at the stimulation, the cock ring and the dildo pressing up against his prostate were too much for his sensitive body.

You placed your warm tongue on the tip of his raging cock, your tongue teasing the leaking slit. You moaned at his salty taste, wrapping your lips further around his cock, licking its tender underside. You took him deeper into your wet mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat, the vibration from the ring tickling your lips. You swirled your tongue in the same pace as the toy pumping in his ass, increasing your speed.

“M-mommy. I can’t -” Jimin started but was cut off by his dry orgasm, he swelled and throbbed in your throat releasing the non-existent cum. His hips bucked off the bed, driving him further into your waiting throat, swallowing around him. His toes clenched with each spasm, the bones cracking under the tense pressure.

You pulled him from your mouth, kissing his tip. He was still hot and hard, the head now a deep purple from unreleased pressure. You removed the toy from his ass, a string of wetness following its departure clinging to the slippery material. You straddled his body, sitting on his delicate erection. You were soaked watching your baby boy fall apart in your hands, nothing turned you on more than hearing his cute little whines of pleasure. You rocked back and forth on his length, your clit brushing against the vibrating ring still attached to his worn- out cock.

“Do you wanna cum baby boy.” You panted out, loving the feeling out his hot dick teasing your pussy lips. You watched Jimin nod his head, vigorously. His sweat-drenched hair falling into his eyes.

“You want to cum in me?” You continued, raising up your body to impale your self on his cock. You and Jimin both moaned out at the sensation of him stretching you out, the slight burn adding to the pleasure, his hips immediately thrusting into yours, allowing him deeper. You began a slow pace, feeling every inch of him brushing against your walls, your pussy engulfing him back in with each stroke. You reached over him freeing his hands from the headboard. Jimin’s hands dropped quickly to your hips gripping firmly, as he bounced you faster.

Your loud moans turned into screams, as you let him take control, his upwards thrust meeting your downwards ones. Jimin flipped your bodies, his now on top. He unsnapped the cock from him and chunked it off to the side. Jimin gripped you underneath your legs pulling you closer to him, his eyes dark with need. He placed your legs against the headboard were his hands had once been, his strong arms on either side of you, pressing his body weight against keeping you pinned beneath him.

“Are you going to let me cum?” Jimin grunted out teasing your clit with his dick, the tables turned. His patients now gone, he was ready for relief.

“Cum for me.” You whispered in his ear, wrapping your arms around his neck, ready for him to use your body for his pleasure. Jimin groaned out in gratification, spearing himself inside you to the hilt. You could feel him nudging against your cervix, extreme pleasure coursing through your veins. You screamed out his name, your fingers clawing at his back, as his strokes increased, black dots clouding your vision, the feeling in your legs decreasing.

“Ahh. I-I’m going to cum.” Jimin moaned out stuttering over his words, his teeth biting down on the skin of your neck, muffling his groans. His hips began losing its rhythm, in it place deep, and unmerciful strokes. You pulsated around his invading member, your orgasm catching you off guard. You wheezed his name, your throat closing up from the intensity of your orgasm. You thrashed around underneath him, a stream of hot fluids shooting out of your cunt, as you squirted around his cock.

The unbearable wet, tightness of your core threw him over the edge. Jimin shoved into you as far as he could go, briefly increasing in size, before a large jet of cum shot into your waiting body, coating your walls with his hot load.

“Fuck” Jimin panted out, falling off your body. His softly easily slipping from your slick core, his creamy seed oozing from you. Your legs and hips, protested as you moved closer to Jimin cuddling on his side, a tired smile on your face.

“You did so well baby boy.” You said praising Jimin, playing in the dried up cum, and sweat mix on his chest. Jimin smiled bashfully reveling in the attention.

“Next time though, Y/n. I want to be in charge.” You looked up at him with wide eyes, taking in his dark ones, an intense fire burning inside the orbs. You acknowledged his request, excitement, and curiosity looming over you. If your baby boy wanted to be in charge then so be it.

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7 years ago

Kookies And Cream


Word Count: 11.6k (oh man holy shit)

Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff. The whole package. 

Author’s Note: You know the definition of a switch? Just look at the two characters in this story lol switch heaven

2k Requests, Masterlist

Kookies And Cream

When Jungkook first came to room with you, you were less than ecstatic about it. You had only ever roomed with one other person before at the start of your freshman year of college, but you quickly got fed up with it. Not that your roommate was bad or anything. In fact, if you were being fair, you’d admit that she was a sweetheart. But you are an only child, and you were never used to sharing anything with anyone, and despite what everyone said about the joys of having siblings, you simply weren’t interested. You have none and that’s the way you liked it.

Tell that to your parents though. They were convinced that you needed the company after years of keeping mostly to yourself unless you had to, with the exception of a couple of close friends. They thought that if you keep at it, you’re going to turn insane from being in your head too much. Where they got that shit piece of pseudo-psychology you don’t know but it had enough hold on their minds to make them force you to get a room in the college dorms -yuck- and live with a stranger for an entire month.

Or it would’ve been a month anyway if you hadn’t made that poor girl’s life a living hell so much so that by the end of the third week, she was running away from your shared dorm room like the devil himself was behind her.

The series of students who came and went through your dorm didn’t last long enough to qualify as roommates. Your record was six hours, that’s how long it took to send one dude,-Hoseok, you’ll never forget the name- running for his life. It’s a shame too, he was cute, and you had to forever ruin your chances with him. But, oh well, there are much more important things in life, like having a bathroom all to yourself.

Soon enough, your college caught on to your reign of terror and they, not so kindly, asked you to vacate the premises and restore the harmony to the student body. Your parents were forced to rent an apartment for you, seeing as you weren’t allowed in the dorms anymore and they lived too far away for you to stay with them. Yeah, they could’ve withheld their money from you and taught you an important lesson about the consequences of being such a spoiled child but they loved you too much to do that. They’ve never been able to deal any real punishment to their baby girl, and that’s probably how you turned out to be so headstrong.

Little did you know, however, that your comeuppance was coming for you. It took three years, three long years where you enjoyed your solitude to the max, but as your fourth and final year came around, instead of the peaceful climax you were counting on it to be, it turned into a shitshow of the highest degree with the arrival of a certain bunny-toothed brat.

Jungkook is the son of your family’s next door neighbours. But other than the daily ‘Good mornings’ and the occasional dinner invitation, your families weren’t really close, and the only contact you had with their shy son was that one year you tutored him in math. To be sure, you were shit at math but that didn’t stop you from attempting to make some money off the kid.

You see, Jungkook had a painfully obvious puppy crush on you, and even though you didn’t teach him shit, and what you did teach him was mindbogglingly wrong, he still never spoke a word of it to his parents, studying on his own and getting good marks just so he’d keep seeing you.

To say that you were a bitch to him would be an understatement. You’d frequently invite your boyfriends over, taking advantage of the fact that his parents were never around because of their jobs, and using his place to hook up with them, knowing Jungkook would never tell on you. You did not care or even notice much that you were breaking the boy’s heart.

Eventually, though, he got sick of your shit and asked you to stop coming over. But he still didn’t tell either of your parents, ever the sweet kid. You didn’t hear or see much of him after that, and you suspect that was intentionally his doing, until now.

As if the universe was punishing you for all your sins against the boy, it made him appear again in your life, but this time you were the one who was going to suffer.

On the last day of your summer break, your mum dropped the bomb on you, informing you that your old pupil was to shack up with you this year, and no amount of whining or begging or scheming was going to get you out of it. She gave you an ultimatum: either you let him room with you and look after him, or she stops giving you money and leaves your spoiled ass out in the cold to fend for yourself. Any funny business from you and you’re done.

You were in denial at first, convincing yourself that it couldn’t possibly be that bad. From what you remembered of Jungkook, he was a shy kid who did anything humanly possible to please you. You were sure that his crush must be long gone by now but he would still be the timid boy you remembered. Right?

Wrong. Jungkook was the devil incarnate.

Keep reading

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7 years ago

Lonely Hearts Club // Park Jimin


the prompt: no one thought the obvious hufflepuff jimin would be sorted into slytherin. because of this, many people turned their back on him out of fear. you, a ravenclaw, aren’t afraid of him. in fact, you’re only annoyed by him. but what if the slytherin is only annoying because he doesn’t know how to portray his true feelings?

words: 5315

category: hogwart!au

author note: I’ve been writing this one on and off ever since namjoon sorted the members at that fansign and i finally finished it!! pls enjoy!


Keep reading

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7 years ago

black magic [m]


credit: x.

❛❛im one of the brightest witches at this prestigious magic academy and ur a human who somehow got admitted and everyone knows u dont ACTUALLY have magic but cant prove it so they hate u for it but i actually like you??? and have a crush on u??????? our paths have just never crossed until ur class blew up n somehow we became class partners and– hold on what do you mean we fucked up this spell so we wanna fuck each other’s brains out??❜❜ AU

COUNT → 18.430

GENRE → smut 

PAIRING → taehyung | reader

WARNINGS → dom and sub tones | mild cum play | explicit language | female masturbation (male if you squint) | oral sex | penetration | graphic dirty talk

NOTE → this was requested and inspired by @blueagust!!!!!! the idea went thru several stages and yelling over kkt but this is the final product :-D im sorry mom

You hated everyone at this fucking academy.

It wasn’t just that they always smelled like unicorn turds—and that wasn’t a compliment because unicorns had the nastiest smelling shit in the entire universe—but they were so arrogant and had this fucking superiority complex when it came to humans. You were sure if they actually lived with them and in human society instead of hidden away at some prestigious academy they wouldn’t pull this bullshit in the first place, but they still despised them.

Or maybe it was just one human they despised in particular.

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