20s. A young tachrán who has dedicated his life to becoming a filmmaker and comic artist/writer. This website is a mystery to me...
135 posts
EL OMBLIGO DE LA LUNA (Animated Short Film, 2023. Gobelins)
EL OMBLIGO DE LA LUNA (Animated Short Film, 2023. Gobelins)
marysmirages liked this · 1 year ago
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The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander.
The Chronicles of Prydain is a masterful book series full of magic and chills (The Horned King and Annuvin).
Give it a try!
Out of all adaptations of the ballet and short story, this has gotta be my favorite version of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.
I hope you like rodents! ^^

Apparently, the ancient Greeks had their own take on the werewolf legend.
On the slopes of Mount Lykaion, worshipers of Zeus-Lykaois (Zeus-the-Wolf) would conduct a ritual in his honor. A ritual that supposedly involved cannibalism and human sacrifice. Inspired by the well-known myth where King Lycaon kills his own son Nyctimus and tries to trick Zeus into eating his flesh only to be found out and transformed into a wolf, the ritual attendance would gather once every nine years in the dead of night and make their sacrifice consisting of a human volunteer and an animal. And after the deed was done, a portion of the volunteer's intestine would be mixed with the animal's entrails. The cult members would then each take a morsel of meat and whoever wound up eating the human flesh was transformed into a wolf.
The kicker is they would be stuck in their wolf form for nine years and the only way to be transformed back would be to abstain from eating human flesh that entire time. Not an easy task for a wolf.

In my opinion, this is the very BEST Alan Moore ending in his entire body of work. 100%
Do you think Batman killed The Joker? Or did he have him sent back to Arkham?
Mystery Men by Kinka Usher.
This movie is a combination of a lot of things that I like:
An underdog story, gaudy superheroes, creative sets/visuals/costumes, and some of the funniest actors of our era. Loosely based on Bob Burden's Flaming Carrot Comics, Mystery Men takes place in a world where not only are superheroes for reals, but there are way too many of them, putting some of the superheroes with the lamest powers on the Z-list.
The main thing I don't like about this film is the ending. Throughout the movie, none of the Mystery Men's powers work quite right. Then suddenly, at the end, everything just works for no good reason. That's lazy writing. What should have happened was the heroes should've figured out a way to turn their weaknesses into strengths. Instead, their powers just work out of the blue, "THE END."
Still, I really like the production value and this movie has some of my favorite fanboy jokes. Also, I find Mr. Furious relatable from time to time...