stutmirleid - pleasure, little treasure
pleasure, little treasure

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Es Ist Mein 8. Jahrestag Auf Tumblr

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3 years ago
Depeche Mode
Depeche Mode
Depeche Mode
Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode

Requested by @explosionofblessings

(Edits By Me)

5 years ago

what are your favorite jamion moments? Btw i love this blog so much!!!

There a lot of Jamion-stuff and IĀ forgot a lot, but here are the 10 things that I remember right nowĀ and all of them are important. More attention is paid to text interviews and phrases from a video interviews.Ā Order does not matter.


ā€˜When we finally spoke to each other properly, we found out that we got on. We ended up living in a two-bedroomed flat on Westbourne Grove for a year-and-a-half. Heā€™s a very, very good cook. Very messy, though. He didnā€™t have a wardrobe: He just had a big pile of clothes in his room. I was obsessive about cleanliness. He cured me of that. Damon was encounter therapy for my OCDā€™.Ā 

THE WHOLE TIME WHEN THEY WERE LIVING TOGETHER. They broke up with Jane and Justin, they had been quarreling almost 10 years and suddenly come together. LIKE ???!!!

ā€˜Hewlett and Albarn opted to share a flat on Westborne Grove, which Albarn still owns.ā€™ OKAY ALBARN IS RICH MUSICIAN. He does not need anyone to rent an apartment in a fold. He owns the flat. Why they are living together? Think it out yourself :ā€™)Ā 

A little bit of pain. JH: ā€˜I needed to change my life. I was going a little bit insane at that point. And, yeah we had a little bit of a disagreement. Weā€™d lived in each otherā€™s pockets for 10 years. Damonā€™s an artist, heā€™s one of the few real artists that I know, but that means you can be a little crazy and a little difficult and I can be the same. We locked horns a few times and I needed to escape. I met my wife, I went to Paris and I fixed myself. I sorted out my head.ā€™ I fixed myself. It sounds so bad. Poor Jay. There was so much of Albarn in his life. In the ā€˜Bananazā€™, it was clear how excited and inspired Jamie was next to him, but he could not stand so much Damon around for long. headсanon on the topic of reparative therapy and Jamieā€™s escape to Paris and what was with Damon - totally wrong.Ā 

DA: ā€˜No, Iā€™m not jealous of Emma. No, I was just a bit sad. That Iā€™ve spent so much time with had chosen someone over me.ā€˜Ā 

JH: ā€˜Jamion is a mixture of me and Damon. Sometimes Iā€™ll ring him up and heā€™ll be ā€˜ā€™Hellooooooā€¦ this is Jamion!'ā€™ Heā€™s like the evil half of each of us.ā€™

'They reconciled at a friendā€™s Christmas party in 2014. Hewlett says: ā€œI knew the first words that came out of his mouth would be, ā€˜All right, poof?ā€™ And he came over and said, ā€˜All right, poof?ā€™ And I said, ā€˜Hi, Damon.'Ā 

JH: ā€˜He seems to have a constant melody in his head. Which is a gift and a curse.ā€™Ā 

DA: ā€˜Heā€™s my bro and always will be. I love him.ā€™ / JH:Ā ā€˜But I love Damon.ā€™

ask questions - I am always ready to answer. thx anon for attention to my blog I love you, jamion-folks!Ā 

3 years ago

[ID. a textbox from daredevil #20 that readsĀ ā€œno! dammit, matt! this isnā€™t the time for catholic guilt!ā€]

if i could pick one picture to describe daredevil it would be this one

5 years ago

Quality moments from Bananaz

Bc Iā€™m re-watching it and in case you needed convincing that you should watch/re-watch it too

Opening with a excerpt from a zombie movie like what else

Jamie not liking the layout of his hotel room

Damon laughing at Jamieā€™s pain


Damon referring to himself as a ā€˜really good boyā€™

ā€œI know the guy who invented all of that (American Idol etc)ā€¦heā€™s got so much money and all itā€™s given him is a slight weight problem and really, really, really orange skinā€

Damon failing multiple times to catch a cigarette in his mouth

ā€œWho the fuck is Paulaā€

ā€œAnd Damon said ā€œyouā€™re always drawing stuff like thatā€Ā (ā€˜17 year old girls with guitarsā€™), and so I just drew a 10 year oldā€

Jamie describing Murdoc as an ugly, snaggle-toothed Satanist

Jamie being salty about Damon just being able to come up with ā€˜great little tunesā€™ while heā€™s stuck animating

Damon saying that Punk sounds ā€œfucking wickedā€ and then calling it a ā€˜nasty trackā€™

Damon humping his guitar once standing up, and then getting down on the ground and humping it again

Jamie sarcastically asking the camera man if he thinks 2 weeks is enough time to animate a video

Damon kissing baby Missyā€™s head when she tries to grab the lyric sheets out of Ibrahimā€™s hands

ā€œThis is extremely important Jamieā€ Damon says to Jamie. ā€œSo important he hasnā€™t even got any trousers onā€ says Jamie to the camera as he points at Damon who hasnā€™t, in fact, got any trousers on

Jamieā€™s genuinely terrifying impression of Murdoc

Damon slagging off Americans (I live for it)

Nelson fucking around while recording voice lines and reciting dirty limericks

Philā€™s Murdoc groans that go on for just long enough to make you feel mildly uncomfortable

Philā€™s exaggerated arm movements while he roarsĀ ā€œMELT ITā€™S FACEā€

ā€œDamon? Itā€™s the police, they want you to stop playing the fucking fluteā€ ~ Cass Browne, sick of Damonā€™s shit

ā€œI thought this was about showing people what Gorillaz was about? Right then, so Iā€™m going to play my banjoā€

Damon tellling the story of how Jamie had to start hiding his underwear because Damon kept stealing them and losing them

Damon accidentally hanging up in the middle of a fucking interview

Then just sitting there and drooling while someone tries to sort it all out

ā€œWhere is Murdoc and 2D and Russel and Noodle today?ā€ ā€œWell Murdoc is lying inside having a vodka enema with his favourite female nurse at the momentā€

Jamie not wanting to win an award because heā€™s too lazy to get up and accept it

Damon throwing up right before a show and everyone freezing for a second and having no idea what to do

Jamie asking the woman interviewing him where she shops for her lingerie

Damon yelling at people for watching him take a shit despite having the fucking door open

A 2 second shot of Damon wearing an off-white singlet that no one asked for

ā€œDamon, are you wearing lipstick?ā€ ā€œFUCK OFFā€

Damon staring straight at the camera and getting really close while singing Rockit and making everyone watching mildly uncomfortable

ā€œI am relaxed, except for when Iā€™m with youā€ ~ Jamie Hewlett, done with Damon Albarnā€™s SHIT

Damonā€™s jar of Feel Good Inc laughs


Damon almost throwing up before a show AGAIN

Drunk Shaun Ryder feat. lollipop

Jamie grabbing and licking the camera

Damon being really snarky and sarcastic in an interview

Damon getting really annoyed by American children singing the wrong lyrics for Dirty Harry

Damon having to explain the lyrics to Dirty Harry and getting increasingly pissed off

Then cut to Jamie sitting up in the back of the car and asking ā€œwhereā€™s Damon?ā€, sounding slightly panicked

Damon yelling that if everyone keeps farting, heā€™ll be sick and itā€™ll mess up his vocals

Damon then being a hypocrite and telling everyone to shush, and then farting really loudly