stvrlyte - ✧ Star light ✧
✧ Star light ✧

OC Multimuse RP blog. Low Activity. Canon and female muse friendly! Open. Selective. 18+. Mun is 25+ Written by Opal “Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.”

458 posts

Stvrlyte - ✧ Star Light ✧

stvrlyte - ✧ Star light ✧
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More Posts from Stvrlyte

2 years ago


❛  all of this is my fault.  ❜ ❛  are you even listening to me?  ❜ ❛  are you scared? 'cause i'm scared.  ❜ ❛  are you sure you'll be okay?  ❜ ❛  can you say that again, please?  ❜ ❛  do you have anything to say?  ❜ ❛  do you wanna go out sometime?  ❜ ❛  did you ever really love me?  ❜ ❛  have you considered trying something else?  ❜ ❛  how long do we still have?  ❜ ❛  i can't do this any longer.  ❜ ❛  i can't wait to go home.  ❜ ❛  i didn't want to do that.  ❜ ❛  i don't follow, i always lead.  ❜ ❛  i don't know what you mean.  ❜ ❛  i hate him but i love him.  ❜ ❛  i like i here, it's nice.  ❜ ❛  i'll only go if you go.  ❜ ❛  i'm here if you need me.  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry, i had no idea.  ❜ ❛  i'm weird, just deal with it.  ❜ ❛  is this your first time here?  ❜ ❛  just tell me what to do.  ❜ ❛  just tell me why we're here.  ❜ ❛  no one will believe you anyway.  ❜ ❛  nothing else matters except for you.  ❜ ❛  please just let me help you.  ❜ ❛  there is time to fix this.  ❜ ❛  what do you want from me?  ❜ ❛  where do you think you're going?  ❜ ❛  when will you come back here?  ❜ ❛  why are you acting so stupid?  ❜ ❛  why do you ask these questions?  ❜ ❛  why would i lie to you?  ❜ ❛  will you go out with me?  ❜ ❛  you are more important than me.  ❜ ❛  you don't mean that, do you?  ❜ ❛  you have nothing to worry about.  ❜ ❛  you'll always be my best friend.  ❜ ❛  your hair looks really nice today.  ❜

 * .

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2 years ago
Full Filmography For Lily! There Are A Few Borrowed From Her Faceclaim, But For The Most Part They're
Full Filmography For Lily! There Are A Few Borrowed From Her Faceclaim, But For The Most Part They're

Full filmography for Lily! There are a few borrowed from her faceclaim, but for the most part they're all made up.

She's most well known for Child's Play Date and Between the Willows. Child's Play Date was a potential Child's Play spinoff that didn't have any success at the box office (but Lily got to keep the main Chuckie doll they used since she was so attached to it as a child). Between the Willows was her most popular show in which she played the main antagonist to the heroes, a spirit living in a willow tree that wandered through the town, bringing bad omens. It was cancelled after the third season.

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2 years ago
Via Pinterest

via pinterest

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2 years ago

»  ━━  WILLOW  (2022)  QUOTES  :  EPISODE  ONE  :  THE  GALES.  PART  ONE.

quotes  taken  from  the  2022  series  “willow”.  please  alter  any  pronouns  if  required  when  sending.

“In a time of dread, a child was born destined to save our world.”

“___ was a man of pure heart and unfailing courage.” 

“An impossibly conceited thief, liar and rogue.” 

“What can I say? I was young.”

“We thought the war was over.”

“___ had a vision.”

“An ancient evil will rise again and destroy the future empress.”

“Her end would herald a new dark age.” 

“It was the only way I could protect her.”

“I almost had you.”

“Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

“You know, there’s skill, then there’s talent. I just happen to have them both.”

“Along with a generous amount of arrogance.” 

“Who knows? In a few years you might beat me.”

“I would have beaten you if it wasn’t for that loose rock.”

“It’s not about mastering the moves, it’s about adapting to your terrain.”

“And i’m just better at that than you.” 

“ Yeah, superior in every way, your highness.”

“Tell me you don’t still think about that, going beyond the barrier, having these wild adventures like… we’ve always talked about.”

“I bring word from the queen.”

“Are we under siege?”

“You need to get dressed for dinner.”

“I take it my brother’s been called on too, to scrub behind his ears?”

“The prince, I believe, is hunting in the western woods.”

“Hunting? I wonder who he’s hunting today.”

“Was that too much?”

“You’re trembling…”

“You just have this effect on me, it’s just like nothing i’ve ever experienced before..”

“I didn’t think you felt that way about me.”

“You’ve got a bit of a reputation.”

“If you heard the things they say about you, things i know aren’t true.”

“Some of them might be true…” 

“That was before! I’m not that guy anymore!”

“___ i love you…”

“Excellent scowling.” 

“Trudging across the western reach looking for you, just how i’d hoped to spend the afternoon.”

“I do what I can for my friends.”

“The king, with a great host, was seen riding into the Vale.”

“And what do we suppose she means by ‘presentable’?”

“Well, I suppose not covered in dirt and grass.”

“Ah, well, she’s so particular.” 

“You know you’re coming tonight, right?”

“You know how I feel about gowns and wearing them.”

“You’re gonna have to suck it up because I’m not gonna be able to survive this thing without you.”

“What did you want to tell me?”

“We can talk about it later.”

“You saw nothing.”

“I saw everything.”

“That’s the kitchen maid, right? That makes those buttered muffins everybody always talks about?”

“I happen to be a great admirer of her muffins!”

“I’m concerned about what she’s going to put in those muffins when you inevitably break her heart!”

“I’m not going to break her heart.”

“Please. You’re going to lose interest and move onto the next. It’s like the one way you’re totally consistent.” 

“She has this ineffable human quality about her soul.”

“You don’t know her name?”

“I know her name!”

“Why do you look like you’ve been rolling around in grass?”

“Training. Tourneys and such.”

“What’s that on your neck?”

“Oh! I got bit by a fire moth, which was strange…”

“I don’t like you playing on those rocks. It’s dangerous.”

“Playing? We were actually training!”

“I’ve had them draw you a bath.”

“I’ve laid out a gown for you to wear.”

“You’re picking out my clothes now?”

“What am I, six years old?”

“When you neglect your responsibilities for your hobbies, you leave me no choice.”

“This is what you’ve always wanted, what you’ve worked for, harder than anyone i’ve known.”

“If they’re really your friend, they’ll be happy for you.”

“They’ll feel like I’m abandoning them when they need me the most. Because I am.”

“There were two, but one of them fell out of a tree.”

“I have to marry that one.”

“Have you spoken to him?”

“I curtsied, like a real lady.”

“He sort of grunted and shuffled his feet, like a real… winner…”

“You were saying, skirmishes in the west, beyond the barrier?”

“Nothing to worry yourself about.”

“Except I’ve heard similar reports from the north. Settlements torched and abandoned. What if it’s something else?”

“Nonsense. Nothing gets through the Barrier, ever.”

“I do pretty much everything around here.”

“I cook, I clean, I heal the sick. I actually made the wine.”

“You know, they say you’re quite the swordsman too.”

“Pfft. Definitely not the best… Second best.”

“My dad, he was great…”

“You’re supposed to be watching the ovens, not gawking at the high borns!”

“Think that countess is pretty? The one with the lips and the face?”

“Oh, don’t be obvious!” 

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2 years ago
The Look On Marius's Face Shifted To A Confused One, Though He Continued To Smile Even As The Taller

The look on Marius's face shifted to a confused one, though he continued to smile even as the taller man glared down at him, "Funny, because you didn't seem to think me so small when you were begging for it. Or is that just a part of your act?" his eyes followed Daniel, even as he started to dress himself, "Yeah, we both know your work is best done lying down, isn't it?"

He shook his head, stepping back as he moved to retreat his bag with his wallet and his keys before turning back to Daniel with a shrug, "You're right. Who knows? Maybe they'll promote me immediately so I'll get to clean the bathrooms as well. Would surely be great!"

The Look On Marius's Face Shifted To A Confused One, Though He Continued To Smile Even As The Taller

"Look, if you're that into me, you can just be honest. Because really," he raised an eyebrow as he slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder, giving Daniel a quick look over, "this petty attitude is not a good look for you. And you've barely got anything left for that, don't you?"

@intonightcity || xxx

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