stxr-bxster - Shooting star
Shooting star

Indie fandomless Alien OC rp blog, semi-selective - Phew! - Old blog moved to lxttlest-blue-star

421 posts




Oh, well that’s a speedy sorta’ greeting. She wasn’t expecting that! Krigg pauses a bit, before lifting a hand up to wave at the stranger.

“Hey! Technically, Imma’ friendly alien! I mean- pedantics, shmemantics. Groovy gear either way, bubble-head!”

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More Posts from Stxr-bxster

1 year ago


“Alright.” Duo acknowledged quietly, having listened to her words attentively.

“…I do hear those sorts of questions from nearly every life form I contact, but I don’t mind answering them. I’m often the only one who can.” He said, tensing slightly in anticipation of Krigg removing the clamps. “Your assumptions were actually correct though…” He mused.

“...Speaking from experience, the universe is big and full of dead things that stopped working long before my specie evolved sentience. If it’s weird, hard to explain, and behaves like something out of a myth, a lost civillization is probably to blame for it being there.” Krigg hummed thoughtfully, moving to grab hold of the welder once again and tugging lightly on the clamped fuel lines to begin reconnecting the delicate tubing, patching them where the ends were too frayed to be put back together. No use removing the clamps then - that’d only result in messier, plasma-spewing lines and gloves catching on fire every other second.

Not that she didn’t need to occasionally put them out by whacking them casually against the nearest hard surface when the clamps let through a few drops of the burning substance. But Krigg showed little care in that factoid.

Only when the lines were securely patched, did she remove the clamps, wincing in anticipation for what had to be the worst feeling of pins and needles imaginable.

“...I’ll check your leg. And be quiet. I’ve got a feeling that not many people get to hear that story and... things that were forgotten by a lot of people don’t need to be forgotten more. It’s not right by them. I’ll just listen.”

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1 year ago

From {X}, @strebcr​

From {X}, @strebcr


Of all the reactions - turn around, balk, scream, or just keep going as though nothing was wrong... THAT, she was not expecting. She was really starting to have a bad track record with getting caught out in the open by random people, but it seemed that this one specific time, the person involved was not acting like what he was seeing was anything out of the ordinary.

Just... a normal instance of someone skittering up a wall, getting ready to hide with a fresh stash of plundered sweets from the nearby shop’s discarded garbage? Or did they think she’d somehow acquired her loot in all legality - oh yeah, that probably was that, what with the whole advice on gummy worm availability. Did he know what he was looking at? Ah, whatever - best roll with it.

It then occured to Krigg that she was staring at the guy as though he’d grown a second head. The diminutive alien furiously shook her head with a “BRLRLRLLRLRLR-” noise, somehow without losing her hat in the process, and stared at the lollypop she was holding precariously in one hand. She considered what to do with it for a minute, before deciding to bring it up to her mouth, opening her fanged jaws wide and-


The discarded stick, onto which clung a few bits of hard sugar, was shoved into a busy pocket as Krigg reassured her grip on the bricks, maintaining eye contact with the stranger.

“Thankch’, but nah’. Guy at’ the counter look’ch’ like he could use chom’ normal cuchtomers, ya’nno’, cho’ I didn’t wanna’ bother.” Krigg shrugged her shoulders, grinning through the crunchy sugary treat. “Ch’ not often ya’ see folks frequent the candy store often enough to know ‘bout ‘chales. Well, grown’acchh’ adults, anyways.”

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1 year ago

I hope these aren't too many at once. ^^;

7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?

16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?

19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?

42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?

7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?


Krigg really does not like people picking on her height, despite her having thick enough skin to handle it, so that would get her attention expeditiously quick. A friend who knows her well enough might call her name, instead take advantage of her appetite by mentionning her favourite treat.

"I got Yon blossoms!"

16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?

People she's not likely going to meet again, be it because they've passed, or because she's actively trying not to see them again. Beyond that, they're usually people whom she looked up to, or had a level of responsibility towards, either sworn or entirely self-made. Often times, her wandering mind fills in the blanks of what they might have said to her. They're rarely ever saying nice things, presiding as harsh judges over her present actions.

On less distressing notes, the person she talks most and argues with in her own brainscape is herself, and those conversations can be entirely humoristic, or her sense of caution acting up, or her calling herself an idiot. 19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?

Lie. Lie through her TEETH to avoid speaking honestly to the person she's been cornered with and do anything to throw them off her path. It takes a very severe reason for Krigg to even consider dodging someone to the point of avoidance - possibly them poking their nose into something private of hers that she is not willing to speak on. In that case though, straight refusal is likely to occur rather than her wriggling around the topic.

But if pushed enough, Krigg is likely to lash out in anger and to drop every lie all at once in an explosive, very unpleasant rage-filled rant. Fight always was her preferred response to percieved danger.

42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?

"Threats and troubles - the galactic hitchiker's guide to avoiding them!"

A short, but comprehensive talk on the galaxy's various sources of problems that Krigg has encountered in her long time wandering from world to world. From rowing bands of energy-devouring mechanical beings, to warring empires, to even weird singularities - nothing that she wouldn't talk about in exhaustive detail. Perhaps, too exhaustive for her to have truly avoided them! But hey, if you follow her talk, maybe you WON'T run face first into them like her!

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1 year ago


“It’s because of the Justice Energy that courses through my veins.” He said. “It’s an opposing form of Living Energy, and the only substance in the universe capable of permanently destroying Evil Energy. It’s the source of my life, which is why I can’t be corrupted.” Duo explained.

“But… that doesn’t mean Evil-based attacks can’t harm me.” He added, looking over the numerous grey streaks burned into his armor.

“...Justice, evil... the terms are plain, but I’ll be a space kraken’s uncle before I deny it’s a little silly-sounding. Feels like the sort of thing you tell grubs to make it easier for them to understand some more complicated terms. I’d probably kick you under the table if you came at me with that kind of story at a void station pit stop.” Krigg admitted rather bluntly, switching from her welder to another tool, seemingly unphased by splitting her attention between her work and the conversation. Her antennae were still tilted upwards, moving slightly with the sound of Duo’s voice, making it hard to deny where her attention was.

“But, seeing as some beastie infused with that “Evil energy” tried to snatch me off my ship, I can’t really say it sounds THAT silly, in retrospect. I could expect there being a term more appropriate to describe those types of energy in whatever language you started out with, maybe their own word even, but not one that can be translated.” Krigg gave a small pat to the heavy armor surrounding the wound, leaning back to watch her work with a satisfied quirk of her smile before resuming working.

“...I have... so many questions about all that. I mean, if you were equipped SPECIFICALLY to hunt down evil energy, who built you? Where does it even come from? Is it the result of some eon-old conflict that just puttered off and died over a stretch of stupidly long time?” Krigg’s agitated chatter died down, almost abruptly, with a light cough. “...Maybe not the best time to ask all that. You probably hear those questions all the time.”

“Alright, that’s... most of the internal mechanisms welded back together. Gonna’ reconnect the fuel lines, and then you should be good to, er... sit still for a while.”

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1 year ago


Duo’s expression had softened slightly at Krigg’s amusement, which he mirrored with another small smile. He had also winced when she put in the clamps, but this time he remained silent. However, some of his exposed mechanisms subtly tensed.

“I… suppose it is strange.” Duo said, gazing to his left in contemplation. “…Luckily, those who came before me eventually found new people to protect. There were other civilized worlds within our borders, which my people guarded against outside threats as their technology developed. Once the inhabitants had invented interstellar travel, my brothers offered to help them govern this new frontier. The civilizations who partnered with us and adopted our galactic law are still my allies to this day.” Duo explained.

“Also, I'm… really not that old. I don’t know how your people measure time, but I will say that there are still many lifeforms alive today who are older than me. I’m from the… most recent batch, you see.” He said.

Krigg’s antennae gave a light twitch as her brows furrowed, expression growing thoughtful, the delicate appendages’ rhythmic tensing and relaxing seeming to mirror the grinding gears within the extraterrestrial’s mind.

“Hmm.” She gave a small aknowledging hum, an index digit tapping on the welding stylus briefly before she mustered the focus to resume her work, mindful of the tensing mechanisms and metal muscle. “Sorry about the stinging, I’ll work quick.” She voiced out loud. It occured to her then she hadn’t really thought about apologizing about such things. Painful first aid was something she was used to, and few drifters really apologized about that necessary evil. The forgotten piece of grace didn’t sit right with her then.

There was an odd caution in the way the large entity had been wording his story - a tiny piece of unmarked information not being communicated. It was subtle, but Krigg was used to the things people did not say.

And, perhaps, didn’t wish to think about.

She resolved not to poke her finger where it ought not to have been poked. Her privacy was something she treasured a great deal, and she readily extended that courtesy to other wanderers.

“Well, can’t say for sure I have any time units that fit any galactic standard. Measuring those when you constantly hop planets is not a fun activity, lemme’ tell ya’.” At least, the confirmation his age was within that of a living being’s gave her something of a range - even if that range could flicker from a heliocentric century, to several millenia. “From peace guardians, to lawmakers. Talk about a transition.” Krigg chuffed to herself, tapping the non-welding end of the stylus against Duo’s armor with a satisfying clink. “Ah- done, I’ll pull the clamps now. You should be leak-free!”

“If I get the chance, maybe I’ll pop on by that sector, it sounds like it’s got a few things to see! At least, I wouldn’t have to worry about wandering into a warzone - that’s no fun either.” Krigg paused, loose clamps in hand, opening and closing her mouth before turning back to look at Duo. “Wait - I’m not breaking some form of law by going THERE, am I?”

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