stxr-bxster - Shooting star
Shooting star

Indie fandomless Alien OC rp blog, semi-selective - Phew! - Old blog moved to lxttlest-blue-star

421 posts

I Got Blockd By Someone. Its Absolutely The Fist Time That Happened And I Legit Have No Idea Why It Did.

I Got Blockd By Someone. Its Absolutely The Fist Time That Happened And I Legit Have No Idea Why It Did.

I got block’d by someone. It’s absolutely the fist time that happened and I legit have no idea why it did. It was by a nice-looking blog too, bummer.

I’m absolutely going to be worrying over my blog or my behavior having something wrong with it, but later.

  • speedystarfield
    speedystarfield liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Stxr-bxster

2 years ago


“Uh… Rex. They call me Rex.”

There’s a step back from him as he noticed Krigg was armed. Like, heavily armed. Had to try and keep things from becoming too volatile.

“You crash landed within the waters of Earth. I pulled your ship out before anyone tried to mess with you. Or I guess, before you might have tried to disintegrate them as retaliation, since you’re armed…”

And then, Rex put his hands up to gesture he had no hostile intentions. At least, that was what he was attempting to do. First contact always tended to vary. Many factors to consider, success and disaster mere steps away from each other at any given time. And Rex had to be ready for whatever outcome he was faced with.

“I’m an alien Nypardian born and raised on this world. Generally trying for peaceful solutions where possible. So how about we just take ten steps back and not try to nuke each other? Then you could get to fix your ship and I can take an early lunch.”

Krigg didn’t answer right away, taking her sweet time to mull over the information provided by the stranger, and cautiously scan his behavior for even the tiniest trace of hidden ill intent. Even if his demeanor was placating, she wasn’t going to let her guard down just yet. Not around something that could shift her ship around on their own.

The galaxy had more than a few beings like that, and... as a rule of thumb, she didn’t get too close to their turfs if she could avoid it. “Nypardian, Nypardian...” She muttered out loud with a frown. She flicked a finger up to her eyes, summoning her goggles with a light tap against her temple. The golden, transparent pair of glasses popped into being with a trickle of matter seemingly pulled from nowhere. Immediately, the inside began displaying information, which she rapidly scrolled through, mouthing the information out loud.

“Lightmatter bodies, heavy hitter class, home quadrant is...” She mumbled, before ceasing, looking back at the stranger. There was a moment of hesitation in her demeanor, free hand squeezing more tightly the grip of her plasma cannon... before she tapped against her temple once more, dismissing the goggles. She didn’t want to pick a fight with an isolated guy with no tangible reason to try and screw her over.

She pushed open fully the exit hatch of her ship, and, for good measure, shifted the cannon in her hands. The live munition - a small glass ball filled with glowing blue light, sprang out of a compartment on top of the gun as it was unloaded in a show of good will. She nonchalantly snatched the ammo out of the air, pocketing it right after.

“Sorry ‘bout the loaded greeting. Thought I was getting towed by the planetary defense forces. Er- again.” Krigg offered something of a sheepish grin to the stranger. “They’re not always the diplomatic types so, I’m usually erring on the side of caution by bringing... insurance.” She patted her laser cannon almost affectionately, before dragging herself fully from the safety of her ship to stand on the hull with the stranger.

Which also forced her to crane her neck to look him in the eye and flash him a toothy grin, but, that was nothing new. “Thanks for the assist, anyways. Don’t worry, I’m not looking for a scrap either. Name’s Krigg, pleased to meetcha’! Never thought I’d see a Nypardian this far into the monster belt but, eh, that’s not a bad surprise if you ask me!”

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2 years ago


Krigg was... not having the best of days, all things considered.

Though, the little extraterrestrial mused it could have been worse as she stared through the greasy film of neon orange splattered across her ship’s tinted cockpit, a disgruntled scowl on her features. She further ensconced herself into the mesh of her pilot seat, digging in her shoulders one at a time and blowing a whistling sigh through her teeth. Below the Revenger, darkness illuminated by distant lights trailing the edge of the continents on a planet unknown, not yet touched upon by the light of the system’s star.

Concretely, putting the pedal to the metal through a swarm of immature chain crabs swarming a mining station in the biggest asteroid belt of the sector had been a terrible idea. An effective one, if the pasted remains that decorated half of her cockpit, and surely most of her ship’s paint, were anything to go by, but a bad one regardless.

Sure, she’d been paid compensation for her trouble of answering the distress call... and getting rid of the invading specie, but who was going to clean the crab guts from her ship?

Not the grateful-if-slightly-broke station workers, that’s for sure.

Krigg’s morose expression shuddered slightly as she eyeballed the small bit of extra credits on her account, before reaching to pat herself on the cheeks with a huff. The little extraterrestrial perked back up with a sharp huff, sitting straight back up before closing the tab with a press of a gloved finger onto the cockpit’s extra screen, booting back up the ship’s altimeter. One small smack against the conrols later, and the Revenger began its slow descent planetside towards a large area of inland darkness, Krigg’s hands flying from console to screen and back, pulling up every bit of information she had on her cloaking systems.

All in the green, barring visual scramblers, which pulled a groan from Krigg. She’d probably have to dislodge a crab leg from somewhere important, but visual scramblers were always a bonus more than a necessity. Nobody watched the skies closely enough to see a ship’s signal lights pass by when most technologically advanced worlds had radars and scanners and- whatever else she was forgetting.

Planetfall was uneventful, aside from that, and soon enough, Krigg was greeted by the sight of a moonlit stretch of dry, dusty terrain speckled with shrubs that cast long shadows as soon as she flicked on the ship’s floodlights. Two-legged creatures on the edge of the bright halo scattered in sharp hops into the darkness, too fast for her to properly see, but she paid them no mind.

What did catch her attention was the slight lurch in the craft as she moved the thrusters of the wings into a landing position, plumes of blue flame rotated under the beast, the left wing shuddering ever-so-slightly before moving into position. Krigg frowned, and as soon as the landing gear flexed under the ship’s weight, she slammed off the lights and proceeded to hop off her seat.

Something wasn’t quite right with the left wing.

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2 years ago


“Well, yes. How else are we supposed to refer to an item?” replied the red android. It wasn’t like they thought poorly of the ship. If anything they were impressed by it. Obviously, so impressed that they want a lil peek at its inner workings even on a chemical level.

They did understand where the little green being was coming from. Sure, the machine enjoyed tinkering but maintenance tend to be tedious more often than not. Not to mention the need for parts at times.

“What.” Somehow the blue android managed to sound even flatter than she normally did. “We do not chew on them…we do not have mouths.”

“As nice as it would be,” continued Red. Chewing on metal did not sound appealing at all but being able to bite on things did. “Where are those spare bits from? What metals are they made from? Can we have some from wherever you came from?”

“We can even trade. If there is anything you require,” said the android in blue. Not that they themselves have much aside from the same junk one could probably find in the scrapyard they were in.  “ And if there is anything we wish to keep.”

There was a bit of a moment of silent disbelief as the two androids took what was originally a lazy quip more litterally than she could have expected, henceforth somewhat ruining the punchline of it. Krigg’s mouth opened and closed a few times without so much as a sputter, with her wide-eyed and looking almost vexed that her joke didn’t land before shaking it off with a grumbble.

“...Okay, you two are definitely AI-controlled.” She shot back, her tone somehow managing to emulate fairly well the flat monotone of the blue unit’s text-to-speech function, though with a hint more controlled annoyance. The little alien reached out to her face before slowly dragging her hands from her forehead to her chin, not caring about the somewhat exaggerated look it gave her. Only that it helped evacuate some stress.

And helped brace her for the fact she was talking to a being with a possibly limited grasp on the art of sarcasm.

“I don’t know what I have on the spare bin from the top of my head, but I can figure it out fairly quickly. Pretty sure I have a lot of heat-resistant ceramic panes, superconductor sheets... Just keep a lid on your expectations.” She nodded to herself knowingly, crossing her arms onto her chest. The offer of a trade though, did get her attention. “Though, I guess I could use some pre-stripped materials to feed into the fabricator machine. There’s a lot of specialist stuff in the bin, but I still need raw components like copper and junk. At least I wouldn’t have to trudge through garbage to find it.”

And to be honest, that was a neat positive of a nature to put a small smile back on her face.

“...Can I actually go back to look without one of you scratching at the paintjob while I have my back turned?” Ah- there was that familiar squint, back again.

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2 years ago


The scan left Rex in a funk. Between hearing familiar details and observations that seemed new to him about his own people. He remembered very little of the rare times he got to see his planet of heritage, and add to that the fact those trips were years ago. Rex largely considered Earth his primary home, but in spite of the tenuous ties he still wanted to connect with Nypardia where possible.

“Traveling on any scale tends to have its risks.”

He could only hope from Krigg’s reaction that she had mostly heard good news about others of his people. Native Nypardians without special catalysts or training had very little power. In that respect, they were quite like the humans of Earth. Those who did achieve superpowers like the ones Rex trained up typically joined some sort of volunteer defense effort with other energy-wielding beings. Answered to sort of a United Nations for the greater cosmos. Rex cooperated with this organization in an honorary capacity for the most part. And knew a few full-time members– their attitudes going beyond the otherwise benevolent mission statement tended to vary.

“Welcome to Earth, at least!… hope your visit goes well. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask: I’ve lived here pretty much my whole life if anything needs figuring out.”

Interactions with other aliens– especially friendly communication were too few and far between. So Rex seemed pretty upbeat here, thankful for a lack of conflict this time.

“Y’don’t say. I take a short hyperspace hop to refill on water ‘round a planet’s rings, middle of nowhere - the next, I have to gun it full speed away from a space Kraken.” Krigg groaned, rolling her eyes with a grimace. The trip to the nearest inhabited planet had NOT been planned. She could’ve made a landing on the rocky red neighbor of earth just fine, but her unexpected choice filed under the general mishaps of zero gravity dogfighting. “Then again, they call it the monster belt for a reason...”

The little alien gave a short hop and a skip, walking around the top of her ship and past the curve of the main body to look at the damage to the shot wing, within comfortable range of the ongoing conversation. She hissed, clicking her teeth in diapproval, hands planted square on her hips. The repairs would take a hot minute, even with an urgent pace, but she thought she had all the required components on hand for the fix. “Well, hopefully, the forced visit’s not going to be too long. I’d rather get skyborne as soon as possible, if just for the sake of it.”

Not that anyone had a bounty on her little green head anywhere near that sector, but you never knew.

Krigg spun around with a click of her heels, flashing a wide grin at the earthborne Nypardian. “Still, I appreciate the offer for help! Got any ideas of where I could find thermic pannels for fusion cores?” She chirped, still smirking as though her question was a perfectly normal thing to ask for a lost spacefarer for a hot few seconds.

Which was just long enough for her to delight in poor Rex’s expression. “Nah! Nah-nah-nah- I’m just pulling your leg, don’t answer that!” She giggled, waving her hands up agressively in an attempt to gather peace from the guy. “No, but, more seriously. You mentionned taking an early lunch, so let me get you something, my treat. It’s my way of thanking you for towing my ship out of the ocean free of charge... if you don’t mind alien army rations, snacks, and time-frozen exotic fruits. I got no idea what people pay with here.”

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2 years ago


“Yeah? Well, that’s for when those kinds of fruits are needed for whatever dish. Let’s stick to sweet fruit for now and the rest after things calm down and we’re feeling daring.”

Rex surveyed the ship interior, the span of the pantry and all the different alphabets and means of indication printed on them. The rigors of advanced space travel were so much more fascinating on unique, storied vessels like this. Passenger planes and starships and the like– they got a person places. But nothing beat the personal touch.

“Ehh, well. I’ve got a dog. Sort of.”

An meager gesture of the hand. Hopefully if Krigg met Tugboat she wouldn’t make him the standard for ‘dogs as pets’ here on Earth.

“I don’t think ya need me to tell you twice, but I’d still err on the side of more… moderate caution. Lotta weirdos out there– the sweet charming kind, but also the creepy troublesome kind. That blaster of yours, keep that or something very much like it close.”

“How do you have a dog “sort of”? What’s- what’s the catch here?” Krigg quips, her head popping over the edge of the freezer (?) to shoot a curious look at Rex. “Can it like, shoot lasers or something?” She inquired, her face freezing with a thoughtful pout.

“...Actually, bit too broad a characteristic to classify as properly maybe-not-dog or anything.” The small alien observed before diving back into the pile. Before long, she managed to haul back a couple of round, orange fruits with smooth, speckled skin, tucking each under an elbow and using her free hand to keep rummaging in for more. After the haul grew to the point where it seemed rather difficult to carry, she moved to slowly slide herself out of the freezer before stalling. She gave a thoughtful pout, before diving back in and grabbing for something.

Pressing her knees against the edge of the fridge, she then proceeded to drag herself back out of the opening, hopping off onto her feet with a grin. On top of the fruits, she casually plopped down her haul, looking very satisfied with her find of-

Flowers. A handful of pear-shaped flowers with a vivid corolla of fused petals, sporting colors not too out of place in a packet of skittles.

“These are from home.” She simply mentionned, a faint, nostalgic fondness passing through her tone, eyes crinkling thoughtfully. “Well, home. Bit of a complicated story.” Krigg added shortly after with a shrug, the smile on her face turning into a bittersweet rictus. She didn’t dwell on it for very long, preferring to scurry over to the shelves to pick out a meal, humming to herself before adding to the pile a couple of non-descript boxes that looked like they were made from dull cardboard.

“Don’t worry too much about me, bud’, I can defend myself in case of a pinch. I’ve got my cannon’s little siblings strapped to my waist at all times, and I’ve got a quick trigger finger.” Krigg shrugged the side of her coat away from her body, showing off the small, collapsed white box dangling from her belt. A pause, then a quick nod back towards the exit hatch.

“Wanna’ have lunch by the sea?”

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