sublimecoffeefestival - Coffee In An IV, Please
Coffee In An IV, Please

She/her. Archaeologist. More coffee, please

652 posts

Photo Credit: Tamara Lorraine Camp.

Photo Credit: Tamara Lorraine Camp.

Photo credit: Tamara Lorraine Camp.

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More Posts from Sublimecoffeefestival

2 years ago

Happy Disablity Pride Month to everyone who is *just* on the cusp of being ‘abled looking’ that you don’t think you’re qualified to count as disabled.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who has had a documented disability since the day they were born but has never checked the ‘i have a disability’ box on those workplace forms because you don’t think it counts.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone whose parents convinced them that because they could *mostly* act like the other kids that their disability wasn’t a problem.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone whose parents who helped you with tasks on one hand while expecting you to keep up with your abled siblings on the other.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone whose religion told you that when you died and went to heaven your body would be fixed and you would become ‘perfect’.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who realizes that a certain thing they go through every day for years is not a thing everyone just goes through, because that’s just their forever level of normal.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who has to listen to abled people say ‘i know how you feel because x thing happened to me so i get it’ even though they don’t because you never got a ‘before’.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone who has to listen to abled people say ‘me too’ when you try and tell them literally anything.

Happy Disability Pride Month to everyone with a disability who didn’t know July was Disability Pride Month.

7 years ago
This Is A Letter From My Dad. He Left For Me When I Was In High School Several Years Ago. I Was A Super

This is a letter from my dad. He left for me when I was in high school several years ago. I was a super busy kid, and my junior year (I think), a college student committed suicide because his asshole roommate recorded him having sex with another man, posted it on the internet, and the man hadn’t even come out yet. His name was Tyler Clementi. I’m sharing this now because I’m sick of the romanticism of suicide, and you may need the reminder that “Nothing ruins your life forever. NOTHING,” or “treat people’s feelings like fragile little puppies– if you play with them– be gentle”.

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2 years ago

People in this fandom need to stop hiding behind "we don't see race the same way you do because it doesn't work the same way in my country as it does in yours." This is a lazy excuse to perpetuate harmful acts against POC in the fandom and outside of it. While it's true that the concept of race differs from country to country, that does not mean other forms of racism don't exist.

Colorism is a universal concept regardless of where you originate and we see it happen all the time in various media across the world. It's when one favors lighter skin over darker skin. The reason colorism is rooted in racism is because it's just one of the many ways people can be discriminated against.

Sadly this whole situation with Lucien's skin tone stems from people not wanting to believe he's Helion's son. People would rather cling to his ACOTAR description than acknowledge the obvious retcon that happened between ACOTAR/ACOMAF and ACOWAR.

We all know when SJM is trying to insert herself into the narrative when she says certain things. Lucien's parentage is one of those moments because Feyre made the connection between the two. But people in this fandom don't want to accept Feyre's deduction as fact because it's easier to close their eyes to the truth than to confront their biases.