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Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Orcelito arrives before the elders, ready to fuck shit up.
Outside, Belca asks Orcelito what he asked the elders at the ceremony and tries to explain that the Amontel are not monsters, that they use technology, medicines and they look after their own. He says even if they are descended from a evil deity, maybe living among "actual" humans for so long has allowed them to adapt in a way that makes them indistinguishable from humans. Orcelito stops him, saying the Amontel are monsters (while obviously thinking the contrary) and says they probably put Belca under a spell while he was at Dietrich's estate. Belca tries to stop him but Orcelito says that after the Investiture Ceremony, he'll send for a skill spell caster (which they apparently have on hand in the castle) to look at Belca. He then leaves to get on with his business...only for Belca to stop him. He asks Orcelito privately (well...whispers anyway) if he has anything planned, knowing this is not like him. Orcelito angrily snatches away from Belca while thinking that he knows that the Amontel are not evil but he rather have them all under supervision instead of them all being rounded up and killed. He's taking the long road with them, hoping their descendants can find freedom where their ancestors couldn't. Outside his mind box, he tells Belca join him or fuck off...and he might as well pick the former because he doesn't have a say in the council. He cryptically finishes by telling Belca that in each of their respective areas, everyone is already making their moves...
He then says that as long as the Amontel don't resist, they can expect to live long happy lives. Belca is disturbed by that last part, thinking nothing has changed. He then goes to Linna to talk about something...
Then we cut back to Orcelito and Kiliko, the latter asking if it's alright to leave Belca alone and let him do what he wants. Orcelito points out that Kiliko was the one who said that Belca has no power to do anything, that he's a mere spare to the throne and that his life in the castle was specifically engineered to have him grow up demoralized, ignorant and lazy. Kiliko says all of that is true but people have an annoying tendency to change...
We cut to Eco finding a hidden library...but screw that, he went to see the dance! Or did he? His guard roommate hits him for not showing up to rehearsal, Eco saying he had to use the toilet. He's then ordered to help put the harnesses on the horses, meeting Belca and Linna while heading over there. Linna had summoned him because Belca wants food from town. In a stage whisper, Linna reveals that they're actually going to report to Musca...and they got another errand to run while they're outside. Belca's not coming, staying behind to convince Orcelito to think about the Amontel. They leave out on the carriage, Belca staying in the castle walls.
Meanwhile, the guards get a strange signal coming from the upper control tower, wondering if that means it's safe to open the gates. Inside, Belca overhears a guy saying the signal means they need to lower the gates, which means the carriage can't leave...
Belca tears ass outside the castle, barely managing to catch up to Eco to warn him of the danger he and Linna are in. It doesn't matter because the guards on the wall shoot out one of the carriage's wheels causing Eco to lose control. Then some guy with two knives drops down, calling himself "an irregular" and cutting the damn harness.
He puts one of his knives to Eco's chest, telling him to stop the carriage. Eco silently refuses and instead takes out a canister of Arlon's poison gas, allowing it to waft into the irregular's face as he jumps on a horse, telling Linna to follow his lead. The irregular attacks anyway, the poison having no apparent effect, and keeps Linna occupied, causing him and Eco to lose each other. Linna shouts to Eco the message: PRince ORcelito is the real one and he must accompany Musca to wherever she wants to go. He tries to tell him about the Amontel...but the carriage tips over.
Eco has to keep riding, not able to confirm Linna's status.
Belca is captured and lectured by Kiliko. Linna fell into the Cassia rivers and, given it's winter, his chances of surviving the freezing waters are not good. Orcelito comes in, asking if Belca was threatened or poisoned but Belca confesses he wanted to warn the Amontel. Kiliko approaches Belca, asking if Linna was a poison user. Poison users tend to be weak in general but Linna can face five guys with a single cane. He confirms Linna is alive but he's having his guards keep an eye on him. Linna has taken full blame for his actions despite Belca protesting that he ordered him to act on his account. Kiliko then calls Orcelito away for his dinner with Lord Taine, saying the Investiture Ceremony is the day after tomorrow so...tick tock. Kiliko tells Belca not to worry and to attend the Investiture Ceremony, ending the chapter with saying it's the only way he can assure Linna's safety...
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Chapter 3
Orcelita is pissed.
Not only is his brother apparently dead but he's just been told by the elder's son that he's going to be the council's puppet. The son says "Bro, chill...we're just doing what's best for the country.". So Orcelita finally shouts out his name (Kiliko Lagen) and demands to know why he's treating the royal family like this. Kiliko smugly leaves, saying that Orcelita is cranky and needs his rest. Before he can fully exit, Orcelita asks about Belca. Kiliko says they couldn't find him despite looking. Outside the room, Kiliko tells the guard with him he assumes he died due to all the blood found at the landing site, his body clearly having been eaten by beasts. Clearly a massive inconvenience, Kiliko orders the guard to find out if Belca's personal belongings are on the black market or are being sold in antique shops. If he is alive, he needs to be captured immediately before he starts saying shit. Prince Orcelita is not to be let out of his room. Taking out a poison, Kiliko cryptically states that while things didn't work out with Hector, there's a chance Orcelita could still be put under their control.
Meanwhile, our special guy Belca is recuperating under an unfamiliar ceiling in a dirty room somewhere. Belca wakes up thinking that he fell asleep in Ossan's barracks before he remembers what happened. While he's trying to figure out how he's still breathing, Ego comes in with breakfast! It's bear! Beary delicious!
Belca demands to know where he is before he feels a jolt of pain from his bandages. Ego tells him not to move around too much, saying it's a miracle he's still alive. He says the bear, as in the bear he is being served to eat for breakfast right now, cushioned his fall and he should eat it to show proper respect for its sacrifice. Belca is worried about Orcelita but Eco (Now going by Eco because I've apparently misread his name) introduces himself instead, saying he rents the cabin they're staying in during the winter and he works as a scholar and a bard. Eco asks his name, causing Belca to realize that 1) Eco doesn't know who he is and 2) that means he's not back in the palace. Belca tries to ask where he is but both are interrupted by guards knocking on the door, demanding to search the cabin.
They say a rebel, using the name of Prince Belca, has fled to the mountains and he stole treasure from the sacred tombs. Eco tells Belca that they're in the town district of the Royal Tomb's Palace Vila, specifically the mountain outskirts near it. Belca figures the elders haven't found him yet...but they're looking. And they'll use any method they have to make sure the secret he and Orcelita found out stays buried.
The guards burst in...to find an empty room. Eco and Belca are hiding in the storage and the guards begin their search. But on the bright side, Eco thinks this event will make a good song!
Belca points out that the guards are naturally gonna check a fucking closet but Eco tells him to be optimistic. The guards promptly find the closet and open the door...only for an old man to jump in and yell at them, demanding to know why they're breaking into his house. One guard angrily says not to talk to them like that only for the old man to snap at him to fix his damn door. He then goes on a rant about how because of the guards' deer hunt, his livelihood is ruined. The mice are breeding, the sprouts are being eaten up...the guards are too uncomfortable to talk back to him. They leave and tell him to keep an eye out for the felon, with the old man still shouting at them to fix his door.
With the fuzz sent packing, Eco formally introduces the old man to Belca as Gramps. Gramps happily says he just finished winter preparations a bit ago and is heading off to the countryside to stay until spring. He says Belca seems chill so he can stay until his wounds heal. Belca asks if anyone is taking this seriously; he is literally being chased by the king's men. Gramps says them mountain folk are different from lowlanders; they're not as softheaded. When spring comes, summer follows. That's the way things are. Nature is different from humans, who change their choices again and again. That's why they (mountain folk) can't be sure if the people on top knows what's right. And that' exactly why Belca should think for himself and make his own decisions.
Belca says Hector used to say something similar. Gramps smiles and tells him to get better soon so that he can show Hector that lively face of his again.
So Gramps leaves, telling Eco to take care of the cabin. Belca thinks about how Hector took on the council and lost. But it's not just him: Orcelito, Belca, even their father...they can't get out of the cage they were put in. Eco has more bear though! But Belca isn't hungry...ah well. Eco says it can't be helped. Belca is a prince after all.
He knows who he is. And he especially knows he's third in line to the throne. Belca shoves him away, accusing him of actually being up to something while demanding to know who he is. Belca says he's nothing but a nuisance in the castle and he's a wanted criminal now. Not only will the guards kill him, they'll kill Eco too if they find out he was harboring him. Eco denies trying to do anything but Belca ain't hearing it, saying if his only choice is to live or die, he should have died when he fell off the cliff. Eco tells him to calm down, asking if he already did his best to improve his situation. Belca stammers over his words and Eco smiles, saying that he knows he did nothing to begin with. Belca says what does he know...before Eco wraps his hands around his throat and pins him to the bed, saying if he's serious about what he said before he can give him what he wants right now.
He even apologizes for unnecessarily treating his wounds, not wanting to delay his trip to the grave. He also tells him it's useless to resist in his current condition so just let the sweet grip of death take him so he can bury him in the area around the cabin so the guards will never find him. Belca is just going to let himself be killed...before he flashes back to Orcelita, remembers him trying to save him and realizes that his dumbass of a brother will never let himself be a puppet for the elders, which leaves only one fate for him...
He suddenly punches Eco off of him, deciding he's sick of letting people die.
Eco is nursing his sore cheek but laughs, betting on Belca not really wanting to die. He apologizes for trying to strangle him to death in order to illustrate a point and goes off to chop wood. Belca isn't sure if Eco was really trying to kill him but rationalizes that if he wanted to, he would have done so before. He wants to see Orcelito (gonna use that name for him; the manga I got goes back and forth) but he remembers Eco's words: "You did nothing to begin with.".
He gets up, gets dressed, eats his bear and leaves behind a note before exiting the room before Eco comes back in. Eco reads that Belca thinks he's creepy but he did help him out so he owes him. He paid for the clothes he took with some earrings.
The chapter ends with Eco realizing in comical horror that Belca is heading down the mountain in that condition.
Chapter 23:
So about the story from a while ago...
The person who kept the prisoners on the ship together was a prisoner himself, Number A-778-25. The captain goes down to his cell to tell him that because of a malfunctioning accelerator furnace, their homeland Tri Cantina is gone. Now the captain's original mission was to transfer them to the island prison but, because of Tri Cantina being wiped off the face of the Earth, they can no longer survive on the island. So, the Captain gives A-778-25 a choice: either consent to being taken to the island and die a slow shitty death or work together with the crew to find a new place to live. To show that he's serious, he removes their cuffs and collars. The prisoners say, "Aren't you worried we're going to take over your ship?". The Captain answers they can try it...if they know how to pilot a ship. Since he can't call them by numbers, he asks them their names. A-778-25 says he can call him Reitz the First. The name comes from a fairy tale about a knight king who led seven knights to save the Lady of Light from the Hokulea. Anyway, the Captain's name is Rovisco and he'll be working with them.
After two weeks, they get attacked by a giant octopus. Running low on fuel and ammunition, Rovisco orders the ship be sailed to the edge of the world and to descend down the waterfall. They never returned...but they were brothers.
Anyway, Belca is telling this story to Eco before he asks him to tell him the rest because that's where Hector left off. If this is the origin of Azelprade then he needs to know.
Eco tells him that the world below the waterfalls was a peaceful place with trees and ground. One of the former prisoners asks Reitz that since they're on solid ground and all, is it okay to let the crew live? Reitz orders that since they still don't know about where they are, the crew has to survive for pragmatic reasons (the one female doctor included). The prisoner asks if it's because he likes them and Reitz gives a vague answer of "Who knows?".
In that land, there lived dark-skinned folk called the Hokulea and fair-skinned folk called Concolor. The Hokulea had strange powers and the Concolor respected them for it and learned from them. Rovisco and the others followed suit. However, there were members of the crew who were against the whole miscegenation thing, Reitz included among them. He accuses the Hokulea of being the Amontel from the fairy tale while Rovisco says they are just different humans and they need to learn from them to survive. Reitz is creeped out by their powers, however, and the crew ends up splitting into two factions. The normies go to live with Hokulea and Concolors and the racists live on the ship.
Soon, winter came and Rovisco goes back to the ship to deliver some supplies to Reitz's faction, not wanting them to starve or die of cold despite his crew trying to warn him that weird shit has been happening on their side. Reitz, oddly friendly, invites Rovisco into his Captain's Quarters which has clearly been wrecked. He tells Rovisco that he was born in a damned place and he has lived a damned life. He thought God had abandoned him...but no. God led him here to give him this land.
Rovisco tries to reason with Reitz, saying there's no such thing as God. Reitz disagrees, saying God created everything, including the both of them. He then tell Rovisco that he has everything: popularity, position, power, women...so he wouldn't mind if he takes it for himself, right?
Later that day, Rovisco's crew comes to pick him up...and discover Reitz stabbing his bloodied corpse, thus beginning the Holy War... The "Hero King" Reitz I, freed the land from the clutches of the descendants of the evil deity, the Amontel. This is how the Kingdom of Azelprade was found.
So...at the Royal Prefecture at Neue Favrille, Musca is introduced to her new servants. She asks what happened to her maid and she is told she was held responsible for what happened in Florel and she was relieved of her duties. In tears, she asks for Seamrog and she's gently told the "Watchdogs" probably got him. Musca, sobbing, screams she doesn't want a new maid and runs off to her new room, pissing off her current maid. Upset that she can't see her big brothers or Seamrog, she sneaks out in disguise. After all, she is still on break from being a lady.
Sneaking by a window via ledge, Musca overhears her new maid bitching about her, revealing her old maid was executed because Musca ran away from Florel. The maid's not just being a bitch for no reason; she's ensuring her survival because she doesn't want to end up like the last one. Musca ends the chapter running off, refusing to believe what she heard.
Chapter 19
Belca discovers his brother's Hector book has two pages stuck together inside (by...by what). He opens it in front of Linna to reveal ancient writing. Belca can read it because Hector taught it to him when he was younger. It says to the Far West of Azelprade, there's a great waterfall at the edge of the ocean, the story itself being about a crew from a ship from an unknown country beyond it. There's a man named Rovisco who is the captain of the ship with his passengers being murderers and criminals who were exiled from the ship. Some time after they set sail, they lost contact with their country. In the middle of the ocean, they encounter many dangers so they work together to fight them off (presumably learning about how the true treasure is friendship in the process), like giant octopuses and, to mix things up a bit, giant squid. Linna points out that it's weird for a simple story to be written in an ancient language and suggests that it's some kind of record of the past. Belca dismisses the theory, saying it's just a kid's story but then he remembers the whole moral of the story...maybe that's why Hector wanted him to read it? Linna wants to investigate the two other books but Belca stops him, saying there's no need to despite Eco being MIA. Linna asks if he doesn't trust him and Belca...
Is not important because nobles are talking outside his window. They have been told that he's been in the castle all along and all the stories they heard about him embarking on a journey outside the castle were bard's tales all along. Kiliko overhears and is glad that the truth is covered up...only for Lord Lagen to approach him, praising him for taking care of the whole Orcelito and Belca problem. Then he gets up his ass for calling for the Knights of Adine, asking him if he's trying to build up a personal army.
Kiliko, sweating, says he didn't realize he was giving off that impression and only thought the ceremony was a good opportunity to introduce the Callione soldiers to the castle. Lord Lagen accepts this excuse, walking while telling Kiliko to make sure they're well-replaced without the "old-timers" learning about it.
Outside, the guards watch as Musca is led inside the castle walls with Eco guiding her while thinking "what the fuck?". They can't go in through the front gate though because the ceremony is happening. Musca is fine but Eco is being side-eyed, being rather broad-shouldered for a lady and having purple eyes, the latter fitting the description of the man who fell into the river yesterday. He ponders on using Musca as a hostage to get out of the situation but then Seamrog runs up, screaming for the guards to look to the northeast. Then arrows rain down on everyone but Seamrog defends them with super-merc blade skills. The Amontel are attacking...
Seamrog orders the guards to take Musca and the wounded in the castle as the Amontel try not to waste their opportunity in getting another member of the royal family. Eco falls over and gets his cloak pinned to the spot by arrows, the Amontel descending to take him hostage. They say he's a booby prize in face of Musca but Seamrog can't understand a thing they're saying. Eco silently signals to Seamrog that he's gonna be fine and to just let them take him, which Seamrog obeys despite worrying.
Anyway, Orcelito is being inducted as king in the ceremony. Technically, tradition says that he's in fact the Servant of the Hero King but whatever. Things are still awkward between Belca and Linna.
At the Amontel cave, while in the waterway leading in, they ask Eco why he's helping them fight against his own people. Eco answers he just wants to rescue some friends of his who are in the castle and the Amontel did him a favor by kidnapping him before he was revealed in his disguise. So then they're attacked by monsters...
But while Tremors: Origins is happening, the help at the castle are discussing the attack by the Amontel. The maid is scared but the guard assures her that the beasts that lives in the waterway will definitely get them.
Back to Belca and Linna relationship drama. Linna says he's not a child and he knew the risk of allying with Belca. He again asks Belca to trust him. Belca says it's not that he doesn't trust him, it's that to him, Linna is---
Belca then sees a reflection. Eco has escaped the Amontels and left them to the worms. The chapter ends with him off to rescue his prince...
Chapter 6
(Do NOT get the bad ending with him.)
Our boys are out and away from Sana. The sun is rising and they're on their way to Neue Favrille...but screw them, back to Shingetsu. He's being scolded for taking his bow and arrow on his travels, against the wishes of the elders and the shrine maidens, but he says he's just going to follow the whereabouts of his comrades. Of the Amontels who were captured in Sana, half of them are still alive and are being shipped out. The other Amontel with him points out that if they attack the stone capital, the place will respond in kind. If he attacks the kingdom, the Amontel risk being completely wiped out. Naturally, Shingetsu counters that if they remain quiet, do they think the kingdom will leave them alone? See, Shingetsu is not like the elders who are content to just sit in one place and slowly die.
Anyway, at the castle, Musca gets a gift from Prince Orcelito. It's chocolates! She's making a wreath of white clovers for Belca (?!). She may be a brat but she's grateful for him saving her from the bonfire. She's a lady after all: she's obligated to thank someone who saved her life. However, when she's spent all day looking for him, she breaks down crying, demanding to know where he is. Ossan comes upon her and takes her wreath of clovers, saying she's pretty good. Her wet nurse steps in to defend her, saying she'll have him punished before Musca stops her, saying she'll forgive him and giving him the wreath of clovers, saying that since Belca isn't around, he might as well have it. However, he has to pay her back by letting her ride home on his shoulders. The wet nurse is horrified, saying that Ossan is filthy. Musca argues that if Ossan bathes and can put on his own clothes, he's clean enough. Ossan says that Musca caught him when he was on his way to submit his resignation. When she asks for him to explain what that is, he changes the subject, saying that for today, he's in the service of the princess. Then Musca notices a clover on the ground, wondering if it's for the wreath she made for Orcelito earlier. She then asks to be taken to the Government Archives' building, despite mercenaries (re: Ossan) not being allowed in that place. He says he can't take her any further than the entrance.
He drops her off and skedaddles, allowing Musca to run off and meet Orcelito who looks a bit...out of it.
She asks if he's okay but K-Dog says he's tired because of all the preparations for the coronation ceremony he has to undertake soon. He says whatever she wants to talk about has to wait. She gets upset, telling him to move aside and introduces himself as the far lamer name-bearer of Kiliko, Musca runs over to Orcelito and clings to him, saying she's worried about him. Kiliko offers to lend her his subordinates in order to look for whoever she was looking for earlier but she tells him to fuck off with his subordinates and his hard to remember name. Musca says to Orcelito that she can only get help from him, saying that Belca can't help because he's the son of a whore. Orcelito's eyes widen and Musca expects to be hit again...but he just walks past her, leaving with Kiliko who tells her to go back to her room.
Later at the mercenaries' den:
A guy gets a note from his informer bird, the others getting mad at him for it and saying that if the palace found out, he's getting fired. He counters that mercenaries can't do anything if they don't know the situation and reads the note. Apparently, there's a rumor that Prince Belca has appeared in Sana and that Orbus had Prince Hector assassinated. What a rip! A total waste of 10 silvers. Besides, Prince Belca is in his room, right? But Ossan isn't so sure of that...also, they had most of the palace guards replaced so something is definitely going on.
Later on in her room, Musca asks her wet nurse if she though Prince Orcelito was being strange. The wet nurse agrees...after all, it's what the princess said so it's what she must think. Though she accepts Kiliko's explanation that he was just tired from preparing for the ceremony. She then suggests that Musca give him a wreath of herbs to relieve his stress tomorrow. Musca nods and goes to sleep...except she doesn't, still bothered with how Orcelito was acting towards her. She sneaks out...
Meanwhile, Kiliko asks about the progress on Operation: Take Over The Fucking Kingdom. It's going smoothly: Orcelito is being poisoned perfectly, with normal speech eventually set to become off-limits to him. Kiliko may be surrounded by newbies but this mission is important so he doesn't mind. Then a guard catches Musca outside. Kiliko reacts appropriately.
He tells them to take her back to her room. The guard comes out to escort her, amid her protests, and she looks back to see Orcelito looking down at her:
Musca is shaken.
Kiliko goes into Orcelito's room, undressing him while saying Musca is so much like what he was: a person of action. He closes the door from the inside, asking Orcelito for his opinion on it...
Meanwhile, in Kras Ahbo, Eco and Belca were able to sell their sword and dresses for a nice price. And they went shopping! A perfect normal day for a valley girl. But Eco has a cold from being pushed into the sea in by a solider. What the fuck are they talking about? We won't know soon because they spot a slave dealer in the middle of town square. He's selling an Amontel...Eco suggests getting one as an attendant (even though that will significantly cut into the food budget) but Belca coldly replies that he doesn't need such a monster, much to Eco's worry.
Later at the campfire, Eco asks Belca if he hates the Amontel that much. Belca burns his tongue on his roasted meat and asks Eco to repeat him. Eco changes his question to comment on how naturally Belca takes to camping outdoors even though he's a royal. Belca comments that he's very much not okay with it. It's dark, it's cold and there are animals for whatever reason...but he does like the forest for one thing: the people out there don't care about your blood lineage. And he likes the food!
No time to unravel the hypocrisy of that statement because when Eco gets too kiss the homies goodnight with Belca, the latter finds out the former has a fever. Before they can deal with that, Belca notices something watching them. Belca goes over to investigate it even though Eco says it's a bad idea and the two spot an Amontel. Eco suggests just talking to him but Belca draws his sword, advancing on the Amontel, accusing him of hiding with the intent to ambush and kill them. Eco points out the Amontel, who looks rather young, is injured and can barely move so chill the fuck out for just a damn second. Belca shouts back at Eco for defending him, saying he's an Amontel ergo he's the reason his brother is dead.
Even Belca seemed surprised to say that out loud only for the tense moment to be broken up by the sounds of hoofs approaching them, a nobleman arriving to provide them with assistance.
Also, that Amontel? It escaped from his residence. He'll like it back please.
End of chapter.
Chapter 16
Okay, we're trying something different. I will summarize the Omake...and do a quick summary of the chapter itself which apparently I have find on another site. Good? Okay.
Today, we learn about soldiers' uniforms. In the +C world, "soldier" refers a guard with light equipment. In peaceful times, they maintain town security, escort nobles and other stuff. When they're in Neue Favrille, they dress up in a manner suitable for skirmishes. The creator says it was designed as a one piece with puffed sleeves, making it more suitable on women as seen below:
(Why are there no women soldiers? The creator's excuse is because it's a Josei manga. Take it up with him.)
The design is the same across different territories though soldiers tend to put their own touches on it, like family crests and such. And that's it. Hector want Amazon soldiers but he is mocked for it.
In an Omake story, Hector is targeted by the God of Death. The God asks if he has any last words and he says...he wants to be popular with girls. Apparently he heard "last request" and "last words". He torments the God. The end.
Chapter Summary: Orcelito and Kiliko have entered into a deadly alliance to take on the elders of the kingdom and Eco gets to watch girls dance. Good for him.