sugisprout - sugi

Sugi | they/he/she | current interests : pokemon, pokespe, sos/hm, 3DS, Nintendoart account : @sugiarttime

716 posts

Happy International Lesbian Day To Me

Happy international lesbian day to me


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1 year ago
Games Vs Anime ; Local Old Man Cannot Stop Pitting Children Against Each Other
Games Vs Anime ; Local Old Man Cannot Stop Pitting Children Against Each Other

games vs anime ; local old man cannot stop pitting children against each other

whats his deal? between this & pokespe oak knowingly using a bird against an 11 yo girl who's afraid of birds from bird-related trauma im beginning to suspect he just secretly hates kids

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1 year ago

I think yellows pretty neat because they can be either transmasc or transfem (I lean more to transfem but I love both headcanons)

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1 year ago

a look in a dark room

Hi, please enjoy this drabble I wrote because I can’t stop listening to “You Are in Love” by Taylor Swift.

Gladion was sitting at the desk, either a midnight breakthrough or a late night incoherent through plaguing his mind. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he’d noted it down to come back to in the morning. He turned on the lamp, wincing at the bright light now filling the small room. He glanced at the bed and breathed a small sigh of relief when Hau hadn’t moved an inch. 

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1 year ago

I have an affinity for guys that look like lesbians (they’re lesbians trust)

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1 year ago

Meme #129

Id: A meme about Green (female) and Yellow from Pokemon Adventures. It uses a tumblr interaction between users austimpowerz and kalachakran as the base. Green says, “mutuals i am taking you to the beach and bury you in the sand and then leaveing.” Yellow, looking happy, says, “weee heehee heee im buried!!!!!! :D” Then, looking worried, she says, “the water” /end id

(Image description in ALT text, original images below the cut!) 

Id: A tumblr interaction between users austimpowerz and kalachakran. The first user says, “mutuals i am taking you to the beach and bury you in the sand and then leaveing.” The second user responds, “weee heehee heee im buried!!!!!! :D” then, in another reblog, say, “the water.” /end id
Id: A panel of Green (female) from Pokemon Adventures. She has her hands clasped together and smiles excitedly. /end id
Id: A panel of Yellow from Pokemon Adventures. She is holding Pika in her arms and smiling brightly as she speaks. /end id
Id: A panel of Yellow from Pokemon Adventures, she is holding her pokedex and looking worried. Her Omanyte and Gravaler are around her legs. /end id