any pronouns | 19 | do not repost/trace my art! edit/pfp use is fine with proper credit :3 @sukuaeheddo on twitter and instagram!!
378 posts
Sukuaeheddo - Mandalina - Tumblr Blog

Ik this is super messy but I read Orbital Decay by @eldritch-bf and had to draw them making a sceneeee
[Full image below the cut!]

This could also be me when I'm not posting anything for 3 days straight

brown brian brown brian br

goobers from an art/edit (or pmv..?) i made for an insta reel which is under the cut!! ^_^


Had to explain marble hornets to a friend
psst do you do commissions
i am still preparing comm sheets but you can dm me beforehand for info!! :33

i hope i'm not too late for this meme redraw (i was busy taking a uni enterance exam or something) cuz it's LITERALLY them
thank you for feeding transfem alex autism. i owe you my life
sorryy :,( i saw your ask very late!! teehehe then i am gonna use this opportunity to share my alex wips here ;33

there really WAS ominous green light in this scene trust me!!! and the heart wasnt wrapped in plastic either guys, this is exactly how it played out i promise :33

hello pegoryu nation, plz let me in

Did you know heaven is above one of them and hell is below the other did toumnow did youknow did you-
Questionably fashionable I think.. Alex Kralie is the flannel guy to me but Jay is the collared shirt guy does anyone here me am I the only here