New junk to be added to the junkyard
Lipgloss | Gojo Satoru x fem!OC
Bubblegum | Levi Ackerman x fem!OC DELIVERED
Mini twists | Ukai Keshin x Black!fem!OC
Cream on the Inside, Clean on the Outside | Black!fem!OC x [Unspecified] DELIVERED
More Posts from Sukunasstomachtongue
I feel like i have no choice but to work on Eyes on Me because yall are really fucking with the teaser and i did not expect that.
Lets see if i can finish it before sunday
Gojo in my Eyes on Me fic kinda reminds me of joe for YOU. Welp,
Half the reason i lust after Gojo is because of the lifestyle he would provide. Like with Gojo is black girl luxury personified.
And that’s exactly what my OC is gonna get
Че за черт, чувак? I'm sorry but what's wrong with being Russian and white? Or is it being beautiful a crime? Maybe I lack some context here (and if so, I apologize) but the previous anon didn't insult non-white people. They were also quite kind and respectful towards you. Simply, the vast majority of Russians happen to be white. Why does everything always have to do with race? Not to mention that „purple eyes“ hints at something called fantasy. I don't mean to be rude, believe me, but maybe you should try to be more polite with people, especially since it's not like everyone is automatically racist or whatever just because you assume them to be. If you act like an a-hole, being black doesn't automatically excuse you. To non-racist people (like me, albeit I cannot speak for the previous anon) it doesn't matter if you or a character of yours is black or white or whatever; a well-written character is a well-written character, and if you're an a-hole, you're an a-hole. And that's pretty much it. You don't need to answer this message, I don't care, but please think about it. You can become the better version of yourself if you really try, or you can simply continue being verbally abusive and overly aggressive towards kind people who have done literally nothing whatsoever to you. They were even concerned about your well-being! They even thanked you, and you wished them to die, like that. You think to be a victim, but right now you look more like an abuser. Please consider it. We all rant about how awful and unjust the world is, but what do we do to make it a better place? Maybe the request upset you, and that's perfectly fine, but in that case, all you had to do was just to say „hey, I'm sorry, I don't think I would feel comfortable writing such a character“ and that would have been it, no hard feelings. But did you have to menace people by saying you wish them to be „popped in their mouth“? Honestly, that's... sick. It's twisted. It's evil. You're not being a decent human being, you're being someone who wishes the death of another human being just because of the colour of their skin (assuming they are Russian, since they identify with the reader). You know what such a person is commonly called? A racist. Right now you're actively being a racist. And maybe some innocent but stupid white dude on the internet will read your aggressive attitude and think „they hate me because of my skin, so guess what? I guess i'll hate them in return, so we're even“. So they'll be abusive towards an innocent and stupid black fellow, who will think the same and will be abusive towards another innocent and stupid white guy, and so on, and so forth. I hope you see what you did there. This, colonialism aside, is how racism is spread. Please think about it. Don't waste time replying to me. Instead, start acting like a decent human being and spend two minutes of your time replying to the poor anon who made the request. Of course you have no obligations to fulfil their request, but I believe you should owe them the same respect they showed to you, at the very least.
fuck being a decent human baby 🥱 they should’ve read my rules and understood the assignment

Hate how i get inspired to write, right before i take a nap. Time to pull up the google docs app and type this shit up