Grimoire Challenge -Week 1
Grimoire Challenge - Week 1

Monday: Preparing your grimoire
Include your name and the date
Create a dedication to put into your grimoire. Dedicate it to whatever or whomever you praise.
Write it out and put it into your grimoire. Make sure to ask for protection as well.
Create a color magick chart. Correspond ink colors with your intention when writing in your grimoire.
Draw sigils that bring protection to your grimoire and wards off unwanted eyes.
Chart out or make a timeline of your witchcraft so far, make it easy to expand and add onto. Include any events that helped shape your path.
Tuesday: Start of the year journal prompts
Define your path.
When did you begin your path?
How has it changed over time (more specifically how has it changed since last year?)
What makes witchcraft YOUR path?
What does being a witch mean to you?
What do you hope to achieve and and learn through witchcraft?
How has time affected your beliefs?
How did you come across witchcraft?
What made you want to practise witchcraft?
What do you hope to achieve by doing the 2017 grimoire challenge?
Is there anything you fear while following this path?
What type of entities do you believe in?
Who are your patron Gods and Goddesses, if any?
In what ways do you hope to grow?
Wednesday: Goal Setting
Set a goal you want to complete by the end of the month.
Set five goals you want to complete by the end of the year.
What are your witchcraft related life goals?
Thursday: Chosen tools of your craft
What is the one tool you use immensely in your craft that you could not practice without? Why? What are its correspondences, properties, uses?
List the main tools used in your practice.
Do you work with crystals? Bones? Herbs? How do you use them? Why do you use them? What kind or role do they play in your craft?
Friday: Types of Witches
Are you a solitary practitioner or do you practice with a coven? Why do you choose the solitary path or vice versa?
Do you use a label?
If so, what kind of witch do you label yourself as?
If not, what are your reasons for not using a label?
Do you agree with the use of labels? Are they used too freely, with not enough thought put into them?
Is there a certain witchcraft path that you may not agree with? What is it that you do not agree with?
Do some research on it, gather enough knowledge for you to understand their practise. Once you gather enough of an understanding do an entry on it. Make sure to include your opinions before and after you did your research.
Saturday: Full Moon
There is a full moon on Saturday, February 11th.
Do you have anything planned for the full moon?
What is your favorite activity to do during the full moon?
Do you perform rituals? Cleanse crystals? Cast spells?
Do you have any full moon traditions?
Create a correspondence between full moon and the months. Does a certain month influence the moon’s magick?
Create a list of 2017′s full moons.
Sunday: February Magick Calendar
Draw out the February calendar in your grimoire. Include any important magickal dates such as the full moons, sabbats, retrogrades, eclipses, and any other important magickal workings. Use this to organize when you want to practice magick or meet with your coven.
If you post your progress make sure to use the tag #moonlight grimoire challenge so I can reblog it here. Good Luck!
Moonlight Grimoire Challenge
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Specific Hozier Music Edits Masterlist
(I'll update this everytime I post a new one)
• Shrike but you're sitting by your open window during a thunderstorm
• In The Woods Somewhere but you're actually somewhere in the woods during a summer night, sitting by a campfire
• No Plan but you're sitting on an empty beach looking out on the sea
• Almost (Sweet Music) but you're sitting on a porch during a thunderstorm
• Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene but you're driving through a snow blizzard at night
• Wasteland, Baby! but you're driving at night through rain
• As It Was but you're sitting on your windowsill, watching the thunderstorm that's going on outside
• Sedated but you're underwater
• Wasteland, Baby! but you’re right at the edge of a dark forest, sitting by a bonfire
• Run but you’re sitting by a lake. The sun just went down and you lit a bonfire to keep yourself warm
• From Eden but you're sitting in a field by a small river. It's a nice sunny day & the birds are chirping
• Arsonist's Lullabye but you're all cozied up in front of an open fireplace
• NFWMB (Acoustic) but you’re in the middle of a forest at night, sitting in the entrance of your tent in front of a bonfire
• In A Week by Hozier but it’s coming from an unknown source in the distance; you’re laying in the middle of a field, insects are buzzing around you
• It Will Come Back but you’re sitting at the edge of a cliff looking out onto the ocean and the thunderstorm that’s raging in the distance
• Foreigner’s God but you’re walking through howling wind
• Work Song but you’re on an empty beach, looking out onto the ocean while the daylight fades
• Dinner & Diatribes but it’s playing at a fancy cocktail/dinner party
• Would That I but you’re sitting outside on a windy day enjoying the way the trees move and the leaves rustle all around you
• Movement but you’re lying on your couch next to an open window, enjoying the thunderstorm that’s going on outside
• Like Real People Do but you’re in the forest, actually digging up something (or someone?)
• Work Song but sung by a woman/female!Hozier
• Run but sung by a woman/female!Hozier
• Take me to Church but sung by a woman/female!Hozier
• NFWMB but it’s playing from an old truck radio. You’re at the edge of a forest at night, cuddled up to your lover in the makeshift bed in the back of the truck, listening to the sounds of their breathing and heartbeat
Moons n Holidays 2018
Been working on filling out my calendar this evening… Here are the important witchy dates for the coming year!
January 1st: Full Wolf Moon 17th: New Snow Moon 31st: Full Snow Moon (Blue Moon!)
February 1st: Imbolc 15th: New Worm Moon
March 1st: Full Worm Moon 17th: New Pink Moon 20th: Ostara 31st: Full Pink Moon (second Blue moon!!)
April 16th: New Flower Moon 29th: Full Flower Moon
May 1st: Beltane 15th: New Strawberry Moon 29th: Full Strawberry Moon
June 13th: New Buck Moon 21st: Litha 28th: Full Buck Moon
July 13th: New Sturgeon Moon 24th: Full Sturgeon Moon
August 1st: Lughnasadh 11th: New Corn Moon 26th: Full Corn Moon
September 9th: New Harvest Moon 23rd: Mabon 24th: Full Harvest Moon
October 9th: New Hunters Moon 24th: Full Hunters Moon
November 1st: Samhain 7th: New Beaver Moon 23rd: Full Beaver Moon
December 7th: New Cold Moon 21st: Yule 22nd: Full Cold Moon
Reblog if you could use a little good luck to start your fall - this spell is for you: a white candle for purification, some dried orange peel and senna leaf for luck and magic, and the cutest little acorn I could find :)

Receive Good News This Week Spell
Positive Affirmation: “I will receive the good news is have been waiting for or I will get some type of good news this week”
Like to Charge, Reblog To Cast Spell…