19 posts

Silly Girl

Silly girl

You started dating Timothee only a month ago. You experienced warm feelings for each other, you were good together, you felt like you were home. But you and Timothee were very different. You were from different backgrounds, with different interests and preferences. But it wasn't a bad thing. You learned a lot from him, and he from you. You shared with each other your stories, your experiences, your hobbies.

Timothee loved being around people. It seemed to you that he always felt confident among them. He was an actor and of course his social life was very active. Regular business meetings. Also a lot of parties. Timothee has often invited you along as his girfriend. You've always been afraid to meet new people. It was stressful for you. Over time, you could overcome your fear a little, but you did not succeed in completely conquering it. But you couldn't refuse Timothee. Especially when he looked at you with sincerity and enthusiasm in his eyes. He sincerely wanted you to be with him. So that he can hold your hand, hug your waist among all these people. He was crazy about you and wanted to show everyone that he belongs to you and you belong to him.

  It was a party about... honestly, you had no idea what it was about. But as soon as you entered a room full of people, you immediately felt anxious. You felt like all eyes were on you. In a bad way. You were wearing a purple dress. It was simple, but you liked it. Even though Timothee held your hand the whole time, you felt like it was getting harder for you to breathe every minute. Every time Timothee introduced you to someone, you felt the eyes of these people burn through you. The way they look at you, then look at Timothee and wonder, "What's a guy like him doing with a girl like her?" You knew that these thoughts were irrational. They are the product of your imagination, you convinced yourself. Timothee has repeatedly told you how much you meant for him, how much he likes you. You haven't said the magic words "I love you" to each other yet. You were in love with him, yes. But you was afraid to say these words first.

While Timothee was talking to some guy named Jake, you excused yourself and went to find another drink. Timothee nodded to you and as you walked, you felt his eyes on you. He's been looking at you all evening. Constantly asking how you feel. You said that everything was fine with you, but it was clear that he did not believe you.

You walked over to the drinks table and grabbed another glass. You looked around the room and the people around you and all you wanted now was to become invisible. Or hide from everyone. You're not used to this. To such people, such an environment. But it was important to Timothee, and he was important to you.

You were so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you didn't notice Timothee approach you. You don't know if he called you or not, but when you felt him take your hand, you shuddered.

“God!” you said, “Tim. You scared me, - you smiled at him and saw that he was looking at you carefully.

- I'm sorry, baby. Are you okay?

- Of course, I'm f...

"Tell me the truth," he interrupted you, "please."

“What do you mean?” you asked him and honestly tried to sound convincing.

"You know what I mean," he said and moved closer to you. Then he put his hand on your cheek and began to gently stroke your face with his thumb – “you pretend all evening that you are having a good time, but I know that you are not. Your eyes betray you.”

Involuntarily, your eyes began to fill with tears, but you quickly pulled yourself together and wiped away the tear that treacherously rolled down your cheek. As soon as Timothee saw your tears, horror was reflected in his eyes.

“Baby, what…,” he began to say, but this time you didn’t let him finish.

- I`m so sorry, - you quickly began to apologize, avoiding his gaze, - it's just everything is very new to me. I mean all these people, this type of life. I've had anxiety all my life when I'm around strangers, and now it's only gotten worse. I may be acting like a child, but I feel like all these people are looking at me. And on you. When you're with me, hold my hand. It's like they're judging me for being with you. I love to go everywhere with you, but sometimes it's just too much for me. I didn't want to tell you about it because you were so happy and excited. I'm sorry.

When you finished speaking, Timothee held you tight.

“My silly girl,” he said, after which he looked into your eyes, “you should have told me everything at once. Do you think your feelings are not important? Yes, I love it when you go to events with me, I love to always be with you, but the most important thing is how you feel.

"I just…" you started, but he interrupted you again and pressed his lips to yours. After a while, he pulled away from your lips and looked into your eyes.

- Your feelings are important. You are important to me. Don't ever forget that, got it? If you feel that you are not ready to go somewhere or do something, then you immediately tell me about it. So that we can do things together that we both enjoy. The most important thing in a relationship is talking to each other, right? Do you know who told me about this? You,” he smiled tenderly and kissed me on the forehead, “besides,” Timothee whispered in my ear, “you are better than all the people who are here. With you I feel like myself. The rest of you who don't like it can fuck off.

"Thank you," you whispered and nuzzled into his neck.

"My girl," he muttered, and pulled you closer to him. Warmth spread through your body from his words.

- Tim, I like to go everywhere with you, it's just that sometimes it's ... too much, you know? I need a little time to get used to.

- Anything you want. I'll give you whatever you want, - he said sincerely.

“Do you want to leave?” Timothee asked after a couple of moments.

- Honestly? Yes, - you said modestly and smiled slightly. Timothee smiled back at you, took you tightly by the hand and led you to the exit. So that you can spend time just the two of you, away from the whole world.

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More Posts from Sunshinekindof

3 years ago

Ray of light

It was late at night. You were lying in your bed that you shared with Alexander, in your common room, and read a book. Alexander was busy preparing for the next military campaign. You were busy too. You were in charge of medical care for Grisha, but today you had a free evening, and you decided to occupy yourself with an interesting book while you wait for Alexander's return.

After a while, you heard how the door of your bedroom opened and Alexander entered the room, on whose face you saw anger and irritation.

"Great," you thought sarcastically, "someone is in a great mood."

“Hello dear,” you said to Alexander and smiled over the top of your book. In response, he just nodded briefly at you and began to take off his kefta, shirt, pants.

You were with Alexander for several years, so you knew what you need to do when he was in such a mood. First, you began to observe his actions. When he took off his clothes, instead of going to bed with you, he sat on the edge of your bed with him and put his head in his arms, trying to control his emotions. He didn't want to be around you in this state, so he tried to calm down before going to bed with you. Alexander, the head of the Second Army, a fearless and always collected General, now looked broken. You couldn't stand it.

You quietly put the book aside, then moved closer to Alexander and gently covered his tense shoulders with your hands. Alexander flinched, but didn't try to remove your touch. Then you pressed your cheek to the base of his neck and began to gently stroke his shoulders, trying to remove the tension from his body.

“Whatever happened,” you began to say quietly, “you can handle it.” You gently, almost weightlessly kissed him and his neck “Besides ...”, - you continue, giving Alexander one more kiss, - “always remember ... ", - one more kiss," You are not alone. "

You moved closer to Alexander and with your index finger gently turned his head towards you, "I will always be with you, and I always got your back" you whispered against his lips, then gently pressed your lips to his. It wasn't a passionate kiss that usually leaves your bedroom in a mess. It was a pure kiss, full of the promise of everlasting love and support.

Alexander broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to yours. His eyes were closed, but you could feel the darkness raging in his body.

“And I will always protect you, from any danger,” you added with a smile. This time he smiled.

“From any danger?” He asked affectionately and finally hugged you.

"Well ...," you said, "except for the boredom that happens at your meetings in the palace." You are not sure that your remark would be appropriate in this situation, but you could not stop yourself from trying to feel better.

When Alexander looked at you again, there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. Thank God. At first Alexander wanted to come up with an answer to your joke, but he saw with what love you were looking at him, so the only thing he managed to say was "I love you." Then he buried his face in your neck and pressed you even tighter to him.

"And I love you. Always remember this," you whispered into his hair and hugged him tighter. Alexander knew this, but all the same, every time your declarations of love filled his heart with the hope that all was not lost for him. You were his personal ray of light, a guiding star and he will do everything to make you happy.

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3 years ago

Some sweetness

You were in the kitchen cooking dinner for Billy and yourself. He had to come home from work any minute. You hardly saw each other all week due to the workload. Today you managed to leave work early and decided to cook something delicious for your boyfriend.

Suddenly you heard the front door open. You looked in the doorway and saw that Billy came home.

“Hey baby,” you said, smiling at him, “in 5 minutes, dinner will be ready,” you said and went back to cooking, trying to finish it faster. Billy didn't say anything to you, which made you frown. Suddenly you felt Billy's hands on your waist, he pressed against you from the back and buried his face in your neck, inhaling your scent.

“Hey, what's wrong?” You asked softly, stroking Billy's hands.

“It's been a damn long day,” Billy said to your neck and began to shower her with kisses. Then he turned you around to face him and passionately kissed you on the lips, trying to express with this kiss how he missed you, how he missed you. You answered the kiss and ran your fingers through his hair, pulled softly on them. Billy moaned on your lips and smiled, "I missed you," he said, and pressed his forehead to yours.

“I missed you too,” you said with a smile. You stood there for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

- we need to eat, - after a while you said, - you need to eat, - you added, - baby, you look exhausted.

- A lot of work at the office, I'll be fine, - he slightly smiled, - I'm already fine when you're next to me, - he added again, hugging you to him.

This evening, for the first time in a long time, you spent together, not looking up from each other

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1 year ago

I trust you, silly

Timothee and I have been married for several months. Of course, I knew what I was getting into when I said yes to him. Crazy schedule, long breakups, his fame, sidelong glances in my direction. And also rumors. Of course, I knew that all this would happen, and I was completely ready for anything. To be completely honest, I was prone to overthinking, but I honestly tried to control myself. Sometimes it seemed to me that Timothee was going through just as much as I did. He knows that I love him, but, as he sometimes tells me, "I'm just afraid that I'm not worthy of you." To which I usually laugh at the stupidity of this thought. He is everything I wanted and more.

Timothee was filming a new movie in another state. He called me every time he had a free minute. I was happy to hear his voice, but I wanted him to take care of himself and get some sleep. Sometimes he may forget that he needs to do things like sleep and eat. To which he always replied that he was fine and asked how my day went.

Today is my day off, Timothee won't be back any time soon, and our apartment has long needed a thorough cleaning. It seems that I have found something to do with myself.

We didn't get to talk yesterday. In the morning I sent him a message wishing good morning and a good day, to which he has not yet answered. While I was having breakfast, I decided to scroll through the Twitter feed. When I was scrolling through the news, photos of Timothee with his co-star, female co-star began to appear to me. Kristen, if I'm not mistaken. For my taste, she stood too close to him. The photo was accompanied by the caption “Problems in Paradise?”. Then there was a photo in which Kristen put her hand on my husband's shoulder. Timothee was standing with his back to the camera in the photo, so I couldn't see his face. Fans have been waiting for the release of this movie. There were a lot of fanarts that showed Timothee and Kristen together. Like together. Then I saw a short video of Kristen putting her hand on Timothy's chest and laughing. There were more photos, but I refuse to look at them. Ok, that`s enough. Enough Twitter for today. I am not a masochist.

I have no doubts about Timothee, but nevertheless I felt my blood boil involuntarily. Kristen may be the star of this movie, but Timothee is mine. I could not resist and called him, but he did not answer. Okay, enough thinking. He will call back as soon as he can. As always.

Leaving my phone on the table, I turned on the music at full volume and went to clean up. Organizing things helps you relax. After cleaning, I went to the farmers' market. Our refrigerator was empty. While I was away, my phone died. After 4 hours (oops), I finally went home and almost dropped my grocery bags. Timothee was walking towards me, holding a telephone in his hands, and traces of panic on his face.

- How ..., - I began, but he did not let me finish and wrapped his arms tightly around me. Along with packages.

- Timothee! Packages…can't hold…” I started, feeling the groceries drop from my hands onto the floor. In response, he only pulled away from me for a moment, put away his purchases, and clung to me again.

“Hey baby…don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to have you here, but you weren’t supposed to be back for another month. Baby, are you okay?”

"I couldn't get through to you all day and I panicked," he muttered into my neck.

- Timothee...

I pulled back to look into his eyes and to my horror saw unshed tears there.

- Tim, what are you doing? I was just at the market and my phone died. I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry.

I pressed my lips to his. I wanted to stop the kiss, but he didn't let me do it, but only deepened it. Instinctively, I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned.

- Babe…

Why didn't you answer me?

- Did not answer? You didn't call me

- I did! Look! - he began to show me his phone

- Maybe a bad connection or something. And then my phone died. Look, - I smiled and showed him my phone

“I thought you left me,” he suddenly said and looked away from me.

- What? Timothee! Why did you think so?

- Have you seen the photo?

- You and Kristen? Yes, but...

- That's not what it looks like! Honestly! She just got too close... and I immediately said no... and that if this happens again, then I will leave the film...

- Timothee!" I interrupted.

- No, its true. So, and then I couldn’t contact you and I panicked and immediately came…

- Baby, you are so silly, - I laughed and this time I hugged myself tightly, - I told you a thousand times that I trust you.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.

- You didn`t! Oh baby, I can't believe you came all this way just because I didn't answer you for a couple of hours, - I smiled and kissed his nose

- Not a couple of hours! Almost 24 hours!

-Timothee … what am I gonna do with you?

- Never let me go. And love me,” he said embarrassedly.

"Always," I replied, and kissed him again.

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3 years ago

Tough day

The last few weeks at work have been tough for Billy. New contracts, important clients, regular meetings. And, it seemed, every little thing demanded Billy's attention, so he was tense lately. You managed to see each other, but these were rare, short moments. You were not happy about this, but you understood that now Billy needs your support, although he will never admit it. He was not used to sharing his experiences, because he considered it a manifestation of weakness, but you had a different opinion about this.

Billy tried to spend every free minute with you, but now he rarely succeeded. When you were around, he felt calm, as if at home. At least that was how he imagined the house. The place where he is expected, loved and always supported. Billy knew that he could trust you, but he believed that he should protect you, even from the whole world, if necessary, because he cherished you. Therefore, he did not tell you about his problems, and you have not yet dared to insist.

Having managed to complete all the plans in the morning, you decided to visit Billy, at least for a couple of minutes. You went to his favorite cafe and bought him an apple pie. You knew that food like that wasn’t suitable for lunch, but Billy loves apple pie, and you wanted to please him. Billy rarely got mad at you unless you seriously screw up. And you hoped that your presence at his work would not give him problems today.

You walked into the Anvil building and went straight to Billy's office. Entering the room, you saw Jessica, Billy's secretary. You weren't intimately familiar, but she knew who you were.

“Hi Jess,” you said with a smile. She looked tired and the table was littered with papers. She looked up at you with tired eyes and smiled faintly.

- Hey! How do you? Sorry, but Billy is at the meeting ... - then you both heard your boyfriend's angry voice coming from the next room. From what you heard, it became clear that one of his subordinates made a serious mistake.

Then the door of the meeting room was thrown open, Billy came out and began to address Jessica in a loud voice. Billy looked angry.

- Jessica, where are papers on Mr. Stevens' ?!

You both jumped at the harsh sound. As soon as Billy's eyes rested on you, surprise flashed across his face.

- Y / N, what are you doing here? Something happened?

You cleared your throat and said:

- Sorry to distract you. I would like to talk to you. Will you take a few minutes for me?

Anxiety flashed in his gaze, and he examined you from head to toe before answering.

“Jessica, take the papers on Mr. Stevens's to the meeting room and tell them I'll be back soon. And tell them to re-read the documents before my arrival and understand what the hell they are talking about.

Jess nodded and quickly ran to her desk for the papers.

“Come to my office,” Billy told you, and you followed him.

As soon as you entered his office, Billy closed the door and turned sharply to you.

- So what happened? Are you okay? I didn’t receive any calls or messages from you today, and you didn’t say that you would come to me… - while he was talking, you hugged Billy tightly and pulled him to you. You wanted to take away all his stress, all his stress. Billy was like a taut string about to break.

- Do not be mad at me, please, I did not want to disturb you - you kissed him on the chin - I know that you are now having a difficult period at work and everyone needs your attention, but I was worried about you, so I just wanted to visit you and make sure you're okay.

- Are you worried about me? Billy said quietly, and he hugged you back.

You frowned and said:

“Of course I was worried about you. How could it be otherwise? I hope I didn't bother you too much, but you look like you need a break.

Billy pulled back slightly, looked into your eyes and said:

- How did I deserve you?

You smiled back and said:

- You probably did something very good in your past life.

Billy laughed softly and pressed his lips to yours. You pressed closer to him, and you involuntarily escaped a groan of pleasure.

“And that's not all…” you muttered, “I'm sure you haven't eaten anything, and as far as I know, sugar helps to think better, so…,” you took a pie out of your bag and handed it to him.

“Is that for me?” Billy took the cake from your hands and looked at you with disbelief, as if you decided to make fun of him.

- Of course, silly, who else? - you laughed, - besides, he is very sweet. You'll like it.

Billy looked at you and his eyes flashed with dangerous fire.

- I know another sweet thing that I want to try.

“Billy!” You exclaimed, but at the thought of his tongue between your legs your body was on fire.

He laughed and walked to his table

“Will you keep me company?” He asked, taking a pie out of the box and handing you one piece.

“Don't you need to go back to the meeting?” You asked, puzzled.

“I’m the boss,” Billy said with a smile, taking a bite of the pie, “besides, I need a break for a few minutes, otherwise I’ll kill them all. They need to be more responsible about their work or they will quickly lose it. I need professionals, not amateurs.

While Billy was eating, you got an idea. You didn’t think about it for a long time, fearing that you would get cold feet and change your mind, but you always wanted to do it.

- You're too tense, dear, - you said, went to the door and closed the door on the lock. Then you slowly approached Billy, who was sitting on the couch and looked at you attentively, - if you want, I can help you ..., - you said quietly and knelt down in front of him.

Billy's face was filled with excitement, but he seemed to be trying to control himself.

Then you ran your palm over his crotch and squeezed his cock through his pants.

Billy sighed sharply and said:

- Baby, you shouldn't ...

“I know,” you cut him off, “but this is what I have been thinking about for a long time and ... you don’t want me to ?,” you asked quietly and looked uncertainly into his eyes. You weren’t experienced in sex too much, but with Billy, you became more confident. Sometimes it just seemed to you that you weren't enough for him, that he could find someone better. But as soon as such thoughts appeared in your head, Billy immediately convinced you otherwise.

- God, of course, I want this, - he said confidently, took your face in his hands and leaned towards you, - I just want you to be sure that you want it.

You smiled and kissed him.

“I’m sure,” you smiled, “besides, you and I don’t want you to explode from the tension, right?” You winked at Billy and began to unbutton his pants.

- I can control myself very w ... - he began, but as soon as you pulled his cock out of your pants and ran your tongue over the head of the cock, his hips involuntarily twitched, and you laughed softly.

“You were saying ...,” you said, looking at Billy again. His eyes burned with fire, his lips are compressed, his breathing quickened.

You wanted to quickly relieve Billy's tension, so you drew your tongue along the entire length of the penis several times, then took it in your mouth and began to suck.

“My good girl,” Billy muttered and moaned softly.

Billy put his hand on your head, grabbing your hair and began to guide you. Billy's moans intensified and you felt his cock throbbing in your mouth.

“Baby,” Billy said in a low voice, “if you don’t want me to ...

You looked up at him, momentarily looked up from his cock and said

- Cum in my mouth, Billy. I want to taste everything of you

You again took his cock in your mouth and continued to suck, not taking your eyes off Billy's eyes.

In a moment, you felt Billy come with a groan in your mouth. His head is thrown back, his eyes are closed. You licked his cock clean, then zipped up his pants and sat on the couch next to Billy. Now he was relaxed and you were happy.

“Are you feeling better?” You asked him. Billy pulled you close and kissed you passionately on the lips.

- You can not even imagine.

- I am glad, - you giggled,- Well, I think I'll go… - you said. You wanted to get up and walk to the door so Billy could get back to his work, but he wouldn't let you and pulled you closer to him.

“Stay with me for a few more minutes,” he muttered into your hair.

You sat there for a while, after which Billy still had to return to his duties. But he promised you that he will come home early today and this time you will moan.

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2 years ago

Fluff with Timothee Chalamet

Sorry, english is my second language

It was Sunday. You were lying on the couch with your boyfriend Timothee. It was a day off for him, but Timothee decided to check his work email anyway. Oh yes. And you have an injured arm. A couple of days ago, you fell and hurt your arm and a couple of bruises all over your body. Which sucks for a lot of reasons. First of all, your arm obviously was in pain. But, fortunately, painkillers saved you. Secondly, and in your humble opinion, this is the most important part - now Timothee practically refused to touch you, afraid of hurting you. He was constantly next to you, fulfilling your every desire (or almost any). Are you hungry? He will immediately sentence you to your beloved. Wanted to drink? You just need to tell your boy about it. Uncomfortable pillow? He will immediately bring you another one. But he refused to touch you, like really touch you. All you've gotten in the last week is a light kiss on the lips. And every minute it annoyed you more and more, because you missed your man. Which is why you're sitting here now and pouting at him after his  another "no". You knew it was stupid, but you still couldn't do anything about it.

- Baby, stop it. You know why I said no. You know how hard it is for me to say no to you,-  Timothee said softly.

You did not answer, took your phone in your hands and began to view stories on Instagram.

- My love ... - Timothee called you again, but you only muttered something indistinct in response. You missed his touch, real touch. While you tried to act like you were ignoring Timmy, you didn't notice movement next to you. Timothee quickly, but carefully, so as not to hurt you, got up from the sofa and knelt down in front of you. He gently took the phone from your hands, put it aside and looked into your eyes. In his eyes you saw all his love for you and tenderness, so your eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being stupid, I just miss you," you whispered and lowered your eyes. Timothee gently put his hand on your cheek and began to gently run his thumb over your face, removing a tear that had rolled down.

- And you will soon be leaving for the shooting of a new film, and I will not be with you, and we will not see each other for so long ..., - you began to mutter, but Timothee gently pressed his lips to yours, silencing you. He kissed you slowly, savoring every moment of the kiss. You kissed him back, hugging him tighter. Your fingers of your not wounded hand immediately found his hair, and you lightly pulled on it. Timothy groaned and opened his mouth, which you took advantage of and deepened the kiss. The fire inside you flared up more and more, and you were afraid that Timothee would stop the kiss, but he was also consumed by you, as you were by him. Then Timothee pulled you closer to him and touched your injured arm. You couldn't help a groan of sudden pain, and Timothy jerked away from you.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... - he quickly began to tell you. Passion after the kiss, fear for you and anger at himself splashed in his eyes at the same time.

- No, everything is fine, I`m o... - you started, but he did not let you finish.

- Don't tell me everything's fine. Exactly what I was afraid happened. I couldn't control myself and hurt you, - he said angrily, - and I can't live if I hurt you.

You couldn't see him angry anymore and lowered your eyes again.

- Hey, - Timothee said again and gently lifted your face by the chin, looking into your eyes, - I love you so much. And I also want you madly, every minute. Do not doubt it. We just need to wait a bit, okay? Until you get better.

He kissed you gently on the forehead. Then you felt his lips gently squeeze your earlobe and goosebumps ran through your body.

 And then, when you feel better, - he whispered passionately in your ear, - I will not let you out of our bed for a week. I will kiss every inch of your body. I will make you moan and scream my name until you start begging me to stop.

- Promise? you asked coyly. The thought itself made your blood boil in your veins.

“I promise,” he said and kissed my temple, “now tell me what do you want to eat for dinner?”

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