Hello! I Love Your Hcs And Txt Message Scenarios! May I Req Zombieman + Sending Them Spicy Pics/nudes
Hello! I love your hcs and txt message scenarios! May I req Zombieman + Sending them spicy pics/nudes during the day? Tysmm ❤️
Helloooo!👋 Thank you for the request and your warm words, I appreciate it! This scenario was already in my idea list, so of course I'm doing it!!🙌 Though, if something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕

Sending them nudes in the middle of day

• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
T/W: a bit of suggestive themes
A/N: I was surprised to recieve a few requests for this scenario, but hey, no complaints from me :D
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!

Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic

Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask

Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King

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More Posts from Suprababka
Hii! So I saw these 'writing them I love you' stuff with these whatsapp chats (I hope you get what I mean) from you and I wanted to ask if you could do the same but writing them 'That guy is so hot' because I think it'll be...funny? And mostly cuz I wanna see Garou's reaction. My english is cracking ik and you don't have to do it but mayyyybe you could?
Heyyy! 👋 Yep, that's me :D Firstly, thank you for the request, I like it! Secondly, I'm sorry I didn't answer you sooner – I have a policy of posting a request as an answer to someone's message (though, you're my first request🥳) and I've been hella busy with my university work. I hope I didn't disappoint you with Garou's reaction and the way I made this prompt itself. If something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕 P.S. Don't worry, your English is great! It's a foreign language for me too :)

Texting them "That guy is hot"

• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: I apologize for not being active for past mouth due to my university workload, but now I'm more free, yay!
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!

Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic

Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask

Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King

Asking them "1 million dollars & the prettiest girl in the world or me?"

• Saitama • Genos • Speed-o'-Sound Sonic • Garou • Metal Bat • Amai Mask • Flashy Flash • Zombieman • King
A/N: I wanted to upload last week but the university said no :(((
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check my masterlist too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!

Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic

Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask

Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King

Thank you for completing my request!💘 Did I like it? No, I LOVED it!!!
#we need more Metal Bat x Reader x Garou content!!!
(alright, maybe I'm the only one who needs it🤭)
My Wolf And Demon Boyfriends

Requested by @suprababka.
Garou x Reader x Metal bat one shot. I hope you like it 😘
The day was sunny as ever, the birds flying in the sky. The smell of fresh cut grass in the air with the breeze.
You was laying under the shade under the tree. The grass was gentle to your skin making it feel relaxed.
"BRING IT ON! PUNK!" Metal bat yelled in rage. "IF YOU CAN HIT ME, METAL HEAD!" Garou shouted with a cocky grin.
You frowned from the interrupting your relaxation. "Boys! Quit fighting" you yelled making the two stop.
They pulled some faces at each other but you're glare made them shrink into their shoulders.
You sigh in frustration as you laird back down on the grass. The boys joined your side.
"Sorry babe but he started it when he threw that can at me!" He snapped as he glared at Garou.
"Not my fault, you're head is a magnet" he said snickering under his breath. "What did you say assho..." He yelled but you put your hands up.
You swing your hands down bopping them on the foreheads. "OW!" They both said while rubbing their foreheads.
"You guys, please stop fighting" you said that made them feel guilty.
"I'm sorry babe" Metal bat said lowering he's head. "Sorry baby girl... But Metal bat started it" bap! "OW!"
You layed back down but they cuddled up to you. You felt like melting into their arms till they started to pull you closer to them.
"She wants to lay on me" Garou growled. "She wants to cuddle up to me mutt" Metal bat growled back.
"I swear I have dogs as boyfriends" you groaned as you shot up. But only ended up getting them to tackle each other.
You sighed again but felt like you wasn't giving them equal attention. You love them equally since they stole your heart.
Instead of them fighting over you you dated them both. But you started to feel stressed by the amount of love and attention you had to do for them.
You spent time with them together and separate at times. You love spending time together but the strain of being in a double relationship is tricky.
Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays you hang out with Metal bat Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday you hang out with Garou. But sometimes you hang with both of them.
The Wednesday comes, you was making breakfast with Metal bat helping you out with his sister.
You noticed Metal bat was doing the dishes for you. You was happy that you wouldn't have to clean up afterwards.
"Aw thanks Bad, you are a gem" you said as you gave him a sweet kiss. His face turned bright red, he looked like steam could come out of his ears and head.
His sister laughed at him "Big brother your face is red like a tomato" she said laughing. You was laughing as well then ate breakfast.
You got a text from Garou asking you to hang out with him. You felt bad as you was going to hang out with Metal bat and his sister today.
You texted him you was busy with Metal bat today but tomorrow you could hang out with him.
He sent a frowny face.
You was at the park pushing Zenko on the swings. She was laughing "higher!" She said as you tried your best to go higher.
But making sure she doesn't fall off the swing. You noticed Metal bat was gone off somewhere as it was just you and Zenko.
"I wonder where your brother went off to?" You asked. "Probably fighting monsters" she replied.
"Maybe" you said which caught her attention. "What's wrong?" She asked in concern.
"Oh it's nothing" you said but she raised her eyebrow "no you definitely look sad" she said.
You was caught off guard by her observation on you. "Oh alright, I feel like I'm not giving more attention to the other" you said feeling guilty about it.
"That's the boys being jealous, my brother is a kind guy and loves you like he does with me" she said that cheered you up.
Thursday cames over you was with Garou sitting on a bench watching little kids playing in the park.
You smile at the little ones having fun till you felt a jab on your side making you jump. "Ah! What was that for?" You asked while rubbing your side.
"Well you was too busy with Metal head that I was lonely" he said in a dramatic frown on his face. You felt guilty for not giving him attention he wanted.
But you gave him a side smile "I'm sorry Hun, but I did promise Zenko we would go to the park that day" you said trying to get him to understand.
But it only made him grumpier. He folds his arms and legs annoyed by your comment. "Lame" he said which made the guilt building up more.
You gave him a big hug then showered him with kisses. "AHH! I'm being attacked by the kissing hero!" He yelled out causing the kids to look at you both.
He then flips you over as he leans towards you holding you into place. "I, Garou the hero hunter will hunt you" he said then kissed your lips.
The kids groaned in disgust as some looked away. "Oh grow up!" He yelled scaring them away.
He seems satisfied with this but you felt bad for not doing the same to Metal bat. The next day you showered Metal bat with love and attention.
He was loving it but he bought you big bouquet of roses. You was shocked to see how big of a present for you but you only had a little soft cat plush for him.
You went out to get him a bigger cat toy but felt guilty for not giving anything to Garou. You went back and found to give them love and attention to them.
Sunday you was making dinner for everyone but you looked exhausted. Metal bat and Garou was arguing again about something you wasn't listening to.
Zenko was helping you to wash the vegetables. She hopped off her little stool from the sink with a handful of vegetables.
She hands them you you with a big grin but dropped when she saw you looking like a zombie. "Y/n? Are you alright?" She asked with concern.
You suddenly dropped to the floor causing Zenko to scream in horror. The boys stop what they were doing then rushed over to you.
"Y/N! HEY ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!" Garou asked while lifting up your head. "She's not you dumbass! She fainted from you being a attention whore!" He yelled causing Garou to get angry.
"Oh yh!?! Why do you keep buying big ass stuff! You are suffocating her with those damn flowers!" Garou growled as they head butts each other glaring with anger.
"Stop fighting!" Zenko yelled out with huffy cheeks. She said her finger towards them both.
"You both are the reason why she's fainted!" She said that confused and surprised them. "What do you mean?" Metal bat asked in curiosity.
"She felt bad for not giving you two enough love and affection that she was pushing herself to make the effort of loving you both" she continues.
She points at her big brother "you shouldn't make her feel bad for the gifts that she would feel bad about and you" she points at Garou.
"Stop being so needy for her to feel like she has to push her to do what she wants, she needs a break" she said that surprised the teens.
Metal bat and Garou felt guilty for pushing you and making you feel like this. It broke their hearts knowing you was giving them love and attention.
That they didn't consider to let you breathe or feel the love from both of them, just you. Zenko spoke up again.
"You both are jealous of each other to the point she drove herself to becoming a zombie" she said looking at you all pale and exhausted.
The boys hanged their heads low. "Now I feel like a total jackass" Metal bat said saddened by what his jealousy has done.
"Yeah you are" Garou jabbed but backed down when Zenko glared at him making him feel awful.
"I shouldn't have been so hard on her, I was also jealous... And a dick" he said with a sigh under his breath.
You woke up to a small bouquet of roses with a get well card in the night stand. You saw Garou, Metal bat standing behind you on both sides.
Zenko was sitting on the chair with a grin on her face. You slowly got up from the bed "what happened?" You asked with a groan in your voice.
"You fainted babe" Garou said causing you to be shocked. "WHAT! THE ROAST IS GOING TO BURN!" You said in a panic but Metal bat stops you.
"Don't worry, we finished it for you" he said calmly. "We'll take care of you" Garou said with a smirk that you found adorable.
Metal bat puffed up your pillow as Garou give you water. Zenko was helping you to get comfortable with the TV to watch.
They went off to cook as you layed their watching your favourite show. They came in with food on the plate as Metal bat puts it on your lap.
You thanked them as they both gave you a kisses on the cheeks. You felt happy and the boys were happy as well.

Hey there!👋
Welcome to my masterlist! Here you can see some of my works. For now, I write only for One-Punch Man (text messages and headcanons).
Characters I write for:
Saitama Genos Speed-o'-Sound Sonic Garou Metal Bat Amai Mask Flashy Flash Zombieman King
Please remember that the order of my posts isn't chronological.
It means that the scenarios below I publish based on my preference. In addition, it's not a final list, so new scenarios will appear.
Have any requests? Please be welcome to write me! If I accept your suggestion, I will add it to the scenarios list and publish it as an answer to your message (when it'll be done of course). Requested publications are my top priority!🙌 But please be patient since it takes time for me to make these posts! If I don't accept your idea, then I will let you know and name the reason (but please consider that I for sure won't take any requests regarding crimes, drug usage, cheating and other stuff like that).

Scenarios for texts:
Calling them "bro" [+ requested]
Texting them "She is busy"
Flirting with them from a different number
Gaslighting them
Ghosting them
Texting them "I love you"
Pranking them with song lyrics
Sending them nudes in the middle of day🔞 [+ requested]
Asking them ass or tits🔞
Abruptly canceling your date with them
When they’re missing you
Texting them at the night
When you’re feeling ugly
Sweet morning texts from them [+ requested]
Asking them "1 million dollars & the prettiest girl in the world or me?"
Asking them "Do you love me because I’m beautiful or I’m beautiful because you love me?"
They change their contact name in your phone
Asking them if they jerked off while thinking of you🔞
Texting them with only emojis
When you’re jealous
When he’s jealous
Random texts with them
Finding photos of them (prank)
Calling them different ridiculous pet names
When they try to prank you
Arguments with them [+ requested]
Making up after the argument with them
They change their contact name on your phone
When the Internet connection fails you
When they babysit your pets and send you pics of them
When you don't say back "I love you"
Texting them "That guy is hot" [requested]
Texting them "Sorry, we can’t tonight, I just got my period" [requested]
Sending them pics of you in a sexy swimsuit/dress and telling them it's for hanging out with your friends🔞 [requested]
Telling them you’re pregnant as a prank [requested]
Telling them you’re horny🔞 [requested]
Telling them you can’t walk because of the night before [requested]
Asking them the amount of likes needed for them to buy a Darry Ring for you [requested]
Buying Hello Kitty matching pajama pants for both of you [requested]
Pranking them with opening your OnlyFans account🔞 [requested]
Talking about your future family with them [requested]
Telling them a monster hurt you [requested]
Asking them "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" [requested]
Telling them how much you love and appreciate them [requested]
When they’re jealous because you spend more time with your friends instead of them [requested]
Breaking up with them as a prank [requested]
When you surprise them with a gift as an apology [requested]
Calling them daddy🔞 [requested]
Their reaction to you teasing them in public to rile them up🔞 [requested]
Telling them that your parents want to meet them [requested]
When they turn into a cat [requested]
Asking them a weird question [requested]
Accidentally butt-dialing them while singing about their good looks [pre-relationship] [requested]
Drunk texting them [requested]
Their reaction you writing/reading fanfiction about them [requested]
When you accidentally break their stuff [requested]
Choosing a pet with them [requested]
Messages from their acquaintances [requested]

Scenarios for headcanons:
General relationship headcanons
When they’re jealous
When they have a crush
How they confessed to their s/o
How your relationship started
Arguments with them
Morning after with them
Fluff moments with them
How they comfort their s/o
How they would propose to their s/o
Cuddling & hugs with them [+ requested]
How they kiss their s/o
When their s/o get injured
When they get injured
What they look for in their s/o
When they’re sick
When their s/o is sick
Their motto in your relationship
First date with them
First time with them🔞 [+ requested]
General NSFW headcanons🔞 [+ requested]
Who fell first and who fell harder
How they call their s/o
Their insecurities in your relationship
What they usually say to their s/o in the relationship
When you use safe word🔞 [+ requested]
What they usually say to their s/o in bed🔞
How they grieve over their s/o's death
Their last thoughts before their death
Me Gustas Tu trend from their POV
Waking them up with giving them a head🔞 [requested]

"You're everything I could ever wish for" (Zombieman x Reader)
Could you do telling them that you’re pregnant? :) you can make it a prank if you aren’t comfortable writing actual pregnancy! 😭
Hey there!👋 Thanks for the request, I like it! And in the end I decided to make it as a prank :) I hope I properly made this prompt. If something is not right, please let me know, and I'll fix it. Have fun!💕

Telling them you’re pregnant as a prank

T/W: a tiiiiiiiny bit of swearing (and maybe a bit of adult themes in Genos' part?)
A/N: if you're reading this, calp your hand 👏clap👏clap👏 (idk what to say here, well, except for "Dear anons, I have your requests and will make them, but I need time for that")
Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs and following me! I really appreciate your feedback and support, guys!🥰🫶
You can check too see more of my other works.
Prepare for possible OOC!
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!)
And, most importantly, enjoy!!!

Saitama & Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic

Garou & Metal Bat & Amai Mask

Flashy Flash & Zombieman & King