svetree - Svetree's Humble Abode
Svetree's Humble Abode

In every melody, there is you. <3 19.

16 posts

Sure I Get Annoyed At Certain Things, Hate Things That Tickle Me The Wrong Way. I Know That's Where My

Sure I get annoyed at certain things, hate things that tickle me the wrong way. I know that's where my subconsciousness and unconsciousness playing part when I'm being a hater. Whether I'm just being insecure or the thing just reminds me of worse memories. Whichever way, bad things are not supposed to be justified, yet I have been accepting these bad things as being humans. I have been accepting everything as just human things.

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9 months ago

Sometimes people forget that they're also humans, they dehumanize themselves in defense against something undesirable, perhaps a bad experience. Some argue it's best to use logic and ignore the emotional aspect of things because being emotional is irrational. But being irrational is what makes us human. I think.

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10 months ago

Inhumane {Teaser}

Inhumane {Teaser}

Pairing: Taehyung x reader Characters: Taehyung, reader, Jimin, OC Genre and Themes: Angst, apocalypse Words: TBA Release date: TBD Status: work in progress

It has become a place we never knew before. Too many of inhumane tragedies have taken place in the human world. This planet's original inhabitants are forced to take extreme measures to survive, even if it means sacrificing what is left of their humanity. Perhaps, it’s a restart, or maybe it's the other way around: the absolute end.

In the middle of it all, Taehyung, a fearless, independent survivor, met someone along his endless journey. She was apparently tired of the mundane life of confinement, even if it meant her warmth and safety. He thought it was stupid of her to do that, but he can't really comment that when he, himself, is a lone wolf in the midst of lurking monsters. Though, he doesn't really like to call them that.

Despite the hopelessness of it all, he lives on. Except that this new companion has quite turned his world upside down. Whether he likes it or not, she is to stay. After some time, he has grown to enjoy the company. Oh, and she brought companies!

With one destination in mind after getting acquainted with new friends, Taehyung eventually has to lower his guard. Despite having already spent too much time alone and refuse to form a bond with anybody anymore, he did.

And it hurts.

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10 months ago
svetree - Svetree's Humble Abode
11 months ago

Highway of Regret

"Countless things surround me and I take them for granted. The air I breathe, the water I drink, and the food I consume. They burst with flavor on my senses but they end too quickly, always reminding me of how fleeting they always are, and how I should have savored when it is still here. Much like when we slip through each other’s grasps. When time passes quick like a blur and we did not realize it until it was too late. Until repressed emotions came out like thunders, profanities being spewed out of our mouths like it was easy. It never was, until that day when we had blamed each other for our own wrongdoings. We were both at blame, no one to judge who carries more guilt when it did not matter anyway. You were always beautiful. I have always loved you."

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1 year ago

First post check!

Hello! This is Svetree and this is my blog <3 Here is where I will share my thoughts, writings, and others, just whatever I feel like posting, hehe.