Swallowedthekey - Im Gonnalet It Linger - Tumblr Blog

i'm not a lesbian as far as i know and i already have a wife but thanks tumblr


We respect all types of work boots in this house. Like to charge, reblog to cast
i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.

Mina Bakhtiari

Pink Flamingos (1972) // dir. John Waters

could you imagine trying to navigate this bar drunk, this is the 9th circle of hell
idk if this is a contreversial take or not but i think that the ideal internet experience is being able to remove specific things (triggers, nsfw, gore) if you truly dont want to see them but overall being also shown things you aren’t interested in. i think one of my fave things about tumblr is seeing like 50% of my dash be about fandoms im not in, bands i dont like and quotes from books i dont want to read rather than this endless feedback loop of tiktok showing me ‘exactly what i want to see’ in a trap to keep me online as long as possible and blind to communities outside of my own. i want a mix of curating my own experience and a healthy dose of content i don’t already know i want to see, yknow?