swangs1 - Xplr.swangs

25 posts

Reblog If You're A Southside Serpent

reblog if you're a southside serpent

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More Posts from Swangs1

4 years ago
Where Are My Swangs Shippers At ?

Where are my swangs shippers at ? 🙂

4 years ago
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming
SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY 05x05: The Homecoming

SWEET PEA & FANGS FOGARTY ↦ 05x05: The Homecoming

Requested by @swngsfvx

3 years ago


// What if instead of Betty and Jughead, it was Sweet pea and Fangs singing Seventeen from Heathers? Honestly.. more canon in my book js //

We’re “damaged"     //     people hurt us

Really "damaged"    //     or they vanish

But that does not make us "wise"     //     and you’re right that really blows

We’re not "special”, we’re not “different"     //     but we let go, take a deep breath

We don’t choose who lives or dies     //     Then go buy some summer clothes

Sweet pea and Fangs had been there for each other for years. They never left each other’s side, they had been through everything together, when they were kids they even made a pact with each other so that something like that wouldn’t happen in the future. They never argued so bad that they had forgotten about their pact. They had been broken together for so long. Being in a gang in high school was rough on anyone, they did it to survive and have someone and somewhere to call home and family. They didn’t need a gang to know that it was right in front of themselves. They never had time to just be children together. They weren’t any different age wise than other kids at Riverdale High, but they definitely were a bit scarred with what Jughead had made them do all the time. They’ve had people walk out on them, they’ve had people die in front of them, they’ve shot guns, they’ve gotten shot, hell they’ve almost died several times in front of each other. But that didn’t stop them from being best friends, and have the biggest secret crushes on each other.

Let’s be normal, see bad movies     //     we’ll go camping

Sneak a beer and watch TV     //      play some poker

We’ll bake brownies or go bowling     //      and we’ll eat some chili fries

Don’t you want a life with me?

They struggled so much to find time with each other, being seventeen was hard when you already were doing adult like things at their age. It just seemed normal for them, to always have stressful things in their own lives. They never had time to just sit down and talk about a lot of things, whenever they went out they always called them bro date nights. They always had kept their feelings hidden from each other from fear that the other didn’t like what the other had felt. When it was just them everything was good, they drank together, they played video games, they did normal teenager things. The things that they had never had time to do in their spare time. They splurged on their free time nights. They spent them basically only with each other. 

Can’t we be seventeen?

That’s all I want to do

If you could let me in

I could be good with you

Sweet pea and Fangs were the perfect relationship, so much that people just assumed they were dating. Their bond transcended all other friendships and relationships. They were basically made for each other. Whenever they ever held each other in their arms, they were basically made for each other. Their bodies fit together just perfectly. Fangs was just the right height for Sweet pea to gently place his chin on, or he was the perfect size for Sweet pea to pull him closer by the belt loops. It was always a dream to do that second option with Fangs.  

Maybe prom night?

Maybe dancing?

“Don’t stop looking in my eyes…” Fangs murmured quietly, slightly drunk. The two had sat at home all day, sometimes curled up in each other’s arms, but that was after hours and hours of bro time together. They stared into each other’s eyes in that moment, and it was just like it was just the two of them in the world. Their arms snaked around them in more of a snug fashion. Fangs’s hands gently placed on his jawline, his thumbs gently ghosting across Sweet pea’s cheekbones, whereas Sweet pea’s arms were wrapped around his waist, Fangs on top of Sweet pea. They had been laughing ridiculously hard at some stupid joke that had been on the TV, but that show had been long forgotten when they had this moment. They had these moments occasionally, moments where they had felt the most electricity that they ever had felt with anyone. 

“I wanna be with you.” Sweet pea whispered quietly. Finally opening up and confessing his feelings for the other. They have known each other for years, and they had crushed on each other hopelessly for just about the same amount of time.

“I’ll stay if I’m what you choose…” Fangs murmured quietly, still looking into his eyes passionately. They had both dated different people when they were still in love with each other. They were like Ross and Rachel from Friends. The moment that they got close enough to think that their friendship was getting closer to a relationship, one of them began to date someone else out of fear of the other hating them forever, which inevitably ended up with the other getting crushed. They never said anything to each other because their love and friendship was too good to lose or give up to something like that. They cared about each other’s happiness more than their own.

“You’re the one I choose…”

“You’re the one I choose…”

3 years ago

No matter how cute they try to make Kangs I’m never gonna like it. Sorry not sorry. Fangs deserves better than Kevin. 🤷🏻‍♀️

4 years ago

I just want sweet pea to be a series regular 🥺

I Just Want Sweet Pea To Be A Series Regular
I Just Want Sweet Pea To Be A Series Regular