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Twitch Integration Part A, Customer Swap Stories #3

Twitch Integration Part A, Customer Swap Stories #3

Special Thanks to @changinghands for submitting these images!

Recently, Twitch introduced a new integration with Swap Tech Enterprise that when enabled, at the end of the stream the highest donator would swap bodies with the streamer for a predetermined amount of time on the streamers end. John had heard about this and immediately started looking for a stream that had this enabled so that he could potentially experience a real life body swap. As he looked through all the current streams happening with the feature enabled, he came across dollthighs stream.

Twitch Integration Part A, Customer Swap Stories #3

As people joined his stream, he let them know about the new feature and that he has currently enabled it. He also informed them that once the stream ended, the top donator would get to spend 2 days in his body, allowing them the chance to lead a stream on their own before switching back. John knew this would be the body he wanted to experience for a couple of days and joined the stream. Immediately, donations started to pour in and before he knew it, thousands of people will jumping on the chance to have just a couple of days in dollthighs body. As the stream started to come to an end, John sent a donation for 5,000 dollars came in, the highest dollthighs had ever seen in his time streaming.

Twitch Integration Part A, Customer Swap Stories #3

“Well it looks like we have a winner!” dollthighs said as the notification popped. He mentioned that he would be ending the stream now and that the donator could expect to be in his body within the next couple of minutes. Once the stream ended, a notification popped up on John’s end stating that dollthighs had accepted the terms and conditions of the swap, and now all that was needed was his acceptance of the terms and conditions as well. He quickly skimmed through the terms and conditions and accepted them. Before he knew it everything went dark. As he came to, John noticed he was no longer in his room, but in a room where the walls to the ceiling were covered in dolls! He knew the swap must have worked and quickly ran to the bathroom. Looking at his new reflection in the mirror, he began to rip off his clothes in excitement! 

Twitch Integration Part A, Customer Swap Stories #3

“This is going to be the best 2 days of my life” John exclaimed as he ran back to computer to start up a stream and play some video games! 

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More Posts from Swap-tech-enterprise

From Maid of Honor to Best Man Part A, Customer Swap Stories #1

When my best friend Jessica’s boyfriend finally proposed to her, I was so excited because that finally meant we would be able to live out the dreams we’ve had about being the maid of honor in each others weddings! However, that soon began to fall apart when Jessica announced that it was going to be a destination wedding in Italy. I was heartbroken because I wanted to be there for my best friend, but financially couldn’t afford to be there. That was until one of the other bridesmaids suggested I use Swap Tech Enterprise’s (STE) vacation swaps. For a small fee, STE would swap your body with someone who lives in the location you are looking to go too and vice versa. After doing some research, it wasn’t a bad deal so I decided to move forward with it. I filled out the quick form provided on their website and paid my 100 dollar deposit, and from there I received an email with all I needed to know, including the date and time I needed to head down to my cities local STE Swap Bank. After months of anticipation, the day had come and it was time to become someone else for the week. As I entered the Swap Bank, the front desk attendant checked me and brought me to the swap room to get ready for the swap. As I sat on the bed waiting for the swap to happen, the swap technician explained how the process worked as they hooked me up to the helmet that would connect me to my swap partner. Finally it was time for the swap to happen and the swap tech began the count down from 10, instructing me to relax. As the tech counted down, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I was nervous about becoming another person for a week, especially since I purchased the cheapest swap package that only allowed for me to pick the gender and age of the body I was going to be in, not the body itself. All these thoughts were running through my head when suddenly everything went black. Moments later, I began to regain consciousness.

From Maid Of Honor To Best Man Part A, Customer Swap Stories #1

Opening my eyes, I could see I wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants.

From Maid Of Honor To Best Man Part A, Customer Swap Stories #1

I also noticed that my feet were much larger than that of a 27 year old woman. On top of that, I noticed I no longer had breasts. “What the fuck is going on?” I said quickly covering my mouth because of the deep baritone voice that came out of me. That’s when it clicked, I hadn’t been swapped with another woman, but a man instead.

From Maid Of Honor To Best Man Part A, Customer Swap Stories #1

Turns out that when filling out the form, I accidentally clicked the male option instead of the female option as my preferred gender type. I explained the mistake to the swap tech at the Italian Swap Bank I was now and asked if it was possible to get swapped with a female body, but they informed me that they can’t authorized a swap from a body that isn’t my own to prevent having too many cross swapped customers. Looks like I’m going to spending the week and celebrating my best friend’s wedding as the best man rather than the maid of honor. Hopefully she understands the mixup.

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Communication From the CEO #1, Welcome!

To all reading this email,

Hello, and welcome to the home of Swap Tech Enterprise (STE for short)! Based out of New York City, we are one the front runner in body swap technology, allowing for people around the world to experience and use body swap technology at a price that can't be beat! Looking to go on vacation but can't afford flights? Looking to study abroad? Looking to just get away for a while and experience life on the other side? Then sign up today and we'll get you matched with a body that suits your needs! Follow along to hear stories from all of the user of STE!


Wayne J. Sharpe, Founder and CEO of Swap Tech Enterprise

Communication From The CEO #1, Welcome!

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Public Relations Internship Finale, Customer Swap Stories #2

Hi there, my name is Chris and I am the manager of one of the teams at one of the most elite public relations firms in the country!

Public Relations Internship Finale, Customer Swap Stories #2

When I received a request for a swap within the Swap Tech Enterprise (STE) “Semester in Their Shoes” program, I was super excited as I would be able to train and teach a member of the incoming generation of public relations field. I quickly got to work trying to secure a member of my team who would be willing to swap with Michael, but none were willing to step up. Eventually, I had received a firm no from all members of my team, so I reached out to STE and let them know they would need to reach out to another firm to secure a body for Michael. However, they informed as per the contract both Michael signed when applying for the program and the contract that the company signed as a participating industry leader, I could step up and do the swap with Michael instead. I was nervous at first, because not only would the work load be way more than what he was expecting, but he would also be getting a body twice his age and I would be robbing him of 5 months of his golden years. However, after a lot of deliberation and talking with my manager, we decided it be best to move along with me swapping with Michael not only to keep a good relationship with STE, but so that Michael can gain the experience he was promised when accepted into the program. My manager ensured that he’d be there to help Michael out whenever needed as he would be stepping into a role way out of his caliber. With everything settled, I informed STE of the decision and headed down to the Swap Bank on the day designated. This wasn’t my first time use STE to body swap as I had used it before when going on company business trips, so I quickly settled in and the Swap Technician initiated the swap. Waking up from the swap, I immediately felt more rejuvenated as I was now a 21 year old college student again.

Public Relations Internship Finale, Customer Swap Stories #2

Getting out of the bed, I went to the bathroom and was not disappointed by the sight in front of me in the mirror.

Public Relations Internship Finale, Customer Swap Stories #2

Michael definitely took care of his body, most likely thought eating healthy and going to the gym a couple of times a week. I couldn’t wait to get back to his place and explore more of my new body. For the next 5 months I am Michael, without any responsibilities whatsoever I am going to live it up the fullest until May gets here!

Public Relations Internship Finale, Customer Swap Stories #2

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From Maid of Honor to Best Man Finale, Customer Swap Stories #1

It’s finally the day of the wedding and I couldn’t be more excited to watch my best friend get married to the man of her dreams. Jessica had planned for us to meet at 10am so that the makeup artist could get all our makeup and hair done for the wedding. However, since I was now a man and there was no need for me to get glammed up, she booked me a massage at the resorts spa which was much appreciated as it would give me a chance to finally sit back and have some one on one time with myself and reflect upon the vacation I’ve had so far in my new body. 

From Maid Of Honor To Best Man Finale, Customer Swap Stories #1

After a couple of hours at the spa, I went back to my room to start getting ready for the wedding. Being a man now, I was obviously not going to fit into my bridesmaid dress, so my friend was kind enough to get me a custom suit made last minute that would match the rest of the bridesmaid’s dresses. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel powerful in the suit I was wearing, and was actually excited for everyone to see me and dressed up.

From Maid Of Honor To Best Man Finale, Customer Swap Stories #1

The wedding ended up perfect with no hiccups at all. Everyone had a great time and I was so happy to celebrate my friend and her marriage. As the night came to a close, I said goodnight to my friend and congratulated her again and began heading back to my borrowed bodies home so that I could get some rest. Having one day left in Italy and in my male body, there was thing I was always curious about and now I had the perfect opportunity to experience it. I quickly downloaded tinder and made a profile and within minutes I had a ton of women matching with me. After chatting with a few I decided to meet up with one of them for lunch and let’s just say things went pretty well from there.

From Maid Of Honor To Best Man Finale, Customer Swap Stories #1

As I headed back to the Swap Bank the next day so I could get back to my body, all I could think of was my next trip with STE. I definitely will be sticking to male bodies from now on!

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Public Relations Internship Part A, Customer Swap Stories #2

My name is Michael and I am currently a junior public relations major at Penn State.

Public Relations Internship Part A, Customer Swap Stories #2

When the university announced they partnered with Swap Tech Enterprise (STE) and launched the “Semester in Their Shoes” program, I knew that I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. I would spend the semester in the body of a recent graduate working full time in the public relations field letting me see the day to day life of someone who works in public relations looked like. While participating in the program, the work assigned to you would equate to some of the classes I should be taking but can’t while part of the program, so not only was I gaining real world experience in the field, but I also wouldn’t be missing any credits and would still get to graduate on time. As for the person I would be swapping with, they would get to spend a couple of months living my life and having a break for all the work they had to do. 

Once applications for the program opened I immediately applied in hopes to spend my spring semester working in Public Relations. After months of waiting to hear back, I finally received the email informing me that I was accepted and matched with someone for the swap. I was so excited I could barely contain my excitement in the days leading up to the swap. Finally, the day arrived and I headed down to the STE Swap Bank as instructed. I informed them that I was participating in the program through my school and they quickly gave me a run down of who I would be swapping with other information that I would need to know before the swap. After receiving all the information, the Swap Technician took me to the swap room and began prepping me for the swap. As they counted down, I was so excited that I didn’t even realize I lost consciousness once the Swap Tech’s countdown hit 0. As I opened my eyes, I noticed I was in a different room and knew the swap had worked. However, as I stood up from the bed, something was wrong. Looking down at my hands I noticed they were showing signs of aging, which shouldn’t be the case since I was supposed to be swapping with a recent graduate. I brought my hands to my chest and noticed that I was showing signs of aging as well as my body looked like it hadn’t stepped foot in a gym in years. I quickly ran to the mirror and was shocked by the face looking back at me. It wasn’t the face of a 24 year old recent graduate but that of what I could assume was a 50-55 year old man. 

Public Relations Internship Part A, Customer Swap Stories #2

Turns out that Chris, the manager of the public relations team I was joining couldn’t secure any volunteers for the swap, so he elected to step up instead. I started demanding that they swap me back now, but per the terms of the contract I signed when applying for the program, it stated that if no recent grad volunteers could be available, the head of the team could step up in their place. Upset with the circumstances, I reluctantly got dressed and headed to Chris’s apartment in Midtown, as I was now going to be living at his place in New York until the end of the spring semester in May.  I quickly took a picture and sent it to my parents, as they wanted to be updated once I was settled in.

Public Relations Internship Part A, Customer Swap Stories #2

To say my parents were shocked was an understatement, but they also knew the terms I agreed too when applying for the program and told to stick it out as May would come soon enough and I could get back to my body. They also told me they’d keep a close eye on Chris in my body to make sure he didn’t do anything I would regret after the swap so that calmed my nerves a bit. Figuring I had nothing better to do, I prepped for my first day on the job tomorrow. What should be an exciting time in my life has now been ruined and all I can do now is finish what I signed up for. God, May can’t come quick enough! 

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