Happy Hanukkah To All My Bros
Happy Hanukkah to all my bros💙✨💙
Moth man loves lights!!!
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Pretty boy #2. His name is Godzilla and he’s a little goober
If dragonflies were big we’d be fucked. They kill 95% of what they hunt. A lion to put that in perspective is only 19%. We’re so lucky they stick to mosquitoes.
Here’s an amazingly overpowered superpower
CELLULAR MANIPULATION!!! (Yes I’m a massive biology nerd)
1) Shapeshifting: Animals, people, even plants.
2) Never get sick. (I’m disabled and would love this)
3) Can cure others
4) Don’t want to make food you can fuckin photosynthesize
5) Bring back extinct animals/plants if you have some dna (Tasmanian Tigers deserve it)
6) Houseplants never die
7) Immortality
For the supervillains
8) You can give kill people and just make it look like natural causes. (Heart attack, stroke, etc)
9) You can change your DNA and get rid of your fingerprints so they can’t catch you.
There’s a difference between lying to purposefully change the truth, and just saying nothing at all. I never admitted to wrongdoing because you never cared enough to ask.