zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!
427 posts
If You Guys Are Up For It Can You Reblog With Your Star Sign, Hogwarts House, And What Element You Would
if you guys are up for it can you reblog with your star sign, hogwarts house, and what element you would bend? im tryna see something
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please unfollow me if you are racist, don’t support BLM, have been quiet about everything going on and/or if you say “ALL LIVES MATTER”. Sorry, but I don’t need you here.
reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
coterie: the pen (2/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
pairing: cho seungyoun and y/n
a/n: mild cursing, so proceed with caution. stay safe and healthy, everyone~
the next morning comes bright and early, and you must admit, you had trouble waking up due to the fact that you almost finished one of the books you picked up the day before. you started reading it and somehow it was 3 in the morning, and you had to force yourself to close the book. miraculously you managed to make it out of bed on time, and you sauntered over to the library, your laptop tucked safely into one arm as you swung open the door. you made your way to your desk, and set down your things. I could go for some coffee right about now, you thought and rang soonja for your coffee. “mr. cho asked for your coffee a few minutes ago, he wanted both to be dropped off at the library. would you still like for me to send one in for you?” you raised your eyebrows and truth be told, felt your heart beat a little faster. “oh? then in that case, please just bring both of them up, don’t worry about the second one. thank you.” it seemed minutes later, seungyoun walked in, followed by soonja with your coffees, the smell now permeating throughout the room. “good morning, y/n! I hope you don’t mind, but I asked soonja to bring in both of our coffees together,” seungyoun sheepishly grinned, to which you shook your head, smiling. “it’s no big deal, sir. thank you, soonja, for the coffee!” she set down the respective beverages before giving you a small bow and retreating from the library. “you don’t have to be so formal with me, y/n. you can call me seungyoun,” he said, before taking a swig from his mug. “okay, si-seungyoun. thank you for the coffee, I really needed it.” and he chuckled a little as you proceeded to start your work-filled day with a cup of coffee, face turning a light shade of pink.
generally, your day-to-day routine remained the same. you would go to work, where seungyoun had your and his coffee, and you would begin looking through cases and making case briefs which you would later file so that they’d be easy for him to find, in case he needed to reference them. sometimes, seungyoun would have you stop what you’re doing and review something for him while he’d step out momentarily. you’d work through the day, then get back to your room in the evening, before repeating the cycle the next day. every once in a while as the both of you work away, seungyoun will start conversation, and it’s just about random topics. one minute, you guys will talk about what flavors of ice cream are superior, to why you think you’re a slytherin and he’s a ravenclaw. one day while you were having one of said conversations, and the topic of music comes up. “I listen to a range of music,” you tell him as you staple papers. “I guess it really just depends on my mood... I could be listening to classical music one minute, then rock music that goes hard the next, so it’s unconventional, but I enjoy it.” seungyoun nods, and proceeds to ask you who your favorite artist is. “actually, this one guy appeared on my grid a few weeks ago, and I’ve started to listen to his music a little more. his name is woodz, and wow, I’ve never heard a voice like his before in my entire life. and his lyrics are so heartfelt, you can tell he’s genuinely modeled his lyrics from his own experiences and stories. strange thing is now one has ever seen him or anything like that, and as far as I know people are dying to get a glimpse of him .” you look up from your busy hands, to find seungyoun studying the open air, eyes narrowed in focus. as you fell quiet, seungyoun was snapped out of his trance, blinking rapidly, before turning towards you. “I’m sorry, I zoned out there for a second.” and part of you wanted to ignore it, but your curiosity got the best of you. “is something the matter, seungyoun?” you noticed the hesitation looming in his eyes, as if he was contemplating something and finally, with a sigh he looked towards you, “actually, there’s something I wanna show you.” he stood up from his seat, and motioned for you to follow him. he leads you out of the library, and you follow him, going down a set of stairs, before eventually making your way to an eerily dark corner of the mansion. he reaches a room, placing his hand on the doorknob, and turns to look at you, who still has no clue about what’s going on. “what I am about to show you is private, and only the other members of the gang know about this.” you nod, his serious gaze making shivers run down your spine. he opens the door.
inside the room looks like a recording studio. and you’ve only ever seen them in movies and tv shows, never in real life, but it’s how you would think it looks. a dim room separated by a door and a glass window, displaying a stool and a microphone, lit only by the singular bulb sitting right above the apparatus. on your side is the computer, keyboard and a bunch of other sound machines more recognizable to anyone more familiar with these instruments than you. “it’s a recording studio,” seungyoun tells you. “whenever I have time, or when I’m feeling inspired is when I come down here. I write lyrics, or I make a beat. sometimes, I’ll even get to record it.” he looks over to you, who is still admiring the room, taking in all the details, your mouth slightly ajar. he chuckles softly, which catches your attention. your eyes move to his smiling figure and you feel embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little taken aback. It’s my first time seeing anything like this in person.” seungyoun’s got a look in his eye you can’t quite understand, but that thought fades away fast, as he moves forward to sit on the chair, pulling you along with him. seungyoun’s hand is slightly calloused, albeit warm and his hold feels secure. that notion leaves you as quick as it came, leaving the back of your neck feeling warm. he sits, before pulling a stool over, for you. “of course, the others know about the studio, but I’ve never let any of them listen to anything before,” he tells you. “why not?” you ask and his gaze suddenly falls to the floor in utter bashfulness. “well, I have uploaded a lot of my music, and it has gotten attention, but I don’t know, I guess I’m just shy...” he lets out a small sigh and smiles at you, sadness looming in his grin. your heart ached at his immediate change in demeanor. “sorry, I didn’t mean to throw that weight onto you,” but you interrupt, shaking your head. “don’t be. sometimes you need to let things out, so don’t apologize. and I appreciate that you want to share your music with me, but if you still feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to-” and he cut you off, “but I want to. I don’t know why, y/n, but I feel like I can trust you with this. I’m not doing this out of obligation, I genuinely want your opinions.” and with that he exhaled and muttered, “here it goes.”
within the first millisecond of the song, a pang of familiarity hit you. one second, two seconds, three. you’re amazed because you’ve heard this song before. realization dawns over you, and you turn to look at seungyoun, who’s got a small smile on his face. “you.. you’re... woodz?” there was definitely a lot going through your head, but the first thing that managed to escape your mouth as he slowly nodded was, “holy shit, you rock, dude.” seungyoun, shocked by your reaction, laughed loudly, covering his mouth as the corners of his eyes crinkled up, shaping them into crescents. you, who were still starstruck, leaned back, your hands in your hair, until you forgot that you were sitting on a stool, which didn’t have anything to support you. “whoa,” slipped from your mouth, and before you hit the ground, that same warm hand protected you from the hit, strongly gripping your waist, before gracefully seating you back up. “you okay?” seungyoun’s voice rang, but all you could hear was how loud your heart was beating. “you have caused quite the commotion in the music industry, and I’ve read the comments everywhere. they all love your music, and you’ve got tons of supporters, including me. I instantly felt like I could relate to your lyrics, and you’ve made some sick beats, and just everything, wow.” you started to ramble, and seungyoun felt embarrassed but strangely, hearing your feedback was all that mattered in that moment. and you guys sat in there for god knows how long, just talking about his music, to his musical journey. you learned that since college, seungyoun’s had a knack for mixing tracks and creating music, to the point where professionals had reached out to him, to ask if he wanted to make a career out of it. but, he ended up choosing law over music which is a decision he’s glad he made, but sometimes, when a piece of him regrets turning down those offers, he comes down here, and creates masterpieces (which is what you would call them) instead. from that day forward, the friendship between the both of you grew a lot stronger. you and seungyoun were almost constantly hanging out, even out of the library. you guys ate together, worked together, and he’d often take you to the recording room, where he’d have you listen to demos and ask for your advice about what needed some tweaking and what you liked. slowly, you started breaking out of your shell more with him, and although he wasn’t aware of it, seungyoun was too and he was glad to have you in his life.
you continued to your daily routine, as always, and one day, you walked into the library and were surprised to see seungyoun sitting at his desk with someone sitting across from him; an older man, with a head of gray and blonde hair, and they were speaking in a language you couldn’t quite understand. you greeted the two men and as soon as he noticed you, a grin formed on his face, contorting in a way that made you tense up. you turned around to sit on your desk, not failing to notice the gaze of the man, which seemed to ravish at the sight of you. you felt extremely uncomfortable, tucking your legs under your desk; you thought you dressed appropriately for this job, nothing too short or too tight, but the way the man’s eyes traced down your body and the way his tongue poked out to wet his bottom lip caused you to nearly fall grabbing a nearby sweater to wrap around you. seungyoun noticed your actions almost immediately. why were you wearing a sweater in the middle of summer? he followed your fearful eyes to the man in front of him and his jaw clenched at the sight. he cleared his throat, which caught both yours and the man’s attention. “I’ll have you know, mr. santos, that if you are here to work with me, then you will keep your fucking perverted gaze off of my assistant. she should feel safe in her workplace and if you can’t let that happen, then I’m not afraid to take the matter into my own hands. got it?” seungyoun’s voice dropped a few octaves as he spoke, the man grunting and muttering under his breath. seungyoun looked at you, and said, “sorry for not telling you about this, y/n, he was supposed to come in next week. you can leave if you’re not feeling comfortable, and I’ll call you back once he’s gone.” your shaky gaze went to seungyoun and you nodded, letting a breathy, “thank you” escape your mouth before you briskly exited the room, and headed back. your heart was thumping, and the image of seungyoun speaking to the man in such a harsh manner wasn’t leaving your head. the scene was replaying over and over and before you knew it, you were startled as your phone rang. “the guy left, I made sure of it. you can come back now, if you’d like.” and so you did. the atmosphere in the library was an odd one; you and seungyoun both typed away, tension heavy in the air. “sorry about that,” seungyoun broke the silence. “mr. santos wanted us to hold some money for him here, and I wanted to deal with any legal matters, should he rat us out. he said he was coming in next week, but he happened to be in the city yesterday, and decided to extend his visit. he’s a jackass on his own, but he shouldn’t have made you feel that way. I’m sorry again.” you bit your lip, exhaling before turning to look at seungyoun, and you said, “thank you. I don’t know what you told him, but I had a feeling it was reprimanding him for how he made me feel, so I just wanna thank you for that.” seungyoun looked up at you, and studied your features for what felt like an eternity. finally, as if he came to some conclusion, before getting up from his desk. he approached you and offered you a hand, which you timidly took. he gently pulled you out of your seat and held a strong grip on your hand, leading the way. “where are we going?” you passed your room, and his, and were far from the recording studio. seungyoun reached a door, and when he went past it and turned the lights on, you realized you were in a garage. cars were lined up neatly in two uniform lines. keys hang on a holder by the door, and seungyoun picks one and unlocks a car: it’s a black Maserati, and turns to you and says, “please get into the car. I’ll explain everything to you.” and so you do. you don’t question it because in the weeks you’ve grown to know seungyoun, you’ve also grown to trust him.
you sit in the passenger seat, watching as seungyoun drives you from the house down a road, for a while. you don’t ask him where you are going, rather you take in the grey, bright sky. “looks like it’s gonna rain,” you hear seungyoun say. you turn to him briefly, your eyes skimming over his features and you reply, “they say that rain is a sign of good luck.” and before he can further the conversation, one drop of water hits the windshield. before another. following another. and then it starts raining, but it’s not the thunderstorm kind of rain, rather it’s the kind that makes you want to turn off the lights, and get into your most comfortable clothes, and take a nap. the urge to fall asleep takes over you faster than you thought, and it seems as though it’s only been a few minutes, but you feel a gentle shake and you hear your name being called. you groggily open your eyes and rub them, adjusting yourself in the seat. “we’re here.” the rain has stopped, although the sky looks about the same as before. you turn your attention to seungyoun, who opens his door. just as your hand reaches out to copy his action, he says, “let me,” then steps out of the car, and walks around to open the door for you. you swing your legs out of the car, and he offers a hand that you take. you walk when seungyoun walks and stop when seungyoun stops. you find that you are standing on a deck, that overlooks a body of water. it’s the kind of deck that the older people will walk on in the early hours of the day, or where grieving people may come, with bags of a couple green bottles. “I come here to clear my head sometimes. I’ve actually been coming here for a few years now; whenever there’s something bothering me, or if there’s any ounce of regret in me, or even just when I need to be alone, I come here,” seungyoun’s voice interrupts your thoughts. he turns just enough to point out the warm grey, wooden bench. “I sit here, and close my eyes, taking it the sounds of the water and feel the breeze against my skin.” and with that, he rotates completely to sit on said bench. he pats a spot next to him for you. you situated yourself next to him, and looked at him, only to find his gaze on you.
“so, what’s on your mind?” you ask, perching your elbow against the bench and leaning your head against your palm. seungyoun hunched his shoulders a little, his head falling in thought before he took a deep breath. “first, promise that you won’t react till the end.” this is the first time you’ve heard seungyoun speak with any nervousness. you nodded, “okay, you’re making me nervous. is everything okay?” a seriousness grows in seungyoun’s gaze, and he breathes out, “I didn’t like the way santos made you feel today. I saw it all. after you left, I taught him a lesson. what I did to him doesn’t matter, but I told him we wouldn’t hold his money and he would need to find someone else. and there’s no way he’ll try to sabotage the gang, because he’s in a very tight place right now. the point is I won’t do business with anyone that I don’t respect, and he lost all my respect the minute he looked at you like a piece of fucking meat.” you tentatively placed your hand on his knee. “I told you earlier, it’s okay,” but seungyoun huffed angrily. “it’s not okay! I would’ve killed him, really. I know you’re strong because you handled the situation well, but me? when it comes to you, y/n, you’re...” and he looked into your eyes, searching for something. “I’m what, seungyoun?” you softly said, moving closer to his face subconsciously. his eyes flickered between holding your gaze and running over your mouth, before he said, “you’re my weakness.” and that’s all it took for him to close the distance between the two of you, pulling you close as he kissed you. you let out a quiet gasp, before your hands went to cup his face. seungyoun pulled you closer by the waist, the bench only making the both of you contort in a weird way, and yeah it was uncomfortable but you both wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else. when the burn started to grow in your lungs, only then did you pull away, breathing hard. your eyes found seungyoun’s and you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in for a hug, which he gladly reciprocated. “I like you, y/n,” he says into your hair. “you are one of the few people I can truly be myself around, and we had this connection, you know? I know you felt it too, and I have been proven right,” he chuckled as you nudged his hip. “what I’m trying to say is along the line, you’ve made me a happier person, and all I know is that I want you to be around for a long time.” you pulled back to peck his cheek, “I know, seungyoun, because you’ve made me feel the same way. I found myself slowly being more and more gravitated towards you, and I couldn’t have had it another way.” seungyoun smiled genuinely, and brushed the hair away from your forehead, before smirking, “what do you say I take you out tonight, as an official first date?” you grinned widely, “I’d like that a lot.”
a/n: aaand that’s a wrap on seungyoun’s storyline! I have to say, it took me a while to figure out where to go, so I really hope you all like it! since there are only four more left, I will just go in the order that I had originally. unfortunately, i’ve started losing motivation to continue the series quite rapidly, so I don’t know how often updates will be for coterie. and as always, thank you guys for all the love and support you have given this series, and thanks so much for waiting patiently! stay safe!
ok but the eric nam super smash fanclub on @sweetheart--sannie‘s page IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT I’VE SEEN ALL DAY LMAOOOO
when my mom moved to the states, she wore the hijab. she lived in arkansas with her aunt and uncle. her uncle forced her to take it off because “it wasn’t american.” so she did. but when she got married and left arkansas she put it back on, and no one stopped her.
she’s one of the reasons I started wearing the hijab, and have stayed strong for nine years ✊🏼. I stand with my sisters who are going through a similar predicament and pray that things work out for them soon 💓💓

On June the 14th the constitutional court in Belgium stated that prohibition of wearing religious signs in an establishment of higher education does not constitute a violation of freedom of religion nor a violation of the right to human dignity which includes the right to education. This declaration meant that Hijab-wearing women don’t have the right to get higher education. Some will, unfortunately, give up on their dreams and some will be forced to remove the hijab to get an education. “I was in a school establishment where wearing a hijab was forbidden. Therefore, every morning, when I go to school, I had to take it off and put it in my bag. I had the feeling that I was enduring microaggressions from a system that was supposed to protect me”. #HijabisFightBack was a way to protest this discrimination. ✊🏽 The right to education should not be negotiable. (source)
A gentle reminder to all that the first university the world ever saw was founded by a Muslim woman. Today, we have to beg to be able to wear a hijab and get an education at the same time — both of which are fundamental rights that our women are being stripped of.
this was the FIRST EVER boy band I liked. I remember I used to wear these bracelets that had their logo on them. I cried when I watched harry get hate on one of their tv documentaries. I laughed when louis used to host ‘spin the harry’ on their youtube channel. I exhaled with niall when he learned that he wasn’t getting a tattoo with james corden. I supported zayn when he decided to leave the band. I loved when liam played a choreographer in the best song ever music video.
they’ve given me memories I’ll hold onto for the rest of my life, and I can’t believe it’s been ten years of one direction. once a directioner, always a directioner.