zai. she/her. '00. nctzen, army. brown af. welcome to my little world of writing!
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Coterie: The Ninja Star (2/2)
coterie: the ninja star (2/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
pairing: lee eunsang and y/n
a/n: mention of drugs, violence, and cursing. proceed with caution. THIS IS LONG AF.
it took a few days for any activity to resonate between you and eunsang. after that day eunsang agreed that he’d start training you, but he had not started anything. then one day, you were cleaning around your room when you heard knocks on your door. it was eunsang. you stood confused, and in response, he only told you, “get ready and meet me outside in ten minutes.” needless to say, you followed his order, and soon were sitting in the passenger’s seat. “let me tell you something,” he started off saying, breaking the silence between the two of you. “I know that you might think what I do is violent. you’ve seen it yourself with jinhyuk. you know what I’m capable of. where I’m going to take you today may affect your decision about working with me. just know that I honestly could care less what you choose and if you don’t want to work with me after today, you are more than welcome to just lay low and not work with me.” if you weren’t confused earlier, you sure as hell were now. he pulled into a parking lot that was fairly vacant. you seemed to be surrounded by abandoned buildings, and this area didn’t look like it had seen people in a while. “wait in the car. I’ll be back,” eunsang told you before stepping out of the vehicle and making his way over to one of the buildings. he hid skillfully, and you know where he was because you saw him but you didn’t realize what was about to happen. suddenly, two men appeared to be exiting one of the buildings. one man had continued walking while one idly stood in front of the building. just then, eunsang came out and beat the man up. you didn’t need to hear the painful screams leaving the man’s mouth as he called out for someone, and you only assume he was calling the man that left with him. but it was pointless because eunsang eventually threw a punch hard enough to send the man’s head flying back, splatters of red leaving his mouth and he fell back with a thud. you were confident that as the man landed on the concrete he’d definitely broken a few bones. eunsang walked back to the car, breathing heavy. he sat in and tried not to look as your shocked expression quickly morphed into one of a poker face. “so before you decide anything let me tell you who he was. this guy is part of a huge drug scandal, which he gets from us. one of the rules when purchasing anything from us is don’t do anything that will make us look bad. the news spread that the guy was lacing candy for innocent children with drugs this past halloween. he put almost ten kids in the hospital that night. he broke the most important rule, and so seungwoo hyung told me about this guy and we decided that we should take him out.” eunsang turned back to look at you, and your eyes were wide. “he’s not dead, he’ll just be out for a day or two.” he adds in, and you visibly relax a bit. “so, now you know. tell me, is this still a position you’ll consider?” and even though he was sure you were going to deny this job, in the back of his mind eunsang couldn’t help but think maybe, just maybe, you would still stay. and when you told him, “this makes me want to do it, even more, eunsang. I hope you realize that you won’t be getting rid of me that easily, buddy. I’m staying, and if I can help keep this city clean and free of dirtbags like that, then isn’t that also helping people?”
as soon as you agreed to train with eunsang, within a few days he decided to give you a bunch of ‘easy things’, according to him. to you, it was an introduction to self-defense, with basic moves, including various kicks and punches. and for someone who only had experience hurting cockroaches and teeny tiny spiders, you didn’t think you were doing too bad, but eunsang was quick to call you out. he’d say “not enough power” or “your stance is wrong” or “you messed up the order.” this didn’t stop you from training with him though. you’d never felt like this before, but it was an addictive feeling, punching and kicking the sandbags and the adrenaline that pumped in you and never quite died down. you remember telling eunsang about this feeling a few days after when you took a break during your session. as he drank out of his water bottle, and looked at you, heavily breathing. the fire that burned in your eyes that day in the car was unlike the one he saw now. if those were embers, then this was an inferno. eunsang knew that feeling, because it was the same thing he felt when he fought, too. at least he was doing something right, he thought, before re-wrapping his hands up with his gauze, signaling the continuation of your training session. but you were only human. because all this was new to you mentally and physically, it didn’t take long before you felt yourself starting to burn out. your body would be in pain, aching and pulsing as you’d push yourself down onto your bed, landing with a thud. all you wanted to do was sleep. and just as you felt like you were finally relaxing, your alarm would go off again, signaling the beginning of the next day. and you think you can hide your exhaustion but after seeing you starting to lose power in your punches, eunsang’s eyebrows get furrowed. “stop,” he gruffly says, holding the sandbag you just hit to halt any further movements. breathing heavily, you look back up at him, “what?” “you’re losing your power. what’s going on with you?” you brush it off, “nothing,” “y/n.” he sternly calls and you slowly meet his eyes. “you don’t think I’ve noticed, huh? you have trouble keeping your eyes open, you yawn constantly, you’ve been losing strength in your attacks. what’s wrong?” frustrated, you lean against a wall and push your hair back, “sorry, but this is all way too new for me. I thought it would be easy to get used to but it really isn’t. I’ve not had a good night’s sleep in so long, so that’s probably why I am how I am right now.” eunsang looks as if there are gears turning in his head. he sighs, placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose and groans, “fine, take a break. go fuck around, do whatever, I don’t care. sleep, right, that’s what you want? do that. but be ready to train in two days. I haven’t told you anything yet but we have a mission and it’s one where I’m going to need you to get involved also,” and just as you are about to ask him for more details, the boy pushes you out of the room and shuts the door in your face. ugh, once an ass, always an ass.
but that statement didn’t really ring true to you anymore. if someone asked you in the beginning if you liked eunsang, you’d tell them that you’d shit your pants before even starting a conversation with him. but you know that after spending more time with him, he’s not as bad as you thought he’d be. sure he can come off as an asshole sometimes and is not really the best with his words, but all in all, he’s not intimidating to you anymore. and part of you feels terrible for judging hire character even before you had a proper conversation with him, but another part of you tried to justify it by telling yourself he’s the one that beat up jinhyuk. you were the one that patched him up after that, so you remember how bad his wounds were. if eunsang could beat him up like that, who knows what else he’s capable of? but your thoughts are cut short because the minute you enter your room you hit the shower, and then plop yourself onto your bed, and the long-anticipated slumber your body craved for finally took over and within a short period of time you were out like a light. the next couple of days may have been the slowest days you’ve had ever since you’ve arrived at the mansion. because you didn’t have anything to do, you really would either sleep or just fuck around, but that got boring too quickly. all you were thinking about was the mission eunsang briefly mentioned to you, and how you were going to be involved this time around.
meanwhile, eunsang immediately noticed your absence in those two days. he didn’t realize it until now, but without you in the training room, things were kind of boring. that’s because when you started training with him, you’d train then ask him random questions, to which he’d give random answers, and as hard as his exterior made him seem, he thought you were amusing. you reminded him a lot of how he used to be. before eunsang was recruited to be a part of x1, he was... a college student, much like you were. he got in on a sports scholarship, for boxing. he was also a tae kwon do major. he remembered his freshman year when he was genuinely happy. he dreamed to open a place where he could teach children tae kwon do so that they could feel the love for the sport, just like he did. things, unfortunately, weren’t always in his favor. one day, he got a call. it was seungwoo, who offered him the job. he was elated of course, but when he told his family about it, they were adamant about telling him no. eunsang had to think long and hard: because he came in on a sports scholarship, his school tuition was paid for. his parents worked their asses off to pay for his pre-college training. if he had been given the opportunity to give back to them, then. why the fuck shouldn’t he? eunsang remained persistent and this led to his family cutting off all ties with him. now he had a job, but for who? his parents weren’t happy with him, they didn’t even want to see him anymore. so eunsang kept his word to seungwoo and stayed working for him. but not a day goes by when eunsang doesn’t remember his family. he still loves them dearly, because, well, it’s family.
pretty soon, though, the two days pass for the both of you. you walk into the training room and breathe in. you wait patiently for eunsang to show up because when he does, he sees the anticipation in your eyes, and starts, “seems like you want to know something.” “you know what I want to ask you about, eunsang.” you crossed your arms and impatiently tapped your foot. “fine, okay. the mission is in a few days and... it’s a girl.” confusion is clear on your face, so he elaborates, “the person you have to beat up is a girl.” that’s why he wants you to do it? because he doesn’t want to hit a girl? subconsciously you find this gesture of eunsang’s endearing. but you don’t let him know, and instead ask him, “who is she?” eunsang grimaces, “she’s the daughter of the military general. she’s been involved with some of the underground gangs and has also been involved in some activity involving hazing and college kids. we’re going after her because if we punish her and keep her in our custody, we’ll not only stop her from doing any more damage but also have the military general under our control.” so the next few days, your training is rigorous. in fact, you are confident that your training is the most intense now, but you think that the two day break really helped you out because as you throw your last set of punches, you could have sworn you saw eunsang smile from the corner of your eye. your suspicions proved to be true when you turned your head and the beam that grew on woman’s face remained, and you swear, your heart skipped a beat. “really good, y/n! at this rate, you’ll be ready to fight!” a hesitant smile grew on your face, but eunsang noticed it, and his eyebrows creased. “what’s wrong?” “I just...” you start, “don’t feel ready. I’ve never done something like this before, and this seems like it’s huge and I don’t wanna fuck up.” eunsang’s heartbeat accelerates as he responds,“you’ll do fine, y/n. trust me, with the way you’ve been training, you’ll definitely be able to kick her ass. I’m sure of it and if you need any help, which I doubt, I’ll be waiting for you.” eunsang places his hand on your shoulder and your eyebrows shoot up. “is this you being nice, eunsang? wow, I get this and a smile today? you must be really happy.” eunsang rolls his eyes and pushes you playfully and you laugh. he gets caught up in admiring the contours of your smile and the way the corners of your eyes crinkle.
and the day of the fight rolls around. fast. you’ve arrived at an abandoned apartment building, eunsang is waiting nearby, equipped with a walkie talkie for efficient communication. he stands impatiently near the car, leg bouncing and praying that you stay safe. and the girl, eunha, is supposed to be arriving at this location for something. she’s not expecting to see you as she enters the building. “who the fuck are you?” her nasally voice screeches in your ears and that makes you want to punch her even more. “that doesn’t matter. what matters is I’m here to make sure you stop. no one deserves the treatment you give people. it’s disgusting.” without warning, you swing at her. the minute your fist connects with her jaw, you know it’ll end well. she holds up a fight, jabbing you in the stomach a few times while dodging your own. she has a bloody lip, and you have cuts along your knuckles and one on your forehead. “give it up already.” she tells you and attempts to kick you but you move out of the way. “make it easy for me then. stop fighting back and just come with me.” upon her refusal, you continue to fight. things start to get crazy when she picks up a metal bar that was found nearby and tries to swing it at you. you dodge it just at the right time and snatch it from her, only to pound it strongly against the back of her head. there was so much power in that one hit that eunha tightly closed her eyes, and stumbled to the ground, on her knees and her hands going up behind her head to console the fresh wound. “I got her, eunsang,” you say into the walkie talkie. you pull out a small piece of rope you’d kept with you and panting hard, you manage to tie her hands behind her back. pretty soon, eunsang shows up and finds you leaning against the wall, still huffing from your intense quarrel. he picks up eunha and throws her over his shoulder, then turns to you and motions you to lead the way. you both walk out of the building and towards the car. you open the back door for eunsang to lie eunha on the seat, and you both then sit in the front seats and eunsang starts the car, leaving the destination. “how long will she be knocked out for? I hit her pretty hard,” you start, running your fingers through your hair. you ignore the slow sinking in your stomach.“she’ll be out for a couple of hours, which is plenty of time to get her back home, and the boys will help us out from there.” the silence grows in the car, and you’re not sure if eunsang can sense the nervousness from you. your throat seems to tighten and your head hurts immensely. when eunsang looks at you and says, “why are you crying?” you let out a shaky breath before saying, “did I do the right thing? should I have not hit her as hard?” you ramble, violently wiping at the tears falling from your eyes. eunsang hesitantly reaches over and places his hand on your knee, “hey, it’s okay. you did do the right thing. we’re not the bad guys, you know that. don’t feel bad, y/n.” eunsang stops at a red light and turns to fully look at you, his hand patting your knee. and maybe you’re just overwhelmed with emotion, but you lean in and plant a kiss on eunsang’s lips. before he seems to even react to it, you hear a honk from behind you, and you break away from the kiss. you look outside, embarrassed as ever. “sorry,” you mumble and eunsang keeps driving.
the car is silent the rest of the way until you reach the mansion. eunsang and you leave the car, and before you say anything, eunsang says, “go in. you’ve done well for the day. I’ll call the boys to help me out.” you walk quickly, entering the house, only to go directly to your room and closing the door shut once you’re in. you’re embarrassed and ashamed. “stupid, stupid, stupid.” you mumble, pacing back and forth in the room, hitting your hand against your forehead, wincing when it touched the cut inflicted during the fight. you don’t know how long you were doing that for but you hear a knock on your door. you pause and go to open the door, to reveal a flustered eunsang, playing with his hands. “can I uh, come in?” you move to the side, and he enters. “listen, about earlier,” you start, rubbing your forearm, “I just, I don’t know why I did that.” eunsang finally meets his eyes with your own and a flash of an emotion passes through them. “did it mean anything to you?” he asks, and a glint of hope is resonated in his tone. “honestly? yeah, it did. because I like you, lee eunsang. in the beginning, I hated you, but now, you’ve shown me a whole new side to you, and I liked it all. it’s okay if you don’t like me back, I get it-” you’re cut off when eunsang takes long strides towards you and joins his mouth with yours, cupping your face between his fingers and shutting his eyes. you swallow your own words as you grab onto his waist, kissing him back with just as much fervor. “I like you too, y/n. I think from the moment I met you I liked you. you just...reminded me a lot of how I used to be, happy. when I met you, I never thought I’d be happy again. I was always sad and depressed and I had a hard time expressing my feelings. but when you came along, it felt like you revived me. I can’t see myself without you anymore, and I want you to be mine.” a fresh batch of tears pool in your eyes, this time out of happiness. “of course, eunsang. I’ll be yours,” and you lean in to peck his lips once more. that night, you and eunsang stay up together, where he tells you all about how he used to live before x1, and you tell him about your college life. one thing that you both are able to agree on, though, is that in the end, you both found each other, and that’s all that matters.
a/n: that’s a wrap for eunsang! sorry if the fighting scene wasn’t all that great, I’ve never written any before 😖. thank you all for being so patient with me, this week’s been crazy and the semester is almost over so my final exams are coming up so I’ve just been really stressed with that ❤. on the bright side though, my winter break will be LONG so that means I can give you guys more coterie! now tell me, who do you choose next? if you didn’t think the ninja star was eunsang, who’d you think it was? let me know in the comments and as always, thank you guys once again for supporting the series!!
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More Posts from Sweetdejun
⛅ - what is your morning routine?
I wake up at 7:00, and it usually goes as follows:
I brush my teeth and wash my face.
I waste time on my phone for like 10-15 min (social media, usually)
I pick my clothes out for the day, and it’s usually based on the weather.
I get ready, I usually don’t put makeup on when I go to school because I don’t have time tbh, but when I do it’s either eyeliner or mascara.
I eat breakfast (I don’t think I’d be able to drive if I didn’t have food in my system lmao)
I pack my bag (usually don’t need to do this, but sometimes I have to keep things/take some stuff out)
I make my coffee (again, don’t think I’d be able to drive if I didn’t have any coffee in my system but maybe I’m just an addict lol)
I leave by 8:20-ish, and my first class is at 10 because MORNING TRAFFIC╰(*°▽°*)╯
so yeah, that’s pretty much it :)
convenience store worker!au for seungyoun based on this picture
seungyoun is one of the many students who’re in dire need of money and are looking for a job. in his case, he was seeking one that worked with his hectic schedule
being a music comp major took up a lot of his time during his normal weeks and he also lived on campus so most, if not all of his time was spent within the boundaries of the college campus
so when he saw a flyer on the bulletin board of his dorm floor asking for a part-time worker at the convenience store just next to the campus library, he knew he had to apply for it.
and long story short, that’s how seungyoun became the convenience store employee taking the night shift on the weekends
and he started working towards the end of the semester which, when he told his friends,,, they’re reactions were quite different than what he expected.
seungwoo looked at him like he had a third eye. “I don’t understand why you all are making a big deal,” seungyoun told the guys before chomping down on a french fry
“seungyoun, within the next three weeks the semester will be over,” wooseok explained, and seungyoun huffed, “what’s the problem? they said they’ll need me throughout winter break too”
seungwoo sighed, “dude, finals weeks. you know how crowded the convenience store will get once students realize that it’s the only place open for 24 hours? when will you be able to take care of your own finals, then?”
yohan nodded, “you need to do well in your finals in order to pass, my dude” and proceeded to steal a french fry from seungyoun’s plate.
seungyoun didn’t think about that: of course, he had finals, too. he pulled out his phone to check his schedule and smack in the middle of finals week he had one in-class final, and it was in his worst subject, statistics.
“damn it,” he started and looked back at the guys. “all my finals are comp pieces that are due before the finals weeks, but I have one final during that time period and it’s stats.”
seungwoo sighed, “I think you should reconsider the job, dude,” before packing up his things and heading to his next class. slowly each of his friends offered a similar remark before they left individually, leaving him with his thoughts and the last few bits of his french fries.
so when the next weekend rolls around, seungyoun comes to the decision: he’s going to tell his boss he’s quitting by the end of this weekend because he needs to focus on this goddamn stats class.
he walks into the convenience store, on time for his friday night shift and goes through his usual routine: clocks in, puts on his uniform and starts to put things back that students will pick up and misplace in the wrong aisles.
he goes back to the register and changes the music playing through the intercoms, which occasionally he’ll do some nights; usually, the workers who have their shift before his play some good music but on the nights he arrives and the music is ass, he has the urge to change it right away.
surprisingly, the store isn’t as busy as seungwoo and wooseok exaggerated for it to be. after whistling along to the music, and organizing some things here and there, seungyoun begins to grow increasingly bored. so far only three people came to purchase things: a young student bought some hot cheetos and a red bull, an older lady purchased some water bottles and a guy around his age bought a deodorant stick and iced coffee.
he gets so bored that as he spins in his chair at the register, he pulls out his phone and opens the front camera. tilting his head, pouting his lip slightly, he presses the button and the camera clicks upon his action.
straightening his head, he smiles closed-mouthed and clicks another picture, then a few more in other weird ass poses (he’s alone who cares)
as he brings the phone down he hears someone clearing their throat and instantly freezes
a girl stood in front of him, items strategically balanced in her hands, along with her wallet clutched tightly between her thumb and index finger. seungyoun can feel the back of his neck heat up and he sheepishly mutters, “uh,, are you ready to check out?”
the poor boy can’t look the girl in the eye, and misses her teasing smile as she fondly gazes upon the boy. “yep,” and she places her things on the counter for him to scan.
her gaze wanders off and he takes the time to quickly look up at the girl, and immediately feels his heart skip a beat. she’s beautiful, he thinks, and as soon as she senses the boy’s stare she turns her head back around and catches his gaze. how cute, she thinks and now seungyoun feels like an idiot
“your total is 17.07. cash or card?” he hesitantly looks back up, and relaxes a bit after seeing the girl smile. “card, and chill out,” her eyes go to his name tag-“seungyoun. it’s fine, everyone gets bored at work and does random shit. if you weren’t so cute, I wouldn’t hesitate to call you out, but you get a pass.”
hearing the compliment allows seungyoun to regain some of his momentarily lost confidence and he smiles. “well, I’m glad you think that, miss...” “y/n.”
seungyoun had packed her bags and had returned her card back to her, with the receipt neatly folded on top of it, yet the conversation that started from moments before had yet to see an end, until a gruff voice of an old man was heard from behind y/n, snapping her out of the trance that was seungyoun’s chocolate eyes.
“excuse me young lady but if you’re done chit-chatting with your boyfriend, I need to buy something, so hurry up!” flustered, she scooted over to the side and seungyoun quickly checked the man’s things out before handing him the bag, and the old man yanked it out of his hands and muttered stuff as he pushed the door and left.
rose-colored cheeks caught seungyoun’s attention as he noticed y/n’s wavering eyes. “listen y/n, my shift ends at 6. do you maybe want to grab a coffee tomorrow morning?” “you mean later today?” she shows him the time on her phone, the three digits indicating the early hours of the morning.
“sure, seungyoun, here,” she looked around before her eyes fell on her receipt and she picked up a pen sitting in the front pocket of his shirt and quickly scribbled down her number on it, before handing it back to him.
she returned the pen and grabbed her things and she leaned her back against the door to push it outward, and the last thing seungyoun remembered her saying that night was a, “see you soon, seungyoun,”
and that dulcet encounter ended when seungyoun felt a fluttery sensation in his stomach and he smiled wide, having trouble containing his excitement for the engagement that was to come in a few short hours.

hi guys! these are my top nine albums! I was tagged by @chajvnhos and @junholy :))
they are (left to right, top to bottom):
nct 2018- empathy
ariana grande- sweetener
seventeen- teen,age
exo- the war
x1- quantum leap
travis scott- astroworld
pritam- kalank (original soundtrack)
lolo zouai- high highs and low lows
I tag: @hwayoungscorpioshin, @lublycho, and @eunsanguine (you don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna do it) and whoever else would like to do it is more than welcome to do so!
i can’t wait till the next part of coterie: the ninja star,, i fricking love the ones you did before♥️
this is so sweet! thank you so much for the support!! I will try to post as soon as possible but can’t really promise anything by the end of this week because my schedule is crazy. but thanks again for the love and support you’ve given the series, and I will try to meet you guys’ expectations for the next part of ninja star!!