synapticabyss - "The circus is on fire!"
"The circus is on fire!"

Abyss. I worldbuild, draw monsters, body horror, and sometimes fanart. Do not use or repost my artwork without my permission. I am a 21+ adult and my content is not tailored to minors - you have been warned!

245 posts

The Man. I Have Drawn Him Four Times In A Row At The Time Of Posting. Ive Now Got The Basics For Body

The Man. I Have Drawn Him Four Times In A Row At The Time Of Posting. Ive Now Got The Basics For Body

The Man. I have drawn him four times in a row at the time of posting. I’ve now got the basics for body shape down and whatnot.

I will fiddle with some of the closer details.

More Posts from Synapticabyss

3 years ago

at somepoint I will probably take some time off to draw each Disco Elysium skill as a demon (because I get demon vibes off of them, not just aesthetically)

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3 years ago


More on her in the Abyssal DE timeline below... (potential spoiler warning!)

I did some reading up on Dolores Dei, long dead native of Elysium, yesterday at the point of writing this blog post. What I read, while undoubtedly altered a bit through time and 300 years worth of retelling the same story, fascinated me.

If the logs and retellings are to be believed, she exhibited hostal symptoms, which should be impossible since she never once channels at any point. She’s dead. The fact that she was murdered by one of her own therriers who claimed that she wasn’t human supports this, but take it with a grain of salt. Potential insanity and all that.

Currently within the Abyssal DE timeline she holds the title of “False Host” to me (less to the natives of Elysium) due to these reasons. Abyssal Harry (the true, ACTUAL host) finds Dolores Dei so frightening that he’ll enter a terrified territorial reaction, the fact that she’s been long gone from life does little to calm him down unless you manage to distract him. When he sees her, his Inner Intelligences let him know quite hard that she’s LIKE him, but in a way that isn’t right. She’s masquerading, while Harry’s the real deal. Like a worse version of uncanny valley.

I’m still in the early stages of this AU but that’s the general gist so far. False host shows up 300 years ago, fucks around with hostal powers she shouldn’t logically have, and then a real host shows up way later. In the form of a psychic corspe-looking drunkard.

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3 years ago

Syeia-o-Opri and the Race of Stolen Children

Hey. I have a g/t setting I sometimes work on. Here’s the basics of it.

Fairies arrive from the deep reaches of space, putting up a colony upon the face of the Earth. From the infant children of the Earth’s most clever native - borrowers, the fairies created humans, a macro-superweapon to be used in fairy war fields. Billions of borrower infants were stolen in one cycle and corrupted by fairy magic.

The borrowers are horrified at this. Humans are large, and even the weakest human is several times physically stronger than both fairy and borrower alike. The salt within a human’s body is deeply corrosive to fairies, and any spilled blood will desynchronize a fairy’s flow of will, which is a death sentence.

Humanity is only controlled via one thing - their names, which are fairy-given. As long as a fairy knows a human’s name, the human is under the fairy’s control. This creates an almost foolproof weapon for fairies to use against other fairies. Sending in a colossal being woven from Earth flesh, having salt in their bodily liquids, and iron within their blood, a human is perfect for exterminating enemy fairies.

Sadly, the fairies realized a bit too late that the “small bipedal idiot species” (by comparison) of borrowers left behind some “recessive material” within every human. Cooperation, a highly social structure, and love for each other eventually made the humans plot against their fairy lords. One night, two humans - a male and a female - decide to name each other and not tell the fairies about it.

It is the first dawn of the fairy apocalypse. With one human-to-human given name rises another, and spreads across the fairies’ human populations. The fairies do not understand why they no longer have any control over their superweapons, and only realize what has happened when it’s way too late. Any human still under fairy control is quickly overpowered by the out-of-control swarms, who have quickly figured out how to wield rudimentary weaponry.

Early humanity drove most of fairykind off the planet. In current times, humanity rules the Earth, fairies being powerless to regain their grip on their planet and borrowerkind carefully living beneath humanity’s shadow.

Contact with humanity has been attempted by fairies, but they learned that ANY smidge of aggression will cause the human being communicated with to revert to their original weapon state, killing whichever fairy had made the aggressive display. Contact remains ill advised.

Despite this, humanity is naturally neutral with borrowerkind. The borrowers stay away for their own safety.

Until one day, one member of the two races collide.

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3 years ago

Abyssal Disco Elysium Skills

Unique skills I’m devving for Abyssal Harry. Underneath the cut.

Part observational stuff from the game, part glitches and bugs, and part raw Abyssal fanfiction. Skill color is emerald green.


“Pull cursed knowledge from the elsewhere. Manipulate facts.”

Neurohazard is the ability to unconsciously keep your strangeness hidden from the fragile minds of regular people, and speak of strangeness in order to do mental damage. Abnormal manipulation of facts will allow you to force feed harmful information to people’s brains, forcing them to accept it as truth.

At too low levels, you will not be able to hide in plain sight. You will be unable to cause mental damage. You will not be able to tell interesting stories. At too high levels, people will barely notice you. Even the slightest whisper into their ears will stand the high risk of frying their neurons beyond repair.



“Be frighteningly different. Be unbothered by human weakness.”

Metamorphology is the ability to phase through matter (sometimes), be unaffected and completely immune to hunger and fatigue, and is the reason for your strange physical appearance. The less of a true human experience you have, the less human you will appear anatomically. Unique internal neural structures lets you channel strange physical powers.

At too low levels, you will appear normal but also become victim to hunger and fatigue. You will need to eat, drink, and won’t be able to run everywhere. At too high levels, your physical form starts to become liquid and subject to the whims of your will and emotional state. Keeping a human shape will be difficult.



“Love thy followers, keep them standing. Grant power to those worthy.”

Radiant Spread is the ability to share your strange power with the people around you. For short moments they will appear to be somewhat like you, for whatever reason is deemed fit. Your future partners will become most affected, as sharing is caring, and you need to care for your partners. Partners may be able to phase through matter and use light telekinesis.

At too low levels, you will be forced to let the people around you fend for themselves. You will not be able to help them. At too high levels, the people around you will have their essences become so bloated with anomalous power that interaction will become difficult.



“Close your eyes to the here-and-now. Pathfind and see the future.”

Divination is the ability to see the future within your dreams, and sometimes in waking life as well. It will allow you to prepare accordingly for possible future dangers and tests of skill, as well as let you find your way around places where you have never been before. If you cannot find a way to a specific place, then people will know to look for a different way in.

At too low levels, you will be blind to the future and purely shackled to the present. You will have no time to prepare for anything. At too high levels, your waking life will be intruded upon with visions from the future. You will be infinitely ready for what’s ahead, but you can’t see what’s in front of you.



“Slip between the laws of space and time. Teleport and timetravel.”

Space-Time Pocket is the ability to create mementos, usage of hammerspatial pockets, as well as utilizing the physical slipstreams between specific points in Martinaise. Time and space, for you and your partners, will simply be a suggestion rather than a rule of existence. Store whatever you find out of sight and out of mind, no backpack needed.

At too low levels, you will need to get to places on your own. Whatever mistakes you make will be yours to keep, eternally. At too high levels, the concept of a linear timeline will become difficult to comprehend. You won’t truly know if you’ve done a specific thing or not. You’ll constantly wonder what day it is.



“Feast upon experiences. Grow stronger from each word and step.”

Fester is the ability to truly grow from the experiences that life has to offer. It will allow you to harvest mental, physical, emotional, paranormal, and instinctual power from getting out there into the world and immersing yourself within it. Interacting with people, doing activities, and simply observing what’s around you will help you grow.

At too low levels, you will not feel the need to do anything. You will not be able to grow from what you do. You will be a true boring void. At too high levels, you will harvest too much and too fast that your power will outgrow what you are.


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