auughhghghg- chloe/cam/omni -they/she
401 posts
Takonyatchi - Back On Tumblr 1 Decade Later - Tumblr Blog
i am fine so long as i don’t remember i’m alive & a person
recently when im tempted to say 'i'm gonna kill myself' i try to correct it into saying "im gonna walk into the river and become a trout" or some other form of that. this is my new thing

crochet aquarium

over it october. no energy november. defeated december..
if i was a ant it would be easy for a foot to squash me
on wikipedia straight up "learning it". and by "learning it" i mean, lets just say.. information
goddddd this sucks i need to (remembers suicide jokes are bad for my mental health) Find The Chaos Emeralds
“help” is my favorite way to say that something is funny. like hey i laughed at this post can you save me
People claiming it’s not okay to criticize israel around october 6th/7th because it’s a sensitive time (you sound like people who consider 9/11 a borderline sacred holiday btw) for Palestinians that is every day. You understand that right. Not only did october 7th ruin many of THEIR lives as well every single day is a day they lose hundreds of lives. Every single day they are hit with terror attacks from the idf. Every day is their occupation. They don’t even get an anniversary or a day or minute of mourning or acknowledgement

the moulting weaner has a joyous demeanor

My phone fucking fell and broke I’m so LIVID about it so I encapsulated my anger and put it in Tangle :3.
Which in hindsight, I may have put too much in her I think oh dear
My apologies.

they put him in the wasning mashine

me: man my job sucks i want to play video games or somethin
the nefarious anglerfish:

Pixel Gold the Tenrec

had a statie come into my store and buy an apple and some water. I didn't know they knew what those were! I was under the impression that they live off of slim jims and bang energy
It's actually healthier for pigs to eat fruits and vegetables rather than meat.

a brionne/vaporeon fusion made with @wintergreen729 using @rocketterrier 's pokemon fusion headcanons! they don't have a name yet

i cant wait (<-lie) for it to get cold as fuckk so i can finally start dressing while every other aspect of my life noticeably worsens for several dark months
can we play laptops? in the meadow