indian poc girlie, 18, she/her, female

574 posts

I FOUND IT THANKS TO @thatsonezesty13

I FOUND IT THANKS TO @thatsonezesty13


An Unhealthy Obsession: Chapter One

The Basement at the End of the Stairs

An Unhealthy Obsession: Chapter One

Hi everyone! I've started to post on Tumblr, so these updates will be coming daily until I catch up where I've left off on AO3. This is a slower fic to start, but I hope it's worth it once you start reading. Please enjoy <3

Master List | Next Chapter

Groggily, you began to open your eyes. Your eyelids felt so heavy that it was hard to do, but you mustered your strength to keep them open. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light, and start to look around. You weren’t in your bedroom, or anywhere you remember. You’d landed yourself into a large room without remembering how. You were sure you just fell asleep on the couch, having true crime stories on in the background…

The room you found yourself in seems to be a part of a small house. As you had woken up on the carpeted floor, you began to sit up to examine the room. Next to you on the left was a warm-toned gray couch and a coffee table made of wood. On the right of you was a large television screen and the stand underneath is full of different movies. You recognized most of the titles.

There was a glass door that leads to a small yard and patio, although it’s hard to see through – it had been raining and the droplets had collected on the glass. Fog also blocked your view, but it was difficult to tell whether the fog is coming from inside the house, or outside. You moved your head around, observing and analyzing the space around you.

Most of what you can see looks like contemporary design, with muted colors and a hint of modern. You decided to get up off the floor and walk around; your legs feel sore like you’ve walked for miles, but you didn’t remember doing anything. Walking around, you found a good-sized kitchen, a study, a set of stairs leading up and down, a sunroom, and the front door. When you opened the front door, you found yourself among a green forest full of pine, fir, cedar, and more. The muddy driveway indicated it had been raining for a while now, and the raindrops dancing on the puddles had not an indication that it would stop.

Going back into the house, you headed upstairs to see what else was there. Opening some doors, you found two bedrooms. One was smaller and full of posters from scientists, psychologists, and old science-fiction shows. It looked like a young boy’s room, but you couldn’t tell who’s. Awards line the shelves, indicating who ever lived here was very smart and successful. The other bedroom, the larger one, looked like a college student’s dorm room. A tapestry hung behind the bed, and fairy lights decorated the tops of the walls. Although the floor was carpeted, rugs lay about across the room. It led to a good-sized bedroom, making you realize that this must be the master. A bathroom lay across the hall from the bedroom as well as closet with sheets, cleaning supplies, and other household items. You decided to head back downstairs and go down the other set, leading to what you assumed was the basement.

The door to the basement at the end of the stairs creaked and groaned, and the wood was old. It felt much older than the rest of the house, as if it didn’t belong. With the creaking and groaning, you peered into the basement and gawked in astonishment.

The basement looked like a scene from one of your true crime shows, without any victims or signs of violence of any kind. A chair with ropes along the back of it and its arms stood in the middle of the room, and the rest appeared like a small shop with tools of all shapes and sizes cluttering the walls. A workbench sat at the corner of the room, and nervously you walked over to it. You saw what seemed to be a high-tech collar with unlit bulbs and a keypad attached to it. You lifted it up, realizing that this would fit around an average person’s neck, or a large dog at that. Just out of curiosity, you place it on yourself and slide the lock shut.

The bulb lights up immediately and a humming starts. You feel it vibrate across your throat, and the feeling is unusual to say the least. Feeling around the collar for the keypad, you realized that you never looked for a code to unlock it. A string of numbers pops into your head however, and you inserted this imagined sequence in. To your surprise, the collar unlocked and fell onto the floor, the light stopping once more. You placed it back onto the counter and find two similar smaller holds like it also sitting on the bench. Without locking it, you placed them onto your wrists. They were a bit too large for you, but cold hold someone if needed.

You stepped out of the basement, shivering from the creepiness of it all. Here you were, in a house that you had never seen or been in before with a raining forest outside, a boy’s room full of awards and posters, and an eerie basement. It was unusual to say the least, and you wondered how you got to this place at all. You headed back to the living room and plant yourself onto the couch. You had sunk in and found it cozy, despite the situation. A blanket sits on the other side, so you decided to pull it over towards you. It’s soft and almost melts in your touch. You saw a remote sitting on the coffee table and decided to turn on the television. It jets on, and the first season of Criminal minds appears. You remembered seeing the box set when looking at the shelves earlier, so you were sure it must have come from there.

Before you started the season, a voice inside you urged to grab some paper and something to write with. You get up and go towards the study, where the smell of old books stains the room. You don’t look around much, but find a brand-new lined journal sitting on the desk with a set of Bic pens on top. You take them with back to the couch and start to write. In large letters you write:


Underneath it in smaller letters, you begin:

EPISODE ONE: Extreme Aggressor

As you start the episode, you wrote down everything you see; the characters that appear, the unsub, the victims’ names, the city, and what led them to the unsub. You had seen the show before, but it had been a few years. Everyone looked so young, and in a weird way you felt nostalgic. That is, until a certain character appeared onscreen.

Spencer Reid.

He had been your favorite growing up and had been a huge crush for you. But now, seeing him in this show in this strange house, a feeling overwhelmed you had not felt before. Your face got hot, and you could feel your heart pulsing. The palms of your hands begin to calm up, and your stomach twisted into knots. The pounding of your heart and the heat inside you twisted together into a surreal feeling of your entire body pulsing now. You immediately went back to the study and grabbed another journal from the desk, titling this one:


You felt giddy writing his name, and a feeling that you had to record everything about him came over you. You wrote down everything you had remembered about him and watched his every move intensely in the episode. Each time he appeared, a smile appeared on your face, and you couldn’t help but to always keep your full attention on him. In fact, you restarted the episode once it was finished so you could make sure you got everything down in both notebooks.

You continued to watch more episodes, watching each episode twice. Watching it the first time allowed you to record the characters, the unsub, and all the other trivia, although it was hard to stay focused when Spencer was on screen. Watching it the second time gave you all the pleasure of analyzing each of his movements, and record anything and everything about him. He had moments where his softness stood out, and you envied the coffee cup he held with care. How nice to be in his hands like that, embraced by him and his gentleness…

Other times, you could see fierceness in his eyes. As other characters in the show seemed to mock him for going off on tangents or not understanding social cues, you could see the frustration in him. But you. Oh, you hung on his every word, following his rambling sentences until they fell. You may not have understood it all but seeing his mind in action and his excitement overtake made that pulsing feeling come back. It was almost overwhelming, but when Derek Morgan or Hotch passed it off as Spencer being “weird” or “too much,” it infuriated you.

You watched the entire season through, stopping for bathroom breaks or breaks to the kitchen. The pantry was full of teas and coffees, so you made yourself a few cups of earl gray. This new house was growing on you, and its nature went from foreign to cozy quickly. The journals at the end of the season had pages full of notes, quotes, and analysis. You hadn’t realized how sore your hand was from writing until the end of it, or how much you enjoyed it. Categorizing a show, and someone’s life like Spencer’s was not something you had done much before, but it seemed like second nature.

You felt like you had to keep watching, but it was late, and you needed to rest. As you placed your mug of tea into the kitchen, folded up the blanket, and turned off the television your mind replayed the clips of the shows in your head. As you brushed your teeth in the master bedroom and hopped into the large and comfortable bed, the thoughts of Spencer Redi danced in your head. If you imagined it closely enough, you could feel him laying in bed next to you. That idea kept you warm, and you drifted off to sleep.

The idea of Spencer Reid existing in this strange house and the strange new world seemed impossible, but with that thought, you stayed asleep all night long.

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More Posts from Targaryenluvs

1 year ago

okay okay just revamped my whole tumblr page andddd i love it!!! lmk what you think ❤️

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1 year ago



pairings: finnick odair x fem!officer!reader

summary: you’re tasked with training finnick odair for war and to fight in the captiol. only problem? he’s completely enamoured with you.

warnings: war mentions, combat, flirting, inappropriate jokes, kisses, short

a/n: was aiming for nazeera x kenji as in grumpy x sunshine

his smile was blinding. or at least finnick liked to think so. he always relied on his charm and wit to get him through whatever. but for once he was dumbstruck, only around you. whenever you walked past he’d throw a joke your way but he could barely ever get a rise out of you and it annoyed him to no end.

but you certainly had no plan to indulge in his comedy. and you didn’t have the time. coin has appointed you to the training program and much to your chagrin you weren’t assigned to a group. rather one victor.

today was your first day with finnick. in closed quarters. just the two of you. alone.

this was going to be hell.

“soldier.” finnick jumped up to his feet once you entered. “y/n.” you stared at him, crossing your arms. “are we friends soldier?” finnick smiled, “i’d like to think so, we could be good friends yknow. if we weren’t already.” you took a step closer, “you’re not family, you’re not my friend and i barely know you. i am your commanding officer and trainer as of now, you will treat me with respect and announce me as such.” you were stern and angry and for some reason it only fueled him on.

“of course miss officer.” he saluted you as you rolled your eyes. “it’s one thing to be in the games and fighting for yourself but here, with me you’ll learn how to fight with a squad. you are protecting others as well and your squad is your family. do. you. understand. me?” he nodded and you walked away, picking up a staff you turned to him.

“now, let’s get to training.”

he was good you’d give him that.

he’d actually managed to get a few hits in but you were obviously better trained. this was your turf in a matter of speaking. hand to hand combat. you were sure if this was in the water or if he’d had a trident in his hands he’d have the upper hand.

“that’s enough for today.” you told finnick as you finished packing away the equipment. “you’re kidding right? it’s only been two hours.” you laughed for once. “it’s been four.” finnick turned around surprised, “you’re kidding.” you shook your head before getting up, “you’re good finnick. just a few more sessions and rifle training and you’ll be cleared to enter.” finnick leaned against the doorway, blocking your exit. “as great as entering the field sounds, i’d much rather spend some sessions with you.” again you rolled your eyes at his words before shifting to the side as finnick moved the same way.

“you’re kidding me. soldier move to the side.” he shook his head, “not until you call me by my name.” you bit your lip and rocked on your feet. “or i could do this.” you pushed him to the side and pinned him to the wall, your arm on his throat. “move or be moved soldier. you chose wrong.” he gazed into your eyes and couldn’t help but smile at you, “for your information i quite like the position i’m in right now.” you scoffed and released him before twisting his arm behind his back and throwing his legs out from underneath him.

“i don’t like repeating myself, finnick.” you teased before picking up your bag and exiting the training room.

and as he laid on the floor, recalling all the times you battered and bruised him, he couldn’t help but laugh. he’d get beaten a hundred times as long as it ended up with you ontop of him.

the next few sessions were similar. you’d enter, not knowing he’d been waiting for over an hour, you’d train he throw a million dirty jokes your way with a bunch of stunning smiles and you’d shake them off as if they did nothing to you. you had an image to maintain and you tried your hardest not to let him in. but a girl can only hold out for so long.

special privileges are earned and somehow finnick managed to weasel his way in.

the lake was calm and you were so close to falling asleep. but, per usual, he came along. whistling of all things. “yes please disturb my quiet time finnick, i’d been waiting for you.” finnick sat down next to you, “of course you were. you can’t resist me.” you turned to him and pouted, “am i that transparent? i want you, i need you, oh baby, oh baby.” finnick beamed as you smiled back involuntarily.

“i see a smile.” you shoved him in the arm, “no you didn’t soldier.” finnick laughed, “soldier? am in trouble now?” you nodded, “yes you are. i’m going to tie you up-” finnicks eyebrows shot up as you groaned, “not like that, why do you always think like that.” he shrugged his shoulders, “you tell me. i see the same gorgeous woman every single day. how can i resist?” this time he wasn’t joking, you could tell. “you think i’m pretty?” he shook his head as you feigned shock.

“i think you’re breathtaking.”

and that was all it took for your defences to come crumbling down as he moved closer, and you let him. his hand on your cheek and his soft kiss. you felt as if you were floating and you’d finally given in.

a girl can only hold out for so long.

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1 year ago


Tell me they run away pls🥺🥺

ahahah you never know!! i’ll see if i want a part two for it <3

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1 year ago




what the hell is happening in shibuya?


the arena is ready.


welcome to camp half-blood!


dads on a hunting trip, are you coming?


911, what is your emergency?


LAPD, en route.


ready to handle the case?


mystic falls grill, what can i get you?


train to ketterdam is boarding.


the throne awaits.


the dragon calls your name.


ready to be sorted?


so many to choose from, who’s your favourite?


the first ball of the season, have you picked out your dress?


the quinjet is prepared for takeoff. who’s flying?


the portals open, are you coming in?


lights out and away we go!


the teams waiting in the meeting room.


clark kent, bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, jason teague and soldier boy. otherwise known as the morally gray.


ready for the unknown?

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1 year ago

so so so so so excited for the annie finn and r fic. like. so excited.


thank you!! i’m excited to write it too i love annie and there’s no writing for her and i wanna write some finnick sooo two birds one stone baby!

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