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He Can In TotK
He can in TotK
What if Wild could store people in the Sheikah Slate
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For your art request: can I ask for an art of Wolfie with Wild) I love these blorboes so much!
Your artstyle is so cool, I adore it enormously!!!)
Yawning is contagious...😪

To believe in something beyond objective reality is a religion. You cannot force people to believe your religion.

Yes, let's talk about "your" pronouns for a moment, because I have some thoughts on the matter...
What's that? Oh, silly me. By "let's talk about," what you actually mean is "unquestioningly comply with my demands."
Be that as it may, "we" - which is to say, "I" - am going to talk about it regardless.
Let's analyze this for a moment.
She gives the game away right up front: blue heart is for boys, pink heart is for girls. This ideology is based on stereotypes. If you still doubt this, I don't know what else to show you to convince you.
Secondly, her "gender" isn't a profound knowledge of personal identity, because it changes faster than the weather. I'm not even sure it's her personality, because anyone whose personality changes that rapidly and that wildly has some kind of severe disorder. What she's calling "gender" seems to be nothing but her mood.
Thirdly, and I keep having to repeat this, if your "gender" requires others to participate, then it's not a "deeply personal sense of self." Just like your faith cannot be "a personal relationship with Jesus" if everybody else has to pray or refrain from pointing out the flaws in the bible. "Gender is a social construct" means that your "gender" only "exists" to the extent people play along. People are sick of being bullied into pretending for narcissists.
More importantly, you don't get to make others participate and then deny them any say or input. You can't give people an obligation with no authority, because if you think you can, then others can give you an obligation with no authority.
And you don't get to make others responsible for your mental wellbeing, to carry the burden you cannot or will not, and then get angry when they don't meet your standards or decline the obligation at all. You are responsible for you. Trying to make other people responsible for your emotions or mental state is psychotic. Xians insist that humans - and particularly children - are responsible for keeping their god happy, evidently because he cannot do it himself. You're just as much of an immature psychopath. We are not responsible for keeping you from bursting like a fragile soap bubble.
You can have a personal, unquestionable conviction, or you can have a matter of public interest and discussion. As soon as you insist others participate, you forfeit the right to cordon your beliefs off from scrutiny. If you want your beliefs to go unmolested, then keep them to yourself.
If it's nobody else's business, don't make it other people's business. You can't claim your "gender" is nobody else's business, nobody else gets a say, and then insist it is their business to comply with these demands and prop the whole delusion up.
Private concern or public interest. Choose one.
Fourthly, anyone who comes up with rules like this is a sociopath who is trying to control, manipulate and trap others. Since third-person pronouns are used primarily when someone is not present, when referring to an individual when talking to others, this is a form of authoritarian thought-control. You do not get to dictate how others must see you or think of you. They get to decide for themselves what they think of you, regardless of whether or not you like it, and it's none of your business. And if your sense of self is so flimsy that you must coerce them to conform their view of you to your own view of yourself, then you have bigger problems than "your" pronouns.
When she walks into room, people stiffen because they have to talk like idiots around her - and that's part of the appeal. She wants to be "misgendered," because who is she if she's not a marginalized victim and the center of attention? That's the trick: either you comply, and she wins, or you refuse, and she gets to pretend to be a victim and she wins. Nobody's obliged to pay attention to these insane, imaginary rules, much less play along. When she's already gamed it to win no matter what, the only way for you to win is to retain your integrity and self-respect and tell the truth.
And finally, you do not have pronouns. The pronouns belong to the language, in this case, English. The English language has pronouns for you. You don't have your own pronouns any more than you have your own conjugations or your own adjectives. Other languages, such as German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Japanese, have their own structures, and they're not for you to "fix" with your stupid activism.
And yes, languages change. They evolve through common usage and common acceptance, not through narcissists performing blunt-force creationism enforced with emotional manipulation and vilification.
She's an average, unremarkable girl who's found a socially acceptable way to control other people and pretend to be interesting.

My adjectives are amazing/brilliant/impressive.
Misadjectiving is hate. #BeKind
P.S. I miss the days when pink, green or blue dyed hair was a sign of rebellion and uniqueness, rather than a predictable trope and red flag that warns the world about all your views and opinions before you ever open your mouth. #MakeDyedHairCoolAgain
Man.........it's almost like....a Supreme Being.....with ultimate knowledge, superior designing capabilities, who could see the end from the beginning, and has total capability to not only, CREATE such a masterpiece of ecological functions, but can also regulate it in order to keep it functioning, to provide what he said he would provide, a habitation for this whole other engineering marvel that he created. Thank you LORD. And this video is just a single example among a multitude of examples.
Look, get mad about all the climate change lies if you want. Get mad at the regulations that are being forced on us in sight of the blatant hypocrisy by those pushing it on us. If that's where you want to plant your flag, have fun.
But some of yall are going to see the bigger picture. This environment worship, mother earth goddess nonsense, the idea that we are "one with nature" and we have to sacrifice everything to save it, this is Pantheism. It is not new by any means, look it up. And to the elites, it isn't about saving the earth, it is about worshipping gods, and not GOD. They leading the population to THEIR gods, and not Jesus Christ, who by all things were created.
We don't know exactly how they are going to do it, but that isn't what is important. What is important is that you understand they are trying to hide the truth of Jesus Christ to you. That is where you need to get to first. Realize he is the truth and let him in, and you are going to start seeing so much of the deceptions. And it won't matter what they do, or how they do it, because you will be saved and under the blood of Christ.
Have I told you lately that every conspiracy theory goes back to God vs the devil? Because it does.
Warriors headcanon: He's the hero before Wild. He's the Hero from 10,000 years ago. He fought the first Calamity years after his first adventure, won, and saved Hyrule. Except at the time of Linked Universe, he hasn't yet fought the Calamity. He does not know that Wild's past is his future.
Wild headcanon: He's dreading meeting the hero from the first calamity, because what would they ever think of him if they knew he failed? He's positive the Hero of 10,000 Years Ago would hate him. He's convinced they would see him as a failure. He does not know the Hero of 10,000 Years ago is his brother.
Warriors headcanon: He likes Wild. Wild is his brother. He's knows he comes after the others, and everyone knows Wild comes at the end. Which means he's sometime after Twilight/Legend/Wind and before Wild. Wild's story is a tragedy to him. Wild's story doesn't have a happy end, in his eyes. He wants to prevent it from happening at all, but if he can't, then he'll prepare Wild as best he can. Warriors is the reason the Yiga exist, but he's also the reason the Shrines were built.
Wild headcanon: He's not actually that upset over what happened to him. He's sad he lost his memories, but eventually he learns to live with the fact that he'll never recover all of them. He's sad about what happened to the Hyrule from his memories, but he loves the Hyrule he lives in now. He's got trauma from dying, but he's also got so much to live for. He mourns what he's lost, but he thanks the Shrine for a second chance. Wild's story, to him, is that of a resurrection. His story has a happy end.