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More Posts from Tatinuyasha
Inuyasha StarWars AU???? :x


We’re outside the law on this one.
A Viewpoint from a Fan
Admittedly, I’ve never liked discussing this subject, but I do feel that I probably should before I go deeper and deeper into the series.
I’m not what you would call a “shipper” unfortunately that label is something that has been rather tainted throughout the years, much in the same way as being a fan of majority of shounen series, most which find themselves flinging back insults about fans of the series, or fans within the series flinging them back and forth about specific characters.
You could perhaps call me a supporter, considering I use information from the series to base my opinion around this. So, the question, what is my position on the whole Kagome/Inuyasha and Kikyo/Inuyasha situation?
Well, it’d be much easier to explain my standing.
To put it into the simplest form, I believe there was a love between Kikyo and Inuyasha, but it wasn’t love in it’s most specific form. Kikyo became the first person within his troubled life that he met, when you spend your time around someone for a extended period of time, who shares a similar situation as you, you are going to develop feelings of love.
The problem is when I view their relationship at the time, I see it was “thinking” you’re in love, rather than “knowing”. Before that point Inuyasha didn’t experience love, it was foreign to him, Kikyo had very little experience in it either, they lacked any kind of physical connection with one another, there interaction was very limited around one another, and most importantly, Inuyasha acted nothing like himself, around Kikyo he was fully under a mask of false emotion.
Throughout the series we hear people proclaim there was love between the two of them, notable names were Kaede, Naraku and Kaou. Kaede makes this claim right at the beginning of the series, she’s probably the most likely to know the full story and whose opinion should be more valued, however, this claim from Kaede is later challenged by Kaede herself when she explains that Kagome is the one that has been able to bring out a different side to Inuyasha and heal the wounds around his heart (she’s been able to get to know Inuyasha better than Kikyo could have).
Naraku is a walking contradiction, he claims one thing one moment, and then claims another thing entirely differently. His opinion on the matter is also questionable because he has very little information on Kikyo and Inuyasha, he goes based on what Kikyo did upon her death.
Kaou is perhaps the biggest contradiction however, simply because he’s so good at manipulating information. He’s a liar, but the most noticeable aspect is his remark about Inuyasha wishing to follow Kikyo in death and how he lost the woman that he “loved the most”. This remark is probably one of the most stand-out when it comes to direct implications of love, behind only perhaps Inuyasha.
The thing about Kaou was that he manipulated feelings so well, that he knew just what to say to ensure that everyone around the area was impacted, the arc came at the most ideal time right after the death of Kikyo. Inuyasha’s emotions were at his absolute lowest, he failed to do what he had stated he would do, and his guilt and sorrow was at it’s absolutely peak. He was going through so much emotional turmoil that at the moment his entire mindset was on losing someone.
This is actually standard for anyone, anyone who has lost someone, your mind is one them, your memories, your regrets, your anger at yourself for being unable to do something, it’s a tidal wave of emotion that isn’t easy to get through, but you eventually confront it, come to terms with it and then you move on from it.
This remark is noticeable different when compared to what Inuyasha states on his death bed, stating that Kikyo was “the first woman since my mother, that I loved”.
Both of these remarks take place in a really intense moment in time, after a death though, which brings up some question. Though we’ll take these into context. What is ‘real’ love? Don’t expect me to give you a shot-by-shot analysis on matters of love, since there is so much that could be covered, but when I look at the context of their relationship, it’s very limited.
It doesn’t come to much of a surprise to me that this happened to happen right after Mount Azusa. Why is that important? Kagome had just had her own test of her standing, and her conclusion came down to the fact that she knew Inuyasha better than any else (sans his mother) ever did, she had a much stronger bond with Inuyasha, and it’s with these thoughts that she pulled free from her ‘test’. At the time of Kaou, Kagome has her feeling set in stone, but Inuyasha emotional state has his emotions all over the place, and much like the fake Kikyo that came head to head with her, now Inuyasha was in the same situation, facing illusions, piled on by his guilt and sadness and slowly that was beginning to consume him, take him over and drag him down, just like Kaou wanted to. Kagome within this situation was key, because she’d just gone through a struggle much in the same way, and Kaou couldn’t as easily manipulate her because of it.
Mount Azusa and Kaou are considered to be ‘wrap-ups’ of Kikyo’s involvement before and after her passing, Kagome coming to full grips with her insecurities, and Inuyasha fighting off his guilt and feelings of failure.
In that way, the Kaou arc is important, because they allow all the characters to move on from the death of Kikyo, and also places Kagome and Inuyasha onto a leveled emotional ground, from that point on, things return to how they were much before Kikyo’s passing.
Which is a key factor in my standing, the idea of “most love” sticks out to me because it makes me wonder, how can you most love someone that you don’t really know all that well, yet love someone that you know so well less? Going by Mount Azusa, if Kagome knows Inuyasha better than anyone, that in turn means, that Inuyasha knows Kagome more than anyone? It’d be hard to make the argument that he barely knows Kagome, considering how open she is about herself, and information based on Inuyasha’s thoughts throughout the series. It’d be harder to make the argument, based on what Inuyasha proclaims towards the end of the series too.
The quote, which I don’t feel I need to post, but I’ll focus on the specific parts. “To shed tears for others.” Now we all know Kikyo’s death was a very sad moment within the series, everyone cried, everyone hurt, but this moment connects to the two previous moments within the series, the Spider-Head arc, and Band of 7 arc, the former being where Kagome cried for him, and the later when Inuyasha cried for Kagome, this was the basis to Inuyasha later doing the very same for Kikyo. “Happiness and Trust” play large part in this remark as well, something that Kikyo couldn’t quite bring out of Inuyasha, was he happy when he was around her? I think there is an argument that he was happier than he was without her, but he says “smile”, which connects right back to that mask that Inuyasha wears around people that he hides his real self from. Trust plays a key role in the destruction of Inuyasha and Kikyo’s relationship.
The basis of what their relationship would become bothers me the most however. I know people point out that Kikyo couldn’t accept Inuyasha for “what” he was and wanted him to change, while that is problematic, this is the moment I knew they didn’t know one another well.
It was easy to see why the decision was good for both of them, but it was also easy to see why the decision was good for Inuyasha. He wanted to become demon to be accepted, so the opposite would also work too, right? Well, much like in the series, the idea of becoming demon was moved out of consideration, the idea of becoming human was also, without the implications of it happening even down on the table anymore. Throughout the series, Inuyasha makes numerous remarks about his hate for being in human form, from deal with illness, to dealing with emotions, to generally dealing with feelings of weakness and helplessness, he disliked being human for a variety of reasons, but at the time of making this decision, he didn’t think about that. He was so invested in being accepted and having a normal life that the consequences of the decision played second fiddle, and he would have hated and regretted that decision from that moment going forward. InuYasha tells a story, of being who you are, and dealing with the consequences of changing yourself, neither option was a good option for Inuyasha, both were spoken about, both were thought about, and in many cases, in times when he was human/demon, the consequences become most apparent. He became human on numerous occasions and almost died because of it, he would become demon and lose sense of himself, but in perhaps the hardest gut-punch, became a monster, that enjoyed slaughtering lives, though he tried hard to act like it did nothing to him, it was one of the most traumatic moments in his life, and from that point he did everything to ensure it happened as little as possible.
I know some may be opposed to this label, but I’ve always through about Kikyo/Inuyasha as more puppy-love, they had a relationship, but they lacked the key components that make up a real relationship, does that mean that Inuyasha didn’t love Kikyo? On the contrary, I believe there was love their, but that love was friendship/companionship, they were around each other during a time that they both needed someone around them.
That being said, the thing that sticks out to me the most about the Kikyo/Inuyasha relationship, is how much different they are after Kagome has gotten into the picture. Her involvement has a drastic effect on Inuyasha as well as the relationship between Kikyo/Inuyasha, when something would happen with Kagome, you figured something would happen down the line very similar to it with Kikyo. He hugs Kagome, he hugs Kikyo, he cries for Kagome, he cries for Kikyo, so on and so forth,
That being said, I really don’t rush to defend either side, but I admit to being on one side because the information from the manga supports it. I’ll be delving more into this as I go through the series analysis, but that’s where I stand on the subject. There is so much more within the series to support my standing, but I don’t want to cover everything, that’s for the analysis, in the meantime though, this will stand as a precursor to analysis’ that follow.
It’s with that, I thank you for your time, hope you enjoyed the read.