I'm live, soon I love Inuyasha.

934 posts

@shinidamachu Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zikf32x9Xg

@shinidamachu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zikf32x9Xg

@shinidamachu Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zikf32x9Xg
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More Posts from Tatinuyasha

7 months ago
Kagomes Home
Kagomes Home
Kagomes Home
Kagomes Home
Kagomes Home
Kagomes Home

Kagome’s home

8 months ago



What a strange feeling, he thinks, as he leans over the empty well.

He isn’t sure what he expects to see when he looks over the edge, considering Kagome isn’t due back for a day or more. And beyond that, he isn’t sure why he cares so much if she’s there or not. All the same, he comes and goes a few times each day, sitting beside the well, sometimes peering over its edge, sometimes just listening for the sound of her breathing as she comes back to his side of time. 

What a strange feeling, he thinks again, this strange sense of longing, of emptiness he’s never felt before. It leaves him cold and uncertain, quite unlike how he feels in her presence, annoying as she was of course. But there was always an emptiness to life without Kagome, who brought a warm, yet gentle sort of nature to his life… Aside from when she was angry, that was. Then… He shudders at the mere memory of their last fight… He doesn’t like being on that side of her, honestly. 

He wonders, as he leans back on his hunches, arms folded over the side of the well, just what this feeling might be called. This sensation of wishing to be with her, even when he knows he cannot. This tugging at his heart, this overturning of his stomach, this warmth seeping into his bones when he thinks of her returning smile. For a single moment the feeling is overwhelming, so much so that he thinks he might take himself to her, through the well and into her time- she had told him not to follow after her, but when had that stopped him before? 

Just as he’s rising up, resolved to do just that, something peculiar happens. 

As if his very thoughts have summoned her, he catches the first whiff of her scent, floral and sweet, ever familiar. “Hey! Inuyasha!” He can hear the smile in her voice long before he leans over and sees her there, her yellow bag overflowing, too heavy for her to sling over her back as she usually might, though she struggles to lift it anyways. “I’m back,” she grins up at him, blue eyes bright in the sunlight that streams in from overhead. “Hey, aren’t you happy to see me?” She’s pouting now, hands on her hips, bag forgotten on the ground at her feet. “I’m back early for once!”

He blinks back into reality, realizing only then that the mere sight of her had transferred him into another dimension altogether. “Keh,” he rolls his golden eyes, but reaches in, taking first her by the hand so he can pull her up and out of the well, settling her safely onto the ground at his side. Then her bag comes next, which he throws over his own shoulder, shaking his head at her protest to carry it. “What’d you bring with you anyway?” He asks, noting the heaviness of the bag, even to him. 

“My school books,” she explains with a sheepish sort of grin, ivory cheeks stained pink. 

Kagome can’t really explain it, but she had felt a need to return to the feudal era… Had felt a need to return to him. Not because she sensed danger or she’d become overwhelmed by a sense of fear or concern. No… Simply because she had yearned to be by his side once more. In the year or more that they had been together, it had become rarer and rarer for them to be apart- her time spent in her own era seemed less frequent, especially in the last few months. Being without Inuyasha… Well, it left her feeling lonely, even if their time apart was only meant to be for a few days. 

When it comes right down to it, she’d wanted to come back to be with him, nothing more, nothing less. 

He wrinkles his nose at her response, just as she knew he would, but they fall into step alongside one another anyways, making their way back towards where surely their friends would be waiting for his return, her arrival certainly to be a pleasant surprise. As they walk, the realization dawns upon him, that now that she is back beside him, he feels whole once more. The loneliness, the emptiness, all of those feelings he’d felt without her were slowly fading away, being replaced by the warm, soft feeling he associated with her. 

And he hopes it never goes away again.

5 months ago

Os 200 anos foram impostos pela Sunrise, Takahashi nunca determinou a idade dele.

Por isso, adotei pra mim que ele tem a força yokai mas envelhece como humano.

Então, pra mim, ele tem seus 18/19 anos tal qual Kagome

I love how in 99.9% of Inuyasha fanfic after the three years time gap:

“Inuyasha was no longer a teenager. That’s for sure, his jaw seems more sculpted and his shoulders are more broad than three years ago. His muscles are more pronounced now, sure he was strong back then, but he was only was this muscular when his body was fueled by his demon blood”


How the heck did he in almost 200 years kept the same 15 year old body but in only 3 YEARS he is now a full grown man.


That’s why inukag post canon is supreme

Both of them have matured, their feelings are clear, they live together now… and yea their bodies matured too XD

8 months ago

the importance of "I'll protect you with my life"

For @inukag-week's sacrifice prompt, I thought I'd expand on a topic I have only mentioned before: the "I'll protect you with my life" line and why it matters even more than we give it credit for.

The thing about Inuyasha's character is that he was build — both physically and psychologically — to survive.

Physically, the fact that his own blood can be weaponized into a powerful attack backs up that assumption.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

And so does the fact that one of his defining traits is having a defense mechanism that kicks in whenever he's on the verge of certain death with the sole purpose of keeping him alive.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

Psychologically, his tough childhood shaped his survival instincts into a reliable and sharpened sense. And this next part is more of a conjecture than anything else, but I believe Izayoi's death plays a huge role here.

It can be assumed that she gave up a lot in order to live her love story and her life choices ultimately resulted in an early death. Inuyasha, being the child born from that love, has no better way of honoring her memory than living. First, for her. Then, to spite those who were against his very existence.

And this — conscious or not — need to live, is deeply intertwined with his desire to belong. Fitting in is the safest way to survive and, at first, he tried to achieve that by becoming a powerful demon.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

Then, he went the opposite direction and agreed to turn into human, which only cements that his true wish wasn't to simply become one or the other at all, but to be accepted, so he could live.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

That's why he doesn't take threats to his life laying down, especially when unearned. It may not look like, given his reckless way of dealing with things, but in a crooked way, Inuyasha actually values his life.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

So much, in fact, that putting other people's lives above his own was a foreign concept that he struggled with at the beginning and had to learn in order to wield Tessaiga.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

When Kagome tells Inuyasha she will help him with the sword under the condition he promises to protect her, she obviously never meant that said protection should cost of his life.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

She wouldn't dream of it because she knows she's not entitled to it. He doesn't owe her anything. Although, one could make a point that he kind of does.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

Kagome is literally the reason he is alive. Through their journey, is a recurring theme that her voice would bring him back from death's grasp every time. She's constantly saving his life. In more ways than one.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

And despite Inuyasha's immediate reaction to her request being to mock her and making it clear that he never said he would protect her forever, he was the one to willingly and unpromtly add the "with my life" bit.

The Importance Of "I'll Protect You With My Life"

Even though protecting Kagome with his life was precisely what he had been doing the entire time — in spite of spending a good chunk of the series thinking his life wasn't his to give away —, to say it out loud makes for an amazing paralel and it shows how much they've grown, both as characters and as a couple.

But more than that: it shows a whole new level of devotion. For the first time ever, Inuyasha is chosing to promise his life to someone for no other reason than the fact that he loves her.

And despite talking about a lifelong commitment, I can't remember a single stance of the story where Inuyasha had acted more free.

No wonder the scene can be interpreted as a proposal.

7 months ago
But Now Were Journeying Toward Tomorrow.
But Now Were Journeying Toward Tomorrow.
But Now Were Journeying Toward Tomorrow.
But Now Were Journeying Toward Tomorrow.
But Now Were Journeying Toward Tomorrow.

– “But now we’re journeying toward tomorrow.”