i aspire to be a silly person with hat
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what if angel characters wore their halos in different ways?
A3! Izumida Azami | R - Fallen Blood | Translation

Quote: “A janitor needs cleaning implements, right?”
Thanks for sharing the backstage with me RL, and thanks A4! friends for your help with a line!! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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Look at how happy and in love they are! I’m really happy they’re pretty much canon now. ❤️

Look its the lesbian and gay power couples of the EQG world on a double date!

The gays and their gifts😭🏳️🌈
“Holiday unwrapped” | My Little Pony: Equestria Girls🎄🎁

Im a pretty casual/lowkey MLP fan. But I hope the fandom hasnt forgotten about these two cuties, they suddenly came into my head tonight.
I just wish we'd gotten more of them, they're so sweet 💙
Your writing will always feel awkward to you, because you wrote it.
Your plot twists will always feel predictable, because you created them.
Your stories will always feel a bit boring to you, because you read them a million times.
They won't feel like that for your reader.

© (c ) copyright 1990-2011 Rebecca Sinclair
See the original HERE
i’m just imagining if fic writers streamed like artists do
a blinking cursor on an otherwise completely blank word document
red squiggles everywhere because your laptop doesn’t recognize any of the character names
an endless trek through thesaurus.com trying to figure out the word that’s on the tip of your tongue that you just can’t remember
typing a word, deleting it, 20 minutes pause while you try to come up with something better, then giving up and retyping the same word
doing a quick google for research purposes and then accidentally ending up 30 articles deep in wikipedia with a new found expertise on Polish trade practices during the 1800s
deleting entire paragraphs
panicking and frantically hitting ctrl+z
an endless string of G’s because you passed out on your keyboard at 3 am

This is why I say to shop children’s depts. Where else can you get a cool pink flying saucer chandelier?

And, it comes in blue, gray and dark green to match any decor.
kazuha's house:

Are fedoras really that bad?


don't mind me i've been screaming about these two all day i am desperately looking at fire up mantou fist
link another link

@marigamijuly Day 8: Lipstick! 💋 based on this image hsdkjfhs 👀

Anime: Idolish7
Game: Idolish7
Character: Haruka Isumi
BNHA Aug 26 talk show w/ Kaji Yuki and Ishikawa Kaito
So I stumbled upon this awhile ago, and wanted to translate some parts of it ‘cas its really cute how Kaji likes Yaomomo a lot! The video itself is really long (nearly an hour) so I skipped through it and only stopped at some parts (not to mention how friggin fast they talked and i had to listen several times to catch some of what they were saying….I also had my friend help me with some parts hoho)
the link to the vid is here
The talk show was to promote the ‘Hero Killer Arc’ and they also talked about the next arc after, which is obviously, the ‘Final Exam Arc’. Kaji Yuki is the Japanese VA for Todoroki Shouto and Ishikawa Kaito is the Japanese VA or Iida Tenya.
Kaji and Ishikawa joke at times XD Ishikawa says in different times that he thinks Tsuyu, Jirou and Yaomomo is cute.
In fact, I think Ishikawa emphasizes how Tsuyu is cute more?
Kaji also introduces himself as the Voice Actor for “the hand crusherrrrrrr!” instead of saying Todoroki HAHA

When asked about what their thoughts/ main ‘appeal’ was for the ‘Final Exam Arc’, Kaji Yuki says that to him, the main highlight is Yaomomo.
Ishikawa Kaito says that the things that are happening now is leading onto the future events and we should pay attention to the bigger picture.
Then near the end, they play a ‘game’ where each of them were told by the host to imagine their ‘Most Valuable Hero’. Whoever does it best wins.

The host tells them that after imagining and deciding who their MV Hero is, they are allotted 30 seconds each to present/ talk about their MV Hero to the audience. They are given these boards and are told to write their MV Hero onto the board and reveal who they each chose later on.
They play rock-paper-scissors to figure who goes first….

(The VA for Iida is on the left and the VA for Todoroki is on the right)

And Kaji Yuki wins LOL Ishikawa is playfully ‘upset’
The Host tells them to reveal their Most Valuable Hero anddd……

TADAAAAA, Kaji chose Yaoyorozu and Ishikawa chose Mineta

The Host says to Kaji Yuki: “as you said and as expected, you chose Yaoyorozu” and Kaji goes “yes, I really like her (repeats)” and then says how she is cute.
The host has a stopwatch and tells Kaji to do his ‘presentation’ for Yaoyorozu.
And so Kaji basically talks about her and says: everyone, its Yaoyorozu Momo! She is very cute, smart and has a great personality too. But even though she seems so perfect, there is actually parts of her that isn’t at all perfect (he probably is hinting about how she isn’t confident in herself since the beginning). Those who created/read about her should know what I’m talking about. And then he also says that everyone will see what she is about from now on.
Then its Ishikawa’s turn to talk about Mineta and honestly I just skimmed over this part ‘cas he mentioned something about how girls’ figure is like a coca cola bottle…etc. probably jokes about how Mineta likes girls a lot etc LOLLLLLLL
funny ‘cas they were doing this while racing the clock
Kaji also jokes with Ishikawa about how Ishikawa likes most of the Class A girls and doesn’t seem to have a preference to whom XD
Kaji also says that Yaoyorozu has a tense moment in the future episode like how Todoroki changed after the Sports Festival (sorta like saying how she has a big moment that changes her too but obviously Kaji doesn’t wanna spoil the Final Exam Arc)
In the end the host says that Kaji won the MV Hero presenting thing. Kaji dramatically stands up and screams out MOMO!!!!, and then he waves and goes “MOMO…are you seeing this??? we won!”
this part is actually really funny, i urge you to see it

They also talk about the promotional poster with everyone opening their mouths like they’re yelling. Kaji jokes about how Bakugou looks like he’s screaming DIEEE!!! While Mineta is screaming OPPAI!!!!! (oppai means breasts btw). Kaji also says how its like he can brush their teeth LOL

Here’s an image of them concluding the talk show! Nice Plus Ultra shirts eh
^^ hope you guys enjoyed this !!!!
Haruka Isumi - Winter Date - Part 5: Aftertalk

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Haruka Isumi - Winter Date - Part 4: Special Winter Date

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Remember when I used to randomly post here? lol so we’re back again
A3! Izumida Azami - Translation [SSR] To You, In the Future Someday (3/3)

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"fuck you my child is completely fine"
your child reads classic literature for fun

Trivia from Pride & Prejudice (2005) dir. Joe Wright
A3! Izumida Azami - Translation [SSR] To You, In the Future Someday (2/3)

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omg yes i love him and his cute lil blushes lmao