taygra5shaon - SINePACE

Shaon (26) She/Her. Demi/Ace. COMMISSIONS OPENS!!!! Open to questions and suggestion! Currently obsess with Baldur's Gate 3❤️

994 posts



- Queen

- Bohemian Rhapsody Cast

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More Posts from Taygra5shaon

5 years ago

Recently I’ve discovered that many people blame Freddie for his death. To that, I have the following to say:

How. F*cking. Dare you?

Really, how dare you?

The disease got no recognition back then. No one knew much about “safe sex”. There was almost no research. Heck, people thought it was a type of cancer.

Freddie was treated (pardon me) like shit when he was sick. He was hounded by the press, pictures of him stepping out of the doctor’s office appeared on the newspapers with the title “is Freddie Mercury dying?” It was so bad that it affected where and how his disease got treated. It was so damn bad, Roger and Brian felt the need to go on TV only a week (!) after their best friend died to stand up for him and clear his name.

Recently Ive Discovered That Many People Blame Freddie For His Death. To That, I Have The Following To

Freddie is often portrayed as a reckless, slutty man who was responsible for his unfortunate ending. But there are a TON of quotes of Freddie talking about HIV - how careful he tried to be as the disease spread, how scared he was that it would get him too, how important safe sex is - and yet he was responsible for his death?

Thay turned Freddie into a target, an example. That was not okay. And anyone who thinks it is can leave this website and never return.

5 years ago

Hi!!! I'm the "crown" anon! Just one thing: your. Drawing. Is. Simply. Divineee! You're really good at drawing!!!! ❤❤ hope i'm not disturbing again but can i make another request? (Maybe i shouldn't, cause maybe you're busy, but i have to admit: you're my favourite artist vere on tumblr) caaaan u draw brian (yes, again, srry i love him) meeting with Sunset Shimmer? (Always mlp). Obviously if u don't want to draw it it's ok👍 i understand! Maybe i'm asking you too things😅...

Oh my god, you are soo sweet! Thanks you soo much dear! It have been a plesure to draw it, and im soo happy you like it that im jumping of joy now^^!💕

So, a new request? I thinked to do one for each person, but if no one ask me others, yes, i supose i coul do it.

(If i will do it, i have a question:

this personage of mlp, i must draw it in human form or not? (Because it would be pretty weird if not, eheheheh^^))

Still, thanks you soo much dear!💕💕💕💕

5 years ago

Dont know if youve already got ten requests and you said we could ask for ships so could you maybe draw deaky and brian together?

Well, sure^^ and nope😜 still not much request dear. So, john and brian togheter? Will do it!

5 years ago

Can i make a request? If you're not too busy with others requests😅, but can u draw Brian wearing Twilight Sparkle's crown (mlp) hope i'm not disturbing you..

Yes you can ask^^

nd of course i will draw our beloved bri!

hanks for the request anon!💕