Requests open!Maze runner-Gally -Newt -Minho -Thomas -Alex turner -Sebastian Stan -Dylon o Brien -Thomas Brodie sangsterHarry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George WeasleyJames hetfield, Kirk hammetI won’t do smut, but I’ll do fluff and spiceMight do characters from other fandoms but we’ll see

50 posts

Maze Runner Boys Headcanons

maze runner boys headcanons

little things they would do if they were dating you


•loves to kiss right at the base of your jawline

•will come up behind you and do this

•loves putting his arm around you

•always giving you hugs

•calls you “love” and “sweetheart” (maybe darling)


•constantly kissing your hands

•showers you with compliments

•forces you to be big spoon

•constantly holding your hand or touching you in someway

•calls you “baby” or “angel”

•leans his head on your shoulder any chance he gets

•likes to lay in your lap


•constantly flirting and trying to get you to blush

•loves to kiss your neck and cannot get enough of your lips

•calls you something like “princess” and “sugar”

•will occasionally let you style his hair if you’re lucky

•loves it when you wait by the gate for him to come back home

•makes you fall asleep on top of him very often

•always wants to make you laugh


•compares hand sizes a lot

•very needy and kinda clingy (in a cute way)

•loves kissing your collarbone and forehead

• likes it a lot when you sit in his lap(I can’t explain it, it just makes sense)

•calls you “short stuff” and “babe”

reminder:these are my personal opinion

requests open

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More Posts from Tbsangstersgf

1 year ago

Dumb Plan

Dumb Plan

Gally x fem!reader We LOVE a confident Gally, and he definitely is in this one.

Part 1/2

Dumb plan, dumb dumb. Dumb plan. This could not end well. 

Would it help with your situation? 


But shit man, it has been hard enough to become the man’s friend. He’s not one to open up easily.

Alby and Newt have a good point though, some of these gliders just have no respect for you or your personal space. They just wouldn’t lay off.

I mean, he’s definitely scary enough and wouldn’t for sure scare off any unwanted attention. 

“Y/n what do you say “all eyes are on you Newt, Alby, Minho, and…Gally.

“ you don’t have to decide right now, will give you a day, but the sooner the quicker we can be sure that this problem is solved.”

New looks at you waiting for an answer.

“ no, no, no. I don’t need any more time. It’s a good plan.” You say quickly.

Alby nods his head sharply, “ all right I want you to come up with a plan, stage something. if I don’t find out from someone by the end of the day that you two are dating, then I’m gonna plan it out myself. We need this plan to work, or theees no point in trying it”

 Alby, Newt, and Minho leave the room, giving you and Gally some time to think about a plan.

The idea was for you to get yourself a fake boyfriend so that you wouldn’t have to worry so much about your personal space being invaded by overly friendly gladers. Minho and Galley were some of the obvious options, as you were relatively close with both of them, and people wouldn’t be too suspicious. You’d decided to choose Gally, because well, not one single person would dare go against him I mean hell, he’s terrifying.

While you knew it would work, but it felt more painful than it should.

“ OK, I was thinking something along the lines of holding hands, maybe even just a quick peck on the cheek?” Gally stared at you intensely, but you refused to meet his eye.

“ that could work, but I’ve seen you hold hands with Meho too. It’s not just a strictly dating thing. No, if we really want people to think we are dating, then we’re going to have to take it up a notch.”

You looked up to find that he was already staring at you, and you feel a flush creep up your cheeks. 

“ Oh OK, so what does that entail?“

Maintaining eye space contact, he walked around the table until he was standing right in front of you. 

“I’m not sure, but I know we’ll have to make it super exaggerated so that Albie doesn’t have to step in. We both know that that would not go well“

You laugh at his joke, breaking eye contact and looking down. 

“ the only thing that I can really think of, that would truly make people think that we’re dating is something as extreme as a kiss. “

At this, you look up sharply, and find him looking at you with a smirk on his face. 

He laughs at seeing how flustered you get at the suggestion.

“I was only half joking, not like the shanks here are stupid, they should be able to pick up on little things. It’s not like we can just make an announcement.” He still refuses to lose eye contact. Realizing that you need to add more to the conversation, you slowly breathe out. 

“ Yeah, and we can start to drop more obvious hints if they don’t seem to get it.” You smile at him, “ oh and by the way, thank you for helping me with this ya shuckface” 

“Anytime slinthead, anytime” He returns the the smile with a grin.

Wait, half joking? What does that mean? Does he want to kiss me? No, stop it’s FAKE dating.

“Ok, let’s just let it play out and we’ll see what’s best.” You both nod, and then he steps forward a bit more to grab your hand. I’ve never seen him so confident in his life, what’s with sudden change? And his hands are surprisingly soft…

Gally was definitely confident in himself, but when it came to social interactions… he was a little reserved. For you, it was almost the exact opposite, not that you didn’t know your worth, but you were definitely a very sociable person.

“Come on y/n, let’s go flaunt our relationship in everyone’s faces.”

As you stepped outside, not one Glader looked at you two holding hands. 

The day wore on and you two kept on having to do more noticeable things to grab people’s attention. It’s started with holding hands, then he put his arms around your shoulders everywhere you went, and some point he even kissed your cheek. 

But nobody seemed to notice, and so by lunchtime you were getting a little desperate. As you were sitting down next to Gally, you looked across the room and happened to make eye contact with Alby, who raised his eyebrows at you, telling you that nobody knew yet.

With a sigh, you look back down to your food, until you feel a hand on your thigh.

You quickly look at Gally, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.

“Is this okay?” He turns to you as he sees you tense up.

“Oh um yeah no it’s fine just scared me for a second”


The day dragged on, with many more touches and hints, but not one single Glader picked up on anything.

Finally, when most Gladers were on their way to dinner, you saw Gally across the Glade. He waved at you and gave you a big smile. 

Shuck this man I’m not doing this stupid plan for nothing. 

You started to run towards him and his grin got even bigger. Once you reached him you jumped into his arms and he started laughing like crazy. All of the sudden you felt lips on yours. 


Slowly you kissed back. Your lips moved in sync as he wrapped his arms around you. Reluctantly, you pulled away. It was not real, it should mean nothing. But to you it meant everything. 

“I hope that was okay” Gally whispered into your ear. 

Speechless, you just nodded, smiling.

Then you saw some Gladers passing by and giving you two weird looks.

“Gally i think that it worked, look”

Turning to see the Gladers, he smiled and put you down. 

“Alrighty then let’s go to dinner babe”

Ugh y/n remember it’s FAKE it doesn’t mean anything.

(Requests are open, and I would love any critiques you have🥰)

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1 year ago

Gally Headcanons!!!

I LOVE HIM (movie version only tho)

Gally Headcanons!!!

•he’s not very into PDA unless there’s some overly friendly gladers

•At lunch though he would always hold your hand under the table or rest his hand on your thigh/knee

•would stay sober at bonfires if you were drunk to make sure no one tried everything

• When u step into the fighting ring he would be shocked a bit

“Y/n what are you doing?”

•He would go easy until he realizes that you have a decent chance

•Would somehow ending up pinning you, he would just hold you for a moment.

•LOVES to see how you react to this

•After he would hold you so close to his side

•you somehow convince him to dance and he holds your hips as you just sway even without music

•When you get too tired/drunk to do anymore he would carry you bridal style to bed

•Either would be the big spoon or have you sleep on top of his chest

•EVERY Glader would know you two are dating

•Any dumb glader who tried something with you would show up to breakfast the next day with a broken nose and a lot of bruises

•VERY possessive

•gets sad if you don’t talk to him all day

•Would be extra cuddly on these nights

•LOVES to hold your hips

•his favorite spot to kiss you is your collarbone

•he cannot get enough of you

•loves to carry and hold you because it boosts his self esteem to be able to carry u so easily

•he likes to show you how strong he is and loves when you say something about his muscles

•he is SUCH a top

•unless you beat him to it

•then he is the most adorable bottom (fight me idc you won’t change my mind)

•for as aggressive as he is, he is big on making sure you know how much he loves you

•nicknames include but are not limited to babe(he’s very traditional), angel, and anything related to your height

•if you’re short then he loves to make fun of you for it

•I’m talking holding things above your head, looking straight forward and pretending to not see you

•loves to come up from behind, wrap his arms around your waist tightly, and pull you close till you’re pressed up against him

•not one to give flowers or anything like that

•but he would definitely make you a little something out of wood

•often asks you to massage his shoulders and back once you’re in a closer relationship bc he’s a builder and gets sore a lot

•if you ask he’ll do the same

•when you make it to the safe haven, he is GOING to build you two a house

•just very overall an incredibly loving boyfriend

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1 year ago

Fortified | The Cure ➣ Gally

Part Four of Four


Description: Freedom is something none of the Gladers can comprehend, but they’re coming to terms with it together. The reader stays by Gally’s side as they mourn those who they lost on the journey and begin picking up the pieces that were left behind. 

Song: Bird Set Free by Sia xXXx

A/N: This is so bittersweet & I’ve had the most amazing time writing this series! Thank you to everyone who has likes, commented, & reblogged my work. This is the first series I’ve had this much muse for & been able finish. I really hope you enjoy reading this final part! xxx

Warning: cursing, etc


Keep reading

1 year ago

Together Always

Gally x Reader

The Maze Runner

Part 1

Keep reading

1 year ago

Dumb plan part two!!

Dumb Plan Part Two!!

Warnings:spice (no smut), cursing, drinking

(Requests are open and I would love any critiques!)

(Loosely based off @gladerscake incorrect tmr quote, go follow her she writes very well! Also I’ve been meaning to get this done for days now but I just keep getting distracted so here you go I finally pushed through)

It had been two weeks since you and Gally started “dating”.

Two weeks since you two kissed. 

Neither one of you had talked about it since, and neither of you had made the move to kiss again. Like the plan, you had both stopped showing a bunch PDA once other Gladers noticed. 

It was getting to be too much for you. At night you lay awake, not being able to get it out of your head.

During the day you were constantly distracted at your job as a track-hoe.

It’s just a kiss, pull yourself together y/n.

“Y/n? Hello? Earth to y/n!” Newts voice pulled you out of your thoughts. 

“Sorry, I’m just not feeling all that great today Newt.”

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you the rest of the day to rest, so you can be ready for the bonfire tonight. You’ve been kind of off lately.” His tone grows to one of concern, and he looked at you with his brow furrowed. 

“Oh it’s nothing, I’m just tired.” 

“Okay… just rest up so we can let loose and have fun tonight.” He looks at you with a warm smile, Newt has always been like a brother to you, and you can count on him to take care of you.

For a second you think about telling him everything going on in your mind, but you didn’t want to sound ungrateful. It was partly his plan after all. 

“Thanks Newt” with a hug, you head to your hut. You had your own hut because Gally didn’t think it would be safe for the only girl to be sleeping around a bunch of boys with nothing to protect her but a hammock.

Gally. He’s been one of the few people that you’ve trusted ever since you’d come to the Glade, about two months after he did. You didn’t get really close for about 3 months, but even from the beginning you had a little crush on him. Over time it grew and grew, along with your friendship. 

I mean how could you not like Gally?

He’s strong, handsome, and damn those arms, but he’s also a very caring and respectful guy. He’s passionate when it comes to the things he cares about, and puts effort into the things that he loves. 

Not looking where you were going and being lost in your thoughts, you all of the sudden run into someone. Feeling yourself start to fall backwards, and wi the a yelp,  you desperately try to grab something to stop your fall. You accidentally grab their shirt and you pull them down with you, and unfortunately, on top of you. 

Great, just great.

“Woah, you good there?” An unfamiliar voice asks you. You look up to see a Glader that you don’t recognize.

“Oh yeah I’m sorry, it’s been a long day and I wasn’t really paying attention.” You sigh, it really had been a long day.

“Wanna get off of my girlfriend now?”

“Oh uh Gally! I didn’t see you there how was- i mean how- how are you?” The glader looked anywhere but at you as Gally shot daggers at him with his eyes. 

“Oh me? I’m great it’s just a little maddening to see a guy sitting on top of my girlfriend you know. Kind of puts a damper on my mood.” Gally gets closer and closer to Glader, now staring down at him. 

“Gally it’s not what you think—“ Gally shoots you a glare and you shut up real quick. 

“Anyways I’m gonna… go now?” 

As the glader disappeared into the distance,  Gally turned to you with a look on his face that could kill.

“Y/n,” he started to walk towards you.

“There’s no point in this-us- if you’re in the Deadheads messing around with some random Glader.” He continues to move closer to you, and you slowly start to back up. 

“I know that, believe me, I just ran into him and fell and-really it’s not what you think it was, it was nothing.”

“Really? You seemed in no hurry to get him off of you.” You feel your back hits something solid, a tree maybe? 

Gally puts his hands on either side of your head, and leans in, maintaining eye contact. 

Red flushes to your face and you quickly look down. 

“Y/n- look at me.” You look up at Gally meets your gaze. For a moment you two just stare, and he searches your face for something thing. Slowly he moves forward, barely an inch-but then he pulls away and walks off. You stare at him as he just walks away, a puzzled expression on your face.

What the hell? What was that about? He seemed so…jealous? But we’re not actually dating?

Whatever- you were just gonna go back to your hut so you could let loose at the bonfire and not have to deal with any of your problems. 

An hour or so later, Newt come to get you for the bonfire. For an hour or so you’re up and dancing around, drinking, and having the time of your life. You played truth or dare with a group of Gladers and had drunk at least two and half jars of Gally’s drink. 

Once you’re sufficiently drunk to where nothing could get you down, you plop down close to the fire, in between the Minho and Gally.

“You know Minho” you turn to Gally, and he and Minho look at each other. “You’re a shank”

Gally laughs “Ya hear that Minho? You’re a shank!”

“I have a secret to tell you Minho.”

Gally just smiles and says “Oh really, you have a secret for Minho?” 

“Yep- it’s a-it’s a big one- about Gally” you slur your words.

“Oh really?” Minho laughs as you turn back to face the fire.

“Yep” you say quietly. For about five minutes, you just sit silently staring into the fire, Minho and Gally share a look behind your back, confused by your sudden silence. You chug the rest of your jar full of Gally’s special drink, and turn to Gally out of nowhere. 

“You know Gally has no idea I’m in love with him”

Gally’s face of amusement turned to one of shock. His whole demeanor changed from confident and assertive to flustered and unsure. 

“You’re in love with me?” 

“Oh sorry” turning to Minho, you look at him seriously. “Gally has no idea I’m in love with him.”

Minho bursts into laughter, stands up, pats Gally on the back and walks over to Newt, laughing the whole time. 

“What’s so funny?” you turn Gally and he looks at you with the biggest smile on his face. Slowly, veryyyyy slowly, you realize what just happened. 

Oh shit.

“Oh shit.”

“Yeah y/n, oh shit”

“Listen- I’m fuck- I’m really sorry Gally I’m just gonna go to bed now I’m obviously not thinking straight.”

You stand, turning to leave when a strong hand grabs your wrist just as you’re about to walk away. 


“No Gally, seriously I’m sorry, I really can’t believe i slipped up like that, but I can’t deal with this right now.” You pull your hand out of his grip and start to walk away, tears starting to form in your eyes. 

Two strong hands grab your waist and spin you around to face Gally, so that his hands are on your waist, and your hands are on his chest. Heat immediately flushes to your face and you look up at him in surprise. 

“Gally?” He stares at you for a moment, eyes roaming over your face. You start to try and pull away, when one of his hands reaches up and cups your cheek, surprisingly gentle. “Y/n-“ his nose brushes yours, and then his lips are on yours. 

The kiss isn’t very long, but it’s perfect. When he pulls away you smile, and he laughs a bit. 

Feeling bold and empowered by his kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for another kiss. 

This one lasts a lot longer, yours and Gally’s lips moving in sync. He pulls you tightly against him, and one of his hands moves to your hair.  

“GET A ROOM!” Newt yells at you from across the clearing.

“Gally-maybe we should take this somewhere more private?” You break the kiss, breathing just as heavily as he is and give him a big smile. 

Without a word, he picks you up bridal style, in the background Newt and Minho start clapping.

“FINALLY!” One of them calls out. 

Along the way to Gally’s hut, you get impatient and start to kiss his neck. He groans softly and looks down at you. 

As you keep kissing his neck getting lower and lower he stops somewhere in the Dead heads. He gently sets you down and kisses you sweetly.

“Couldn’t wait till the hut?” You laugh a bit then run your hands along his arms and up to his shoulders.

All of the sudden he grabs both of you hands in one of his, and roughly pushes you up against a tree, pinning your hands above your head. He doesn’t say anything for a while, just stares directly into your eyes with an intensity that you had never seen before.

“Gally? Are you gonna say something?” You’re both breathing heavily, and confusion at his actions is setting in. 

“Y/n, you’re beautiful.” Never in Gally’s life had he been so honest with someone. 

Then he leaned in and kissed her like it was the last thing he’d ever do, you groan into the kiss, and his other hand moves to your hip and gently squeezes it. His lips move down to your neck and you lay your head back against the tree. 

Gally releases your hands and picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Now free, your hands move to his hair, and his hands start to roam your body. The one on your waist moves to your thigh and squeezes it, the one previously pinning you hands against the tree moves to rest just under your chest. Gally moves back up to your mouth and kisses you again, then he throws you over your shoulder. 

“Gally! A warning would be great!” You yelped in surprise, now hanging over his shoulder.

“Deal with it.” He walks to his hut and throws you on the bed, and lays down next to you. He moves so that you’re laying completely on top of him. He kisses your head and starts to slowly run his hands through your hair. 

“Gally? Why’d you stop so suddenly?” You shift and look up at him.

“You’re drunk- i didn’t want to do something that you might regret.” His voice is level and soothing. With a nod, you lay back down on his chest. 

“I love you too by the way y/n” it’s soft, but it’s there. You smile and kiss him gently, lying down again. 

As you two are falling asleep, you whisper

“I wouldn’t have regretted it-not with you.”

He gently wraps his strong arms around you in response, and you both fall asleep with smiles on your faces.

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