oh jeez
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i hate you minimalism i hate you corporate design i hate you mass appeal i hate you uniformity i hate you clinical interior i hate you mass production i hate you inoffensive nothing to say aesthetics.
intermission ✦ izek + victor
--- ko-fi // creator commentary
"You were in my dreams last night" yeah our souls have been clawing through our chests to get to each other since we met but I'm glad you noticed
sometimes i fear that i lost the creative spark until i drink coffee and remember i just need to lubricate the writing faucet
Me: Alright I’m going to be super productive tomorrow!
Me, the second my alarm goes off:
shitty teen wizard!
always be ready to kill yourself at the smallest inconvenience
everything is up for interpretation. except for what i say. that must be understood exactly as i meant it
I know unicorns in modern media are kind of relegated to cutsie, MLP, rainbow plastic toys, or shitting rainbows, 'lets go to candy mountain' but man. I WISH more fantasy media would put them in unironically. There is so much symbolic and narrative potential in a creature that is, depending on your mythology:
A guardian of wild spaces, the embodiment of nature untouched by mankind's industry and greed. Fewer and farther between.
The ideal of "Purity" made manifest, elusive and powerful and hunted for fruitlessly by many a person. To kill. To actually kill. Living symbol of the oh-so-coveted Purity, not treated as a sacred thing to protect, or even predated for food to survive off, but a trophy for knights and lords to boast about.
So absolutely fierce and deadly that no one smart dared to fight it fairly. A gentle maiden had to betray it into resting in her lap so that a man could spear it while its guard was down.
Able to heal any wound no matter how severe - it promised miracles, if you could find one.
A creature who's magic vanished if it was captured or killed. In trying to take control of it, you destroyed it. Some things can only be given by free will, and no amount of personal desire or brute force can change that.
esoteric form of roleplay where instead of actually roleplaying you just make up characters together and discuss in abstract how they'd interact and how their story would go
not to sound bitter but i hope hurting me haunts you for years
''what if my writing isn't good eno--'' what if it's a reflection of your soul. what if it has a place in this world. what if you write it anyway
my favourite response to any kind of conflict is "i'll kill us both" because how do you even respond to that? i'll literally kill us both
current mantra
The point of fiction is actually to put that guy in a situation™️, and he might try to tell you the point is to then get him out of the situation, WRONG, second situation
please be nice to me. i am a thousand years old and very shy
be the body horror you want to see in the world
“do you write for work or just for fun” none of the above. this activity is neither profitable nor enjoyable
1/5, the rest will all be posted together. victor is about 6 or 7 in this.
vilf (villain I'd like to fuck)
Curse of Strahd as the poster (inspired by the poster of Rocky Horror Picture Show)
The classics should be KNOWN!
God I love “We’re enemies, but we’ve been enemies for a long time, which is sort of like being friends.” Great trope.
they may be doomed by the narrative but atleast they had gay sex