teenageconnoisseurmentality - UVTYA

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5 months ago
teenageconnoisseurmentality - UVTYA

kanaya momence

Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
Kanaya Momence
5 months ago

I’m so annoyed that crows can remember the faces of humans that they interact with because I sure as hell cannot remember the faces of individual crows >:(

5 months ago

dave being a capitalist in the epilogues is obviously a fun contrast to communist karkat and i think effectively communicates that not all of the homestuck kids are realistically going to be the #radicalqueercommunists that readers possibly built them up to be but it is also just a really amusing consequence of the fact that he spent formative weeks of his life exploiting innocent crocodiles on the stock market

5 months ago
This Felt So Targeted

this felt so targeted

6 months ago

I'm always entertained by people doing those "canon VS fanon" memes where both are misunderstanding characters to such a violent degree 'cause like

I'm Always Entertained By People Doing Those "canon VS Fanon" Memes Where Both Are Misunderstanding Characters
6 months ago

ik you're not a dirkjaker, but you have the best takes so please listen.

i feel cheated with dirkjake. most of the fandom held them on the pedestal of "peak toxic yaoi" or whatever and then you see them and...

they're literally just fucking 16 years old.

that's it. that's fucking it. dirk isn't abusive and Jake isn't a demon sent straight from hell to neglect/mistreat him or whatever dirk/dirkjohn fans say. they're just fucking 16.

that is my message. love each other and read sovereignstuck

We don’t even see their relationship on screen. Like at all. We don’t even see them talk.

I will never get over the Cannibalism trend in DirkJake fanworks because it really feels like people don’t get the point of Cannibalism in fiction. Cannibalism highlights Consumption. The consumption is the point. I really don’t think Consumption is present in their relationship, at least not enough to warrant the prevalence of the Cannibalism art.

I could make a significantly stronger case for Cannibalism in a piece of art featuring Cronus and Mituna. One point being that Cronus is literally named Cronus.

The communication issues that Dirk and Jake have are extremely basic 16 year old problems. That’s their main problem. They don’t fucking talk to each other. They don’t fucking talk to each other so much that we literally don’t see a conversation between them during the course of their relationship that isn’t a breakup. Our confirmation that it is happening is them breaking up.

They’re not experiencing some unique, soul-wrenching toxicity. They’re not VrisRezi. They’re just isolated 16 year olds that suck.

I do not get it.

Maybe go watch some horror movies? Or, like, Beastars. A lot of DirkJake fans really come across to me like they just want to watch Beastars and don’t realize it yet. Re-Animator + Bride of Re-Animator, too.

They’re not “Peak Toxic Yaoi” - god, I fucking hate that word - but boy are they Peak Yaoi. From my experience, DirkJake is something you get super invested in out of starvation, but I’ve never been hungry enough for it… Because I watch horror movies all the fucking time. I don’t really need my diet supplemented with some shitty little 16 year old white boys who are failing at relationships. I can just turn on any horror movie and watch bloody, sweaty, injured men fuck each other to death with chainsaws and sob into each other’s arms about needing each other or something. I’m good.

Don’t get me wrong, their relationship kind of blows, but in the most mundane, unremarkable way possible. They really are just isolated 16 year olds. Their main problem is communication, full stop.

6 months ago

do you think the trolls ever try to think up valid human  names?

6 months ago
Late To Th Le Party But @the-howling-wind Pointed Me This Out And I Had To Oblige

Late to th le party but @the-howling-wind pointed me this out and I had to oblige

6 months ago

Can you elaborate on what you meant with that ashen post? What do quadrant misunderstandings have to do with Eridan

oh my god, absolutely.

first of all, the fandom seemed to take eridan at his word when he said moirallegiance was a lesser romance akin to a friendzone; that's its own problem.

but in relation to blackrom: the toxic, horrible behavior that eridan displays in his flirting is often taken by fans to prove that kismesissitude is an inherently abusive, unnatural quadrant that the empire forces young trolls into. but this is incorrect.

as stated by multiple characters in-text AND by andrew hussie later: this behavior is not pitch at all. it's ashen flirting.

FEFERI: Eridan, please! I don't want to see any more dueling.
FEFERI: Don't try to provoke Him. It's not like I don't know wHat you're doing! You keep trying to spark a rivalry witH Him to get me to auspisticize between you two, and pull us out of our quadrant!
FEFERI: It is tHe oldest and lamest trick in tHe book. It didn't work tHen and it won't work now!

feferi calls out how transparent this bullshit is instantly. terezi, too, gets caught up in this when eridan decides to drag her into it, but she is also not having his shit. both of them read him for how fake he is. and that's not even going into how completely uninterested sollux was in this “rivalry”.

ERIDAN: tell him to put his honey wwhere his mouth is and meet me outside for another duel

hussie, in the commentary, also states that eridan's obviously outrageous behavior is basically textbook for an ashen solicitation.

You have to be pretty alert to tell when someone is hitting on you in the clubs quadrant. It's subtle enough to miss easily. "Hey, could you tell that bastard over there he's a bastard for me? And don't you DARE think of watering down my message of hate for me, so as to moderate this unpleasant rivalry I'm placing you in the middle of!" Okay, that's an obvious clubs solicitation. But usually they don't sound like that. You know how sometimes in bar fights, there's the guy who wants to start a fight, but he tries to get his friends to "hold him back"? That's textbook solicitation in the ashen quadrant. Apparently rowdy, drunken bros do it all the time.

i feel that it's also worth mentioning that when eridan had a real kismesis, his relationship with her was amiable, and they even supported each other as teammates and allies in their campaigns. the second she gets bored of him, eridan starts pretending their relationship is volatile and going to “become murderous” to get kanaya to auspistize for him… sound familiar? 

At the height of your prowess as seagrifts, Marquise Mindfang and Orphaner Dualscar were in alliance an unmatched terror, and in competition, unbridled tempest. Either way, spoils were typically traded and shared. No levels were left for anyone else to gain. None of the levels.
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands
CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to
CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps

and now here is what eridan looks like when he's actually pitch flirting. notice how despite his obvious assholery, eridan also tries to treat her with weird respect and pay her compliments? there's a noticeable difference between how eridan treats someone he actually has a pitch thing for and how he treats sollux.

CA: youre not usin magic just DEAL WW IT
TT: Fine. You win.
TT: These are science wands. I am a charlatan.
CA: ok i didnt say that
CA: i think you wwear the role pretty wwell wwhich is somethin i can appreciate
CA: theres a lot of showwmanship thats put in to comin off as a diabolical sort
TT: Thanks for the insinuation that I'm making an effort to project myself as a cartoon villain. What a compliment!
CA: wwell fine you dont havve to behavve vvillainous if youre bent up on actin against the grain a your nobility or somesuch

eridan is intentionally going way over the line, to goad people into stopping him. i discussed this before in reference to vriska/kanaya/tavros, but trolls actually seemingly don't want their relationships to become unpleasant. they have an entire quadrant dedicated to intervening if they think a relationship isn't healthy. and the relationship going extremely toxic is attributed to a failure of auspisticism, not a natural facet of pitch romance.

this is what eridan's treatment of sollux is. it's unhealthy, by troll standards. which is saying something! it says that trolls have standards for blackrom; standards that make them think trolls like vriska, gamzee and eridan are going too far. 

so that's what my funny little image was trying to encapsulate. that fandom has such a blind spot when it comes to ashen relationships that it makes them misinterpret pitch romance as well. they forget that it's literally proven in-comic that trolls don't accept shit tons of toxicity as normal in their romance. (of course it gets a little more complicated when caste dynamics are introduced, but in the end other trolls still wish to auspistize in cases like terezi/gamzee.) 

ashen romance has a purpose, and people straight up refusing to acknowledge one of the four romances in the four romance system throws their perspective of the entire thing off balance.

6 months ago
Maybe I Should Draw All The Betas Like This...
Maybe I Should Draw All The Betas Like This...

maybe I should draw all the betas like this...

6 months ago
Every Moment Postcanon Homestuck Has Been A Slow Decline Down To This Very Moment To This Canon Viz Approved
Every Moment Postcanon Homestuck Has Been A Slow Decline Down To This Very Moment To This Canon Viz Approved

every moment postcanon homestuck has been a slow decline down to this very moment to this canon viz approved depiction of hyperfeminized anime vriska and i am hating it so much… nobody understands…

6 months ago

I like non-SGRUG / humanstuck AUs where the kids don’t get to be ~famous movie directors~ or ~highly skilled experts with 3 PhDs~ but just, like, work in a bank or in a bakery or sth normal like that and generally their INTERESTS didn’t translate into a Profession they are highly successful in and gain tons of money and fame from


an AU where medical students Jade Harley and Kanaya Maryam. They did the anatomy course together, maybe, they both were very unafraid to get their hands dirty and very hard working. They did pretty good! At that point Kanaya maybe still thinks she’ll go into Obstetrics. Idk why, maybe a family background, maybe the young student line of thought that she totally already knows her calling, and what’s calling her is pregnant people and reproductive rights! She knows! 

Except obviously, where Kanaya’s heart really will be at is Orthopedic Surgery. She’ll do one internship and know that’s her thing. Cut open bones with heavy bonesaws and replace broken hip joints. Take a kid’s broken knee, cut it all open and fix it. She’s got the stamina and the strength and the I see a problem I fix a problem mindset. She’d love it. She’d have real fun doing her work. 

Now as for Jade, Jade is brilliant and can do and be anything she wants, of course, but maybe she’ll drop out anyway. Do something else entirely. Everybody puts Jade into physics and they are right. Jade would carve her way where no paths exist. Whatever she does, I see her less working in actual health care and more in developing new medical tech, probably.

Though she also could be that brilliant that she stays to research and teach at university and becomes that one really demanding but also incredibly inspiring Anatomy Professor. After all we’ve got one Sylph of Space who heals space, and one Witch of Space who manipulates & understands space. Fitting!

Imagine, Professor Harley, an energetic woman, maybe a bit scary at first glance, kickass long grey hair, wow, that hair!! You all fall in love with her a bit. Kind of abrasive, at first, but she’s just really good and fair and caring where it matters. And her tall, strong wife, Kanaya Maryam. Quieter than Harley, but also arguably scarier, who’s an Orthopedic Surgeon and a good person. If you ever have to deal with her, you’ll know how good she is. They are long past their dorky, hesitant teenage years but not past their dorky interests. They are neither ‘elegant’ nor ‘dignified’, but they are very there in their bodies and the space they take up in a way that demands respect and you’d love them for it. You’d love that they so visibly exist in such a place. With their kickass hair and their strong arms and unashamed to love, it’s as if because they are so there, you have a bit more space, too. 

6 months ago

alpha rose raising baby roxy AU "sweetie if you don't spit that lego out right now mommy's killing herself"

6 months ago

which of the four horsemen of the apocalypse is your favorite?

I dunno, honestly?

But I feel like Vriska would probably be my favorite if she were real and had a personality instead of being just the embodiment of "evil and contemptible"

6 months ago

"I have so much homestuck on my dash" my brother in karkat you followed the homestuck blog

6 months ago

i'd argue porrim is more goth than kanaya

6 months ago

one time i saw someone saying that post retcon vriska ruined meenah and (vriska)’s relationship… as if their relationship wasn’t already doomed. like what.

Did people just skip over the fact that Meenah was grooming her and that (Vriska) is 13 while Meenah is 19.

6 months ago

I hate... fanon archetypes. You know how people sand down their blorbos to fit into the same handful of incorrect quote templates and then they forget their actual canon personalities because they've gone too long without engaging with the source material? I hate it. I hate it. He would not fucking say that. The joke was slightly funny when it was on the office or whatever but we've all heard it over and over with different characters pasted into it how are you still laughing please let me out

7 months ago


7 months ago
an illustration of an alternate design for Lord English from Homestuck
Alternate design Lord English and John Egbert facing off

This is an alternate design I made for Lord English, based on the idea of what he could have been, that was more based around the Felt.

The idea is that he exists in all states of time at once, and I guess the immediate area around him also follows suit. The other thing I thought was cool was that Eggs' and Biscuits' jujus had weapon object duality, and could become a cool tommy gun for English.

7 months ago

controversial opinion but unfortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are mean to people, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have secret kind thoughts. fortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are kind in your actions and your words, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have mean thoughts. the power is in working against inner negative thoughts and being a better person despite it. you have the ability to cultivate the person you want to be.

7 months ago


7 months ago
[Image Description: A Digital Drawing Of Young Kanaya Maryam After Becoming A Rainbow Drinker From The

[Image Description: A digital drawing of young Kanaya Maryam after becoming a Rainbow Drinker from the knees up on a dark background. Her white skin glows in the dark, along with her yellow eyes reflecting like a cats. There is green blood on her sash, and smudged purple blood on her face. She holds her arms at her sides and has a blank expression.]

AMAZING! 13 Year Old Murder Victim Glows In The Dark Now

7 months ago
Like To Charge, Reblog To Cast

Like to charge, reblog to cast