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This Is One Of My Favorite Scenes
This is one of my favorite scenes
This one clip makes getting into Warhammer 40K worth it!
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More Posts from Tek5488

Identify yo self mf
These are beautiful, will deffinently use this in my next build, I’m thinking this will be a great addition to achieve a devoted wizard feeling.
alright op show us your bed with frames, show us how it's done
Here is a collection of bed designs I use

My concept for the characters in a Metal Gear Rising: Revengenence style Demon Slayer game
Spoiler warning: I do reference certain thing in the manga.
Fire and derivatives: High damage
Thunder and derivatives: High movement
Water and derivative: High coverage (i.e, best hitboxes)
Wind and derivatives: High combos
Stone and derivatives: High defense
Tanjiro would be your standard character, pretty average but also being well rounded with some unique mechanics like a sun breathing mode that empowers your attacks but take a lot from a meter or something along those lines
Zenitsu would be very speed base focusing a quick one shot slices often by charging it, his moves are also great movement tools allowing you to cover a good distance in a very short time and if you press a certain button shortly after you can recover some of your charge for free, yet has a low health pool, using dodges and parries to look for openings
Inosuke would be much more of a brawler that can take a few hits, yet he would have a lot more end lag if you miss, yet they also do a lot of multi hits and lock the enemy in place, basically guaranteeing damage
Nezuko would more of a bezerker able to take a lot of hits and dish out like inosuke, but has to be conservative with it because if she over does it, she can be left in a very vulnerable state
Kanao would be very flowy, also having some very forgiving hurt boxes, but don't spam with this character because she has sweet spots that do a ton more damage when hit, dropping a combo can leave her very venerable.
Giyu would play a lot like Tanjiro but a lot more refined in certain ways, yet might not have options like Tanjiro's Sun Breathing mode, instead replacing it with a Deep Calm mode
Shinobu would be flowy like Kanao but have much more stabbing strikes and having a exponentially stacking poison mechanic, yet she would also have one of the lower health pools
Rengoku would fight like Tanjiro in his sun breathing mode but a lot more efficient but not as damaging, he would also be one of the tougher fighters, not the toughest but can take a few more hits
Tengen would focus on combos that rely heavily on good rhythm and use a lot of movement, dodges, and parries like Zenitsu, but like Kanao dropping a combo can leave him very vulnerable
Mitsuri would have very devastating hits, fighting similarly to Rengoku but with more sweet spot focus and longer range, the hurt boxes wouldn't be random, but they would defiantly be all over the pace.
Muichiro would be very floaty with his move providing lots of short movements, unlike Zenitsu's longer movements, he also has of multi hitting moves giving him one of the highest combo potential in the game
Obanai would be like Shinobu with more more follow up attacks and having little end lag, also similar to Muchiro a lot of his moves grant great short movement options
Senemi would fight like Inosuke but instead of having locked damage sequences he instead fights like a rabid spider monkey hoped up on cocaine trying to mimic a beyblade, has the highest combo potential
Genya would use his shotgun for damage initially that would be very damaging , with his short sword being less damaging, just barely more than Shinobu's strikes without her poison, acting more as a get off me tool, however any damage done will cause blood droplets to spew out of the demon, when he collects these droplets all of his attributes improve and unlocks other abilities and moves he can use, he basically plays as if it was DOOM in third person, he could even have a glorykill mechanic where if a demon is at low enough health he can go up to it to kill it in a short kill sequence, this also makes him collect more blood than just killing the demon out right, as well as automatically collect it
Gyomei would have the highest the highest health pool, for humans at least, he would also have super armor, this complements his slow but devastating attacks that will knock enemies hit onto their butts, however missing leaves him very venerable
And that's it for all the main human (and one and a half? demons) characters at least
Comment down below what you think, especially how some of the demon characters would fight
My Demon Slayer OC

Name: Kibe Haruto
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 172 cm
Eyes: Orangish Brown
Hair: Dark Brown, with Dark Green highlights
Other characteristics:
-Scars: Got it after he was locked in a fight early on in his career, the demon got a solid strike to his cheek, and Haruto had to use some Wisteria poison to defeat it. Some of it got into the wound causing it to heal weird.
Suit Colors: Black, slowly transitioning to green
Job within the Demon Slayer Corp. besides Slaying Demons: Reconicious and Demon Investigator
-This job entails delivering information of potential demon threats such as location, habits, potential abilities, potential strength, etc.
-This is done by looking out for reports of strange activity, investigating townspeople, looking at local folklore, and looking at historical records.
Hobbies: Reading Books (Mainly History), Woodcarving, Studying Western Culture
-Haruto is very good at investigation, be it people or scenes of a crime
-He is often seen as wise, quite, and reserved despite his age, giving him a more mature air to him
-Haruto can get very invested in things, even when others give up
-Haruto is very rooted in what he believes, but is not immune to change
-He investigation skills on people is fairly surface level however, and that can sometimes make him form the wrong opinion on someone
-His “maturity” is actually due to being introverted
-He is very stubborn if he finds something, often to the point of exhaustion, and ignoring other important tasks
-He doesn’t like working with others, not because he feels like he's too good for them, but because he feels as though he needs to prove things on his own. Being self conscious and feeling like he is only strong because of the privileges he has been given.
Unusual Talent: Determining Age
-Though various strange, inconsistent, and often comical ways, he can pick apart and accurately determine a thing’s age, even working on demons and objects.
-He sometimes uses this talent to mock demons depending on their age, if they are younger he’ll make fun of their bad luck, if they are older he’ll make fun of how weak they are despite their longevity, if they are somewhere in between, he’ll mock how unnoteworthy they must have been.
Rank: Hinoe
Nichirin Sword Color: Dark Green
Weapon: Cane Sword
-Haruto uses the sheath as both a defensive tool and a bludgeon.
-The sphere at the pommel of the sword is a glass container containing a Wisteria Poison. This poison is special because it is a higher concentration and has a viscosity somewhere in-between maple syrup and jelly. While it is more difficult to make, the main reason for its lack of use is that it gets very sticky and can jam up weapons, while also losing potency when exposed to air, the only way around it is to put it into sealed containers like the ones Haruto has.
-Haruto used to wield a standard Katana, but asked for it to be reforged into its current form to better suit his new fighting style.
-The steel used in the sword is denser than in other swords, allowing it to have a decent amount of heft despite its thinness.
-The sheath was carved by Haruto himself, this was because the blacksmith initially was offended by the request to reforge the blade, only doing it if Haruto did the sheath. After much yelling and impromptu wood carving lessons he finally did. His first sheath was rudimentary so he would replace it several times before settling on its current design. And while it was a very stressful time, he would go on to appreciate being taught the art of wood carving.
-The wood used in the sheath is a nice lacquered black pine.
Breathing Form: Tree Breathing
-Tree Breathing is a combination of Flower Breathing and Stone Breathing.
-This style relies heavily on good balance and defense, yet has surprising adaptability. Haruto primarily achieves this through solid footwork, redirecting attacks, and using his sheath as a defensive tool.
-Stabs and Bludgeons are employed commonly in this form.
-Haruto was originally a practitioner of flower breathing, but as he grew up his body grew stockier, making him unable to do flower breathing to its fullest, so he incorporated some stone breathing for a more defensive and well rounded fighting style.
-One of its downsides is that it has limited movement, relying on remaining stationary and rooted, only a few forms have any quick movements that allows the user to close the distance and even then they can be limiting.
Form 1: Piercing Shoot: The individual with both hands, one on the sheath hilt and one on the sword hilt, lunges quickly at the opponent while doing a powerful thrust with the sword still in the sheath, this in hopes of stabbing the sheaf through the opponent. When this happens the individual draws the sword out the sheath, swinging over the head, and doing a powerful horizontal slash. The primary use of this form is to close distance, while also pinning a demon in place.
Form 2: Dulled Bonsai Clipper: The individual crosses their arms and uses their sword and sheath in pincer attack. This attack relies heavily on precision and is good at exploiting weak points. Great for disarming demons and also a good finisher.
Form 3: Rustling of Leaves: The individual uses multiple slashes and stabs from the sword, while also using some feints to confuse and overwhelm the opponent. Great for gaining an advantage in a fight or as a get off me tool.
Form 4: Falling Branch: The individual jumps into the air, before bringing down the sheath for a devastating blow. Best for stunning a demon, often cracking their bones in the process. Also good for vertical movement.
Form 5: Against the Storm: A defensive form that instead of blocking uses flowing redirection and parries, without giving the opponent so much as an inch. Great for punishing overconfident demons that overextend themselves in attacks, can also be used to close distance but much slower and demanding than form 1.
Form 6: Flowing Spile: The individual violently slams the pommel of the sword as hard as they can, hopefully on top of the opponent's head. This form is very much a last resort, only used if the user is in very close quarters and can only be used once. However, if hit the demon will most certainly experience a very painful death due to the Wisteria Poison Gel.
Form 7: Planted Roots: The individual stabs the ground with the sheath, then using the leverage provided to do a powerful thrust with the sword. Great for staying grounded with the stab being a great way at stopping a demon's momentum.
Haruto was born into a family belonging to a growing middle class in a rapidly industrializing Japan at the time. He was the second generation to be born into such a life. He grew up with his sibling not knowing much about excessive striff, living in a relatively modern and western society. He could thank his grandparents for that. When they were young adults, they left their village to go to the cities to take up work there. With that decision they were rewarded with great success in various ventures, with Haruto’s father, aunts, and uncles experiencing the same privileges as he did at his age. However Haruto’s grandparents' decision to leave did have consequences. Many in the old village were very against the rapid industrialization Japan was having, saying it corrupted the spirit of people. Discouraging anyone from leaving, and when news spread of the grandparents' migration to the city, those people grew frenzied. They slew all forms of insults and curses against the young couple, calling them traitors and wishing for grave misfortune upon their family. Many vendors in the village refused to service them, most of the time it wasn’t because they hated them, but because they feared the consequences if they served them. By the time Haruto’s grandparents left, they were effectively exiled from the village. But as time passed they rested easy knowing that they would never have to return, with said village slowly deteriorating into irrelevancy. Mainly due to the fact that more people left for opportunities elsewhere. However, it could be seen cruel fate that shortly after they left one of their fiercer opponents to them leaving was turned into a demon by Muzan. Who decided to personally devote the majority of their new found longevity and power tracking down and murdering all the families who left the village, with the Kibe clan being what it claimed to be it’s final prize. His parents and grandparents were killed by this demon, but luckily he and his siblings were saved by the intervention of a young Kanae. She was 14 at the time and has not been promoted to Hirashi yet. Kanae, taking pity on the recently orphaned, offered shelter at her estate for them while she found them fitting guardians. While their aunts and uncles did offer to accept them as their own, only two accepted the offer. With the rest of the siblings choosing to become medics for the Demon Slayer Corp. and Haruto personally becoming a Demon Slayer himself.
Fun Facts:
He’s a major Westaboo
This is the reason why he wears a western suit over the traditional demon slayer uniform and Yukata
He has several other types of Sheaths he interchanges
He has 37 demon kills
Day of Unity Crossover au
I think it would be nice now that we know what Belos plans for the day of unity by merging the human world and the demon world. What if something went wrong and he went to the wrong version of earth.
The Owl House x Fallout: The image of Liberty Prime football spiking Belos with a nuclear warhead while talking about communists needing to be purged and the greatness of democracy lives rent free in my mind. Also Belos being scared of the other great prophet of the one true God, Joshua Graham, is strongly encouraged.
The Owl House x Fullmetal Alchemist
The Owl House x All Tomorrows
The Owl House x Jojo
The Owl House x Team Fortress 2