God Such A Nice Refresher To Listen To Ethan And Benji Bicker Like An Old Married Couple Again. And Benji
God such a nice refresher to listen to Ethan and Benji bicker like an old married couple again. And Benji just forcing Ethan to take a step back and breath after slightly exploding on him.😌
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Fr heard the words “Glen Powell” on tv and my head immediately shot up. (Mate was in a cowboy hat shop I think… didn’t really hear anything else they said lol).
4 am insomnia core.✨
Spotify my savior. (Also I just like this photo I took idk why).

As promised a full page (and a half) of deleted things I’ve noticed from Fallout and Rogue Nation trailers. (It’s a bit past midnight so I’ll probably edit this later and/or add more to it if I feel like it). (So yes if you are reading this, right now it has been written by sleep-deprived me and does not have correct grammar sorry).
https://youtu.be/wb49-oV0F78?si=n9jbLFtgDjO9ZSUt Firstly bro how many deleted scenes did they have in this one jeez, and the sad thing is they look cool as well as darker than any movie so far (mainly because they show more dead bodies than normal (which yes Dead Reckoning beat them at that) but it shows actual close up scenes of them and blood which doesn’t happen often or ever in these movies (not including Walkers/Larks injury). Kinda wish they kept the snow car scenes in with all the dead bodies because the team hasn’t seen anything as gruesome as that yet (on-screen) so we could actually see how each of them would react differently towards it. (Also wanted to see what was behind that door). (Edit: it was more bodies :|).
https://youtu.be/XiHiW4N7-bo?si=WoGzov-WCNsW77dM (this one shows more of the gruesome scenes I was talking about). Also, it feels like it made more sense to remove Ethan almost colliding with an eight-wheeler because it would have removed Ethan from the main action of the scene which was chasing Walker/Lark.
https://youtu.be/MEOOas3JZt0?si=OwCysW5Uxmb710GW (with Benji and Luther’s line changes/additions.)
https://youtu.be/GH94euhUeL8?si=s-zAzg4xsrx2kagZ Noticed they had Walkers/Larks “No hard feelings.” Put over his “Go.” Line.
https://youtu.be/RILMeOnw1xc?si=O0dwOScx4fC8mm4- Here’s just a video of Fallout deleted scenes which you actually can look at if you have the movie disk (it’s in the main menu). But you can’t hear the real audio which I absolutely hate because these scenes are really cool and I want to hear what they’re actually saying.
https://youtu.be/gOW_azQbOjw?si=IsG0MWQ-uVYkFnSx For starters I guess Hunley’s line used to be “the IMF IS uniquely trained-“ and not “Ethan is a uniquely trained-“. (Or it could have just been a case of hiding the real lines, like when someone’s mouth doesn’t match up to what they’re saying because it sounds a bit cut/loud when he says it). Fr the background music for Rouge Nation’s trailer though because bro I completely forgot it was this 😂 (fr my mind made it transition to that one IShowSpeed song… idk). Also, it seems that Luther and Brant originally had more scenes because there was one cut to them walking in what seems to be a military base, airport, office, or my personal favorite the rental car pickup. (You could probably make a more estimated guess based on their outfits because their wearing the same ones as motorcycle chase scene). Furthermore, the scene with all four of them talking about the ledger used to be longer and/or had different shot angles. (Also I think Benji’s “Oh my god!” probably could have worked depending on when and how he said it during that scene)
https://youtu.be/FjLSKvVDWyA?si=7uOxxy0iAJF3A8nI The first line was already changed because Ilsa says for the actual plan “You have to get through 12 feet of concrete (then) and 70,000 gallons of pressurized water without any metal.” (Skipping over the Benji’s “stand by to receive” because I can’t remember if that’s a line). Guess they had it as two minutes thirty for the time but they might have changed it because it was an odd number or they just wanted to show it for longer. Also can’t tell if I feel like they should have kept “or else we’ll both be dead” because the main point for Ethan was Benji might die but, it would be true that they would both be dead. (Little side note I find it funny that they used deleted Brandt lines to make people think Brandt was there at the point). Think it was reasonable to remove Brandt’s “shutting down the IMF is a mistake you may regret” because it would just be saying already what’s being shown to us. Finally, for this ad, I am so happy they changed Brandt's line from “now we are wanted by the CIA, awesome.” To “now we are wanted by the CIA, I am so proud of us.” It just sounds way funnier with how he deadpans it.
I feel like for this (https://youtu.be/85H3z44tBoE) they should have kept Benji’s agreed, yes he’s has had a crisis of faith and his thoughts about “Am I fighting for the right side and risking my life for a world that doesn’t seem to care.” (Then Ethan saying “And sometimes the answer is no?” and Benji nods “not being proud of it.”). Because it adds a bit more depth to his character, but either way I still think that scene turned out good.
(That's all I have for now, it has filled up a page and a half good night).
https://youtu.be/Vd70uRdjNHw?si=Q1FagDcqO8A58B21 6:05 will always hold a special place in my heart. ♥️
Random Simon and Tom pictures because I have an unhealthy obsession. (Part 4/?)