I am in way too many fandoms for my own good=DFemale and bisexualLokean =}Tolkienite, Potterhead(Slytherin), Trekkie, and a crap ton of other namesADHD(its bad =D)Y'all can call me Lif, not my real name but I'd like it to be
259 posts
Hi @that--elf!
Hi @that--elf!
I think I'm going to start sending out weekly ASKs to engage with my followers and mutuals. Today I'd love to know if you have a favourite day of the week (also if it's a recurring situation like a ritual) and what happens on it that you like it.
Sending my best wishes to you! ♥♥
goddam, I love getting these from you. It’s like getting a card in the mail.
favorite day of the week? depends on what’s happening in during a particular week, although my favorite day is probably Saturday. i can wind down from a busy week and stay up late and night and sleep in Sunday morning
the-bogginses-are-gay liked this · 5 months ago
firelightinferno liked this · 5 months ago
More Posts from That--elf
Gandalf for Tolkientober day 5: Istari
Really looking forward to seeing his journey in the show too

been re-finding some songs and stumbled across this work of perfection

Get up girls we have another day of obsessing over fictional characters to cope with reality ahead of us
you have named at least one pet after a fictional character and used to pick up random pretty rocks from the driveway(i still do both of these)
@flameunquenched @the-bogginses-are-gay @orehuna @silmarillisms @elbereth-gilth0niel @trans-elrond and literally anyone else who wants to join😃(i apologize if i accidentally tagged someone who’s already been tagged)
I came up with a new tag game!
Create a headcanon for the person you reblogged from! (Aka assume something about them lol)
No pressure tags!: @iloveacronix @greenamethyst-16 @hijabiwriter @crystaleclipse10 @mislamicpearl and anyone else who wants to join!