Homophobic people arenât welcome.I donât really do much.BLM,SAH,Free Palestine.18
159 posts
Thatbaepizzalover - That One Closeted Kid - Tumblr Blog
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Warnings: fighting, being drunk, mention of homophobia, mention of deceased parents, angst with a happy end
Words: 3.5k
Summary: You wanted to surprise your girlfriend but instead you were the one that got surprised.
A/N: Here it is: the Angst with a happy ending one shot as the majority of you voted for! Btw I did not proof read it so be aware.
Flying wasn't your thing; sitting for hours in a thing that is high in the air with nothing to do but to sleep, eat, watch or read something. And airplane was a capsule of boredom to you, that was why you'd never fly unless you had to. Unfortunately you had to fly for your job since it required you to fly overseas from time to time. This time you had a 15 hour flight back home, itching to not only to see your girlfriend Natasha but also to surprise her, your supposed flight was scheduled for only three days later and when you were given the go to fly back earlier you took the chance and told her nothing about it. You hadn't seen her in weeks so you were extra excited to see her again.
The uber stopped in front of your apartment complex, as you got your things out of the trunk you thanked them for the pleasant ride and wished them a good day. You were quick to arrive at your door, the apartment was one on the top floors, before unlocking it with the your key. The smile on your face vanished when you saw Natasha standing there with three people you had never met before. Your mood became a little sour as you didn't like that your surprise didn't go as you had planned. "Who are you?" You asked confused as nobody including your girlfriend made a move to introduce each other.
They stared at you with critical eyes, sizing you up and down as if you were a criminal or some other threat. The younger woman with blonde hair spoke up first. "Her family." Your heart stilled for a second thinking of meeting her family like this wasn't great but you dismissed everything quickly because you remembered that her family was dead. "No, that can't be. Her family died when she was young." You looked confused at Nat, then back at those strangers again. When nobody responded you got a bit anxious, Natasha wouldn't have lied about that right?
The man spoke up next, bringing you out of your head of spiraling thoughts. "Who are you?" But before you could answer that question happily, the other woman gave her thoughts to the situation. "She's most likely the roommate Natasha always talked about." Roommate. You whirled your head towards your red headed lover, looking baffled at her already guilty expression, pain appeared in your heart and you swore that nothing cut you as deep as the statement along with her silence and facial expression. You pursed your lips to hide how much she hurt you, it would be too embarrassing to throw a fit in front of her family. Natasha opened her mouth but before she got to speak you jumped in. "I just had a 15 hour flight and all I wanna do is take a shower and maybe a nap afterwards. I guess I see y'all later." You said to all of them before you fetched your suitcase and disappeared into the actual guest room that the two of you had for emergencies.
In the shower you sat down and let the water fall onto you. You overthought everything you thought you knew. It was obvious that it was her family, she lied about her parent dying. Why would she do that? And if she lied about that what else did she lie about? Evidently about your relationship. The roommate Natasha constantly talked about.. That statement hurt immensely. You couldn't understand why were a roommate, not even a very good friend no, just a fucking roommate. It made you angry, especially because you loved that woman deeply and it made you wonder if she actually loved you. You also deliberate about if you could ever forgive her about this betrayal.
After the long shower, your phone started ringing the second your t-shirt hit you body. It was strange for someone to call you at this hour but when you saw it was your friend Wanda you answered without a question. You couldn't get a hello out because she was talking fast. "Open your door, there's a surprise for you!" The excitement in her voice was refreshing after all the work talk you had done overseas for days. "Wands, I don't like surprises."
"I know and I'm sorry to do this to you but this one's really worth it. Please believe me and don't hang up!" You tried to put all the faith you had left in her and walked out of the guest room as held your phone against your ear. "I won't hang up don't worry." While you passed by the open kitchen-living room to get to the door, you felt the red head's and her family's intense eyes on you. You ignore them as you opened the door and there she stood, the great Wanda Maximoff with some tickets in her hands. She practically shoved them into your hands. Only then did you hang up the phone and looked at what the tickets were. Your eyes widen in shock before you threw yourself at Wanda, hugging her happily. Natasha jealously was seething so she decided to speak. "What is your ex doing here?"
You turned around smiling at her but not as bright as you had been a second before, you still waved the tickets with joy telling her what the tickets were for. "She got me tickets for a sold out Hayley Kiyoko show!!" Natasha knew how much that meant for you since you had never seen her live even though you had tickets for three concerts at one point. You hated it so much that your job always came in between the dates, making you sell your concert tickets of the singer that was your first crush and gay awakening. This whole situation gave Natasha another pang of jealousy, she should have been the one giving you the tickets, not your damn ex.
"The lesbian Jesus?" The blonde woman whose name you still don't know asked. You nodded and saw her face breaking into a proud expression. "Since when do you know that?" Natasha asked her sister in almost an insulting tone. "Kate Bishop, where else?" After Nat narrowed her eyes the blonde explained further with a shrug. "She told me that I need to widen my horizon in pop culture." At that you turned your attention back to Wanda, minding your own business while picking up your conversation again. "I- I'm.. thank you for the tickets Wands. I truly don't know how to thank you." She smiled at your overwhelmed but giddy state. "You could take me with you?" She joked as she also pointed to the tickets. You agreed to her idea incredibly fast, maybe a bit too fast considering that you had a girlfriend you usually asked and took with you to concerts. But in that split of a moment you didn't give a shit about asking her to go with you, going with your ex sounded way better. "It - it's tomorrow already. Wait, hold on. How'd you even know that I'd be back by then?"
"Oh yeah about that.. I might have talked with Josh." She smiled sheepishly. Josh was a mutual friend but also your co-worker. But you'd never have thought that Josh would talk about your (early) return. Especially since you told him you wanted to surprise everyone. "Are you lovebirds actually coming in or stay in the doorway all night?" Alexei teased you both, you didn't how how to feel about that. You were still together with his daughter and him teasing or shipping you with your ex was beyond something you thought you'd experience. The frown on Natasha face was something you didn't miss and you actually had to bite your tongue before saying something you'd regret. To your luck, because you knew biting your tongue wouldn't help for long, your lover pipped in. "They are ex-girlfriends and not lovebirds." She stated hard. Her father continued to reason with his daughter. "Doesn't have to mean anything Tasha bear. How often did your mother and I break up and got back together hmm?"
You ignored their conversation once again, turning to the red head that stood still in the doorway you told her to wait for you. "Let me switch pants and then we go get a drink somewhere yeah? That way we can catch up and they can continue having family time uninterrupted." Natasha wanted to interject, deny you going out with Wanda when she desperately wanted to explain herself but she feared that stopping you would dig her grave with you only deeper so she let you go. When you were about to leave, Yelena and Alexei teased you both a last time. You felt a bit bad for Natasha but it all were also a part of consequences of her actions. "Don't come home too late." Was the only thing she told you. You still heard Yelena's such a mom and Alexei's don't be a cockblocker Natasha through the door.
You were passed out in Wanda's arms as she carried you bridal style towards your apartment. It wasn't planned that you drank this much alcohol, but once you got a taste of it you just couldn't stop, it numbed your feelings and problems that you badly wanted to forget. Natasha was at the door quick, relieved when she saw you in Wanda's arms, she lead you both towards your bedroom watching how your ex put you on the bed gently.
"Thank you for bringing her home." She commented. The other woman only nodded before leaving fairly quickly, not wanting to be there in case you woke up which she knew was unlikely but didn't want it risk it anyways. Hungover you was something she did not want to witness ever again.
The next morning was rather midday by the time you woke up. You walked into the bathroom first, quickly peeing and splashing some water on your face before wandering to the kitchen, there you saw Natasha sitting at her kitchen counter with a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other hand. "Morning." You hummed grumpily, acknowledging her without actually talking to her. She huffed before she tried to talk to you again. "Y/N I-" Natasha started but you cut her off immediately. "I don't wanna talk."
"But I really-" Her next attempt to talk got quickly cut off by you again. "I SAID I DONT WANT TO TALK NATASHA!" You didn't yell, you simply rose your voice a bit to get your point across. She shut up afterwards. "Gosh just give me space before you ruin my day. I still have a concert to attend to." Your words and the situation cut her deep, it hurt to know this side of you - that she was the reason for bringing this out of you and inflicting (you) pain. She never wanted any of this.
After the incredible amazing concert you dragged Wanda into a bar to get some well deserved fries and drinks. It didn't last long until you spilled your relationship problems and some evil thoughts you had in your head. The cruelest one was to text Nat asking her if she'd give you permission to kiss another girl during Hayley's performance of Girls Like Girls. You'd never cheat but the itch to get back at her in some way for betraying you was big.
"I know you want to hurt Natasha back a bit because of what she did but is it really worth it? Wouldn't that just truly ruin your relationship?" Wanda was concerned about your state of mind and what you might would do. She knew how rash you were in doing something when you got hurt by someone close to you. "It's hardly a relationship if it's build on lies." You stated without any emotion in your voice and expression. This only showed her that her worries were valid. "Maybe she had a good reason for it." The red head tried so hard to see the positive but of course with your mood, nothing was getting to you.
"I can't think of a single good reason of why she'd lie about her parents passing. I also came up short when I thought of a reason of her hiding our relationship. Like I'd have understood if it were the same situation as it was in our relationship, when you were a baby gay with parents who oftentimes said homophobic remarks and you being afraid to come out. But her father and sister teased us lovebirds and it seemed very genuine, they weren't homophobic." At the mention of Wanda's past, she felt the need to voice her thoughts. "I still feel like they stopped with the remarks after catching Pietro watching gay porn." You gave her a tiny sad smile. "Well either way, at least you had the decency to tell your family that we were not only very good but also very close friends. I'm just a roommate to them."
"I'm sorry." She said it genuine, without any pity or whatsoever. You nodded but also sighed at her apology. "Not your fault Wanda. Don't apologize for something that's out of reach." It was quiet between the two of you for a long moment, eating and drinking to make it less awkward before you asked her if you could crash at her place. "Of course, you're always welcome." Later, right before you went to sleep, you texted your girlfriend that you'd stay at Wanda's for the night.
When you got home the next day, Natasha was nowhere to be found, it gave you enough time to ponder if you should simply break up with her and get all your things with you, it would have been a coward move on your part and you were already cowardly enough by staging away from her the night before. You quickly changed into a new set of clothes the grabbing your headphones and went into the kitchen, getting out ingredients from the cabinets to bake something, you still needed to distract yourself before facing Natasha.
The second she entered the apartment and heard movements she knew were only yours, she stopped dead in her tracks as she wasn't expecting you to the apartment yet. She thought that you were staying at Wanda's for a while longer but since you weren't she took the chance to finally talk to you and explain herself. You were startled by the tap on your shoulder, you hadn't heard her come back with the headphones on yours ears blasting angry rock-metal music. Pausing the music and taking the headphones from your ears, you turned around to face Natasha, she had messy hair with dark circles and bags underneath her eyes. It told you that she had a sleepless night.
"I don't want to talk." You told her simply because it irritated you that she disrupted your baking time. She groaned in frustration. "But I need to talk. Y/N I want to fix my mistakes, I want to fix us." She was desperate, you heard it in her voice, but that still didn't change your mind. "Maybe the magnitude of your mistakes are too big to fix." The words you said left her stunned. With the little courage she had left she asked you the important question. "Are you breaking up with me?"
"Not yet." It came out weak, nearly matching the weak tone of the question Natasha asked second before. A bit of relieve flooded her system but she was still tense m, fearing your answer to her next question. "What's holding you back?" You weren't sure if you wanted to let her know your reasons but you ended up opening anyways. "My gut and my trust in you."
The silence that followed was nearly deafening, the redheaded woman simply was at loss of words because it felt wrong for you to still have trust in her. "I haven't shattered your trust yet?"
"Hard to believe right? Despite all your lies I still trust you.. even if it's on a thin thread." There was another couple of minutes of silence before she finally could apologize without you cutting her off. "Then let me apologize because I really have to apologize for how the other day went down. I'm sorry for lying about my parents and that I lied to them about our relationship. I didn't mean to hurt you but I did and now I have to own it up." She started before moving to sit down on a chair. "It's true that my parents died at a young age. Who you saw was my foster family, we didn't always get along which resulted in me distancing myself from them for a decade. It wasn't until we were a year deep into a relationship that we started to have contact again."
"But why lie to them about us? Your father and sister seemed pretty open about homosexuals." You asked, still confused about certain things that needed to be cleared up.
"My plan was to ease them in telling how I'm not only queer but more so a lesbian. Last time I really knew them they were homophobic so I was surprised by their remarks. I hadn't met them in person for so long, I guess they changed a lot during that time." You took your hands in hers. It was a small gesture of you supporting her in quietness. "I'm sorry detka. I should have told you a long time ago about my foster family. And also that I told them you were my roommate."
"I just don't get it. Why tell them we're roommates and not friends?" It was the question that plagued your mind. She bit her lips then shaking her head and looking everywhere but at you. "It wouldn't have been believable. I always ruined all my friendships." You squeezed her hands in hope she'd look at you again and she did even if it was only for a few seconds. "Is there anything else you lied about?"
Her eyes rose to yours, this time you could see her bare soul laying out for you. She removed her hands from yours before answered honest. "Uhh.. my job?" It was barely a second that passed by before you shrieked out her full name. "Natalia Alianovna Romanova!" She squeezed her eyes shut as her name fell from your lips like you called her satan, then she fumbled with her hands until they found yours again. With an honest look in her eyes she apologizes again. "Y/N I'm really sorry okay."
"Sorry doesn't make it better! Natasha you do realize how fucked up this is right? Especially because we talk about work at dinner every other day. Gosh." You felt sick to your stomach when you thought back at the countless of conversations you had. "If-if you're not a secretary then what exactly do you do?"
"I'm actually a SHIELD agent." She leaned closer to you when she noticed your lack of response. When you did reply it made Natasha even more nervous, anxious even, she feared that you decide to break up with her right then and there. "A SHIELD agent?" You repeated calmly, a bit too calm for your girlfriend's liking, a calm person is always one to fear during a fight, they most likely are already done with everything. "A SHIELD agent." Natasha confirmed.
"Were you going to tell me?"
"At some point." You nodded then removed your hands from hers all while you were telling her you needed to go back to baking, you turned around finished your cupcakes. Natasha stood there awkwardly, not knowing what else to tell you or where to go. When the first batch of cupcakes were done you held one in between your fingers, you walked straight up to the redhead with no expression on your face, her heart pounded so wildly that it felt like she was going to die. "As much as I hate you right now, I'm still completely and utterly in love with you." You offered her the cupcake that she gladly accepted with a small smile. "I might be an idiot for even attempting to forgive you but I can honestly see us having a great and long future together."
"I want that. The long and great future with you, I mean." She looked down and smiled shyly
"Good. But it can only happen if you won't lie to me anymore Nat. I'd rather be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie."
"Okay?" She nodded. "Good. Now come here and give me a kiss."
"Can I eat my cupcake first?" She asked with a twinkle in her eyes. You shook your heard, told her 'no' before you grabbed her head and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

You can only reblog this today.
Reposting in a way that's easier for everyone to see
Sub! Yandere! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
TW: Yandere themes, Mommy kink, Breast sucking, cum eating
It's your breasts that draw him in first. His eyes can't seem to stay away from your cleavage, hence why he makes you wear everything low cut. He knows you don't produce milk, it's preposterous to even think so, seeing as you've never been with child. Yet he constantly feels the urge to squeeze them, to suck them between his lips and lay there with that soft bud in his mouth, falling asleep on your chest.
It takes a while and a little bribing before you agree to let him do so without fighting. He'll allow you to take a trip to Mondstadt for the windbloom festival, with only two guards and without him. You don't even ponder the trade for a moment before you're untying the obi to your kimono and spreading the fabric apart. It's barely a freedom, but it's better than being with him.
Scaramouche pants at the sight of your chest, your nipples pebbling from the air hitting them. It takes less than a second before he's sitting in your lap, face nestled into the warmth of your tits, suckling at your nipple. He hums. You didn't expect him to hum while doing this, but he does. Little noises of pleasure and content falling from his lips as his drool slides down the curve of your breast.
He pulls away from the bud with a pop, eyes half lidded and heavy. His cheeks are flushed, mouth agape, lips plump and moist. He opens it to say something, but catches your nipple in his lips again, starting his rhythmic sucking once once.
It's a thought that you'd never imagined would occur to you, but in this moment Scaramouche, the Fatui harbinger and man who kidnapped you from your home, was actually cute. He'd long since wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you to keep you from moving as he began to rut his hips messily against you. Still on his hakama shorts, his hard cock found purchase on your stomach as he fell into a tempo.
Those lazy eyes would look up at you and you'd feel your heart actually skip a beat. It was a notion that made you sick to your stomach to think about. But that didn't stop you from reaching a hand up to pet his head, your fingers tangling in those indigo locks. He flinched, then sank into this touch, practically nuzzling his head against your hand at the same time.
âThank youâŚmommy,â he'll mumble with that nipple still in his saliva filled mouth, his tongue lapping at it.
You tense. Then you think. Then you don't care. It's what he wants and you do have to uphold your end of the deal. So you keep petting him, even sliding your other hand down to grip his still clothed cock. His hips move from that slow sensual pace into a quicker thrusts, panting and whining against your tits.
âMommy!â He whimpered, âfeels so good! Thank youâŚah! Hah~...hnng.â
In the year you'd been Scaramouche's victim, you'd never heard him moan like this. Never seen his eyes so big and glossy. You'd never felt his need to cum so desperately before. Nimble fingers would squeeze your waist, lips still latched on to your bud for dear life.
His hips would falter for a second, a moan muffled by the flesh of your chest. His eyes rolled back into his skull as he shook through the orgasm. You could feel his cock twitching in your hand, sputtering so much cum that it'd begun to dribble through the fabric and into your palm.
As a test of how far you could truly go, you brought that palm up to his lips. He eyed it for just a moment, then licked it clean, âDidâŚdid I do good, mommy?â He'd stutter in a voice so sweet that you didn't believe it to be his.
âYou did perfect, baby,â you found yourself answering, guiding his lips back to your breast where he latched back onto your drool covered bud. You saw his eyelids grow heavier, his blinks getting slower, until those lashes shut for good and he fell asleep on your chest, mouth still suckling at your breast even as he dreamt.
So I found Aaron Bushnell's reddit and went through his comments/posts. That young man was well read and stable as they can be. Nothing in his writings pointed to someone who was "unstable" or "brainwashed".
He held leftist and anarchist ideals. He belong to the ACAB subreddit. He recognized the evil of the US Military even though he himself was a part of it. He hated TERFS and called out fatphobia. He understood the dangers of white supremecy and the evils of capitalism.
He had a cat. He liked the show fleabag and played elden ring.
Apparently in his will he wants to leave any money in his name to palestinian relief funds. He was trying to find a new owner for his cat.
Rest in peace Aaron Bushnell. The world won't forget & we sure as fuck won't let the media paint you out to be some crazy conspiracy theorist who had no idea what he was doing.

Every single one of the 13,000+ children murdered by Israel was robbed of their futures
Please post about palestine and gaza. Not posting at all when you have the option to, IS selfish. "I don't want to post, it doesn't go with my blog, it makes me sad, I'm scared of losing followers" people are DYING. People are dying and don't have the luxury to make choices like you do, seemingly simple choices like whether you should post something or not.
Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You donât have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.

Usoppâs background story was written by a Tumblr Friend @bitterusopp , as a GOD Usopp fan, her post touched me so much. Therefore Iâve asked for her permission to draw this comic strip.
I hope everyone know how amazing Usopp is.
Click me for âAll in 4 pagesâ layouts.
Click me to Rowanâs original post.
For the girl constantly trying to get herself killed.

What about yandere prince over his favorite knight? Male reader ofc :)
I am done I deserve mac n cheese and almonds
Hope this was okay.
Yandere Prince x male reader
tw: yandere themes and being held against will

You were assigned to prince Charlie since you were little, so naturally you were very protective of him.
You two shared a very special bond of course, two best friends since childhood.
But for prince Charlie, it was oh, so much more. At first he didnât understand it, you were there more often than not.
He remembers how often you clinged to him when you two were younger. You were supposed to be the one protecting him, he didnât mind that.
As you two grew older, you got braver and stronger. You even spend less time with him. He noticed something was wrong with him.
An unknown feeling blossomed in his chest.
And you made it so much stronger.
Itâs not really like you did anything special, you just,
He started to appreciate your existence more. How when you smiled your cheeks were dusted by pinkish colour and your eyes twinkled with such a happy flame.
How you wielded your sword and how brave you were.
He watched you, heart longing for you. For your little touches, your laughs.
Oh how he wishes you two were kids again, he would protect you from danger and you would cling to him and never let go.
You were so far away but at the same time so close. After a while, just watching wasnât enough, he needed you back and he would do everything to make it happen.
You noticed a slight change in your environment.
It started small, maids, servants and other knights started to ignore you. They shook when they saw you and ran away.

You werenât a violent person, so you didnât understand what was wrong.
It hurt slightly, but you canât just go around crying. You were a royal knight after all.
Then Prince Charlie requested you must be near him at all times, you expected that since you were his personal knight,
no more strolls through the castle and gardens. No more training. You canât leave him, not even to eat or sleep.
You feared the last one. You feared you might grow weak, but you canât let your prince that so you stayed silent.
You didnât dare to eat, drink or sleep in his presence, much to his dismay. You thought it was disrespectful to even do these things in his presence, EVEN if you two knew each other all your lives.
After some time your body could in fact, not take it anymore so you fainted.
You woke up not long after, laying on the comfiest bed you had ever felt. Stripped from your armour and chained to the bed. Your first thought was that someone broke in and hurt your prince, naturally, you began to struggle. Your body was weak due to the lack of food or sleep.
You didnât notice your Prince walking cheerfully through the door.
âOh you are up, how wonderfulâ
He chirped happily. Your tired eyes followed his figure.
âYour.. highness? What is the meaning of this?â
You asked, voice raspy. Swallowing hurt so much.
âOh you had fainted my dear knightâ
he hummed as he placed something on the table. You tried to move your arms, you felt weak. Chains only rattled quietly because of your movement, it caught Charlies attention.
âDonât you dare to move y/nâ
âJust, just take me to the doctor I will be fine in few days and-â
His pale face turned cherry red in anger.
âNo! You are only allowed to see me, only me! I AM taking care of you now!â
His voice boomed loudly in your ears. You winced.
He turned away from you, trying to calm down, then took something from the table, a plate. Charlie walked to the bed, and placed the plate on a nightstand, so he could uncuff your hands.
Your body felt weak, you let him sit you up.
âNow, let me feed you yeah? You must be oh so hungry, and then we can spend some time together.â
he smiled, you were too weak to argue so he took your silence as an agreement. You prayed silently that this was just a dream.
Welcome! + Masterlist!

I write Yandere stories involving big, possessive men who love it when their Darlings call them "Daddy". And although I prefer M/M stories, I will tend to write from a GN Reader POV to make it more inclusive.
The themes/shows I write for include:
Werewolves*** (Honestly, this will be a majority of my content haha)
Assorted Creatures
Teen Wolf
Marvel (Mainly Captain American and Spiderman)
Generic Prompts
Some Anime (I have't seen a lot, but I am always down to expand my horizons!)
Oh, and because I suck at coming up with character names, 99% of the Yanderes will be named "Daddy".
Unless stated otherwise, the pics I use are From Bing.AI because I cannot draw to save my life! I understand that AI is a bit controversial, but in no way, shape, or form will I ever request monetary compensation for these imagines because I don't believe that people who use AI should get paid for it, for real.
Also, just so there's no confusion: AI creates the images, but I create the writing.
I hope you enjoy what I put out! And let's go have fun with some Yandere!Daddies!
Love, Mikki
The Masterlist:
Blake the Bully
The School Bully Loves You: Part 1 â Part 2 â Part 3
Blake Gives You a Valentine's Day Gift
Yandere Sleep Paralysis Demon Visits You Nightly
Trying to Ignore a Yandere Demon Who Wants to Claim You
Yandere Drider Captures You in His Web
Yandere Naga Loves to Watch Ophidiophobic You
Spending the Night With Your Yandere Vampire Boyfriend
Yandere Werewolf (Secretly) Walking You Home...
Yandere Werewolf Boyfriend Watches a Scary Movie with You
How to Tell if Your Boyfriend is a Werewolf
Yandere Werewolf Boyfriend Explains "Knotting" to You
Yandere Werewolf Boyfriend with a Playful Darling who Teases Him
Yandere Werewolf Daddy x Forced Fem M! Reader
Werewolf Daddy x Hunter! Reader
Yandere Werewolf Park Ranger Helps Search for "Lost" You
Yandere DaddyDom Yakuza With a Kawaii Darling (You)
General Possessive Daddies
Yandere Bad Boy Daddy x Hopeless Romantic Reader
Yandere Jock Wants Nerdy You... Badly
Yandere Pirate Boards Your Ship for His Treasure
â Ë ď˝Ąâŕ¨ŕ§Ë Nov. Masterlist Ëŕ¨ŕ§â・ Ë

Day 1: Yandere bookworm
Day 2: Yandere victim
Day 3: Yandere soldier
Day 4: Yandere damsel
Day 5: Yandere shy friend
Day 6: Yandere childhood friend
Day 7: Yandere vampire
Day 8: Yandere popstar
Day 9: Yandere puppyboy
Day 10: Yandere desperate friend
Day 11: Yandere lover
Day 12: Yandere gojo

âď¸ silent cry
⌠pairing: xavier / gn!reader
⌠genre: hurt to comfort
⌠warnings: probably badly written breakdown, feeling of emptiness and loneliness
⌠word count: 1.6k words
áśť đ đ° .á: there was never no need to hide your tears and feelings behind a fake smile. not when he was always there for you
âË âŚ note: as a huge stay and a silent cry lover, i couldnât help myself but write this. this was probably the most fun i had while writing, though adding the lyrics into the story was harder than anticipated. stan stray kids yâall!! not proofread!

you had never been one to burden others with your feelings. perhaps it was that loud voice in your mind that kept on shouting to not annoy others around you, or just the fact that concerning people close to you filled you with guilt. youâve always been told you were strong, and strong people donât cry, right?
oh, how wrong everyone was. nobody knew that behind the smile you wore, behind every âiâm okayâ you uttered, your poor heart was sobbing loudly. you dared not to show your vulnerability to anyone, not even the ones you considered friends, or even family. to be seen as disappointment was burdening your chest like an anvil.
that happy mask you always wore, simply to make others happy, seemed to shatter the moment you stepped foot in your dark room. the mental heaviness of your body and thoughts left you only sighing into the darkness, your frame harshly hitting the mattress. there was no joy in your eyes. you, who used to smile brightly, felt like you were slowly dying.
no one knew, yet a part of you felt glad. they didnât deserve to be burdened by your troubles. even if no other person was there to listen to your nightly sobs and cries, you had made peace with that. for all you know, it was meant to be this way.
so there you were. in your room, dimly lit with the light radiating from your desk lamp, silently bawling your eyes out. your head laid on the pillow, the material of the sheet stained by the salty droplets of your tears. you werenât aware of how long you had been crying, or why you even felt like it. it just happened, and there was no way to stop it. no matter how hard you tried, how much you tried to hold the tears in, it only made you cry more and harder.
your eyes burned, head was throbbing like it was repeatedly hit by a hard piece of metal. you could barely see the outlines of the furniture with how blurry your eyesight was. you wish you could just turn it off, to never feel again. or⌠to have someone you could cry to. but there wasnât a person like that.
no one knew how you felt. at least, that was what you thought. one person knew all too well.
xavier was painfully aware of the pain in your eyes. the exhaustion behind your every smile. you were like a body without a soul, your gaze dull and almost empty. he wasnât someone to notice other peopleâs feelings, moreover, he didnât particularly care about the others.
but you werenât just other person for him. you were special. he wanted to be your support, the shoulder to cry on. he was willing to be of help to you, no matter what would make you happy. truly happy.
yet you never approached him, and xavier couldnât understand why. wouldnât it be easier for you to let go of everything you held in? he would listen to your silent cry, that much was something he made clear to himself. your happiness was the most important thing to him, so why wasnât it yours?
he was standing by your door, trying to listen to any sound coming from behind them. but your apartment was eerily quiet, as if you werenât even there. but he knew better. he knew you were inside, suffering on your own.
as you laid on your bed, aggressively wiping the uncontrollable tears flowing down your cheeks, a knock erupted through the space of your abode. in panic, you jumped up, running to the bathroom to look at yourself.
the sight wasnât pretty, it was anything but. your eyes were red, your hair a mess and face fully wet from tears. just the sight of yourself made you tear up even more. you bowed your head down, splashing handfuls of ice cold water on your face.
once you dried your face, you stumbled toward the door, possibly knocking something in the process. your hand made contact with the handle, and with a last deep breath, you swung the door open to reveal xavier.
âxavier! what are you doing here?â you mustered up the energy to smile brightly, hoping he would look over the red rim around your eyes.
you glanced down to notice a small box in his hand, and you immediately knew it were the macarons you liked the most. it was the packaging of it that gave away the content, and it made your heart flutter with genuine joy. even though it was a sparkle, it was enough.
âcan i come in?â xavier asked with his usual calm tone.
the question surprised you, but you let him in anyway. with how dark your apartment was, his step to your room was careful, mindful of his surroundings. you quietly followed behind him, silently wishing he would explain his visit.
once you stood by your bed, xavier placed the box on the nightstand, right under the lit lamp before facing you. that was when you noticed the knot in between his eyebrows, not very far from a frown.
before you could say anything, his hand grabbed onto yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. your gaze fell down to your intertwined hands, then back at him. your eyes were round in surprise, and you barely bit back a gasp that threatened to fall from your mouth.
âwhy are you smiling when you donât feel like it?â he whispered quietly, his free hand going up to cup your cheek.
he could feel the dried pathways of your tears beneath his palm. the cold water that you splashed your face with earlier didnât get rid of the evidence of your tears fully, as it appeared. the pad of his thumb grazed ever so gently against your skin, drawing soothing circles over your cheekbone.
âwhat are you talking about? iâm okay,â you lied with a smile, though you could feel the tears prickling behind your eyelids.
âyou always say that, but i can see how your heart sobs,â xavierâs voice was but a mere whisper as he drew you closer.
the forced smile began slowly faltering from your lips, and it was soon replaced by a quiver. without even realizing, a sob rippled through you, making it hard for you to hide your tears. one by one, like pearls falling from a torn necklace, tear droplets ran down your face. you couldnât continue pretending to be alright, not when xavier was around.
a wave of relief washed over the man standing in front of you. he smiled softly as he engulfed you in a warm embrace, letting your tears stain his sweater. he didnât mind. at least you werenât alone in this, you had him now.
âdonât be the only one hurting,â he murmured into the crown of your head, earning a choked cry as a reply.
you tried to muster up a response, but nothing more than a sob came out. xavier shushed you gently, wordlessly saying that words werenât needed.
careful with his movements, he settled on your bed. back leaning against the headboard, his arms reached out to pull you down on his lap. you had no energy to fight against it, in fact, you didnât even want to. his warmth was soothing, and somehow nostalgic.
xavierâs arms held you tightly, like youâd slip away from his grasp if he let go. you cried and cried, body trembling and tears falling. loud sobs and pained whimpers filled the room, the dark place of all your deep sorrows.
even in his arms, it still hurt. why did it all have to hurt so much? and what was it that hurt? you werenât even sure anymore. you couldnât even tell if you had a reason to cry at all. it all felt useless, and utterly pointless. it felt unfair that xavier had to deal with your feelings, wrong even. you should push him away, right? you were a deepspace hunter, his partner. you were meant to be strongâŚright?
just as you were about to pull away, still crying heavily, you felt xavierâs slender fingers on the back of your head, gently pushing your head onto his chest.
âlean on me. i wonât let you go,â he whispered close to your ear, his lips brushing against your temple as he planted a gentle kiss on it.
xavier sat there with you, not uttering a sound as you let every tear out. his left hand gently caressed your hair, untangling the knots with a gentle touch, while the other drew soothing patterns on your back. his sweater was pretty much soaked by the time you were done, but he couldnât care less. his favorite piece of clothing meant nothing compared to your happiness.
âthank you,â you managed to whisper, your voice hoarse and almost gone.
âyou donât have to thank me,â he shook his head, looking into your still teary eyes. âiâll listen to your silent cry. always.â
his lips touched your forehead, calloused hands cupping your cheeks. he softly brushed the tear trails away, keeping his gaze on you. his touch was gentle, comforting. this man, the one who killed wanderers without mercy, treated you with upmost love and care. as if every crevice of your body was made of the most fragile glass.
âwhen you lose strength, iâll hold you. iâll say âitâs okayâ to you. just donât cry alone, not when iâm here. not when iâm near,â xavier said in a quiet tone, leaning your head down to let you rest on his shoulder.
the heat of his body completely relaxed your muscles, putting your mind at ease. his chest slowly rose and fell as he breathed calmly, lulling you to sleep. your eyes began to close, and within a moment, you were asleep.
xavier didnât leave your side, he wouldnât dare. he stayed with you the whole night, occasionally waking up from his slumber to make sure you were sound asleep. as much as he valued his sleep, he valued you more.
he loved you more than anything.

Š xaviers-star-tassel
This is reminder to check up on your own mental health.
I got a mental health wellness app and decided my first entry was going to be about a videogame I played that day

My god, the bombing of Rafah has started.
For months they have clustered Gazans further south, herding them into one point. Making them suffer famine, disease, bombs, and bullets. They spread propaganda and cut off aid.
And now they are airstriking Rafah. Told to evacuate when there is no place left to go.
The final solution video taped before our very eyes.
I'm here for spite gays, so I, if it's not uncomfortable would like to see something with Valentina (i have a favorite, and I'm not sorry) comforting a fem!darling who maybe gets bullied/harrassed at their gym! (my transfem ass just wants comfort, but the reader doesn't have to be transfem, just fem)
violence mention tw, fem reader (no pronouns or genitals specified; reader referred to with fem terms)

"you feelin' any better, princess?"
valentina had you bundled up in her arms, sat between her legs as she slowly and gently scrubbed your hair with her favorite shampoo.
when your eyes slid open to meet hers, she smiled.
"i'm really sorry we had to leave early," she muttered, plunging her hands into the bath's water to rinse them. "it's a real shame what happened to that guy. karma's a bitch, huh?"
you couldn't help but giggle softly despite the memories of the day's events making you want to cringe and laugh at the same time. "kinda ironic that the guy who couldn't stop insulting my form hurt himself with his own equipment."
she couldn't help the smirk forming on her lips at the memory. it served him right, thinking he could leer at you and make snide comments about your body like that. the satisfying crunch that his foot made under the weight plate that 'accidentally' fell on it was music to her ears, just recalling it was enough to send a thrill through her. it was too bad she couldn't stay to see the aftermath...
your eyes closed again as valentina let her hands drift further down your body. you felt her trace the curves of your hips, down your navel, and rest in your thigh. her thumbs gently rubbed at some of your more sore spots.
"don't listen to a thing those dumb jocks tell you. this body is amazing."
she planted a kiss on your neck, followed by another, and another. she relished in the sweet little noises you made for her.
"you don't even need to go to the gym. you can stay here all day, let me spoil you..."
one of her hands reached to tilt your chin up, forcing you to look at her when your eyes reopened. she planted a kiss on your lips.
"and you'll never have to worry about those creeps again. doesn't that sound nice?"
the adorable giggle you let out disappointed her some, despite how nice it sounded. you thought she was joking, didn't you? how sweet you were, unaware of how deep her affection for you ran.
"relax for me," she said as she went back to your hair. "you worked hard enough today. you'll take it easy for me, right?"
she smiled at you once more, and you smiled back.
"that's my girl."

hi!!! could i pls request some casual dominance polymarauders đ
Thanks for requesting, hope this is okay! gn!reader x poly!marauders, kinda modern!au
cw: kinda d/s dynamics, boys order reader around a bit. if it's not your cup of tea feel free to skip!
810 words
You were attacked with affection the minute you had stepped foot in the house, but you werenât complaining. It was like James had appeared from thin air to help you shuck your coat off and hang it up for you.Â
âChrist, babe. It didnât know how freezing it was out there. Youâve got like, bits of ice on you.â He fussed, scrutinizing your shaking body and wind-pinched face.Â
âIt wasnât that bad, the walk was pretty.â You thought that would be reassuring, but James just looked more aghast.Â
âYou walked the whole way here?â
âI mean, yeah. I didnât have money for the bus.â You admitted shamefully. It seemed like Sirius had appeared in the room to give you a (loving) talking to as well.Â
âThen in that case, you call one of us, yeah?â He grabbed your face gently, turning you away from James to look at him. He had his whole intimidation thing going on that made you want to melt into the floor. âYou donât get to put yourself in danger walking in this.â He gave your chin an affectionate squeeze before dropping his hand from your face, you let your gaze fall to the floor.
âI will,â You muttered, barely intelligible. This time it was James who tilted your face up.Â
âSpeak up baby, and look Pads in the eye when you talk to him.â He was gentle but still assertive. You quickly corrected.Â
âI will call you next time.â Still mousy, but at a discernible volume, and now you could see when Siriusâ usual grin overtook his concerned features. He pulled you into him, giving you a tight squeeze.Â
âYouâre okay, babydoll. Youâre not in trouble.â He kissed your neck, making it hard for you to breathe.Â
âWhoâs not in trouble?â You heard Remusâ even tone from the kitchen. You tugged the two men next to you over to where Remus was. He was sitting at the counter, doing some work on his laptop.
âWell it seems like Y/N was determined to give us the fright of our life this afternoon.â James joked (rather dramatically in your opinion), but itâs all good now.Â
âThey will be requiring some hot chocolate, though.â Sirius pinched at your nose, making an awful cooing sound. âBaby, your face is still all cold.âÂ
Remus stood up to rummage through the box of hot drink mixes. âPads love, could you run upstairs and grab the sweater off the end of the bed?â his voice turned more serious as he looked at you. âIt doesnât surprise me that youâre still cold, that shirt likely isnât doing much to keep you warm.âÂ
âActually,â You spoke up, ignoring his comment. âCould I have some coffee instead?â James scoffed and Remus rolled his eyes.Â
âItâs half past five, baby dove. Youâll be up all night if you have caffeine right now.â Remus clearly wasnât in the mood to be argued with, but you pressed in.
âIâll be fine! Besides, my head hurts and I need to get some work done.âÂ
âYeah, well, get that idea out of your head.â James shook your shoulders affectionately. âYouâve been burning the candle at both ends lately, you need a rest.âÂ
âWho needs a rest?â Sirius trotted over to you, manhandling you to get Remusâ sweater over your head.Â
âY/N,â James tattled. âThey think theyâre getting coffee at this hour.â He laughed like you were being obviously ridiculous. âThey also have a headache and didnât tell us.â You mustâve looked absolutely appalled and quickly floundered to control the damages.Â
âI didnât think it was important! Itâs not bad anyway.âÂ
âWell, letâs try to keep it from getting bad.â Remus handed you a steaming cup of hot cocoa, along with a packet of biscuits. âHere, eat these so you can take some pain pills.â He glanced over to James, making the bespectacled boy rummage through the medicine box while Sirius set on getting a glass of water for you.Â
âI donât need any medicine, it will go away on its own.â You pleaded, covering your mouth full of biscoff and feeling flustered from all the attention. Sirius clearly disagreed, because the comment earned you a hard pinch on your bum.Â
âDo what Moons saidâ He punctuated the order with a kiss to your forehead, letting you know he wasnât really upset with you. Sirius may play stern, but he was really just silly and enjoyed ordering you around a bit, knowing that it made you heated and blushy.Â
You set down your hot drink and half-eaten snack to take the pills and water, swallowing your pills and finishing the whole glass before you handed it back.Â
âThere you go,â James cooed, pulling you into his side. âThatâs a good girlâÂ
You groaned, earning a dark chuckle from Remus.
"Poor baby," He teased, clearly not feeling very sorry for you.
It was going to be a trying night.

Opla cast being adorableâ¨
tw: female reader, dub-con to con, degradation, sapphic
I am thinking about a bitchy, pretty mean girl who drunkenly corners you at a party and drags you to her room. She throws you to the bed and resumes smoking her cigarette - watching your feral movements with the corner of her eye. You make a run for it, and she simply hisses, mildly annoyed at the fact that she has to let go of her cigarette and deal with your little tantrum.
"You're not going anywhere, nerd." Her thin eyebrows narrow, eyes full of boredom and just a bit of a sparkle. You ignore her words and head for the door, but you're quickly pushed against the nearest wall. "I told you to stay here, loser. I am not going to repeat myself." The blondie whispers against your throat and you freeze, surprised at her display of strength - turns out cheerleaders are pretty damn strong when they want to be.
She then sleazily shoves her tiny hand up your bra, roughly groping your tits. You hold back a moan - you can't let her know you're enjoying this. After all she did make your first year of college a living hell.
"Open your mouth." Jess orders, growing more and more agitated at your protests - but you just clench your teeth. "Don't wanna." You mumble, just slightly bratty - but you can't deny the way your thighs start shaking under her hungry, lustful gaze. You've never felt so desired before.
"Oh, I know what you want, you little bitch." The cheerleader smirks with that nasty little grin she has on when she's scheming how to ruin some poor wimp's life. "You want to fight and squirm, and eventually lose yourself underneath me." She moans in your ear, and it's the most pornographic sound you've ever heard - so your cheeks heat up. "Because that's all you are, right?" Her fingers find your slit and start rubbing tight little circles around your swollen clit. "Just a slutty little toy I can fuck whenever I want." She bites your neck, making you arch your back involuntarily. "It's all little nerds like you are good for."
You close your eyes, breathing through the intense, red - hot pleasure. Fuck. You can't keep letting her treat you like this, but when she puts her hands on you, it becomes a losing battle. You arch your back, pushing your body against her.
"Now be a good girl and open up for me." With a low whisper she shoves her tongue in your mouth, and just like that you fall apart, undone.
Tw: female reader, nsfw, confinement, dub-con/non-con, sapphic My Ko - fi <3
Oh, to be the housewife of a rich, well - respected business-woman.
She has it all - looks, money, charisma, success, and now she has you as well, locked away in her vacation villa, cooking and cleaning and making it feel like a home while she's leading her fast - paced corporate job.
She comes late into the evening, sighing softly as she makes her way to you. Diane hugs you from behind, burying her face in your neck - simply melting against you. You try to hide your unease as you silently apologize for the cold dinner once again, even though none of it is your fault. She just clicks her tongue playfully and smacks your ass - when she's feeling gracious, and shoves you against the kitchen counter when she's had a particularly bad day at work.
No matter what her mood is, she always finds a way to take her stress out on you. After all in her eyes you're there to serve her - her sweet little wife, all pretty in gowns, or flowery dresser, or even better naked and covered in gold from head to toe.
Her kisses are always rough and leave you breathless, trying to catch your breath. Her touch is restless and unyielding, hot, merciless fingers stroking and pinching and slapping and squeezing for hours on end. Diane loves to tie you up in various positions, helpless and immobilized to her wicked will. She can't resist laying you on her queen sized bed and stuffing you with a fat mean vibrator, your scared gasps and pained moans of overstimulated pleasure ringing in her ears like the sweetest tune of music.
And just when you're too exhausted to fight, yet too spent to keep squirming under the toy, she kneels before you, spreading you once again so that you can feel each torturous inch of her tongue and fingers as they slip in and out of your wet, tight hole.
Then she kisses your forehead gently - just like a ritual, before taking you into her arms and washing you throughoutly, never missing a creak. You cry out weakly one last time as she tuggs you into bed, and she pulls you so close you can feel the heat radiating off her body once she starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You try to stay on guard but eventually you fall asleep, embraced by silk and warmth.
Then the next day it all repeats again.
Pls male sub Reader x dom Oncie pleaseeee
hi!! sorry this took so long, just had a long line of requests. thanks for the ask
â˝ ŕźâ ŕźľâŰ°ââ§âŰ°â ŕźľâŕź ŕźľâŰ°ââ§âŰ°â
â surrender to greed
dom! onceler (greedler) x sub! male! reader smut

the opulent penthouse suite, belonging to the wealthy and cunning onceler, exuded an air of luxury and excess. the room was adorned with fine art, plush furnishings, and a grand view of the city below. onceler himself lounged on a lavish sofa, a glass of expensive whiskey in hand, as he waited for his boyfriendâyouâto join him.
the door swung open, and there you stood, a smile playing on your lips as you took in the extravagant setting. onceler's eyes lit up at the sight of you, his voice dripping with a mixture of affection and playfulness.
"ah, there you are, my prized possession," he teased, setting his glass down and standing up to greet you. "you're late, as always. come here"
your heart skipped a beat as you stepped forward, drawn to onceler's commanding presence.
as you stood before him, onceler's hand reached out, fingers gently grazing your cheek before firmly gripping your chin, tilting your head upward. his eyes bore into yours, filled with a potent mix of desire and possession.
"you belong to me, don't you?" he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "say it."
your voice came out as a breathless whisper, laced with submission. "i belong to you, onceler."
a satisfied smile tugged at his lips, and he released your chin, his hand sliding down your neck and over your shoulder in a possessive caress. "good," he rumbled, his voice low and velvety. "remember, y/n, tonight is about surrendering yourself completely to me."
you nodded, your body trembling with anticipation, as he guided you to a nearby plush velvet chaise longue. onceler positioned you with meticulous care, ensuring your comfort. his fingers trailed along your jawline, tracing a path down your neck, igniting a trail of sensations along your skin.
you moaned softly as his fingers continued to explore your body, gliding over your shoulders and down your arms, eliciting shivers as he brushed past your skin. your body felt on fire under his touch, and your head began to spin as the room around you seemed to melt away. there was nothing but you and onceler, your bodies yearning to be one.
onceler watched your reaction carefully, drinking in every little detail with avid interest, as if trying to memorize each sensation. he knelt down behind you, leaning close as he ran his hands through your hair, tugging lightly on the strands, before moving them to rest against your bare back. his fingers traced their way down your spine, lingering just above your tail, eliciting another soft moan from you.
onceler leaned closer still, letting his lips brush against your ear as he spoke.
"do you want this?" he whispered huskily, his voice almost a purr. "do you want to give yourself to me? to let me fuck you like the filthy little slut you are?"
your breath hitched as he asked that question, making you shudder beneath his touch. you couldn't bear to lie to him, not when you were so aroused by the thought.
"yes," you breathed, closing your eyes and pressing your face into the cushion of the chaise longue as you felt the first stirrings of your orgasm begin to course through your body. "please... please..."
onceler didn't hesitate, pushing you down onto the chaise longue, his hands moving to grip your hips, spreading your legs wide, exposing your core to him. you gasped at the roughness of his touch, feeling the cool chill of the marble floor on your heated flesh. onceler's lips found your ear again, his words a sensual promise.
"do you feel how much i want you? do you see what you do to me?" he growled, his hot breath tickling your ear. "how hard it makes me?"
onceler pressed his mouth against your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin, causing you to let out a low groan, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through you. your back arched off the chaise longue, your toes curling in response to the exquisite pain.
onceler chuckled, his fingers tightening their grip on your hips.
"just imagine what else i can make you feel," he murmured, his lips trailing down your neck, brushing over your collarbone before finding the button of your pants. his fingers slid inside your briefs, stroking over your cock, eliciting a loud moan from you as he gave you a few quick strokes. "what else i could make you feel, y/n?"
you whimpered, arching your back further, moaning as onceler's fingers began to work your cock. you bit your lip, your moans growing louder with every stroke, the pleasurable tingle of his touch driving you mad with lust.
"fuck!" you cried out, your body beginning to spasm. "oh, fuck! oh, fuck!"
onceler grinned wickedly, watching you writhe under his touch.
"that's right, y/n," he cooed, his voice growing deeper as he moved his hands to cup your ass, pulling you tight against him. "let me hear those beautiful sounds come out of you."
his warm breath washed over your neck as he whispered the words, sending a rush of heat spiraling through you. your climax struck then, wracking you, your body buckling as the waves of pleasure crashed over you. onceler moaned as well, his fingers suddenly jerking off your cock, milking it dry. you moaned, your head spinning, your body still quaking from the intense release.
"good boy," onceler murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "now turn around for me"
you obeyed immediately, turning around, biting your lip as you looked over your shoulder at him, his eyes darkening with hunger. onceler wasted no time, grabbing you roughly by the waist and thrusting into you, burying himself deep inside you, eliciting a low moan from you.
onceler held onto your hips tightly, his movements slow and steady, teasing and tormenting you as he fucked you. you groaned and moaned, the ache between your thighs intensifying as onceler pounded into you, his cock throbbing against your prostate. your mind began to fog as you felt the familiar build of orgasm once more, threatening to consume you.
"please, need to cum," you begged, your voice strained. "can't take it-"
onceler silenced you with a harsh kiss, his tongue plunging into your mouth and wrestling with yours. you felt dizzy, your head swimming as your climax rose within you once again. the pressure built, and you cried out as onceler began to plunge harder and faster, his thrusts becoming deeper and rougher, his fingers digging into your hips.
"fuuuck!" you cried out, the orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave, your body seizing as you felt your cock throb and pulse with your release. onceler roared, his own release spilling into you in powerful spurts, his cock pulsating inside you. he kept thrusting, prolonging the moment, until finally, his body went limp, his cock twitching inside you.
onceler collapsed on top of you, his weight on your body making it difficult to breathe. you wrapped your arms around him as best you could, clinging to him, relishing the soft warmth of his body against yours.
onceler nuzzled your neck, whispering sweet words of love in your ear, melting your heart and leaving you weak with happiness.
"i love you, y/n," he said. "i'll never stop loving you."
you smiled, laying your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
"me neither," you mumbled, squeezing him tight.