19| Requests: OPEN! WARNING: I write really slow(sometimes). Rules list: https://thatgrumpybxtch.tumblr.com/post/684340815946039296/request-rules-what-is-allowed-matchups
105 posts
So What Would The FNAF Night Guards Think If Their S/O Has Chronic Nightmares? Like Every Dream They
So what would the FNAF night guards think if their S/O has chronic nightmares? Like every dream they have is going to be a nightmare, and because of this they never get much sleep. anyway thanks! Have a good day/night/afternoon!
Thanks for the request! Sorry, I took so long, writer's block sucks. But I hope you enjoy it!
Mike Schmidt:
Much like you, he is not new to chronic nightmares
Though he has found ways to avoid them, in the most unhealthy way possible, by avoiding sleeping all together
But he wants you to be better than him and take care of yourself properly
So, despite his grump demeanor, he'll do what he can to help you go to sleep, or calm you down after bad nightmares
Mike is more than happy to sit and listen to your ranting about nightmares if it helps
Will give you caffeine after a sleepless night to keep you going
Phone Guy:
He has also had his fair share of nightmares and night terrors
Especially since he was attacked by the animatronics
He finds that actually talking about it helps him a lot personally
So he may encourage you to do the same, only if you are comfortable with it
That, and he also thrives on coffee
He will stay up with you after your nightmares to keep you company and so you know he's there if you want to talk :)
He honestly doesn't have nightmares often, if at all
So the first few times he's confused when you wake up panicked after a "silly little nightmare"
So you may have to explain that these nightmares really do bother you and that you don't sleep much because of it
After that, he is much more sympathetic (if that's even possible)
He likes to stay up with you after your nightmares and hold you or cuddle if you're willing too
Jeremy Fitzgerald:
Jeremy honestly doesn't get nightmares often, let alone dream that often
But when he does, they are terrifying and it leaves him unable to sleep properly for a week
He has even lost sleep because he was anxious/terrified about going to work
Whenever you tell him about these nightmares he's very sympathetic and opens up about his own experiences
He'll ask what he can do to help or if you just want to rant about it, either way, he feels better knowing he can help you
Fritz Smith:
Fritz doesn't even sleep that often or that much, not because of nightmares or anxiety but just because
So he quite literally runs on energy drinks and keeps himself busy
He has probably noticed that you hadn't been getting a lot of sleep and offers an energy drink or tells you to do something to keep yourself busy until you get tired enough to fall asleep
So his go-to method with you is to keep you busy or keep your attention until you drop, honestly not the best but at least you slept right?
He is also more than happy to hear you talk about your nightmares or stay up with you if that will help you go back to sleep
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More Posts from Thatgrumpybxtch
Camilo Madrigal with an S/O who suffers from nightmares?
It was quite literally the first time you were officially spending the night with Camilo as a couple
The day had been fun and a bit chaotic but it was late and time to finally go to bed
So, you and Camilo cuddled up together in his bed and were eventually sound asleep
...Until you woke up shaking and in tears from one of your worst nightmares yet
Camilo is a bit of a heavy sleeper so when you pull away from him he barely notices and almost goes back to sleep until he hears you sniffling
He is immediately up and fully awake after noticing that you're crying
Before you can even say anything he's about to run out of the room and get his Tia Julieta thinking that you got hurt somehow!
But before he can he hears you manage to tell him it was just a nightmare and there was no need to get his Tia
He calms down and approaches you, rubbing your back, hugging you to calm you down
He reassures you that you're okay and listens to you talk about your nightmare if you're willing to
Once you've calmed you're breathing and stopped crying, he'll offer to make you tea or get you something to eat
He'll also offer to hold you until you go back to sleep if that will help
Either way, he spends the rest of the night being so gentle, patient, and kind with you
He just wants to make sure you are okay :)
May I request a Jasper hale or maybe Edward x reader who is afraid of spiders and they find one in their room in the middle of the night and have a meltdown but then they are graciously saved by one of the boys? -w-
Jasper often spent the night with you, waiting until you fell asleep to leave
Or even occasionally staying if you really wanted him too
This night he had happened to stay and was in the corner of your room reading while you slept peacefully in your bed
At least until Jasper heard you stir around and then scream at the top of your lungs while jumping out of your bed
You cursed left and right continuing to yell as you pointed to your bed
Of course, Jasper is by your side in an instant, using his abilities and words to calm you so he can help
When he can finally understand you and realizes you acted like this over a spider, he can't help but hold back laughter
This terrified reaction over a tiny harmless spider crawling on your pillow?
He doesn't understand the fear but he'll get rid of the spider for you by picking it up and putting it outside
If you're still worried about more spiders he'll happily help you look but may tease you as he does, but not too much as he understands that it is genuine fear
Turning Red headcanon of when you (Mei's older brother age 17) end up having to go to the girls toilet to coax your stubborn sister out of there in school after she failed to come out from there hours ago (Mum basically told you to pick her up today because she was busy). You were understandably embarrassed because it is the girls toilet and you would rather not get beaten up by a bunch of angry girls. (You were aware of Chinese tradition of pandas and you didn't realise that Mei had it until now). Something wasn't right with your sister and you knew it because since when she became a red panda. You stayed calm for her sake and said that no one else in the bathroom and she can come out of there. Mei had a bit of a go at you at first because you were in the girls toilets and you would be seen as a pervert (she was still in her panda form). You told her that it wasn't an excuse to hide in the girls toilet for hours and make you worry about her because you don't want mom to give you an earful for being late home. You asked what was really going on recently because it was making you worry about her..
Mei's reaction too...you were listening and you promised not to judge or criticise her in any way and you said that you will listen. *cue her telling you her worries and then you basically told her that she is still your younger sister and nothing is going to change that...and all that stuff*
Being Mei's older brother headcanons:
You knew Mei was going through a huge change
Mom was the one who typically dealt with this kind of thing, but she had a few crucial errands to run and simply didn't have time to pick up Mei from school
So, being the big brother you were you offered to pick her up, no biggie right? Wrong
You had waited nearly 20 minutes for Mei and she still hadn't made her way to the car yet, so you had no choice but to go in and track her down
Luckily, you ran into Miriam, Priya, and Abby who had tried to get Mei out of her hiding place in the bathroom but failed so you had to go get her yourself
No matter how uncomfortable you were in the girls' bathroom you knew your sister mattered more
Mei was upset over something embarrassing that had happened during the day and was crying
It took a bit of convincing and arguing
Mei didn't want to come out and have you see her as a panda and she didn't want to have to explain why she was so upset, she just wanted to deal with it on her own! She had too many frustrations and didn't want to confront them
Eventually, you get the hint that something big is bothering her besides the red panda thing and tell Mei that no matter what it is, she can tell you about it
After a moment Mei comes out of the stall and you greet her with a tight hug, explaining that you are just worried about her and that if she needs to talk you're there
She feels much better after the hug and is back to her normal self
"Alright, Mei, I gotta take you home now before Mom flips because we're late."
Hello hello I hope you're having a good day, may I please request dating headcanons for Elliott from Stardew valley with an s/o who loves to write just like he does?
Elliott absolutely loves that you're a writer like him!
He feels like you truly understand how difficult it is as a writer
He'd be more than happy to read your works if you'd let him
and he would be grateful if you read his too
The two of you can help each other out whenever either one of you has writer's block or just having a hard time writing
A lot of his work is inspired by you and how you encourage him to keep writing!
In his book, he most likely has a character that is heavily inspired by you and your personality
Editing or critiquing each other's grammar and mistakes while writing
Reading dates while sitting on the docks together
Library dates are pretty often too :)
Literally, all of his books are dedicated to you
Could you do a head canon of 8-year old reader being sisters with eleven and it’s the same as her with powers and being with eleven through everything and her experiences with her being with el and max when they first visited the wall and how’d it go !
Eleven was angry at Mike for lying to her and you knew that
And she had no idea what to do about it so she went to Max for help and took you with her
At first, you just read comic books and listened to Max and Eleven rant about how dumb boyfriends were
Then Max had the idea to go to the mall, despite that Hopper said to never leave the cabin
But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right?
So you all went!
It was exciting being able to see all over Hawkins for the first time
Even riding the bus there was something you never experienced
The mall was large, especially for Hawkins
It was filled with people, shops, and music
You were able to goof around and have fun with Max and Eleven
Both you and Eleven even got brand new clothes
Clothes you chose, and that fit you both physically and personality-wise!
You all took pictures in the photo booth, posing and smiling
Then you even got free ice cream from Steve!
It was so many new exciting experiences in one day, so many good memories