the-broken-pen - Oh Love,
I Was Always Going To End Up The Villain
Oh Love, I Was Always Going To End Up The Villain

Archangel, she/her, 18Requests are my lifeblood, send them to meFeral, Morally Gray, Creature of The Woods(Requests are open)

196 posts

Nine People Tag

Nine People Tag

Thank you, the lovely @jay-avian for the tag. I have so many to catch up on that y’all actually inspired my anxiety to inspire ME into being productive. So thank you (genuine and with love).

LAST SONG: I can see you by Taylor Swift, TV & the Across The Spiderverse Song List

LAST MOVIE: Across the Spiderverse, or Insidious. Can’t remember the order


CURRENTLY READING: Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

CURRENTLY CRAVING: Dirt Cake Ben & Jerry’s ice cream because they don’t ever have it in stores and I’m too lazy to go into the actual ice cream shop

LAST THING SEARCHED FOR: Most painful places to get stabbed that are non-life threatening

Dragging you into the fray, kicking and screaming, @imaginativemind29new @clairelsonao3 @writeblrfantasy @writersandkitties-blog-blog-blog and anyone else who wants to join!

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More Posts from The-broken-pen

1 year ago

a car goes full speed off a cliff and explodes at the bottom and when the smoke clears it's actually just perfectly parallel parked

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1 year ago

Thank you for the tag @clairelsonao3

OC I would enjoy being in an elevator with: it’s a pretty even tie between Cat and Adelie

Cat: just mouthy enough that I’d be entertained, but not want to kill him (cough, Riven, cough) also, there’s a high chance he’s the reason we’re stuck in the elevator, so he gets to suffer too

Adelie: good person with a good sense of humor. Least likely out of the majority of my OC’s to kill me without provocation

OC I would NOT want to be stuck with: yeah, this ain’t an easy answer. Agent Jules and Shawn, probably.

Agent Jules: she’s nice, but eventually she’d profile me, intentional or not, and things would go downhill for my emotional state very quickly (I’d be crying in an elevator with a member of a government agency)

Shawn: He’s not a super bad person, but he’s also an ass. So. That wouldn’t go well for either of us.

Now, the question I’m handing off is:

A murder had occurred in a hypothetical town with all of your OC’s in it. Who’s the killer? Who catches them? Who’s the victim? Who’s covering things up? Who’s got an annoying podcast broadcasting things? Who’s (fake) crying on the news?

With love, tagging @imaginativemind29new @jay-avian


WRITEBLRS if you're seeing this, you're legally obligated to reblog with an answer, and then a new question for the next person!

Here's the start:

Which of your OCs is most likely to punch somebody in the face?

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1 year ago

The Pinterest to whump pipline is so real!!! Did you fall from that pipeline?

I remember searching for “whump” boards until I just needed more and came straight to the source - tumblr.

Ahh, yep. The pipeline is one I hold dear. It was me googling writing prompts, finding stolen screenshots of moderntypewriter, and then stumbling onto tumblr when I figured out they were hers. After that my mother went into her authoritarian phase and I lost contact :( then I discovered how to use duolingo as a proxy and all was well.

A lot of the prompts were just *chefs kiss* but I think it was this one that really was like “oh. Oh.” for me. That and all the fae ones.

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1 year ago

Word Tag

I’ve been tagged again, oh the horror (I kid) by the lovely @imaginativemind29new with the words Fire, Light, Book, and Chance. You keep picking words I do not have and I have realized I use the words lightly and slightly far too often.

Tagging with mild pressure, @imaginativemind29new @clairelsonao3 @jay-avian

Fire, Aletheia POV

“I curse you,” she called, voice raw. “I curse you with my bloodline, I curse you with my magic. I curse you with my heart.”

Her power rattled inside her with the rage of a thousand-pound waterfall, an earth slide, a roaring fire, a tornado.

She glared into him as if she could see his soul, see what made him twisted enough to pit her against her cousin.

“I curse you with everything I am.”

She let her power go, and it rocketed into the arena with a thunderclap so loud her ears rung—above, Clarke had the decency to look unnerved.

Around them, the walls of the arena began to crumble, and the crowd began to scream.

Light, Melody POV (and oh boy, does she have secrets)

Shit,” she cursed, and she fumbled her way out of the bathroom and into the hall. She made it to the kitchen with a fresh blooming bruise on her leg and an aching side and slammed into the countertop. Her fingers scrabbled through the door, the smallest amount of light coming in from the streetlight, until she found the drawer she remembered had the flashlight.

It clicked on, illuminating the empty kitchen in front of her like a beacon. She reached for her phone to check the signal and found it dead.

She cursed again. Jules was going to be pissed.

She headed for the garage, feet quiet on the ice cold wooden floors, and creaked open the door. There, on the wall, was the breaker box.

Her breath clouded in front of her as she stepped down onto the concrete, and she hurried to the breaker, wishing she had put on shoes.

When she pulled it open, she found a mess of wires and switches, unlabeled.

All of them off.

“Well fuck,” she said into the empty garage. “Time to get some work done.”

Chance, Briar POV (new character? No. Another WIP I forgot I had. I’m a horrible mother)


“Shut up,” she hissed, shivering against Briar’s side. Her skin was uncomfortably cold. “Shut up, shut up, shut up. Please.”

Briar bit her tongue, and Chelsea shifted to press her lips to Briar’s ear.

“This world and its occupants are not made for us— we are a rare commodity. If we are found, they will take us, and we will never be allowed near another mirror again. They will never let us have any chance of freedom. And we will suffer, until we die.”

Gooseflesh sprung to life on Briar’s arms.

A sound that’s otherworldly and terrifying rattled through the walls, somewhere between a scream and a roar, and her very soul stilled.

Chelsea isn’t joking.

Book, Melody POV (because this is the ONLY time I have typed book ever in my life apparently)

Bromwell read her face like a book, then closed his notepad.

He nodded to the agent above her.

“You can take her wherever Waters wants her to go. I think this was a decent first session.”

She let the agent guide her to her feet, hands gentle around her stitches in a way she had never had someone be, as her mind played the same question over and over in her head on repeat.

Have you ever wanted to hurt someone?


Her mind purred with animosity.

Liar liar, it whispered. Such a liar.

Well how about that folks? I want to write but am so utterly enthralled with my own story ideas (and so utterly incapable of doing them Justice) that I cannot decide which one to work on. The options are: Serial killer story, pirate and siren story, dystopia rain story, superhero story, and mirrored fae world story. Comment your pick please I beg.

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1 year ago
This Looked Fun So Here I Am. @hojo76 Can Confirm I Look Like This Pretty Much In Real Life.
This Looked Fun So Here I Am. @hojo76 Can Confirm I Look Like This Pretty Much In Real Life.

This looked fun so here I am. @hojo76 can confirm I look like this pretty much in real life.

@imaginativemind29new @clairelsonao3 @jay-avian

Thanks for the tag @thelastplantagenet 😊💚

1. Do this uquiz.

2. Do this picrew.

3. Tag people.

Thanks For The Tag @thelastplantagenet
Thanks For The Tag @thelastplantagenet

feel free to play if you’d like :)

@buncha-angry-kids-with-no-money @thatoneandlonelyemo2005 @with-the-words-all-wrong