This is my tumblr were i post stuff I like and stuff that I find interesting. Them/they 23 Currently in my swiftie revival era since 2008 so thanks Taylor
402 posts
Rest In Peace Jacob Portman.
Rest in peace Jacob Portman.
Rest in peace Emma Bloom. Rest in peace Olive. Rest in peace Miss Peregrine. Rest in peace to the (personally) best book ever, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. You were funny, and unique, and great in so many ways the world never saw before. You were the perfect balance of fantasy and reality, free and grounded; and you managed to pull off a story about magic and love and life in a way no one has ever been able to do.
After years of waiting for a movie, we all surely hoped that this would be your shot, your big premier, your shining moment. We anxiously and excitedly waited for the results of the trailer, expecting all the best things. When we heard the news, all those who knew you as I did were much affected. Some of us asked, “why you?” Others wept silent tears. Still others angrily demanded explanation.
To a reader who loved the book as much as I did, this is an outrage. To just change a few minor or medium details, or have a few wrong castings, would be acceptable. But to change two of the most important characters in every way shape and form, and to do it so to change the entire meaning of the story, and to do all of this to make it “look cooler” – you have lost every ounce of respect. This movie is NOT Miss Peregrine’s. It is but the same script as every other chiche magic/superpower/teen movie, with names from the original novel sloppily pasted on top.
If you have ever loved a book so much that you would get amnesia only to re-read it, and if you have ever had that loved book turned into an entirely different movie altogether, please repost this message, as a farewell and a warning.
Rest in peace, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
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More Posts from The-falling-avenger
"I loved him like a son. As I do Jacob." ~Miss Peregrine
Library of souls (page 455)
Totally would watch this shit #swen

Swan Queen - Western AU
(…AKA The Reluctant Savior VS Dark Swan showdown with a western twist no one asked for.)
Wallpaper [1920x1200px]
Hi-Res full-body solo pics [Emma] [Regina]
Resources [x], [x], [x], [x]
This was inspired by both this awesome fanart by @akvilon-ru and this sketch by @pinkrabbitpro.
Look how far they've come 😚

swan queen + first and last words
I love this swanqueen is ENDGAME 😆😘
What the last Swanqueen scene should look like
*make sure you read till the end!!!*
EMMA: You… You saved me.
REGINA: Did you ever doubt I would?
EMMA: Truthfully… The coffin gave me a pause.
REGINA: Well you never have to worry about that again, Miss Swan. I will always save you.
EMMA: You promise?
SWITCH to a LONG SHOT with Emma and Regina staring at each other. And FINALLY in a moment of despair both women embrace into a hug as a beam of light takes over and
FADE into the streets of New York. CLOSE UP to a young man running down the streets, through some stairs as he enters a church. Henry in a FUCKING HURRY. And we SWITCH through a couple of scenes until he finds a white door. And we find Emma in a bride’s dress.
EMMA: Did you find them kid?
EMMA: Oh good! I can’t believe we left the rings at home.
There is a knock on the door and David walks in with a radiant smile on his face as he sees his daughter.
DAVID: Oh Emma… You look beautiful.
EMMA: Where’s mom?
DAVID: She’s with Regina.
EMMA: Is she ready?
DAVID: They are. Everyone is waiting.
CUT to Regina standing in front of a mirror, as she admires her long white dress.
MARY MARGARET: You’ve never looked more beautiful than today.
REGINA: Thank you. For everything.
SWITCH to David and Emma beginning to walk through a hallway, SWITCH to Regina and Mary Margaret also walking through a hallway. Both woman walking. wearing beautiful white bride dresses. CUT to everyone waiting at the altar. CLOSE UP to some of our favorite characters, THEN we CLOSE UP to Robin and Hook dressed in tuxedos. The doors open and Emma walks in first with David by her side as he is walking her down the aisle, as her and Hook exchange looks and a small smile. SWITCH to Regina walking in with Henry next and also exchange looks with Robin. It’s obvious it looks like a double when SUDDENLY Robin and Hook step aside AND Regina and Emma turn to face each other knowing they finally found their happy ending. And slowly the image transitions into a drawing and we realize we are looking at a picture. In Henrys book.
A man sits next to a young girl (8-10 years of age) and we realize this is Henry reading to what will possibly be his daughter.
HENRY: “‘I do’ said the savior and the evil queen. And so what started as a battle between good and evil turned into the most unique tale of all fairy tales. The story of how the savior and the evil queen fell in love. And they lived happily ever after.”
YOUNG GIRL: Again daddy, again.
HENRY: Again? Oh no, it’s time for you to go to bed my little princess.
YOUNG GIRL: Tomorrow?
HENRY: How about we visit your grandmother’s tomorrow and they can tell you how it all happened?
Henry smiles and turns the light off. SWITCH to the young girl who is sitting in her bed, still staring at the drawing of Emma and Regina as she finds something oddly familiar. CLOSE UP to a picture of Emma and Regina and she smiles and its clear she realizes who the evil queen and the savior are. She closes the book and settles it next to her bed. CLOSE UP to the tittle “Once Upon a Time” as a beam of light shadows the tittle.
Reason why
People ask me why am I into all my fandoms? Truth be told that the reason why is that I see so much shit and hatred on a daily basis in the world and the only way to escape it is through a fictional world.