A Few Little Drabbles
A Few Little Drabbles

Photo by my friend @thereluctantherosrose☺️
So, I know I’m very late to do Valentine’s Day stuff, but this is what I originally wanted to get posted. So, enjoy a couple of little drabbles of Obi-Wan, James Bond and Benoit Blanc😊
Warnings: None I don’t think. Just A LOT of fluff
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Obi-Wan Kenobi

“W-what’s this?” you mutter to yourself as you walk into your apartment. What you were expecting to see was a dark, empty room but that’s not what you see now. Instead, you’re met with a room dimly lit, two wine glasses set up on your coffee table and extra blankets and pillows on and in front of the couch.
Confused, and expecting to see that someone had broken in, you looked around but find nothing. You take a few steps into the room, placing your things on top of the table beside your door.
A fleeting thought came into your mind. Could it be him? It couldn’t be. He was supposed to be gone for another couple of weeks, wasn’t he? Isn’t that what he had told you yesterday?
You were about to pull out your comm to call the guard, but you quickly tuck it back when you hear something. When you look up, disbelief filled you but didn’t keep your smile from spreading your lips.
There he was, Obi-Wan, your Obi-Wan, leaning against the wall across the room. A slightly cheeky smirk was playing on the man’s lips but you can see the way his eyes soften when he sees your reaction.
“Hello there, darling,” he says as you can no longer just stay where you are. You crash into him, nearly knocking him backwards.
“I missed you so much,” you say, the words muffled into his chest.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head as he squeezes you just the slightest bit. “I missed you too,” he whispers into your hair.
You pull back just enough to look at him. He looks even more groomed and put together. Not saying he usually isn’t, but he’s done up just a little more. Then, you remember the set up that’s behind you.
“What’s all of this for?” you ask quietly, bringing your hands up to his chest.
He smirks, that hint of cheekiness from before reappearing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This was all here when I showed up. I’m just reaping the benefits.”
You raise an eyebrow at him but can’t keep in the small chuckle that bubbled up. “Insufferable man,” you say fondly as you lean just a little more into him. He quirks an eyebrow at you but you continue before he can say anything, “My insufferable man.”
His smirk grows as he leans in closer. “I’ll always be yours,” he whispers before pressing his lips to yours.
James Bond

“Glad you could join us,” you hear Bond’s teasing voice over your comms.
You refrain from rolling your eyes, though you’re not really annoyed. Being late was part of the plan. Still, the urge to roll your eyes playfully was there.
“Have you spotted the target?” you ask, ignoring his quip.
You look around to see if you can see James. A small twinge of disappointment fills you when you don’t. So, you busy your mind in looking for the target instead.
“Bond?” you ask when he doesn’t reply. Concern fills you for a brief moment. That is, until you hear his reply.
You hear a small intake of breath from him before he mutters, “You look lovely.”
A small chuckle escapes you. “Of course you can see me. Care to share with the class as to where you are, Mr. Bond?”
“What would you think if I said I was on the moon?”
A huff of laughter left you as you subtly shake your head. “I wouldn’t be surprised.” You ponder for a moment. “I’d also be slightly disappointed that I would miss the opportunity to see you.”
“Well,” he starts, “it’s a good thing I’m not. Nine o’clock.”
There, to your left, is James Bond. He’s leaning against the bar, looking around as he sips from his martini. When his eyes lock with yours, you have to keep yourself from smiling before casually walking over.
You slide into one of the stools that’s a few feet from him. It wasn’t long until you felt the warmth of Bond’s arm brush against yours. Then, he slides something over. A martini of your own.
“Oh. And I believe that’s supposed to be inconspicuous?”
He doesn’t answer, just smirks and nudges the glass the slightest bit closer. And, when you look down again, you see something on top of the napkin.
Surprise fills you and when you look back up to James, a smile curls his lips as he sips from his drink. He doesn’t look at you, just stares ahead as your shock turns into warmth.
You pick up the little candy heart from the napkin. What you read has to make you restrain yourself. The two of you can’t be seen that way, not when the target could be anywhere in this room. That is until you got a rather convenient message from Q saying that your sources have said that the target will no longer be showing up. Yet, by the way James smirks, you feel as though that may not be the story behind this.
James turn towards you, watching you as you put your phone back down. You meet his blue gaze with a raised brow.
“Was there ever really a target?”
He raises a brow as he smirks. “You think this was all a ruse?”
You stand from your chair, placing your hands on his chest as he presses his body to yours. “You should know, James, that you don’t need a ruse,” you say, leaning closer with every word. “Especially not for Valentine’s Day.”
He nuzzles his nose with yours, his crystal blue eyes searching yours as his hands rest on your waist. “Maybe it’s more fun this way.”
With a small shake of your head, you giggle before reciting the words that were on the candy heart. “Kiss me.”
And, without hesitation, he does.
Benoit Blanc

Detective Benoit Blanc was a busy man. There was never a lack of work for him and you knew that going into this relationship. You knew, no matter how much you wished it to be the opposite, that it would mean there’d be days that he’d miss. Anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine’s Day… you knew it wouldn’t be promised.
This year, though, you find that you can’t let it go like you normally can. You don’t let it get to a point where you nag and complain about it to Benoit, but you know he picks up on your mood before he left this morning. For that reason, you find yourself chiding yourself.
It wasn’t fair of you. He was doing his job which helps so many people in the long run. He finds criminals and puts them away with the skills he has. Things like that are far more important than celebrating something so small that’s known as a day to have an excuse to eat chocolate in the name of love.
You just didn’t want him to feel bad. It would make you feel horrible if you knew he was distracted because of it. He didn’t need to worry about it. Sure, it was hard but it’s not that significant.
Spending Valentines Day alone isn’t new to you. You spent years being single, curling up on the couch with ice cream and chocolate as you watch movies. Were they mainly love stories that made you hyper aware of how alone you were? Sure. But you tended to torture yourself anyways. It doesn’t make it better that you’re still doing the same thing but, this time, your partner isn’t here. It doesn’t make it hurt more. You’ll never admit that it does.
So, you sit on your couch, Benoit’s pillow hugged tightly against you. You’re pretending that tears aren’t silently running down your cheeks. It shouldn’t bother you. It doesn’t bother you when you receive a text from Benoit saying Finishing up as quickly as possible. See you soon, sweetheart. It doesn’t bother you when you know that soon truly means another few hours.
It’s because you know this that you’re surprised to hear a knock on your door. To your knowledge, all of your friends were busy. Benoit was busy. So you assumed it must be some sort of salesman.
When you go to the door, you’re fully prepared to politely decline whatever they were going to sell. Only, when you open the door, your jaw drops in shock when you’re met with those blue eyes that you love so much.
He’s smiling shyly as he holds a bouquet of your favourite flowers, almost like he doesn’t think you’ll accept this.
“Hi, darlin’,” he says as he shifts from foot to foot.
“Benoit,” you say quietly, disbelief still overpowering you. “I- I thought you were supposed to be at work…”
He smiles as he takes a step closer to you. “I was. But then I remembered that I had something more important to do at home,” he says quietly, passing you the flowers as you finally break out of your shock.
For a few moments, he just looks at you, searching your face. Does he think that you’re going to push him away? From his own home, no less?
But that isn’t what he’s thinking. You know it isn’t as he takes a step closer, one hand raising to cup the side of your neck.
You chuckle a little. “Why didn’t you just come inside instead of knocking?”
“Complaining?” he asks with a teasing smirk.
Tipping you head from side to side, you feign pondering as your free hand grips the lapel of Benoit’s coat. “Not unless you don’t say that you’re taking me to a surprise dinner.”
“You know me too well,” he mutters, “so I suggest you get changed and put those flowers in a vase, darlin’. I would like to treat the lady.”
You feel your cheeks begin to heat up as he draws a little closer, the glint in his eye telling you more than he’s saying. Reaching up, you push his glasses up just a little, letting your hand splay through his short hair.
“Thank you, Benoit,” you whisper before pressing a brief kiss to his lips and stepping out of his grasp. You have to keep yourself from laughing at his nearly disappointed expression as you grab a vase.
Still, he follows you with a smile, telling you that this night was going to be one to remember.
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@stardancerluv @where-fantasy-meets-reality @thereluctantherosrose @jaydenwoo @mackycat11 @generousrunawaydonut @imabeautifulbutterfly @animalgirl05 @blondekel77 @tubble-wubble @perpetual-fangirl900 @cosmicsierra @badbatch-simp24 @fallenlilangel99 @gabiszew @aheartthatisshattered @inukako @trishxtrix @hollandfangirl @yeehaw-my-guys @obiwannie @rentskenobi @purelyfiction @binanas @dvnnyoceans @catherinemcc1 @laazulli
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More Posts from The-fangirl-diaries
92 Thoughts I Had While Watching: A Royal Affair (2012)

Guess I’m learning Danish now.
I have a bad feeling about this ending.
Been engaged since she was a child, eh?
Oh, some of it’s in English.
Hiding behind a tree? How old are you, 12?
A little socially awkward, but he’s trying, I guess.
Isn’t he your cousin?
The town’s a bit of a fixer upper.
Aww, doggo! Doggos make everything better.
Oh, no. Politicians.
Okay, apparently she’s the Queen Dowager.
Books under Danish censorship? Guess I’d better throw mine out.
Girl! You’ve barely known him for a day!
And she plays piano, too? I say she’s a keeper.
What? You don’t like it?!
“Move your fat little thighs?” ~ An actual quote.
“Oh, so you humiliate me and now you wanna--?” ~ Caroline, probably.
And next thing you know, he’s with someone else. Figures.
And she’s pregnant.
“A true queen delivers with silence and dignity.” ~ An actual quote.
“ARE YOU PUSHING THIS BABY OUT? I DON’T THINK SO!” ~ Caroline, definitely.
Wait, as soon as she gives birth, you leave for a year? Nice. *eye roll*
Apparently believing in equal rights is wrong.
You don't need a doctor, eh? Good sir. Your mood swings say otherwise.
How to earn my trust and friendship: quote books.
Yes, make sure the dog is taken care of.
The dress she's wearing looks like Elizabeth Swann's.
“You want them to cheer or you'll jump in the canal? Okay, who's stopping ya?” ~ Johann, maybe.
The king published a poem about the size of someone's derriere? M’kay.
Look, in his defence, I'd be crazy signing papers all day, too.
Hi. The only word I understood.
Taking a detour, are we, your majesty?
She's not your mother! If she were, she would slap you.
Fencing? This just got interesting.
Forget Grey’s Anatomy. There’s a hot doctor right here.
Yes, my mood definitely needs improving. *wink wink*
And you share a love of books and travelling the world? Soulmates!
That awkward moment when you take your patient riding in the country air and you see a dead man on a wooden horse.
I think if an expert in the field suggests something, like, say, a cure for a deadly disease, you'd do well to hear him out.
So the cure worked and you need to administer it in hospitals but you're all worried about money?
Sitting on a bench together unchaperoned while talking about life. Very romantic.
‘Two bros, one in a bathtub, and one sitting down, cause they're not gay.’
You don't want your town smelling like waste? Seems like a good law.
Making doggo an honorary member of the council? Again, good idea.
Boy, I wish they still had balls and galas nowadays.
The. Flirting!! The. Eye. Contact.
They were worried about the age difference. Where is it? I don’t see one.
She wants you to come to her chambers? For what – oh. OH!!!
Wow, that was…. okay. I need some water, stat!
They want Smallpox inoculation? Carriages to drive people who've had too much to drink? A home for orphaned children? Better treatment for peasants? Honestly, these are perfectly reasonable laws, so why are the council rejecting them?
Of course they want to conspire against the doctor because he has good ideas and because he's German? I didn’t think that sort of thing started for a few more centuries.
Yes! Good for you for standing up for yourself and your friend.
Um, you're just gonna smell the sheets? Not what I would do, but sure, whatever.
A new TLC show: I'm Pregnant With the King's Physician's Baby.
Hide the evidence by sleeping with him. Good plan, other than he doesn't like sleeping with her because of….er…issues.
Hey, Alexa: Play Tango de Roxanne.
Oh, so there is a problem with money. I thought it was an excuse.
Of course the Dowager thinks something's up. And of course the maid who smelled the sheets is going to tell on them.
Baby's coming!!!
“We’re a family now.” ~ Caroline, actually.
*Hits stop* Aww, what a great movie! Time to --
Oh, no. There’s more. *sighs and sits down again.*
No one’s gonna take the child. This isn’t The Light Between Oceans.
Yes, Your Majesty, you should stay in the castle until the fire dies down.
A little boy who escaped a Dutch Trade ship? I forgot it was this time.
The people are suggesting he’s poisoning the king? What do they know?
Poor woman hasn’t slept in days, but
Awww, he’s going to take care of her.
YES! Protective Mama Bear mode activated!!
Family dinner, yay.
So we’re all hugs now? Great.
Lady, you’re taking this way out of hand.
Now everyone wants Johann dead? *groans*
The king may be immature, but he won’t betray his friend.
Don’t listen to them, no one’s planning on murdering you!
Hold on, Isn’t that Johann’s friend who’s telling him?
Yes, come bang on the door and scare the baby, why don’t ya?
Caroline crying makes me wanna give her a hug.
She’ll never see her son again?
So torturing a man for days will get you the answers?
The king wants to pardon you.
Or not. *cue ugly crying*
Have I ever told you how much I wanna slap you?
What do you mean you’ll see her again soon?
GREAT, SHE’S DYING, TOO! *More crying*
The son inherited his father’s temper? Oh, goodie.
Then again, he was old enough to remember what happened, so I guess I can’t blame him for being angry and hurt.
The laws were reinstated? Good.
Well, that certainly was a roller coaster! Probably should have stuck with the happy ending, but I was feeling bold today. Bad decision, me thinks.

(Some of) My favourite screencaps from Skyfall.

This is going in my little library! 🥰🤭😁
Oh! You write for James Bond?! I am just getting into the fandom, so how about something where the reader is a new recruit for MI6. Not an agent, but maybe someone who works behind the scenes? And a certain 007 attempts to win her over.
It can be a drabble or headcannons, whatever is easier for you to write.
Thank you! ♥️♥️
Sorry for taking so long to get to this! And like we discussed, I’m changing this to a gender neutral reader!
Warnings: suggestive themes, sass, unedited
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It’s been about two months since you joined MI6. The job was something of a dream for you despite the themes you deal with. Everything from the espionage, the threats, the dealings of agents, all the way to the one thing you shouldn’t be used to. A specific agent making themselves comfortable on the corner of your desk.
“Are you ever not working?” he asks in a lightly teasing tone.
A sigh passes your lips, eyes staying glued to the file in front of you. “Do you ever come here to talk instead of flirt, Mr. Bond?” you retort.
“And why would I do that?”
You hum in mock contemplation. The file in your hands is still all that you look at. “Maybe because not everyone in this office is quick to fall for your so called ‘charm’. Don’t you have better things to do?”
“Not really. Plus, I love a challenge.”
His tone is filled with an unsaid challenge. A tone where, if you didn’t know his drill by now, would’ve had you divert your attention to him. However, you instead scoff, ready to deliver a retort.
“Is that all you see me as? Just a challenge? I didn’t know the great James Bond saw anything as a challenge. Nor did I think he’d look at another as more of an object rather than seeing what’s further down in a person.”
With that, knowing that the agent is wearing a rather smug grin, you stand with the file still in your hand. You shut it, grabbing a few things as he watches.
“As much as I love our little chats, I believe my assistance is needed elsewhere.” You pause, looking at Bond who looks exactly the way you thought, a smug smirk spreading his lips as he looks at you like some sort of prey he’s enjoying chasing down. “Goodbye, 007.”
You begin to walk away until a thought crosses your mind. It makes you pause, thinking over whether this is either stupid or something to throw him off balance, but you decide to say it anyways.
So, you turn and say, “For the record, if you want to win someone over, I suggest maybe asking them to dinner.”
Before you turn away, you see an amused glint in his eyes. Little did you know that, later that day, he’d take that advice seriously.
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@imabeautifulbutterfly @thereluctantherosrose @where-fantasy-meets-reality @vesqermartini @trishxtrix @hollandfangirl @yeehaw-my-guys @obiwannie @rentskenobi @purelyfiction @binanas @gabiszew @dvnnyoceans @catherinemcc1 @strange-old-worlds
I LOVE THIS! Thank you so much!!!!!
Hello there! May I please have fluffy prompt #5 with James Bond, please? I'm sick with a cold and would love something sweet and wholesome to read.
Thank you!! 🥰🥰
Hii! I hope you're alright and sorry this took me a couple of days. Hope you like it!
"Alright, off to bed" James ordered you when he entered the room and saw you sitting in front of your laptop.
"I am finee" you said for the fifth thime that day, "Also, I need to finish this today" you turned back to the screen in front of you and continue reading the old articles when suddenly a hand pushed the screen shut.
"Are you serious?" you exclaimed annoyed and he crossed his arms against his chest.
"Last warning. Go to bed" he repeated but you didn't made any move. "Now" he added.
"I said I am fine"
"Alright" he sighed and you thought you had won this time but before you could enjoy your victory two arms lifted you.
"James!" you yelled surprised, "Put me down" you laughed.
"Nope" you could hear his smile though you didn't see his face.
"You're insufferable"
"Love you too"
He gently lay you on the bed and wrapped a blanket around you. "Promise you'll rest"
"Only if you stay"
"I will" he raised his hands in defeat and lay next to you.
Placing your head on his chest so you could hear his heartbeat and wrapping his hands around his torso you muttered a "thank you"
"Anything for you, darling" he kissed the crown of your head and you stayed like that for about an hour.
You were sitting in silence when you heard him, "Darling, will you let me go?"
"And why is that?"
"Because you're my new favourite pillow" you smiled hugging him more tightly.
"Then I guess I don't have a choice"
Laughing at his comment you replied, "No you don't"