Hi! v: I am your local vanica simp (black clover) I love Lego Ninjago, lego monkey kid and black clover!! But other than that I read/watch scissor seven, boruto, ayakashi Triangle, one piece, Evangelion and more! Also, I play Pokemon and God of War and I am currently trying to finish Uncharted I'm a somewhat of a writer and artist
1016 posts
Magna Mr. Man of all men about to lose (literally) his shit bc he is getting man handled by a fucking lesbian twink who doesn't do there own hair in the mornings and has her wife (Vanica ) do it for her. Plus he is very fun to draw!
Yes. Yes those are scrunchies. Megicula has THICK hair and no nothing can keep her hair up except those, so it's a routine of wake up on the wife's tits not get up for 5 mins, get up, watch the wife make breakfast and eat, than demand to have her hair done up bc she just can't do it on her own. (I'm very normal abt them.) (that's a lie)
Lolopechka with Crystal Beast monsters and Gajah with Cyber end monsters. That's it. That's the post (but Crystal Beast works well for Mars too UHHHHHHH but still dark crystal Beast go BRRRRRR so Lolo it is)
@kcuf-ad I blame you for this, dragging my ass back to the shadow realm, so I'm going be rewatching GX for the fuck of it.

IM SO FUCKING INSANE RN YOU HAVE NO IDEA. So I'm just going hit my head against a wall like I haven't thought of making a Yugioh Au already
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Asta and Yuno get into some major sananagins and ass kicking is their only answer, they are destructive bitches and we love them for it. Mars just wants Fana back and to see the kingdom burn ofc. Lolo I'm leaning more towards her being a commoner and having Noble Gajah so we can switch things up a lil bit, Vanica can just breathe in her direction and Lolo would try to kick her ass. It's funny as shit, having Ichka go from a Zoro (aka lone Wolfe her ass) to a musketeer is a fun idea I think
Www I'm glad! Taking care of yourself in #1 priority!!
Inspiration has hit me in the from of The Musketeers but Word Leaders and oh lord but more importantly I read chapter 7 of Star magic: Yuno! And it was really nice and looking forward to more! :D
All I have seen is that an action drama and I am all in. I am ready.
Glad that you did and I hope I can keep on cooking.
Fun HC I wanna inflict upon ye, Vanica can cook. Not metaphorically but literally she is a god sent cook, Dante had the bright idea to mock her abt it and Vanica poisoned his food.
In a modern Au setting she is the overworked chef that hates all the customers and god forbid she goes out there and rips the poor guy a new one, only happens when a server comes in crying then we have, Vanica " * grabs a knife* I just wanna talk to them!" Zogratis or Sparda
I am going to so insurable abt this holy shit. It's hy- fucking -sterical we have poor boy Asta and Yuno trying to kick ass and make a living, Somehow poorer Mars how is looking for his love (Fana bbg where you at?), Lolopechka a high noble or commoner (I genuinely do not know tbh) who has beef with Vanica and Ichka forenre trying to live fuck over a corrupted government and maybe find her bro (pls know that I know jack shit about the musketeers so this is coming out of my ass)
Try not to burn yourself out ok! It is really easy to do with big projects like that so have a schedule and take breaks!!
Inspiration has hit me in the from of The Musketeers but Word Leaders and oh lord but more importantly I read chapter 7 of Star magic: Yuno! And it was really nice and looking forward to more! :D
All I have seen is that an action drama and I am all in. I am ready.
Glad that you did and I hope I can keep on cooking.
So uhh Christmas tree!!

Merry Christmas guys!
Wonderful. Levi is so father-coded I wanna hit my head on a wall. Yami calls Noelle his kids and Levi is like "MINE" the only reason why the Silvas aren't dead is bc Noelle is holding Levi back with Fangs and claws otherwise all of Clover would have been turned into a lake
Levi with any humans: Aw.
Levi with Noelle and Lolo: MY BABYS WAAA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH

@kcuf-ad look at this and tell me it isn't canon. You can't.
Levi took one good look at the mess that is Noelle Silva and went "Mine" picked her up and did not let go
(credit for the image @colucana thank you Lucanee )
Also fun idea, Levi as the Sea god made Undine the water spirit so now technically speaking Lolopechka who is Undine's kid (fight me) is also Leviathen's Granddaughter