the-gequassel-shiro27 - Gequassel: chatter, jabber.
Gequassel: chatter, jabber.

I tend to write about things that either drive me crazy or are just stuck in my head. Topics tend to be manga, anime. However mostly re-posts/re-blogs and sometimes tagless stuff that i want to get out!

462 posts

1 Ticket. Saw The Load, Saw The Card. Went Wtf.

1 Ticket. Saw The Load, Saw The Card. Went Wtf.

1 Ticket. Saw the load, saw the card. Went wtf.

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    ignatiaflamen liked this · 10 months ago
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    koooolaaaaa liked this · 1 year ago

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under the same sky (非公式) by ReDrop

lol you're only learning japanese because you like anime, you're only interested in history because you like the anime girl king king arthur series, you're only broadening your horizons and becoming a more learned and fulfilled person because your sincere enjoyment of something not considered intellectual enough to be worthy of recognition provided you with a small window into a few of the many wonders of culture and knowledge the world has to offer and you want to obtain a deeper understanding of them

2 years ago

“Endurance Battle”

Me: Oh boy!

Said battle: *Ends on turn 4*

Me: No let me fight goddamn it I crave BLOOD!

literary analysis being posited as this boring grueling penance that only miserable people insist on is very dumb as an idea but its even more dumb to me, the guy who gets so excited about it that he has to clap and pound his fists against the ground and walk in circles at a dizzying speed unbeknownst to man