the-techie-unicorn - The Techie Unicorn
The Techie Unicorn 🍀👩‍💻🦄

Hi! I’m a lighthearted Christian young woman who enjoys coding, music, and things of a winsome, wholesome, imaginative, and beautiful nature in general!🧚🏻‍♀️🧝‍♀️🌸

371 posts

The-techie-unicorn - The Techie Unicorn - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
All Sacked Out On A Friday Night

All sacked out on a Friday night 😊

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2 years ago
Vader Enjoying Some Makeshift Bedsa Basket And A Suitcase!
Vader Enjoying Some Makeshift Bedsa Basket And A Suitcase!
Vader Enjoying Some Makeshift Bedsa Basket And A Suitcase!
Vader Enjoying Some Makeshift Bedsa Basket And A Suitcase!

Vader enjoying some makeshift beds—a basket and a suitcase!


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2 years ago
Sweet Little John, The Laughing Duck!
Sweet Little John, The Laughing Duck!

Sweet Little John, the “laughing” duck! 🥰❤️

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2 years ago
A Bedtime Story

A Bedtime Story 

2 years ago
I Think About This A Lot.

I think about this a lot.

2 years ago

Very true…and the clothes that do last well and not affordable for plenty of people!

I *knew* that companies have been trying to shift blame for damage to the environment onto regular people's buying habits, but it has still somehow been a shock to research a topic and find the internet totally dominated by the narrative that "consumerism" and the desire to buy more stuff is entirely responsible for pollution and landfill waste, instead of factors such as planned obsolescence.

It's insidious—this widespread idea that average people are too greedy, and that's what fuels climate change and pollution. Not greedy companies.

"Consumers shop for clothes to stay on-trend and throw away perfectly good old clothes." "Consumers only wear clothes a few times before throwing them away." "A huge amount of landfill waste comes from clothing that consumers throw out." "Consumers replace their wardrobes arbitrarily to stay on-trend." "Consumer demand for 'fast fashion' is rising spite of the environmental impacts."

Statements like this make it sound like regular people want to buy and waste vast amounts of resources, and normal people's unchecked addiction to shopping is causing environmental devastation. It's horribly misleading when products are being deliberately designed to break or wear out within one or two years and to be impossible to repair.

Instead of "Americans are buying way more clothes than they did 20 years ago, causing lots of landfill waste!"

Where are the articles entitled "Clothing brands are selling poorly-made clothes that have to be replaced much more often than 20 years ago, causing lots of landfill waste!"

2 years ago
The Water Reflection Of The Bridge

the water reflection of the bridge

2 years ago


Hong Nugget Autumn Time

Hong nugget autumn time


2 years ago



2 years ago
The What Type Is This Guide

The ‘what type is this’ guide

2 years ago
Cat Math

Cat math

2 years ago
The Techie Unicorn Turned 3 Today!

The Techie Unicorn 🍀👩‍💻🦄 turned 3 today!

I absolutely love Tumblr and the safe space it has been for me! Thank you to @space-music-memes-andmore for introducing me to it!

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2 years ago
2 years ago


Frogs Wearing Flower Hats!
Frogs Wearing Flower Hats!
Frogs Wearing Flower Hats!
Frogs Wearing Flower Hats!

Frogs wearing flower hats!


2 years ago
the-techie-unicorn - The Techie Unicorn
2 years ago
Taken At My Grandmothers House! Simply Exquisite!
Taken At My Grandmothers House! Simply Exquisite!
Taken At My Grandmothers House! Simply Exquisite!
Taken At My Grandmothers House! Simply Exquisite!

Taken at my grandmother’s house! Simply exquisite! 🥰🌸

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2 years ago


the-techie-unicorn - The Techie Unicorn
2 years ago
Yoda Being Leisurely On A Saturday Morning
Yoda Being Leisurely On A Saturday Morning
Yoda Being Leisurely On A Saturday Morning

Yoda being leisurely on a Saturday morning 🥰

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2 years ago
Yoda Enjoying The View And The Sound Of Chirping Birds!
Yoda Enjoying The View And The Sound Of Chirping Birds!

Yoda enjoying the view and the sound of chirping birds! 🥰 🐦

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2 years ago
Vader Visiting With Goose Friend Bert Theyre Discussing Their Favorite Literature!!

Vader visiting with goose friend Bert 😂 They’re discussing their favorite literature!!


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2 years ago
Sweet Yoda Enjoying The Floral Comforter In The Sunlight!

Sweet Yoda enjoying the floral comforter in the sunlight! 🥰☀️🌸

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2 years ago
Yoda Multitaskinghes Guarding The Laundry Pile And Napping At The Same Time! I Dont Know How He Does

Yoda multitasking—he’s guarding the laundry pile and napping at the same time! I don’t know how he does it!! 👏😂🤪


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2 years ago

I can't 😂 🧟‍♀️

the-techie-unicorn - The Techie Unicorn
2 years ago

waits for the cat to curl up and bite the owner because of being petted in a sensitive area and is shocked that it never does 😂

Ralphie during one of his moments of Zen.