Under my bed and in my mind, early morning is a strange time to find.
113 posts
Mars Attacks! Martian Diorama Work In Progress Update: The Victim!

Mars Attacks! Martian diorama work in progress update: The Victim!
This poor bastard lies sprawled across the base of the Moebius model kit, having been blasted in half by the Martian warrior who steps over his still shocked body.
I love old school, graphic Mars Attacks, not the horrible Tim Burton movie, and I wanted the victim to reflect the horror of the original card series. The original sculpt I found to be too cartoon-like for my liking, so I used Apoxie sculpt to add more details like the peeled edges of skin, torn edges of the ripped suit as well to adding more spilled guts.
I painted this using enamel and spray paints. I then used a mixture of Tamiya translucent red and smoke to create the blood on the guts and the asphalt. This combination of paints is my favorite to use for blood effects. If looks so good and has a natural gloss to it which really helps capture the wet look. I then coated the wet parts with a gloss coat to make it pop even more.
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