When He's far superior and much more than just a mere mortal man. When He's a God amongst men, who must be serviced and given proper worshipping. When He is the Alpha and He takes you to places you've never known existed. When He is Your Sir, Your Master, Your Daddy, Your God, Your Everything!!
158 posts
He Sees Your Staring And He Knows You'll Be On Your Knees When He Gets You Back To His Place.

He sees your staring and he knows you'll be on your knees when he gets you back to his place.
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More Posts from Thealphagym
I got a text this morning from my neighbor's son, Alix (yeah, I know, why he spells it with an "i", I don t know) but he asked if I would come over because he had a few important, personal questions to ask me. Now, Alix is a really nice, 18-year-old buffed up jock and I've known him for over 12 years, when my wife and I moved into the neighborhood, when he was 6. His dad was barely home, due to work and I kind of took over as his surrogate father. I loved him so much. Now, I'm a 40-year-old divorced man, with 2 kids of my own which were Alix's friends, but they now live with their mother. It's no secret that the reason we got divorced, amicably I might add, is that I realized, late in life, that I was attracted to men. I always had been and even my wife knew I was Bi when we married, but as time went on, I couldn't suppress my feelings to be with and serve another man. This all only happened about a month ago, after a 4-month lover affair with my boss. Sheila understood and my kids did as well. I had always been very loyal and gave them everything they ever wanted, prior to my affair. Everyone in the neighborhood knew about me, but just my family knew of the affair. Everyone seemed fine with me being gay. It was a very eye-opening experience for me.
Also, Alix, knew of this and about a week ago, he was over at my place helping me fix my car. We seemed to get even closer, after my coming out and he said that he would protect me if anyone ever tried to hurt me. I thought that was sweet and I gave him a hug and thanked him. He hugged me hard and then pulled away, still holding me, but then he looked at me and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked, because he had been dating a girl for about a year now, although, I hadn't seen her over to his parent's house in a while. We broke free of each other, and he apologized profusely, saying he just meant to kiss my cheek, but his kiss, while not with tongue, was definitely passionate and very erotic. Nothing happened after that, and I hadn't seen him until I got the text today.
So, backstory surmised, I walked over to Alix's house. As I walked up the front driveway, I noticed the garage was empty, both cars, his mother's and new stepfather's, were gone. I knocked on the door and it opened on its own. Ominous. I called out to Alix and no response. I called again, and I heard him say he was out on the back porch. I was walking out there when I looked over by their pool and I stopped dead in my tracks. Alix was standing by the pool, naked. His cock wasn't hard, but there was lust in his eyes. I just knew it and felt completely drawn to him. Also, I was shocked that at soft, his cock was about 7 inches, hanging thickly down. I became nervous and very excited. He asked if I would get naked with him and sit by the pool. I shook my head, no, but then he walked up to me, pushing his hard naked body against me, looked my right in the eyes and said, "Uncle Jeff, I know you like me, I know you want me, just admit it and we can go from there. I'm tired of playing this fucking charade with you. Now take off your fucking clothes, so that I can use you!!"
USE ME? What??!! Oh FUCK yeah. My cock hardened as I knew that what he just said was not a request, but a command and one that made me weak in the knees.
I should also mention that how I realized I was gay, was that my boss, a true Alpha at 55, in every sense of the word, made me his boy at work, at home and on the road. He opened up who I really was and let me realize I was a bottom submissive faggot. He was the one who told Sheila about us and he explained to her how I really didn't have much of a choice. He helped her understand. So, for a month now, we have been an item around town and Alix had met him at a party of ours we through for the neighborhood right before Sheila and I divorced.
To say I was excited when Alix told me to strip, was an understatement. I trembled in anticipation as I took off my clothes and he looked at me up and down, my cock getting harder and harder. Again, he got right up in my face and said, "Finally, you mine!! Mr. Roth, your boss, said I could use you when he's not using you, so guess what...BOY, you're mine for the entire weekend!!" Then he pulled me over, to a chair on the patio, where he sat down, pushed me down between his knees and told me to keep my arms down at my sides while he used my body to please him. With complete arrogance, he bent down and kissed me, tongue definitely inserted this time, and he flicked and pinched my nipples. Mr. Roth, must have also told him that my chest was my erogenous zone, so Immediately, I couldn't help it, I knew I was his. He had complete control over me. I moaned loudly as we continued kissing and his nipple play on me for a few more minutes as I fell deeper and deeper into his euphoric manipulation of me. I felt his huge jock cock pushing up and up my chest, almost touching my chin. When he released my lips, I glanced down at his manhood and I gasped at his size. He was easily over 11 inches long, probably a foot long and really thick and heavy. "It's yours and you're gonna get every single inch. Mr. Roth told me how you like big cock, like his, so I'm even bigger and I'm gonna make you scream with pleasure. I see it in your eyes, you wanna suck it right now, don't you?!"
I couldn't help but nod, yes and I uttered a very willful, "Please...Sir!!" He chuckled, put his hand under my chin, lifting my face up to his and he spit on my mouth, saying, "You'll need that extra lube to go all the way down on it, bitch!" and then he pushed my face onto his huge cock and about 5 inches pushed hard into me, stopping at the closure of my throat. "Open UP, Uncle Jeff, let me in!!" and luckily, at the training of Mr. Roth, I was able to open my throat and with his second thrust, my nose met his pubic bone. I in turn, never having someone so forceful, not even Mr. Roth, shot my load without even touching my cock. I couldn't help it. I just orgasmed uncontrollably. Alix, pulled out far enough to watch my volley after volley of cum shoot and cover the patio floor. When I finally ebbed my flow, I was afraid he would be pissed at me, but instead, he grabbed my under my pits, and pulled me up, telling me to wrap my legs around him and sit on this cock. He also, kept saying, "I fucking Love You, Uncle Jeff!!" as he kissed me, and I got up to sit on his lap. Now, Mr. Roth, does have a very large cock and he fucks me a lot, so I was ready to fit Alix inside me, but what I wasn't ready for, was the ferocity of his fucking me with that huge pole. I sat down on him, his wet cock sliding into me, and it felt amazing, but then he lifted me holding me up and he fucked me, standing up, like they do in the pornos. I'm a good-sized man and I never had anyone do that to me, ever. The force of him going in and out as he lifted me by my pits up and down on him was insane. He was like a wild animal and a finely precise engine as well. Almost all the way up and then all the way down. Juices were splashing all over the place. And then he yelled, "I"M FUCKING CUMMING!!" and I swear if he wasn't holding me, he would have bucked and shot me right off of him. I felt his load jettison upside me like a fucking hose going off. Warmth of his cum radiated up into my chest area and it was partly because, he was full tilt inside me, as I felt his balls against my ass as they contracted out his seed, but also because his shots were strong and massive. No one, ever, had made me feel as amazing as Alix just made me feel and he wasn't even done yet.
I had gotten hard again, myself while he stood up fucking me, but when he shot so much in me, my cock went softer, but cum just started flowing like lava out of it. I was having the most intense prostate orgasm ever. Again, I had no control over myself. Both of my orgasms had been completely due to him, not me. I was like a ragdoll in his arms. Even Mr. Roth, never had this much control over me. It was celestial, cosmic, hell, even fucking biblical.
When we both finally came down from our orgasmic high, he set me down on the grass in the yard, laid down next to me and stroked me so lovingly as he said, "I had asked Mr. Roth to train me to be an Alpha, so that I could have this with you. I've always been dominate in my relationships but didn't know the Alpha way. Mr. Roth taught me that. It was my way of saying thank you, for all the years you were there for me." I looked at him and there was more love in those eyes, then I'd ever seen from anyone. He continued, "Uncle Jeff, I love you, I always have, and I always will. I know you are Mr. Roth's property now, but he said that when he is not in town or too busy, you and I can be together. Oh yeah, Clarrissa, my girlfriend, is a lesbian and my beard, for my mom's sake. Mom or Hank don't know. I have been gay since grade school, but never let it show or have felt like I should come out into my own...but then you did it and I knew I needed to be who I am. I am gay, I'm an Alpha and I want you to be my beta. I will not force you, though. I know as an Alpha, I shouldn't ask you, just tell you, but the difference is...that I honestly, love you!! Mr. Roth see's that and while he's not giving you up, he's said that we can live with him together and be a family. Is that okay, Uncle Jeff?"
"I've never wanted anything more...Sir!!!"

Starting at the toes, lick your way to become my boy!

Lick all my workout man sweat off my body...
With pleasure, Sir!!