thebetterjellyfish - Untitled

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Thebetterjellyfish - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

via Trail_Cams

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5 months ago
Just Some Black Buttons On The Snow.. Nothing To Pay Attention To..

Just some black buttons on the snow.. nothing to pay attention to.. 

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5 months ago

my odd and unreasonable grievance with many video game wing cosmetics is to me it looks kind of awkward for a person to have wings that are at least partly extended all the time, indifferent to if they are standing, running, swimming. feels TO ME like a clumsy and unwieldy position they are held in constantly, especially attached to an action hero that needs to navigate around tight situations. i understand players tend to get wing cosmetics in games because they want to actually show off their character having big wings, so likely wouldn't find as appealing wings that are just folded in when they're not using them (my own vast preference), but please consider the appeal of things like the capelike look of moth wings when not splayed out.

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5 months ago

found ANOTHER way more in-dept thread about Khao Kheow zoo to share. once again I'm obligated to put it here

my other post about this

Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put

full screenshot here I also posted this reddit thread on my other post linked above

Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put
Found ANOTHER Way More In-dept Thread About Khao Kheow Zoo To Share. Once Again I'm Obligated To Put

TL;DR: Please don't trust random (may I add racist?) foreigners on the internet over locals who actually knows what they're talking about. thank you 🙇‍♂️

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5 months ago

I find the great lakes terrifying, may i have some cursed knowledge on them?

sure thing!

when you say "great lakes" and "cursed" in the same sentence, we usually think you're just talking about Lake Superior.

the great lakes are huge, sure! combined, they're roughly the size of fucking France.

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?

but Superior is the granddaddy of them all.

the largest of the great lakes in terms of surface area, depth, and overall volume, Lake Superior contains 2,903 cubic miles of water, or 10% of the world's entire surface freshwater supply.

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?

that's enough to cover the entire surface area of North AND South America in a solid foot of ice-cold murkish water, and probably also a bunch of confused sturgeons. yow!

but sturgeons aren't all this lake contains, by any means!

it's also full of corpses.

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?

see, Lake Superior is just SO fucking hugebig and deep (about 1000 feet at its deepest point) that it doesn't warm up very quickly, even in the depths of summer! its northerly location and the amount of time it spends frozen over each year means that this lake reaches an average surface temperature of 46-56 degrees fahrenheit, even in the hottest months.

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?

don't even think about the coldest months.

that's cold enough to kill you dead as a Sim with a deleted pool ladder if you fall in and can't get out! and it's ALSO cold enough that if you do die, your body will just sink into the icy depths, and stay there. you won't rot, and there isn't even anything alive down there that might consider your corpsicle a worthy feast because there's so little oxygen; you're basically just stuck down there in the world's largest meat freezer for the rest of eternity.

but you're in good company! since everyone who dies on the lake and sinks to the bottom is still there, there are an estimated 10,000 corpses lying around on the lakebed right now!

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?

(there are a number of explorable shipwrecks in Superior that are known to still, uh, have crew on board, so to speak. divers are expected to leave them alone and treat their death sites respectfully.)

and that's not even counting the literal thousands of years humans were paddling around on the lakes in pre-colonial times either, so in all honesty that's probably lowballing it.

and that doesn't seem likely to change, anytime soon- as long as the lake exists, those corpses are just going to be stuck down there, waiting around for whatever comes next.

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?

so uh anyway, if the concept of the eternal preservation of your mortal form bothers you, stay AWAY from that lake! and maybe just become a volcano researcher instead, I dunno.

I Find The Great Lakes Terrifying, May I Have Some Cursed Knowledge On Them?


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5 months ago

Hey, yeah! My dad's worked with this sort of machine before, and it is a grey-black color. Maybe some kinds have yellow treads, but I can't think of why they would

thebetterjellyfish - Untitled
5 months ago

vetted organizations / funds to donate to in appalachia for hurricane relief

beloved asheville

wnc rural organizing & resilience (ROAR)

pansy collective

appalachian medical solidarity/asheville survival program

first aid collective knoxville

marshall, nc refugees mutual aid fund

rural barnardsville, nc supply fund

please boost if you cannot contribute—the destruction in appalachia is devastating and our infrastructure was not equipped to handle this kind of disaster.

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5 months ago

as someone with ARFID i really couldn't care less about the distinction between "picky eaters" and "genuine eating issues." if you are an asshole to someone you see as "just picky" i will never, ever trust you. i've lived through the trauma of being shamed and humiliated for my eating needs.

frankly i think a LOT of "picky eaters" have some kind of sensory problems– autistic or allistic– and shame is never useful. i don't fucking care how annoying you think we are. if you've never lived through the humiliation of being the only one not eating at a dinner table, or having to choke down something disgusting you already know you hate because other people insist you don't know your own body, or getting a hunger migraine in a house full of food because none of its edible to you? you don't understand how awful it is to have food issues.

whenever i see people draw this distinction between being "just a picky eater" and "having a real problem" all i think is, who does this serve? most people don't even know ARFID exists. there are so many undiagnosed autistics, or just people with a variety of issues that aren't officially diagnosed. why do we need a medical label in order to be treated with respect and compassion? why did i need to be diagnosed as autistic for my family to realize the abuse they put me through for years because of my eating habits?

it's such an easy habit for neglected groups to fall into– the idea that a medical diagnosis can save us. that by appealing to the medical/psychiatric industry, we can be protected from abuse and given basic respect and resources. but the truth is that it should never have come to this in the first place. dignity doesn't come from an abled doctor telling you that there's a medical reason for your symptoms. it comes from being a person. once you accept that you need a Good Reason to have your needs respected, you doom yourself to neglecting and abusing those who have your same struggles because they aren't lucky enough to access medical recognition.

tl;dr solidarity with all "picky eaters" stop guilting people for having varying food needs, if we make you irrationally angry that's YOUR problem not ours, and abolish "children's menus" & replace them with simple-food menus for people of all ages

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5 months ago

You can donate to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund for as little as $1.00.

A donation screen from the PCRF with fifty cents typed into the donation box. There is a red outline around the box and red text below it that reads: Amount must be at least $1.00 [USD].

There is a fee you can choose to apply to cover processing.

A screenshot of the PCRF donation screen. There is text next to a checked box that reads: I want to make an additional donation to cover online processing fees, so that my entire contribution goes to The Palestine Children's Relief Fund. ($0.34)

Which if you choose to do leaves you with a total of ~$1.35 (USD) depending on the type of card you have.

A screenshot from the PCRF donation process with text that reads:

Amount: $1.34 USD
($1.36 USD for AMEX cards / $1.34 USD for Mastercard or Discover cards)

PCRF has a score of 97% on Charity Navigator.

Adults and children alike are currently dying in Palestine due to starvation. (World Health Organization Link)

The Gaza Strip is one of two places in the entire world that is categorized as Phase 5 (the highest phase) on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification scale.

So even if you think it isn't enough, remember that donating even as little as $1.35 helps! It's $1.35 they wouldn't have had otherwise. So donate if you can. 🇵🇸

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5 months ago

to clarify to anyone who thinks ive said otherwise - I am critical of how moo deng has been handled and how it appears that her image is being used for cryptocurrency/etc, but I am not overall critical of her zoo. I would say that after looking at the hippo habitat, it looks nice! I'm not sure where the information regarding habitats in the zoo being crowded/dirty is coming from, but (while I'm not local and have not been there!) to me they look only 'dirty' in the sense that, well, wild animals live in there and they don't prefer pristine habitats. you SHOULD be critical of the care of ANY widely meme'd/popular animal because 99% of the time there's something wrong if it's not a domestic pet, but that shouldnt escalate into outright racist statements about everyone at the zoo are animal abusers/the animals being kept in conditions they clearly aren't. keep being critical of 'celebrity' animals, but calling for boycotts of the zoo entirely etc are both an overreaction and ignorant of more severe animal welfare concerns

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5 months ago

Hurricane Helene Relief Funds to those affected in the Southern Regions *will edit as I find more, please reblog as usual and check back for updates (Liking doesn't circulate it and isn't helpful)* *9/30 Has been edited! (Also, I think whenever I edit this it doesn't update the versions already reblogged?) ORGANIZATIONS American Red Cross FEMA Disaster Assistance Improvement Program Warmline Directory (Mental health resource) AKC Pet Reunite Food Not Bombs Operation BBQ Relief Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies & Roll Mobility Operation Air Drop GEORGIA State and Local Level Referrals - (60 Organizations Listed) Emergency Shelter Locations Animal League

NORTH CAROLINA Brother Wolf Animal Rescue Asheville Survival Program Homeward Bound State and Local Level Referrals Beloved Asheville Rural Community funds CLT Mutual Aid Fundraiser for a NC resident to deliver food to affected areas Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Animal Disaster Relief Coalition Mutual Aid Disaster Groups

Special Note: There are 2 Wifi Stations now open for public use. The locations are: SPOT 1: DoubleTree Hilton Downtown 199 Haywood SSID: SORTOR STARLINK Pass: ncstrong SPOT 2: Asheville Shelter Ferguson Building 340 Victoria Rd SSID: HALL STARLINK Pass: ncstrong SOUTH CAROLINA State and Local Level Referrals (44 Organizations Listed) FLORIDA Volunteer Florida Disaster Fund FootPrint Project State and Local Level Referrals - (52 Organizations Listed)

TENNESSEE HellBender Harm Reduction

More supplies to consider donating in hurricane impacted areas:

Bottled water, potentially water filters

Personal hygiene items: wipes, tampons/pads/other menstrual products, hand sanitizer, mosquito spray, laundry detergent, toilet paper, diapers, and especially any products safe for sensitive skin

Medications like ibuprofen/tylenol, yeast infection medicine, cold & cough medicine, any diabetic meds that can be safely shared, etc

Individually wrapped low to no prep food items, baby formula, and Gatorade

Pet Food


Heavy duty bags, Duffel bags, backpacks, and trash bags, 5 gallon buckets, coolers

Fans, dehumidifiers, moisture sensors, generators, gas, gas canisters, solar charging items, portable battery banks, first aid kits

Chainsaws, crowbars, hammers, air filters, respirators, 2×4 planks, bleach, roofing nails, heavy duty gloves, and waders.

Books, Board Games or other non electric activities for children

Double check before donating items, especially if your local drive is accepting donations of particular products and can distribute the more specialized ones where they're needed.

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5 months ago
thebetterjellyfish - Untitled
thebetterjellyfish - Untitled
thebetterjellyfish - Untitled
thebetterjellyfish - Untitled

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5 months ago
National Coverage Of The Hurricane Has Been So Heavily Tilted Towards The Typical Hurricane-affected
National Coverage Of The Hurricane Has Been So Heavily Tilted Towards The Typical Hurricane-affected

National coverage of the hurricane has been so heavily tilted towards the typical hurricane-affected areas that it is going almost completely unreported as of posting that the town of Chimney Rock, North Carolina has been completely leveled.

Aside from some residential areas, the entire town is gone.

I'm posting this because in the coming days and weeks there are going to be a lot of calls to help people who survived the storm and many are going to assume that this is business-as-usual hurricane season stuff, but it isn't. This storm tore through Appalachia, flooding regions that have literally never flooded like this. The hills and plants that hold soil in place have been severely damaged because this kind of weather event is so deeply unprecedented the plants that live here are completely unprepared for this to happen literally ever.

National Coverage Of The Hurricane Has Been So Heavily Tilted Towards The Typical Hurricane-affected

There are no undamanged highways in or out of Asheville. We can't even recover the phone and data networks until trucks can get into the area, and they can't get into the area because some of the roads are just GONE. The water was so fast and so intense it washed the dirt from underneath the pavement and chunks of road literally fell down the fucking mountains.

When you see things over the next few days asking for help, please understand that this is not typical hurricane season damage. Entire communities have been flattened. The infrastructure in much of the region is utterly destroyed and will take weeks just to begin recovery in some parts.

The phone and data grid are offline.

Power and water are out for most people.

The roads used for evacuation are undrivable.

This is an absolute nightmare scenario.

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5 months ago
thebetterjellyfish - Untitled

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5 months ago

Btw if you want an example of actually cute and appropriate handling of a baby hippo in an accredited zoo with trained keepers, there’s always Fiona the Hippo at Cincinnati Zoo!

Btw If You Want An Example Of Actually Cute And Appropriate Handling Of A Baby Hippo In An Accredited
Btw If You Want An Example Of Actually Cute And Appropriate Handling Of A Baby Hippo In An Accredited

She was born premature and had to be hand raised initially

Btw If You Want An Example Of Actually Cute And Appropriate Handling Of A Baby Hippo In An Accredited
Btw If You Want An Example Of Actually Cute And Appropriate Handling Of A Baby Hippo In An Accredited

Fiona felt very safe with her keepers and she would regularly snuggle with them and snooze on their laps. They had to monitor her 24/7 and take feedings in shifts - and it was very uncertain whether she would even survive!

While you might say that it’s hypocritical to support free contact in one situation and not another, this is a situation where free contact was very much okay. They had to support Fiona like this as she was regularly needing medical intervention and needed to be constantly monitored around the clock.

What’s the difference between Fiona and Moo Deng’s situation? Agency and respect. Fiona was never harassed for views or forced into situations she didn’t want to be in.

The content they made with her was showing the process of hand raising a premature baby hippo. Even when they picked her up to put her in her pool she was never madly thrashing to get away.

The goal was always to transition her to be completely hands off and be with her mother Bibi. And her habitat is species appropriate with deep water for swimming in.

Btw If You Want An Example Of Actually Cute And Appropriate Handling Of A Baby Hippo In An Accredited

She was able to be reintroduced to her mother and grow up engaging in appropriate social behaviours in an enriching and species appropriate habitat.

Btw If You Want An Example Of Actually Cute And Appropriate Handling Of A Baby Hippo In An Accredited

And she’s now 7 years old and still thriving!

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5 months ago
Dumb Old Nature I Was In

Dumb old nature I was in

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5 months ago
Change My Meme (a Replacement 'Change My Mind' Template) - Template Post - Imgur
Change My Meme (a Replacement 'Change My Mind' Template) - Template Post - Imgur

Change my meme (a replacement 'Change my mind' template) - template post - Imgur

6 months ago

As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

becoming an adult cheat sheet!

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sex ed masterpost

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6 months ago

today a fascist won an election for the first time since 1933. here, in germany.

i don't care if it's just one (out of 16) states. björn höcke is a fascist. a court decided not long ago that it's allowed to call him a nazi. bc he is one. not "far right" or "conservative" - he is a nazi.

here. in germany. and he just won an election.

it hasn't even been 100 years.

i am scared.

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6 months ago

I think the reason this “stylization” of Minecraft bugs me is because it’s inconsistent. Yes everything is block shaped, but those blocks vary in size all over the place. It doesn’t make sense. Why is so much of the terrain made up of different sized blocks?

I Think The Reason This Stylization Of Minecraft Bugs Me Is Because Its Inconsistent. Yes Everything

And I’ve seen some people say “well that’s just to make it clear it’s a blocky world. It would look weird if the blocks were all the same size” and I just gotta ask…

Have you PLAYED Minecraft?

The landscapes in Minecraft, especially with shaders, are sometimes absolutely BREATHTAKING. And that’s achieved without having to treat people like they’re stupid and make enormous block rocks to drive the point home the world is made of blocks.

Part of the BEAUTY of Minecraft is the fact that the terrain IS just made of the same sized blocks. I mean, look at these pictures! Why can’t our Minecraft movie look like this?!?

I Think The Reason This Stylization Of Minecraft Bugs Me Is Because Its Inconsistent. Yes Everything
I Think The Reason This Stylization Of Minecraft Bugs Me Is Because Its Inconsistent. Yes Everything
I Think The Reason This Stylization Of Minecraft Bugs Me Is Because Its Inconsistent. Yes Everything

Instead we have inconsistent blocks making up a terrain that doesn’t exist in the game with a village that includes a windmill (which again is not something in the game). Even on trees the blocky shapes of the leaves vary wildly and they have branches that do not exist in Minecraft.

It’s like they saw Minecraft, saw that it was pixelated and blocky, and then just made concept art based on that rather than try to work within the parameters of what makes Minecraft… Minecraft!

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6 months ago
Universal Spin Dynamic Inspired Stone Wall

Universal spin dynamic inspired stone wall…