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Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


AN: I’m so glad you all like this series! Graphics and all! There’s more to come so please be patient! Please give all of the works here love and feel free to message us!

Chapter 15- Before I Forget

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

I am a world before I am a man I was a creature before I could stand I will remember before I forget

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

The planet Izanami.

Kibeth was giving them the run-down on the planet, describing its atmosphere and environment as well as the history. From the outside, it looked very much like the Terran home world, very blue and green but was significantly larger than some of the gas giants that they’d seen on their travels. However, the planet was rich in minerals that stemmed from the volcanoes that were active on the planet. It was known as one of the Retreats, a classification of planets that could actively be visited but one had to go through all kinds of paperwork to even live there. 

Namjoon and Jin had already given the rest of the crew the news about the Bio-Android, something that had surprised most of them. Nyala had stayed silent on the issue, knowing that it would be hard to get her up and running again. However, the rest were very interested to know that there was another actual body that they had been carrying around with them all that time and never knew it. Yoongi had reached out with his network and found a few leads for them to explore while planet side, an idea already forming in his head. 

There were a few people there that owed him some favors, the rich that he had helped to get them where they were now. Izanami was a hard planet to settle on due to the natural resources that occurred there so he had helped a few of the residents to bypass some of those restrictions and even get some other cargo there too. He didn’t always help but when he did, there were some interesting stipulations that he would put on his deals to make them more interesting to follow up on.

Jin got the ship down to the planet side docking bay with very little disturbances along the way. It had been the first time he’d landed the ship so it had been a little harrowing for him but he didn’t let the others know that. He was still getting to know the ship and any altercations between him and the ship would have to be resolved by the time he made a second attempt at landing on another planet, should they get the chance to. 

There were several contacts that they could get in touch with while they were there about their issue. However, the time it would take for all of them to do so would extend their chances of having either side catch up to them. Even more so the Pirates since the area was protected by another group of them. There were multiple guilds other than the Demon Armada but since it was the biggest, they caused the most problems for everyone. Still, the ones protecting Izanami were more focused on the revenue that the place provided and since they had been out of most everyone’s area--the Federation helped them along, to an extent. As long as everyone scratched everyone’s back, then peace would reign supreme on the luxurious planet.  

They split up into two groups: Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin and Vairuit that would handle the contacts to the left side of the city while Jimin, Nyala and Yoongi were at the right of the city. They had Kibeth to link them to each other while on the ship, to monitor or intercept anything that was coming for them as it tied itself to some of the security systems for the port while docked there. 

Yoongi, Jimin and Nyala set out on their part of the city, Izanagi. It was the main capital of the planet and the largest port that they could access because the ship was much bigger than the ones that they had before. However, that meant more opportunities they could exploit while there as well. 

Regardless of how they were split up, Nyala found herself in the middle of a silent stand-off between Yoongi and Jimin. It was painfully obvious that the both of them still hadn’t squashed what it was between them and after the second person they found, she decided that enough was enough. 

Stopping the both of them and pulling them into a nice alleyway, she gathered some of her energy and created a binding that clasped around their wrists as a form of cuffs. Both of them let out starts of surprise but she held firm, even when Jimin pleaded with her to let him go. 

“Whatever it is between the both of you, it ends here. I understand the why but if the both of you continue to do this, then we will never get anything done. We don’t have time to fight with each other when the real enemy is on our tails as it is.” Nyala looked at Yoongi before continuing, “Look, I understand I’ve become a wedge in between what relationship you have with Jimin. But he is also someone who can make his own decisions too.” Not leaving the other out, Nyala then looked at Jimin before speaking to him as well. She had to ignore the look that he was giving her as she spoke to him. 

“Jimin, I understand that you feel restricted and resent Yoongi for what he did. But you have got to get over that as well because he was only looking out for you.”

She gave them both another look before walking away, still leaving them handcuffed to each other. They pulled at the restraints once she was out of sight and glared at each other. It continued like that for a couple of minutes before Jimin relented. He sighed and dropped his hands to his side, causing Yoongi to drop his hands as well. Neither of them spoke until Jimin leaned in and bumped his forehead with Yoongi’s. It wasn’t over between the both of them but they had come to an understanding, of sorts. 

When they exited the alleyway, Nyala was nowhere to be found and the cuffs started to lose their strength the further she got away from them. 

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

“Well he was a useless waste of time.”

Vairuit complained to the sky as they walked along the streets of Izanagi, headed in the opposite direction that the others went. The first guy only wanted to do everything at his own place but they ended up finding out that the guy only wanted to steal the technology that they had. Jin saw right through the man as he attempted to perform feats with the meager things that he had on his person while Namjoon dismantled the objects as they went along. They all started to feel a bit bored when they stopped because of Jungkook. He’d been out of sorts since the encounter with the Federation ship that held Namjoon and the feeling only gotten worse since landing on the planet.  

He turned around, looking intently at something as the others tried to figure out what was going on. Even Vairuit with her extrasensory senses couldn’t pick up on anything out of the ordinary--well, other than the person that had nearly run them over with their vehicle. 

“There’s something off about this area and it’s only getting worse the more we get closer to the edge of the city.”

That area is what the original residents call The Path of the Dead. It is an area that leads into a road that has been preserved since before the first settlers were here. That path leads to a series of caverns, once an ancient ruin. It is strongly advised that no one head down the path as many horrible things have happened there. The area is surrounded by hot springs and volcanic streams alike. 

Kibeth let them know of a little history for them since Jungkook mentioned it. He still gazed at the area, unsure about it all. However, that feeling of unease grew as Kibeth interrupted its own story telling to advise them of Pirate activity in the east where the other team had been spotted. It was unsure as to whom the sect belonged to, more than likely the group that controlled the area but the signal for the rest of them was being cut out. It made it difficult to triangulate where the three of them were since the dampening field was in effect. 

Jungkook pushed past Namjoon and Jin as he started to run towards the other team. The only one that could catch up to him was Vairuit, while Namjoon and Jin struggled to keep up with them. They weren’t as fit as the other two so they eventually gave up and signaled a vehicle to fetch them while the other two ran. 

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Yoongi stopped, pulling Jimin along with him. He could have sworn he felt the mind of someone similar to Nyala, something that had been pulling him along. The cuffs had long disappeared and they both had been jogging to figure out where she had gone to. What he found, when he turned the corner, was someone hunched over a body and there had been several assailants there to surround them. 

The man was waving his jacket furiously at the ones that surrounded them like it would make them go away. At one point, Yoongi got a glimpse of who it was that was on the ground and he nearly collapsed when he realized that it was Nyala. Jimin had to hold Yoongi up and the action caused the thugs to look up at them, almost at once. The man turned around and saw them, a look of relief came across his sharp features but the look was short and fleeting as some attempted to go for Nyala. The other half of them started to go towards Yoongi and Jimin, the mark of a guild on their foreheads. Both of them knew, in that moment, that it wasn’t the Demon Armada that had tracked them down but another sect that had been in the area. 

If they had found them so easily then the Demon Armada wasn’t that far behind them. Yoongi thought, his mind racing as he came out with a plan of attack. Unfortunately for them, both of the main fighters had gone with Jin and Namjoon. Jimin bellowed out a yell before releasing his weapon, an electrified whip that was stored in his left arm. He normally would use it to disarm his opponents but once he had saw Nyala on the ground--a little bit of his self-control was lost. 

Yoongi pulled out a couple of Derringers, ones that he had modified to shoot energy bullets or blasts but they were hidden in his clothing and could only be used for about three shots per gun before being charged again. Taking aim, he took down two of the ones coming for him while Jimin rushed forward to defend the two. Yoongi alerted Kibeth of the developments, the latter advising him to hold on until the others arrived. 

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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

4 years ago

A little gift to lift your spirits!

Hey guys, Admin E here! And I just wanted to share a little love and give all my lovely followers something to look forward to. But first, I want to take this time to express my overwhelming love and gratitude to everyone that has followed us since we started this blog. We have received so much support, love, and thanks since we launched the blog, sharing all of our creative works with you. There are so many talented people on tumblr and in the K-Pop community and I am so proud to be part of said community. We three Admins have so many wonderful things planned for you guys and I hope you’re looking forward to them as we are to writing and creating these things as well.

I know that everyone is scared and concerned over this global pandemic. We will get through this and we just have to remember to support and care for one another. Hatred is bred from fear and misunderstanding. But if we are compassionate and loving, we can conquer anything. Please remember that. Remember that you are loved and we all just want everyone to be safe and happy.

Now, for those of you stuck indoors, I want to let you all know that I will be dropping six (yes, I said it - S I X) chapters of Make It Right (you can find it on our BTS Masterlist here)! These chapters will go up throughout the day tomorrow so be on the look out. If you follow me on AO3 or Wattpad, I will be putting them all up at once. I just don’t like to flood tumblr if I can help it. You guys know how it is. ^^

I can’t believe the amount of support and love I have received from everyone on my first BTS series and first story for the K-Pop fandom in general. I hope you all continue to support my future projects, whether they are BTS-related or not. Thank you and look forward to getting BiasRekked by all of us.

Sincerely, Admin E

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4 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC

Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,734

Chapter 25: Let Me Know

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

“Maybe we’re all just a bunch of fools. Everyone lives with a love that has come to an end.”

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

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4 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC

Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,450

Chapter 26: Young Forever


“Even when I fall and hurt myself, I keep running toward my dream.”

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.


Seoul – Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea

Dawn had not yet stretched its lovely red fingers toward the sky. She was still sleeping, waiting for the moon to take its rest after providing the world with its light. The world was cold; a chilly breeze rushed over Jimin’s body and he hugged the tweed jacket a little closer to his frame. He was accustomed to the shadows, the few people who continued to mill about on the streets serving as a faceless and nameless backdrop to his world.

A world of darkness.

Every day and night that passed, Jimin prayed that he would be able to greet the sun – to feel its warmth on his face. Spring was on the horizon, seemingly just around the corner. Despite the warmth that it provided, as it did every year, Jimin never truly felt he deserved the sun. He walked the dark and broken road that his brothers walked, not wanting them to face the hardships of the future alone. All in the name of a dream that they shared; together.

The dream was no longer a dream.

It was now reality.

And yet Jimin still couldn’t quite fathom it. For nearly ten years, it was a seemingly unattainable goal. Not that he didn’t believe in his Hyungs or the drive of his own younger brothers. They were determined and, as a result, he was equally determined to make impossibilities possible. Just as they depended on him, he regarded them as his own source of inspiration.

Without them, he had no dream of his own.

He didn’t know when he’d come to this realization, but it was something he kept very close to himself. Jimin never wanted to burden his brothers with the troubles that often circulated in his mind and in his heart. Years ago, when they were young and believed that their life path was already forged, Jimin thought that he would simply take over his family’s pastry shop. It was just something that was always assumed – a source of income readily provided for him. His passion for serving customers and throwing his heart into a cake seemed natural.

He foolishly assumed the same for the others.

Seokjin’s family was of old money – a line of aristocrats that continued to carry the tradition of handling the financial aspects of their little country town. Namjoon’s father was the local doctor and his mother ran the pharmacy. Hoseok’s line consisted of farmers and it was always believed that he, too, would take up farm work. Taehyung’s family were also farmers; their orchard was rich and always provided a bountiful harvest. Yoongi’s father was a police officer, slotted for the position of police chief in Hwaseong, and his mother owned a boutique.

Jungkook’s future was the only one that was uncertain; his parents dumping him off at an orphanage when he was still just an elementary student.

In a way, Jimin wondered if they were doing this for their maknae; the one whose place at the finish line was undetermined. He didn’t have the heart to outright ask Namjoon if this was the true endgame for them all. Because save for Jungkook, they had security; they had certainty.

They had a future.

At least this way, they all had a guaranteed one.

With this in mind, he was less worried about the path they carved to get to this point. Blood was shed and sacrifices were made. It was necessary in some respects. But now they could put it behind them. They could go back to being the people they once were. Wild and free from the chains that bound them; young forever.

That was the hope, anyway.

Jimin sighed, brushing some of his hair away from his face as he came to the end of the sidewalk. The crosswalk blinked and beeped, alerting all to stop. Traffic zoomed by in opposite directions of each other and people around him continued their conversations. Some were animated – boys consoling their beloveds. Others were the standard fussings of loved ones reassuring the people they were on the phone with that they would be home soon.

His own phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to see who was calling him. Seeing Jungkook’s name picture flash across the screen, he smiled and answered.

“Oh, Jungkook-ah,” he said with a smile, “what’s up?”

“Hyung, you look cold,” Jungkook said, causing Jimin to look around him. But as far as he could tell, he didn’t see his younger brother anywhere. He heard him laugh on the other line. “In front of you, Hyung. Across the street.”

Jimin looked across the street and saw Jungkook on the other side of the crosswalk, waving one arm back and forth excitedly. Jimin shook his head and chuckled, eliciting another laugh from Jungkook.

“Stay there. I’ll come to you.”


He hung up the phone, dropping it back into his pocket just as the light changed. Everyone began moving at once and Jimin made sure to keep himself just a little bit ahead of the others. It was a short walk, but Jimin felt like he was literally walking down memory lane; experiencing everything they’d gone through in just a few short steps. When he reached the other side, it was Jeon Jungkook the man who was standing in front of him; not the boy.

I wonder when it was that he became an adult, he thought just as Jungkook reached out to wrap his arm around Jimin’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Hyung! I’ll warm you up!”

Jimin laughed at Jungkook’s wide smile. “This guy,” he said at the tail end of his laugh, “don’t be ridiculous.”

Jungkook pulled Jimin a little bit closer before releasing him, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “I can’t help it.” He shrugged. “I think we deserve to be a little silly, don’t you?” He saw Jungkook’s smile soften. “We can finally take a breath, right?”

The question took Jimin by surprise. In retrospect, it shouldn’t have, though. It seemed that Jungkook must have been worrying about their futures just as much as he was. Maybe even more. The end of the race was upon them and it felt like they’d been running toward that very end for so long.

So very long.

Reaching out with one hand, he ruffled Jungkook’s hair playfully – laughing when he saw his younger brother sidestep out of the way. Honestly, he didn’t know how to answer Jungkook. He wanted to tell him that he was right; that it was okay to breathe and take in all the clean air they’d been denied for all these years. But there was still a level of trepidation that existed in their world; as though things hadn’t been resolved quite yet.

Instead, he chose to change the subject.

“You’re out late, Jungkook-ah,” Jimin said, catching the look his younger brother gave him, “were you on your way home?”

He shook his head. “No, not yet.”

“Not yet?”

“I, uh,” Jungkook began, not sure if he wanted to finish what he was starting to say. Jimin watched him scratch the side of his head and he couldn’t help the laugh that spilled from him. Jungkook looked like a schoolboy who was about to get scolded. “…I was just taking a walk.”

“Did you go see Noona?”

Jungkook’s cheeks reddened and it wasn’t from the cold. Jimin laughed again, dodging a cuff that was aimed at his shoulder.

“Hyung, stop teasing me!”

“But you make it so easy.”

Jimin lightly bumped his shoulder against Jungkook’s, amused at the younger man hanging his head in defeat. He’d been caught. He decided to tease him some more.

“You could have just stayed the night.”

Jungkook balked at the idea, rearing his head back slightly as if Jimin had suggested he run for a political office of some kind.

Jimin shrugged. “What? It’s not like you haven’t stayed the night before.”

“That was different,” he said, shrugging both shoulders as he kicked the front of his shoe across the pavement.

“How so?”

“I was sick and could barely walk!” Jungkook pouted as he looked at him. “I’m a man who respects boundaries, okay?”

Jimin smiled, shaking his head as he sighed. “So what? You both were up binge watching some show or playing video games until she kicked you out?” He clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “Heartless, that woman.”

“Tell me about it!” Jungkook exclaimed suddenly, causing a few pedestrians to look in their direction. He cleared his throat loudly and Jimin stifled the urge to laugh loudly, biting his lower lip for an added measure. “I could have just slept on the couch.”

“Give it some time, Jungkook-ah,” he reassured, placing his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder to give it a squeeze, “she’s trying and showing she cares in her own way. Don’t read too much into it.”

Jungkook groaned. “Easy for you to say. She actually likes you.”

He raised a brow. “And you think she doesn’t like you?” Jimin scoffed, his hand falling back to his side. “I don’t recall her telling Seokjin Hyung that she was my girlfriend, do you?”

“That’s different.”


“B-Because!” Jungkook looked genuinely flustered and Jimin smirked. “I mean, we hadn’t even discussed it before that night. Like, not officially anyway.” He rubbed his hair roughly. “I was going to ask her properly that night, y’know? But she up and said it like that and what was I supposed to do?”

Jimin shrugged. “She’s an assertive person, Jungkook-ah. You should know that by now. Are you even surprised that she took matters into her own hands?”

“No, but still…”

“She stole your thunder?”

“Yes, she did!”

“Don’t be so selfish,” Jimin said, narrowing his eyes at Jungkook even though he was still smiling, “let her have this. Give her control.” He looked away from Jungkook and stared up at the sky, his pace slowing a measure. “She had a lot of things thrown into her lap at once and I’m sure she’s still trying to process it all, even now.”

Jungkook slowed his pace down as well, casting Jimin a sidelong glance. “Are you talking about Yoongi Hyung?”

Jimin said nothing; he only nodded. He heard Jungkook sigh beside him and he suddenly stopped, causing Jimin to halt his steps just a couple of feet ahead of him. He turned around and looked at Jungkook whose gaze was now pointed to the ground.


“…I know I should feel guilty for Yoongi Hyung,” he said softly, his eyes still cast downward, “and I know that he’s doing his best to pretend that everything is normal. He doesn’t treat me any differently.”

Jimin remained silent. He didn’t want to interrupt what Jungkook was trying to say; what he was trying to process and properly digest. In a way, he understood fully what was torturing Jungkook. He could grasp the concept more than he let on. But this was something that he knew Jungkook wanted to understand and handle on his own. He wouldn’t interfere, no matter how much he may want to.

No matter how much he cared for her.

“But sometimes I wish he would.” Jungkook finally lifted his gaze to meet Jimin’s, his brows furrowing as the worry lines formed on his forehead. “Sometimes I just wish Yoongi Hyung would punch me, curse me, and throw me away. It would hurt less if he did.”

He watched Jungkook avert his eyes. Sighing, Jimin took a step toward him so that he could close the gap. Once again, he reached out to ruffle Jungkook’s hair. However, Jungkook didn’t step away. It almost looked like it hurt him slightly, but the real pain was tearing him apart from the inside. Jimin knew that look; the look of one who was bottling all their emotions inside in an attempt to appear normal and unfazed on the surface.

It was the look of a man who was doing his best to bury everything inside.

“It would hurt more to deny your heart what it wants, Jungkook-ah.” Jungkook looked up at him, his smile long gone despite Jimin’s remaining. “Yoongi Hyung? He’s a prime example of what you shouldn’t do. He may say otherwise, but I’m sure he regrets what he did and how things wound up. But you know what? That’s his burden to bear, not yours.”

“Jimin Hyung…”

“And regardless of the intent, Eden Noona was damaged by it. She was hurt and that’s something that Yoongi Hyung must come to terms with. That wound is deep, and it’s probably festered over the years.” His hand slid from Jungkook’s hair and fell back to his shoulder. “That is a scar on her heart that won’t go away. It will always be there. The only thing that you can do, what you’re now obligated to do, is acknowledge that pain and help her get through it. Not erase it.”

Jungkook blinked, seemingly unsure of what he was supposed to say next. But Jimin shook his head and smiled, patting his brother’s shoulder gently.

“By claiming to be your girlfriend, she’s giving you that opportunity. She wants to know what you’ll do with it.”

She’s stubborn and doesn’t believe she deserves to be loved by anyone.

“She wants to see if you’re going to be genuine from start to finish, wherever that might be.”

She doesn’t believe anyone will stay by her side; that she’ll be abandoned at a moment’s notice. Noona worries about that as much as you do, Jungkook-ah.

“So, the only thing you can do is continue being who you are; because you’re the one she chose.”

Jungkook’s eyes seemed to brighten and he nodded, his expression showcasing his newfound determination. They were now embracing the sunlight. They could enjoy the fruits of their labor and now, more than ever, could share it with someone.

“I…I gotta go, Hyung,” he said, turning to head in the opposite direction. “I’ll see you at home!”

Jimin watched as Jungkook began running down the sidewalk from where he’d originally come from. He paused, turning to look back at Jimin and he waved. Jimin returned the gesture and then saw him disappear into the small crowd of people.

It has to be you, Jungkook-ah…

When he was no longer in his sights, Jimin sighed and looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to paint itself across the sky. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he closed his eyes and waited for dawn to break through the clouds; for it to light up the world around him.

…because she didn’t choose me.

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4 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC

Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,450

Chapter 26: Young Forever


“Even when I fall and hurt myself, I keep running toward my dream.”

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.


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4 years ago

Hi!! I’m so so sorry I know it’s long overdue but things have been really chaotic with school and corona but I promise I’ll have your gift done soon!! -P (your secret admirer)


Awwww, it’s okay Secret Admirer! We know that life happens sometimes and we are all just trying to be safe and healthy! No rush and take your time! We aren’t going anywhere!

~ Admin E

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